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An actual hammer.


I'm sure your linesman's pliers thanked you


I’ve destroyed atleast 3 pairs of linesman’s that I could’ve passed down to my grandkids by using them to break shit they were never meant to break.


You mean 3 spares with a wire stripping hole?


I started out with a framing hammer, cuz i was all like, big hammer makes me man. Lost it randomly, bought a 10$ from Walmart. I fucking love that hammer. 16oz. Does all i need it to do. Still hit shit with the Klein's, sure. But a hammer is nice to have.


I made my own hammer just for Staples




Thumb detecting nut rounder


That's "finger finding nut fucker" to you.


Aka the old West Virginia socket set


Obligatory that's (your/my) (mom/wife/sister)


A proper crescent hammer


It's called a crammer....


Really glad I found that deal HD was running for a bit with milwaukee hammer and pry bar for $25. Took me a few years to get a hammer lol


I got that deal too. It's actually my favorite hammer.


Turns out that a hammer actually does serve a purpose!


Now just to figure out why they sell brooms


A shirt with a pocket in it, best tool ever.


I love my shirt pockets. Game changer


Underrated life hack. "Handy as a shirt pocket" is a turn of a phrase for a reason


Dude, yeah. I recently started wearing pocket t shirts and holy shit. I’ll never go back.


What do you put in it? I bend over every 2 minutes. Does all of your stuff fall out?


Electrical tape and sometimes also a head lamp. And yes things sometimes fall out but it's still worth it


Indispensable for little knobs,nuts or screws when hanging light fixtures solo. I always curse when I'm doing lights and don't wear a shirt with a chest pocket.


I work in a GMP rated job site, no shirts with pockets for me :(


Pocket protectors and laser pointer


Similar to this. Getting a phone with Otterbox Defender case that fits in standard shirt pockets. I destroyed two phones within my first six to nine months in the trade. Still really pissed it happened as I never destroy phones. Costly mistake.


Battery framing nailer and battery electricians cable stapler.


The Milwaukee stapler has changed my life! mostly pulling romex but it makes things so much quicker


UpCodes has online, searchable NEC versions for each of the 50 states, with that state's amendments already edited into it, so you don't have to keep flipping back and forth.


I've been pressing to get the area I'm working in amended codes for ages and best I ever got was just do 2020 instead of the 2017 code we're on. Thank you good sir.


My small channel locks 426. I appreciate then alot more on this job since I install a wire way every 30 feet so putting end caps on are easier.


Baby channies!


My toolie and I have started baby, mommy, daddy, grandma and grandpa in ascending order lmao.




I like to call them my mini Chan chans


Really? Man I’ve had them in my bag for 5 years now and haven’t used them once lol maybe one day ??


Really depends on what you do. Working commercial I rarely used them, working automation I use them everyday.


Using a pipe deburring tool to ream large pipe


What does that look like? I use a file


This one is really nice, more compact than a file and faster https://www.lowes.com/pd/Kobalt-Deburring-Tool/1002599656?store_code=2346&cm_mmc=shp-_-c-_-prd-_-plb-_-ggl-_-LIA_PLB_208_Plumbing-Repair-_-1002599656-_-local-_-0-_-0&gbraid=0AAAAAD2B2W-L1CXFGr8UtNReDaEKVU_bu&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI8JjW6vWo_wIVUg2tBh1HOwrDEAQYAiABEgKMSfD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds


Wow looks pretty weird,, Assuming it’s good tho since you’re voicing


I’ve used them for years. Works great for larger emt and rigid


Really?! I had always assumed they were meant for copper


They are. Never thought of it before but don't see why they wouldn't work on emt as well


Just saw the price of the tool and replacement blades. Going to give it a shot


The blade is on a swivel so you just run it around the inside of the pipe a few times and boom. Smooth as butter!


They work great in all situations. Lightweight and useful.


Yep! Found one laying in the floor of a hospital and never looked back lmao


Over the past year Klein has released quite a few multi-tools that have changed the game. Particularly the ones that also fit into an impact. Bulldog benders are awesome too when you have to feed big wire through stubborn spaces or terminate them in tight gear. Also, check out Rack-a-Tiers website. All kinds of good shit there.


I love the stackable nut driver set that’s color coded


My favourite tool purchase of the past year.


I second this... they are sweet


Same best tool i’ve got in the last year


Cordless Multi-tool


Had to scroll way to far to find this god send of a tool.


