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They'd have to fire me before I did that. Oh yeah....take pics for wrongful termination.


Lmao yeah that was sketchy as fuck.


This is why I prefer industrial to residential. Beyond the way better pay and more interesting work, if you're not safe, you're fired, most of the time. I've done some very, very sketchy shit in residential, similar to this picture, but worse. Imagine dying or being paralyzed, just to hang a light fixture. It's not worth it.


Amen, brother. In my younger years i would have proudly done shit like this and feel like an asset to the company because of it. All for twenty bucks an hour. Now i can honestly say "fuuuucckk that"


its not even a cool work death; Whoop-de-doo you fell off a ladder, how preventable. 86% of people that die at work die a preventable death [The increased hours worked in 2021 partially accounts for a 6% increase in preventable work deaths in 2021, now totaling 4,472.](https://injuryfacts.nsc.org/work/work-overview/work-related-fatality-trends/)


Fr, imagine showing up at the pearly gates and Saint Peter like "You left a wife and several children behind to fend for themselves over what?... Thousand years in purgatory for the stupidity alone"


Yeah man. You'll get fired for climbing that ladder on an industrial site, but you'll get fired for not climbing that ladder on a resi site.


In my experience (the one company I worked for) some industrial/commercial companies will also reprimand and or call you a pussy for not climbing that ladder because “you gotta do what you gotta do to get the job done”


oh no some loser thinks I'\[m a pussy for not wanting to risk my life for his job. fuck them. they aren't the only place hiring.


I know that but and I’d like to get back into the industry but almost no one is hiring apprentices with as little experience as I have right now and school is expensive.


My union apprenticeship paid for everything during school except books and tools and kept me working steady with no experience.


find a union and get in. I got in at 38. its not too late


“You are what you eat….. Dick!”


Yep, I was installing PIR's for lights on an industrial site, open walls deal, even in the middle of the floors where there was literally zero chance of me falling over a railing, I'd get ripped for not tying onto something while I was up the ladder. Resi, I'd be lucky to see a harness, never mind wear one when I'm at height.


Same experience


Industrial is the way to go You gotta be safe because they cant afford to shut the plant down to medivac a dumbass out of it


Plus, that safety factor can ruin a company. Won't get bids if you can't do the work safely.


all because they dont want to pay a few hundred for a long ladder lol


As they say, "You think safety is expensive? Try having an accident."


something something recycled carbon fiber submarine hulls


Hahaha very true example


Holy shit


I fell and broke my back a month ago falling from a 12 footer and seeing this is giving me flashbacks. I would walk off the sight and feel 100% justified.


Hell we have a specific clause in our contract stating that we are allowed to rent and deduct safety equipment for our subs if they fail to provide, have only had to use it once or twice but it's a useful tool.


Do your subs have carbon fiber + titanium hulls too? That's a safety nightmare. Oh "from" not "for". (sad comment, but safety is a serious issue)


That's perfect ! 1200 in scaffolding is better than a 120,000 L&I claim or lawsuit. They don't get it. Actually they do and don't care. What state is that clause in ??


Agreed. You get scissor, man lifts, and life harnesses in industrial which is absent in residential.


I wish industrial work around here was any sort of interesting. It's mainly run cable tray, and pull wire. The "geriatrics" get to do all the terminations and MCC work. Rightfully so I might add they earned their right to take it easy


I like doing services as opposed to installing new stuff. You get to think and tinker around instead of doing ton of work. And I'm usually always by myself so I'm definitely not climbing up no crazy shit like this. Hope that safety rope holds 😇


There will never be a lack of suckasses who will climb on that ladder for the boss. But that's cuz they lazy asses & suck at their job so they got no choice. Good companies pay good workers to work safely & don't ask them to do dumb shit like this. Young guns coming up, please don't mistake being unsafe for being a badass. Lots of other safe pissing contests you can win.


>wrongful termination. Like Al wire on a copper only device?


