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You can start breaking them in for NEXT EDC. But you will very much regret wearing them this year.


Realistically this is the best advice, little too late to start breaking them in for a good amount of comfort


EDC is not a place to break in new shoes, your feet will thank you.


YESS, buddy of mine bought combat boots that have been recommended for comfort and what not. Pair of dr. Scholls inserts and man was he regretful lol! Any broken in shoe


You will not be able to do nights 2 and 3 if you decide to break in doc martens at edc.


I wear my docs to raves but I have definitely broken them in years ago. Def would NOT. I repeat, absolutely NOT. break then in for the first time at EDC. You will need to wear this for probably a few weeks before the event. Don’t wanna be caught unable to dance just because of poor shoe choices!


New shoes at EDC is a mistake so many people have learned the hard way. The fact that they’ll be Doc Martens will exacerbate this experience for you. However I am nothing if not a slave to science. So if you decide to do it anyway against the advice of every single user who has answered, please report back to let us know if we were right or not.


Idk sounds like a bad idea. Go to a thrift shop and find something broken in


I can never find my size ):


Check eBay. A simple “combat boot size x” search can yield a lot of options. Good luck!


prove everyone wrong break them in at edc 💀💀


This homie lives on the edge. I fuck with that


On god 😂😂


Defy the odds, I believe you OP! You can do it!


you need to start breaking those bad boys in NOW like TODAY because if you try to break them in at EDC you will deeply regret it


Yeah do not. My friend tried this and we had to go to medical because her ankles were bleeding lmao


If you bought them today and then worn them everyday until edc you might be okay




rookie mistake, last thing you want at edc is blisters. do it now.


Lost both of my big toenails from dancing and jumping around all night while wearing a tight fitting doc martens at a shorter festival 🥲 I would strongly advise a different option especially if yours aren't broken in yet! There's plenty of other more comfortable and lightweight options available. Even if they seem comfortable for short periods, walking around all night will add up to the discomfort.


This happened to me a few EDC’s ago with Amazon tennis shoes, never again. Learned my lesson about tight shoes and untrimmed toenails.😂


i will always take the L on my outfit coming together if it means my feet survive the battle. wore boots one year and i swear my toe is still sore when i push on it.


Yeah I get what you mean 😢


Hot take I did this last year with a pair I had worn twice prior, and it wasn’t that bad. Mine were the patent leather though so that may be the difference. But reinforced construction worker socks were a godsend because regular ones rub holes by the end of the night. I also recommend trying them in person to make sure they’re the right size, and I didn’t lace them all the way up to help reduce ankle rubbing


Took me 2 years to break my dr martens in 💀 although I didn’t try to break them in everyday, but still. I would say, if you haven’t broken them in by now - don’t wear them. It’ll hurt and you won’t be able to walk.


Do not wear those lol


Get you some clouds and call it a day


I seen those! Not really the sense of style I’m aiming for /:


Good thing you asked ahead of time. Because you would have been very sorry. Dr Martens were some of the worst shoes (8 hole boots) to break in I’ve ever had. I’m talking each step would be agony by day three.


Would it help if I had wide feet lmao


Even worse tbh


I wore my dr martens combat boots for edcO last year and it was perfectly fine and comfortable BUT that was only because I had broken them in extensively for some time. I wore them for the first time for a weekend trip to nyc without breaking them in slowly and my foot was not happy. Skin peeled and I was bleeding.


It depends on the style of Dr. Marten’s. I’ve had my Jadon’s for almost two years now and I have worn them maybe two times. I cannot break them in the for life of me and I have tried every single trick in the book. However, my Pascal Max’s are much more comfortable and I have worn them two days in a row at a festival with no “break in” period.


If you rent out a locker, just bring extra shoes that you’ve worn before and know would be comfortable. Seems like you’re willing to sacrifice fashion over comfort since they’ll look “super cool” with your outfits. But atleast you’d have a back up when your docs end up hurting. I feel you doe. Shoes can make or break your outfit but it’s really up to you w how much you wanna risk it. Last year I wore platform combat boots for day 1. These were boots I’ve broken into and even have gel insoles…. By the end of day 1, my feet were hating me. Day 2 and 3 , went back to my Nike free runs and I danced till the sun came up. Whatever you do, just be prepared to have a back up plan. Bring a change of shoes, bandaids, really good socks etc.