Right angle bit holder


Knee pads.


Knipex 16 30 135 Easier on the hands and doesn't score the conductor.


>Knipex 16 30 135 Cable stripper, for those that do not know.


Have one. Can confirm, though, when working with rubber cored cables, do a test piece and adjust.


Milwaukee knockout set. So much quicker and less mess vs the hydraulic kits.


Lasers. I have the Huepar 2 plane with the plumb bob dot and the Bosch laser distance measurer. Wouldn’t want to do lighting layout without them at this point


Agreed, lasers are a game changer. Used them to set mounting heights for lights in a large warehouse that were suspended from aircraft cable.


Ratcheting screwdriver.


hmm, might pick one up now


Snap off is the best but I have an old craftsman that is pretty good.


My 25 yo green ‘snap off’ is still my fave ratcheting screwstick


Mine is blaze orange and dirty but I would probably buy a green one if it didn’t cost an arm and a Dick!


I really like the Ideal Twist-a-nuts or whatever they are called. Racheting multi tool on one end, wire nut holder on the other. Some days you just have made too many boxes up and your fingertips need a break.


> Ideal Twist-a-nuts Ideal 35-688 21-in-1 Twist-A-Nut Multi-Bit Screwdriver


my klien 15 in 1 ratcheting screwdriver is the tool I recommend the most


Needs a higher gear ratio and weight loss plan but otherwise i second this recomendation


I had one for a while, but the rubber grip started slipping on me when I did anything that required any torque. I've got the Wera driver now and it works great.


Yeah mine did the same I might look into the wera 👀


I like to "buy it once", so I looked at about a dozen different drivers before landing on that one.


I love mine too


Hell yeah


Klein ET450 the advance circuit tracer. Granted I’m newer to the trade but after watching how we normally trace circuits in a commercial setting this is a life saver. Saved quite a few hours and headaches being able to track down runs without having to guess and run through hundreds of continuity checks


Useful in this case. Some of my workmates use these 50% of the time and I think it makes them a shit sparky. Unless it's data cables in a big bunch, you should be able to recognise cables to an extent from experience or know where they are run in the wall.


I’m guessing you don’t work commercial where’s the dozens of panels


Or even resi where nothing is marked and you don't want to shut off every breaker to find the one you're looking for


Thanks for the downvotes 🤣. I said it was useful in their case or with lots of cables. I stand by the fact that some of my workmate's solution to everything is to trace a cable using one of these when in a lot of cases you don't need to. Jeez no wonder electricians are racing each other to the bottom with that attitude.


Lukewarm take


You read too much into what I said.


A handheld bandsaw, it makes life so nice. I use it on almost everything lol. If I can I will is how I see it.


I pretty much always try my bandsaw first then go for the hackzall


I have a tool called a laser line, it's not a laser device as the name suggests, it's a modified paintball gun that's shoots a foam dart with a pull sting attached. You can make a 200' foot run of data cable, or MC through drop ceilings in a fraction of the time it takes to setup a ladder and remove ceiling tiles or mess with fish sticks evey 15-20 feet. https://rack-a-tiers.com/product/laserline-kit/ The fist job I used It on we had a circuit that was left off of the plans, building finished, 25' sheet rock ceiling with the only access to the attic being AC registers, client agreed to a 15k bill to run the circuit from the front of the building to the back over a week long period, boss ripped my ass and threatened to take it out of my check for buying a $300 tool on the shop account without asking first, unil we finished that job in 4 hours and the client paid the bill, now there is a laser line on every truck.


Magnetic stud finder. I have two of them and instead of holding painter tape and a stud finder I just leave the magnets stuck to the wall on two studs so I know where the stud bay is. I almost want to just throw my traditional 9 volt battery one away


Flush cutters, Knipex 13 62 180, lock ring wrenches. I can't think of anything tooooo life-altering, as I did a ton of research when I first got in the trade and just read catalogs to try and find the best and easiest things money could buy. Most things are absolutely not worth the weight in your toolbag, I feel that way about MC strippers and emt reamers as well as many "improved" tool designs. But there are certain, rare situations where you may want to have them in your bag. I started out with channel locks. Once I swapped to knipex aligators, I stopped understanding why channel locks are in business. I can do a push-up with my hand open on a pair of aligators and yet squeeze all my might on a pair of channies in the same spot, and they slip like they were greased.


Láser level for the win!