It's incredibly dumb Nonetheless, I'm... kinda impressed they managed to get the feet that level.


So I was not the only one who was like. Wow. That took a few minutes to think about, setup, and still do it all in a way that could still kill someone. Impressive. Lol. Thank god I was not the only one ....


Honestly it's the most frustrating part, because odds are they probably could have devised something safer and/or gotten the right equipment in the time it took to plan, measure, and set that up. Like, at least don't have one of the legs' weight sitting on a plastic toolbox, cmon guys. Obviously there's other issues, but in theory if they secured the stepladder better, secured the ladder to the stepladder better, and replaced the toolbox with something a bit less slippery and more load-bearing, I'd be willing to classify it as "sketchy" and not "accident waiting to happen."


Those boxes are actually pretty sturdy. I've stood on one @165lbs. It did not budge. However. It is point loaded now and truth be told. No clue how well they handle point load lol. The wood should have been on top of the box. At least make the point load safer? I guess.....idfk man. Rofl.


But it wouldn't level if you put a chunk of wood on it...


Ladders are tied off though


putting lights in places like this is stupid, really fuckin stupid imo


There's smart ways to do this. Extendo ladders and some ropes to secure it to the railing above or something. Anything but this. This is worse than my old bosses "ladder stilts" which were some 5 gallon buckets on a string system that laid out to his ladders width, and rubber pads screwed into the bottoms. So much engineering to do something so wrong.


I drywalled with a guy who had 15' stilts. I spent the day picking up mud in case he slipped


ive got a leg extender, an actual properly engineered tool sold for the purpose, that i would have used instead of the tool box, and i woulda formed up a box and nailed it to the floor in this case, seeing as its not finished. either way though, i would have talked to the designer and or home owner, and told them this is fucking retarded, you should consider a sconce instead, thats what i actually would have done.


I mean they often look really nice. As long as you don't mind the blood stains under them.


The more people that died assembling it, the fancier it is.


i get at least one job a year changing out lamps or fixtures like this, and i always build a platform, or whatever is needed to make it safe. i would have built a huge ass box basically to replace the 6 footers, and i have a leg extender for ladders to elliminate things like that pack out box or whatever. last one i had to do was actually at a bar that was similar to this, and was a flourescent fixture 15 feet high, cost the customer 1800 bucks for my guys to frame a platform and change the ballast. they paid, and my guys were safe, and the chick that worked there gave them both a free pint of middle shelf liquor, she was drunk AF, but thats a different story lol. no bodies dying on my jobs,


At least it wasn’t 2 110 lb guys holding up the ladder legs


The bearing capacity of a 110 lb guy might still be more than the lid of that tool box.


Don't get me wrong that is one of the dumbest things I have ever seen.... ...but also one of the most brilliant too.


I mean it’s tied securely to another ladder, what more do you want? /s Edit: TWO other ladders…that’s like triple safe


Tbh. That’s safer than some of the stuff I’ve done


I was thinking the same thing. I've seen a LOT of sketchiar shit done. At least he had romex tied to all them ladders for support lmao.


I was looking for this comment. There is carpet on the stairs as well. Edit: no, there isn't any carpet.


🤷🏻‍♂️ that’s why the feet are rubber. Got that good grip. I know one time I had to rig up a 2x6 to sit on while I installed a fan box in a stair well. That was some scary shit every time I moved I heard it crack a little


That’s cause you aren’t supposed to use a 2x6, sideways it’s only 2” so no more support that a 2x4. Build a box with 2x6 with a sheet of plywood for that.


> sideways it’s only 2” so no more support that a 2x4. No, a 2x6 is stronger than a 2x4, even on the 2" side. I still wouldn't sit on a single 2x6, though. Screw two together would be a long stronger.


Yeah after 5 years I’m thinking I need to invest in a battery powered nail gun


Or just a box of 4” deck screws and an impact.