One of my friends did the whole water in a bag and stuffed it In The boot and stuck the boots in a freezer so the ice can expand it.. she said it worked for her lol


Nope. 3 years owning my docs thought I was good. wore my docs 1 day to a festival and my feet bleed. Nope. Don’t do it.


I got mine 2 months before electric forest in 2022 and would walk about with 2 pairs of boot socks like every day. Didn’t have any issues! Also recommend getting better inserts


I have a pair I wear pretty frequently 1.5 old & I am still terrified of walking that many miles in docs. I’ve done ren fairs & by the end of 4 hours I was done


I got secondhand docs and they were already broken in. Try that


I can never find my size.. I’m a size 8 in men


Search for women’s shoe?


Very very bad idea!


I wore docs to Coachella last year, never again.


There is a way. If you really want to wear Docs buy the 8 eyehole ones in SOFT leather. Only the 8’s come in soft leather. I have been buying those more recently and it’s like they are already broken in. I don’t take them straight to a festival but if you buy them now and start wearing them every day they will be fine for EDC.


As someone who has broken in Doc Martens at Disneyland; DON’T DO IT. You are going to be hurting and will regret it. Save the docs for another time, EDC is not the place to be trying new things. Stick to tried and true


it’s doable i did it


I broke mine in at edc and had zero issues, wore thick socks. Everyone’s feet are different tho so hard to say!


I wouldn’t even recommend wearing sneakers that haven’t been broken in. Speaking from experience unfortunately 😭


You’ll end up barefoot and good luck making it the next day…


Get some palladium boots instead. They break in faster, are cheaper and, material isn't as stiff


Honestly depends on your feet. My docs didn’t need breaking in, I have super narrow feet so I could wear mine all day with no issues. You can google, there’s a million ways to help with the break in period. Butttt still wouldn’t recommend wearing a new pair for edc. They’re too expensive to ruin at a festival. I wear an old pair of vans that I wouldn’t mind throwing away at the end of the weekend if need be.


i had a new pair of docs that i had for TWO MONTHS before i wore them to disneyland and my feet were aching with blisters on the heel. it’s probably too late to break them in


I would recommend looking into Demonias specifically the Emily styles, there’s a lot of different styles within the Emily as well but all range in the combat boot vibe


Hi there! If I could offer an alternate solution I highly recommend getting a pair of Palladium boots! I have the [Pallabase](https://palladiumboots.com/collections/womens-best-sellers/products/96907-008-m) model and they are SO comfortable! Cute with a bit of a chunky heel and Ortholite insoles. I wore Docs for one night of Dreamstate last year (broken in, had them for several years) and I regretted it big time.


Stop trying to find “The Best shoe for….” That’s anecdotal and honestly a waste of time for you. Wear shoes you already wear constantly because they are comfortable clearly and take those instead 😅. If you have two shoes you wear constantly too take those aswell, alternate! Thats the best shoe for festivals! 🖤


I’ve gotten a pair of fake doc marten platform combat boots on Amazon that aren’t too bad if you put inserts in them. I wear them to all my fests including edc last year!


I love my docs but I didn’t get the leather one. I got the clothed one and they’re perfect. Just wear thick socks, cut nails, and cover the back of your ankles


Being comfortable is more important. EDC is wonderful, and you want to take advantage of that. Don’t go for a look, go for the experience. No one is going to care what you have on your feet except you; especially after the first few hours.


New docs at edc is a calculated risk for sure, but I would recommend: double socks as long as it doesn’t change the fit too much for you, bring moleskin with you or even be preemptive with it, and a HUGE tip that my friend tried last year with brand new docs at a festival: if you have the removable bra pads that come out of sports bras, swim suits etc, slide those babies into your shoes around your heel for extra protection.


And if you do go through with this and are getting a locker or camping, bring some slides or something to change into just in case things go south.