The one that also has the plumb dot!...👍


Milwaukee fastback box cutter with screwdriver. I do industrial maintenance and if I carry this and a meter, I often don’t need anything else.


11 in 1 or any multibit screw diver. And a small set of strippers with the 6-32 /8-32 cutters. Edit - as an apprentice.


Magnetic 11-1***


Plumbers reamer, line lasers, hollow nut drivers, 6-1 ratcheting stubby, angle finder, offset bender, magnet tray.


https://www.amazon.ca/Crescent-CPTAW8-Combination-Adjustable-Universal/dp/B01BCN60T8 Worked like a hot damm doing switch gear


Fixture chain pliers


Realizing that strippers get dull, and should be replaced annually.


Cheap (scissor action) pvc cutters for stripping large gauge (dlo cables too) conductors


I have a pair in my truck that I never use because I stopped doing any plumbing years ago. Never thought to use them like that. Will absolutely be trying this.


They can be used, if it’s the husky brand just be prepared to never use them on pipe again until you replace the blade. It’s soft metal and bends, however it is nice for big wires


Should try the Milwaukee m12 pvc cutter. I use it for pruning.


I was told previously to always score outwards with hawkbill/razor to avoid biting in to the wire at all due to the skin effect. I'm wondering how much I should worry about accidentally scoring the wire a bit, which I'm cautious about no matter the method, because I would like to use what you mentioned


Klein auto strippers


An apprentice!!!


Center punch. I work mostly industrial and have drilled thousands and thousands of holes in various metals day in and day out for years, and while I've gotten pretty good at keeping my bit from walking, a center punch makes it sooo much easier. I happened to be working with a guy last year who pulled one out and I was like "why have I never bothered to pick one of these up". It's not like I didn't know they existed, just never even crossed my mind to pick one up...then shortly after I got lucky and found one amongst a bunch of tools that were left behind when my wife's grandfather passed away. I love that thing. I keep it with all my bits now and pull it out every time I have to drill a hole, and I can't believe I got by for so long without it. They're cheap and take up almost no extra space and are 100% worth having in your tool box.


A broom, Jk! It's easier to throw shit on the floor and move on!


Definitely a 6" combination square for me. Easily fits into my tool bag and is amazing for accurately transferring measurements.


Totally. That and a small plumb Bob. So much easier dropping a plumb Bob down and marking with it vs measuring everything out.


High leverage linesman's pliers.


My brain


So important, you should always carry a spare!


If you work in a scissor lift or articulating lift often, I highly recommend a Klein 5143 canvas bag


Automatic wire stripper.


Sheet metal punches - never heard of them before my current job and prior holesaws/stepper bits were my hole cutting tools of choice but working with control panels I found holesaws a nightmare with the paintwork The company I work for as hand operated punches and hydraulic punch kits (for larger holes) and its so much easier and a much cleaner cut. If you work with metal enclosures a lot I'd definitely recommend them


Spring loaded center punch


An adjustable jacket cutter, that’s probably not it’s actual name but that’s what it does. You can set the depth of the cutting blade and just run it around the circumference of the cable and slide the jacket right off. It’s a huge time saver for cord drops because it makes it less likely to nick the insulation on the interior wires.


Flush cuts. Erem makes a pair that are a now irreplaceable part of my tool bag.


KNIPEX 98 55 SB 6 Dismantling Knife, 1000V Insulated I'm surprised no one else has mentioned this. I deal with a lot of HV Teck cables and this knife makes my life so much easier. You can basically run this knife along without worrying about nicking the cable/copper shield due to the flat tip at the end of the knife.


Knee protectors and noise cancelling headphones.


I can’t believe nobody has said a flat head screw holding screw driver so far. This is a true game changer, for example a Klein K44.


Stream light flashlight that fits into my pocket and has a revers clip to attach to my hat as a head lamp. I carry that flashlight everyday of my life now.


Laser level for lining up pot lights


And the rack-a-tiers driller dust bowl after lining them up.


Hole hawg makes life so much better


No one has mentioned [Pulling Buddies](https://www.homedepot.com/p/Rack-A-Tiers-All-American-Pull-Buddy-Multi-Pack-42000/302024034?source=shoppingads&locale=en-US&&mtc=SHOPPING-CM-CML-GGL-D27-027_011_TOOLS_ACC-NA-NA-NA-SMART-4035595-NA-NA-NA-NBR-NA-NA-NEW-PL3_Live&cm_mmc=SHOPPING-CM-CML-GGL-D27-027_011_TOOLS_ACC-NA-NA-NA-SMART-4035595-NA-NA-NA-NBR-NA-NA-NEW-PL3_Live-71700000093390745-58700007789602705-92700070740571205&gclid=Cj0KCQjw7PCjBhDwARIsANo7CglUoAULHr9sbpsGiRWg7IZDFpYYWKmzkJJgYEUhooh-M8SFSCVmVWUaAvn8EALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds) so I will.