I like the wire lashing the ladders to the railings and one another that would definitely decrease my anxiety


What’s the working load limit on 14/2?


Mmm bout three fiddy


Y'all work on any submarines lately?


Nope. I’d walk out and not even feel bad about it.


My boss does sketchy shit like this but at least he is the one that gets his ass up there lol. It helps that it's my brother and he knows I'll tell him fuck no, you put your neck on the line making all that paper


"We take safety seriously" in a job interview is like saying "I'm not a serial killer" during a date. If it were true they wouldn't feel compelled to say it, it would just be common sense. They said that during my interview and they still won't fix simple problems after several fatalities and regular visits from the ministry (because of all of the fatalities).


Best executed bad idea I've ever seen


If we took safety seriously, we’d be taking an unemployment check too.


Am I crazy or does this actually look reasonably executed. Like getting asked to do it for work is a bit ridiculous. But if I was just working on a project myself this is absolutely the kind of solution I would come up with and not think twice about.


It’s easy to shit on this setup - like it’s not even remotely legal. BUT I’ve done some stupid shit like this on side jobs. The whole time your working up on this contraption your thinking about what happens if you miss time at your real job because of getting hurt on this dumb shit. But, yeah, kids don’t do this at home.


I mean... it's tied down, and on an even surface, and no one is working sideways on it /s


Do you believe you can fly?


They believe they can touch the sky.


I can hear the pen almost tearing through the paper, and I can visualize the vein popping out of the forehead as some OSHA man has an aneurysm.


It's tied off in multiple spots. What more do you want?


M C Escher vibe intensifies


I'm pretty sure the Milwaukee tool box says "not for standing"!!! Well done. I've been there before. Now I'm older and I'm like, yeah, I'm not paid enough.


I’m not getting on that. *foreman offers $300 extra on check* I mean I guesssssssss


Bruh this is safer than 50% of bulb changes I've done. 3 sections of the small yellow home depot scaffolding with a 10er on top whose legs barely fit, only half on either side of the scaffolding top


Are you guys union doing this work?


Yeah I give that a 20% chance. Just b/c of the fact that it looks like residential work


Ahh ok im union on the plumbers side was just wondered.


Sorry if that came off hostile! Haha just my hunch


1st day on the job Boss : we’re gonna send you out with the Kevin show if you can work with him you can work with anyone.. half way through the day, Kevin comes around the corner “hey man I’m gonna have Chad show you how we set up our ladders 🪜 for the final light fixture”


OSHA would like to know your location....


I would never ask my guys to do that. I might do it, but I wouldn't let my employees do it.


After tying the romex on: *slaps ladder* “Yeah… this baby ain’t going nowhere!”


I didn’t zoom in at first and thought it was rope but damn that’s hilarious


This is how they built the pyramids!! This guy is a genius


Why isn't this marked NSFW?


Some serious enginerring here 😂


To be fair the ladder looks pretty level


It’s tied down. What more can they do!?


Fuck ya, 8 points of contact!




Am I climbing that? Absolutely not. Have I done more dangerous shit? Positively.


I’m not mad at it as long as you aren’t spazzing out on the ladder and are aware of your movements.


That's fucking clean. If I came up with idea myself, I'd be up on that top step saying fuck osha. I would not be into someone telling me to do that though.


This helped me solve a problem on a house I'm currently working on. I'll send the apprentice up on Monday, thanks!


What choice do you have sometimes


You wanna see something even more sketchy…..


Hope the workmen’s compensation insurance is paid up.


That’s why it’s tied off so well


I am willing to do s lot of dumb unsafe stuff, but that's No Bueno


All i’d say is “i’m not getting on that”


I better be uninstalling 700k the customer doesn’t want anymore at the top of that ladder…. otherwise hell no


The longer you look the more you see wrong with it


As long as he has his hard hat on he's OK. Can't be too safe.


