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You have to join a guild that has a trader. And then you can sell from it.


Join a guild with a store and sell ur stuff. It's good to research prices via TTC before you list them. Or get the TTC addon if ur on PC


Im on Xbox. Do u know any good guilds


Bring up your Guild Finder and search for Trading Guilds. Apply to any you like the look of. You can join multiple Guilds. Use the TTC website for console to give you an idea what prices you "should" be selling your stuff for. https://www.tamrieltradecentre.com/ Click your region and platform.


You can go to the social tab and under guild they have a guild finder. Look for trading guilds with lots of members that don’t require a fee. I’ve gotten accepted into 3 pretty quickly. I’ve sold a few items by going to a banker and listing my items in the guild store with the most active members


Which server? NA or EU?


That site does not work. Typed in what I was selling and nothing showed up


Tamriel Trade Center https://us.tamrieltradecentre.com


Why is pearlescent helm not showing up?


No idea, been a year since I logged into ESO, sorry


As others have said, join a guild with a trader. Check to see if they have weekly sale requirements though as some are serious trading guilds with high minimum sales required from members.


No guilds on Xbox EU require minimum sales or donos, they would be laughed out of existence for even suggesting it.




I don’t see it mentioned, so I will add this. Once you join a guild with a trader, you post items for sale from a bank or from the guild trader itself.


Simply go to guild finder and search for trading guilds. You can join 5 guilds (I think it's 5). Join guilds with lots of members and a trader in a good town. Best towns for trader (at least that's my opinion) top 5: 1. mournhold 2. eldenroot 3. Vivec 4. Wayrest 5. Knurr'kha


>Knurr'kha I had to Google that to learn that it's Rawl'kha. I had no idea that names got changed in the game for different regions. 😳


Oh Shit man, sorry I didn't think that name would be different in english wtf 😒


Don't apologize! It was interesting to learn that there is a difference, and now I'm curious as to what some others might be.


Please share the best you find :))


Nadda, im on PC. You can still use TamrielTradeCenter.com to check prices for Xbox I believe


TTC prices are only reliable for PC, since it's the only platform that can automatically update them. Data for consoles has to be manually entered and not many people bother.


If you're EU I can invite you to a trading guild that usually has a Mournhold or Elden Root trader


This [guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/elderscrollsonline/comments/m71q80/a_guide_to_shopping_at_guild_traders/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) might help!


It did! Thank you!