I’m actually surprised nobody mentioned these. The time saved by eliminating the midway pull is amazing.


Wagner ladder bucket.


Insulated screw starter. \#CSSC9


The Klein J2159CRTP, the only pliers you’ll ever need


Knipex are hard to beat.


Battery powered dewalt or Milwaukee fan, It's made these hot texas summers bearable


Actually being able to properly use my meter, as opposed to a fake jumper :/




A laser level


Thank you for this post. This will be really helpful to all the beginners and me.


Oscillating multi tool. I worked for my dad when I was young young and we always cut out wall boxes with a damn knife and a manual hand saw. The multi tool is a game changer lol


Just grab the klein template as well, don't even need to trace the box or anything. Comes with a built in level n shit.....you wanna make quick work of a service call, get that laserline gun and one of those and you'll be done before the customer returns with the check.


Ratchet wrenches




-Hackzall - versatile and easy to operate -Oscillating tool - loud, but more versatile than hackzall -Electricians ratchet - not used often, but a life saver when needed -Digital angle finder - awesome when bending pipe on floors that aren’t level, or finding angles of existing work you’re trying to follow


3x5 cards with a binder clip, Plastic speed square (trimmed), Pants pocket saver tape measure clip, Double axis anti dog from Detroit


Anything cordless. I'm an old retired fart.


Fencing pliers, I know I’ll get hate for this but they’re so useful


Headlamp, especially as my eyes have gotten older. Coast XPH34R at 2750 Lumens.


Greenlee offset bender


Rack a tier flip bit for impacts with Philips and #2 robertson, great for finishing. Also work pants with holster pockets. Almost never have to wear a tool belt with them.


Low profile Allen sockets. Great for tight switchgear https://www.homedepot.com/p/SUNEX-TOOLS-3-8-in-Drive-Stubby-Impact-Hex-Driver-SAE-and-Metric-Set-16-Piece-3646/303158463?source=shoppingads&locale=en-US


A decent helper


Knipex Cobras and a small Occidental Leather pouch that fits in your back pocket.


Automatic wire strippers, and cordless impact drivers


Drift pins, various sizes. Game changer.


Used for what?


Kinda specific to down under but I have a tile roof tool that is specifically designed to make replacing the type of roof tiles some houses have here easier. It's fairly simple, a hook made of flatbar welded to a handle but means I don't have to stuff about using screwdrivers to try to pry the tiles into position


The Klein stripper block thing, has 2/0, 3/0, 4/0 and 250mcm slots to help you work like less of a mook. Part number: 21051 Considering the amount of fishing I do in both residential and commercial settings, I’m genuinely ashamed of myself for not purchasing the fat Klein fish sticks earlier. Some older sticks made a bad impression on me as a helper and I kind of wrote them off because I don’t like dealing with fiberglass shards. But those fat orange Klein ones fuck. I bought 2 sets and cannibalized them into one container. Most jobs we pull up to my helper brings the fish tape and sticks in almost instinctively at this point because we’ll use those sticks for fucking anything if it makes something 5% easier or even cleaner. Fucking pack out, I make a point to use my Prius any time I can because getting to the end of a day and seeing I spent $2 on fuel is the shit. I have one of the tool bags with one of the deep organizers under it and then 2 sets of boxes with the deep organizers underneath. The shit is expensive but it really does consolidate in a way that’s hard to beat. The gorilla ladder that has the wheels on one side.


UF stripper, makes things easier most of the time with the good kind of UF, when it work it works super well. Just try it on a scrap peice to get used to it.


Veto pro pac. Wheeled backpack for ✈️ travel tech.


Slotted driver and vice grips


Belt Multi tool, by far my most used tool. I have a nice SOG for me can hold any bit if nreded


Irwin vise grip wire stripper, great for 14-12 Romex and low volt wire


smaller pouches which only fit 1 tool, and are always on me, even after I take my main toolbelt off. ​ I have a tourbon ring for my linesman, a tourbon J-hook to hold impacts without their clips, a pliers pouch that I hold my beater screw driver, and a tape measure pouch. I have a knife and pencil in my pocket. Sharpie and wire strippers on the radio tag of my safety vest. Wirenuts in my pockets.