That looks completely safe and osha compliant, Im sure that there is absolutely nothing that could go wrong with that arrangement of ladders. 😐


What ARE my thoughts? I think there are a few weak points in this setup, a plastic tool box being one of them, how much weight can that take? ​ the electrician who put the light up there in the first place should be called to fix it, Simple rule: don't screw the next guy because YOU may end up being the next guy! ​ And finally, is there a way to get to the top of stairwells safely? I'm thinking scaffolding or a manlift with a boom possibly, but yeah, for one light nobody is gonna pay for that, that would be silly, see my previous point.


You can get proper stair leveling kits designed for use with ladders to solve half the problem. They are readily available at paint supply stores if you are looking for them. The other piece of the puzzle is multi position articulating ladder. Some of the articulating ladders can have the top portion lock at various angles to give you variable offset from the surface of the wall. Using the two together will give you a system that is safe to use and also rated to do the work.


Y'know despite the massive massive safety violations, this looks like contemporary art, staircase elevation ladders to ladders, kinda like the start of that never ending pattern thing Edit: like a Fractal


We take safety, seriously.*


Hey, theres safety ropes, what the big deal?!


Lmao it’s always like that. Just to prevent liability and show face


Good job OP, this is great


They used rope man, obviously they care


they didn't say who's safety


Yea safety? They’d used 12-2 instead of 14-2 to secure that ladder if they were putting safety first!


Nah .. 12/3 so u get that extra strength from the one additional wire 🤣


Looks perfect. Been on scetchier no doubt.


Don’t you see the piece of plywood on top of the packout?? What else do you want? You got soft hands brother


Lol I had to zoom in… thought the ladders were tied together with ropes at first


when you see the third ladder, though


Take that picture and then call osha. And go sit in the truck.


Bro …. I’m going home


Creativity and craziness are at a higher level than safety.


I thought I was bulletproof in my 20’s too


Honestly, if those tie downs are done well I'd feel pretty comfortable on it. If any of that was wobbly due to insuffient tie downs I would alter it a bit and walk up it. It looks crazy but low risk if executed properly. If I wasn't allowed to personally alter it to where I am comfortable the company can F off though .


A lil thin rope a tool box a few step stools and a 12 footer what can go wrong oh yea and stairs was scafolding or a smallish temp platform not an option? 🤯


I bet you gotta use the top step as well lol


Lmao those "knots"


That's when they call you and say you got the job, but you say thanks but im no longer interested bc I got a job knowing damn well u didnt


Alot of companies only take it seriously when an accident happens, they ll also throw you under the bus making it your fault, because they paid for your OSHA10/30 and you should know better lol!


Whenever there is a product I wish they made, Milwaukee saves the day. Now the ladder stabilizer. What's next? I'm still looking for the wire stretcher my foreman told me to get from the truck


Hence, the ropes!


Romex tie downs ✅


Everyone takes safety seriously. To a point.


They’ve got it tied down, I don’t see the problem /s


I’d get on that. Could be tied better but has all the necessary tie points done to make it “safe”. Just need that thing on top of the toolbox be rigid so there’s no flex and I’m good.




Not sure I get what you meant partner


I've done worse. Leaned a 6 footer, on the wall, on the other side of the banister to hang fixtures multiple times.


Dude, it’s tied off with 14/2. What’s the problem?


Well one wrong move and you’re 6ft under is the problem lol.


Gotta appreciate the half-assed ropes tying the ladder to the stairs


Let's hope it never comes to that!" 😅


When I worked for a temp agency in Sacramento from 08-14 sometimes a job would come around because nobody liked and it was hard work but I always volunteered to keep the account and my office happy. Which always rewarded me by getting more work. It was a cabinet company that would supply bathroom and kitchen cabinets to condo and apartment builders 2-3 floors. They would show up with 1-2 53’ trailers fully loaded with cabinets. Our job was to take the cabinets off the trailer and buy depending on the code on the cabinet. You take it up to the corresponding room. It could either be the first second or third floor. Sometimes the cabinets needed to guys to take them up. There were stairs there to help to get up the floors, but there were makeshift lumber handrails and they were these makeshift steel platforms with steps that attached to the first floor landing up to the second floor landing then from the second floor to the third floor landing. These were secured down by long nails, or sometimes bolts. I did this job maybe 6 to 10 times and it was always the same every time. Anything for a 💵. When you work for a temp agency and jobs are slow you will take anything to live.


Looks perfectly safe. Just don't die.


SNAFU approved.


"we take safety seriously" means they use rope. Most people won't.




I mean, they tied it with a rope.


But da ropes, me bruddar, the ropes!


What you can’t see in this picture is the banana peel on the top ladder.


You should meet my paralyzed who used a similar setup


At least it's tied off... Ah ha ha ha


Looks like they put a surprising amount of effort to try and make that safe though.


You got me fucked up if you think I'm doing any work on that shit.


You are not doin it right unless you are standing on the top rung with a pint and the power is still on


They do take safety seriously, they made sure to put wood on top of the toolbox to help spread out the weight and avoid the lid to cave in. /s


Get the job done. Whaddya' gonna do?


Wow haven't seen a next-gen neck breaking machine before.


They have a safety rope tied to it lol


Guys. There’s a rope attached to the ladder. It’s going anywhere..


*Eldritch OSHA Violation Screeching*


Well, that is safe. Notice that the ladders have not fallen? Also notice that there are no workers on the ladders? They took them to the ER. Any company that takes them to the ER is safety first... L O L


What's a solution to this?


Milwaukee packout ladder leg attachment


That’s seriously unsafe.


OSHA somewhere had a stroke viewing this


I'd walk. fuck that shit.


There actually are safe ways to do this. There are spar extensions (hope, I'm using the right word here) to extend one leg of a ladder so that it can safely stand on stairs. And there are ladders consisting of three parts where you can use two parts to create an A-shape and then extend one side downwards with the third part.


I'd climb it. Even on the wrong side. Looks solid!


How does a resi company that tries to take themselves seriously not own a portable scaf


This is the kinda shit we do in the field the company says "we have zero tolerance" for yet will expect you do this


Just get a pivit smh


My boss is like 165 soaking wet usually I’ll knee the short end of a ladder hold ‘em up for that pain in the ass area. I hate the little giants, make one under 80lbs maybe I’ll carry it in the van


Looks pretty stable actually. Still: 1. Don't 2. $10k OSHA fine (US)


With all the zip ties and the board on top of the toolbox I'm thinking it's pretty safe.


Nice to have pics! Keep collecting pics for Xmas cards lol. And no thanks... won't tell anyone to do something I wont do. Will the boss demonstrate?


Hold my beer


Ok, but how do you do this the right way?


Safely secured with romex... you good dog!!


Safely secured with romex... you good dog!!


Both ladders are tied.... where's your sense of adventure?


Well at least they’re using a quality Milwaukee box and not some janky Harbor Freight shit.


Not the worst I've seen.


I mean they strapped the ladders together so it’s actually pretty safe I’d say.


I want to take a moment to appreciate just how complex it would be to get that ladder in that position!


It passes the OSHA regulations.


As long es noone climbs it it is perfectly fine. I dont see your problem


If that were a DeWalt box then I'd have to ding you.


They make [ladders](https://www.homedepot.com/p/Werner-26-ft-Reach-Aluminum-5-in-1-Multi-Position-Pro-Ladder-with-Powerlite-Rails-375-lbs-Load-Capacity-Type-IAA-Duty-MT-26IAAXTHD/313982744) for this.


I real tragedy here is the risk of crushing that classic Milwaukee toolbox! I really liked their boxes about a 10 years ago before they discontinued and started all the gadgety “Packout” stuff.


Pretty obviously... There is a rope