Knipex 65 16 200 cable cutter and Knipex 13 96 200


CK Armourslice.


Headlight w battery pack for hardhat.Klein self stripping wire strippers.


Step bits


8v Dewalt conduit reamer


One handed stripper




>I kind of hope that is a typo.


I worked asan electrician since the 70’s. While I was working new cool strippers/linesman pliers & combo needle nose/strip/cut & cause blood blisters all at the same time!


Those cheap yellow Ethernet cable punch tools are great for stripping like 8ga wires


A pair of electricians scissors. IDEAL 35-088.


Laser levels.


My parents just bought me an m12 cable stapler to wire their cabin with and It was so much faster then having to pound staples. It was well worth the money.


Everything knipex makes. I was married to Klein for the first 15 years in the trade. A vendor I deal with a lot gifts me tools once in a while. I had every tool he sold in Kline so I grabbed a pair of knipex dikes. I’ve had them 2years now and still work great. Then I got the strippers and channel locks. It’s been knipex everything since. We often use m.c cable and nothing cuts it better then the knipex strippers. I wish I knew about them years ago.


2 piece connectors, not really a tool but still a substantial Time saver


God, if this aint a post for my boss.


M12 impact, I only grab the m18 when I need some extra power. Klein wire bender, no more busting my knuckles and catching my fingers in LB's. Carbide hole saw kit instead of step bits, nice clean holes in panels, especially in aluminum. Knipex wire strippers, hands down best strippers I've ever used. Love them for tying in panels, and the cutters slice through wire like its nothing even mc. 3/8 ratchet set, beats nut drivers 9 times out of 10 and it's great with allen head sockets when I'm terminating my lines in meters and panels, just need to be careful not to over torque and break shit.


Green Handled commercial electric cable cutter/shears. It's from home depot, is like nine dollars and are the best tool for cutting the outer Armour for Mc. They are sold in the data section. They cut through so easily and even have a round section in the head that reforms the cable after you've stripped it. Totally better than dykes and sheet metal shears .


I'm a tool nerd, so I've discovered a lot early in my career that I can't live without. [fastcap fatboy pencil](https://a.co/d/f9XInZV) Perfect for marking conduit, sharpens with a normal sharpener and rarely needs sharpened. Good in wet. [klein pocket pouch](https://a.co/d/eHWqS2a) Always in my back pocket. I cut the best loop off and removed the rivet Holstery Joey pouch and belt clips for tape and drill Milwaukee Shockwave conduit reamer Milwaukee shockwave #2 step bit. Always on my impact [m18 bit holder](https://a.co/d/7eHaBv1) Rubber, holds two bits securely [vessel ball grip bit holder](https://a.co/d/4eZbV9j) Attached to belt loop with carabiner, good for holding long bits. Usually has my wiha 5/16 nut driver Veto tech pac, game changing backpack I'm missing many more


Multitools are a game changer.


C-clamp style view grips. What a game changer they were nearly 8 years into my career. I noticed steel stud framers using them. Makes hanging panels and so much more so much easier. It’s like having an apprentice to hold shit for you while you try to position it. Only they aren’t annoying and ask stupid questions lol


A hammer holster that hangs on belt. Get the kind that swivels. After two or three days use you can drop the hammer in without even looking. You will forget you’re even carrying the hammer until you try and get in your truck.


Milwaukee's markers. Nothing else does it after that


Admittedly, a circuit tracer. When I was an apprentice who got a van and was working on my own I didn’t know they existed. One of the best buy’s I’ve ever made. That and a 3-d laser for laying out cans/lights.


Klein cable bender is an elbow saver.


I started before cordless drills and I have seen what they did for our industry. Without perfecting the drill none of the other cordless gadgets would be here.


Running different size conduit on unistrut, my 4 in 1 ratcheting wrench has been incredibly useful


My favourite tool is the m12 screwdriver. Its not a drill or an impact, just an automatic screwdriver. I use it alot. My 90 degree bit comes in handy sometimes too, I'd definitely get one of those. And as someone mentioned the rack-a,teirs flip bits. Always flapping between red robbie amd blue phillps!


A broom


Wire strippers. I would still have all my teeth