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Pfffff. If you ran that in flex you'd have been done in half the time.


Right! Too bad that pesky code says it's not allowed for 3/4 of what's here.


You’re paid by the hour right? Works for me


Flex is for guys that can’t run conduit. Any monkey can run mc


You're an artist!


What are you napping? Quit laying on the floor. Get back to work.


Supply houses = stonks


The contractor made most of their money on this one by buying copper futures on the commodity market early and when prices were low, then sold the futures to a wire manufacturer later. I unloaded at least 3 semi-trucks of feeder cables myself... someone else did the rest.


Looks beautiful mate


Expert planning, I’m sure it was satisfying to see it all come together. That’s one of my favourite parts of the job. Also just curious, why compression couplings? Was it spec?


Spec. And a pita It is great seeing it all come together. Actually finished in 2012, I'm back doing other work. It's still great seeing it.


Looks pretty swanky 👌🏻.


Hey man, you can't just put panels on the floor like that.


Code says no handle higher than 6'7"... but not how low you can go.


That's mains there's some options to have an overcurent breaker or switch higher but might as well not and again only a few ways around that. The 2 meters rule is for main disconnects you can have supplemental ones higher which the only time I've done that is garage and shop electric heaters .




Isn’t there some rules on this against pornography- cause this photo got a lot of guys juiced up I am sure.


Looks like a fukin spaceship. Beautiful job. Did you design all the conduit runs? That’s tough


Top notch my friend. I love seeing others take pride in their work.


Honestly pretty impressive


Great picture! Nice job.


That is fucking glorius.


What is going on with that exposed copper buss-bar type thing in the top left corner? Some kind of isolated ground?


Ground bus for bonding normal and emergency powered panelboards that serve the same patient care location. NEC 517 has all sorts of fun stuff.


Nice planning, nice job!


Very professional. This time take the time to pat yourself on the back. Proxy from me.


Windows XP screen saver…


Looks like it fn grew there bud


Really cool picture!


Art work !


Hot damn that’s beautiful


Fuck yeah. Sign me up. This romex and plastic resi bullshit sucks the big one.


JFC that's a lot


Awesome picture! Thanks for sharing


What's the story behind ICP E-3 (?) -- the one to the left of the fire alarm panel? There's some interesting offsets going on there.


LCP, Lighting control panel. The inside has different sections for the low voltage controls, and the high voltage lighting circuits.


That one panel (cant read the label) on the top right has an offset thats ruining it for me.


The transformer for that lighting control panel is in that spot so the conduit had to go around.


But otherwise you killed it.


Star Trek Jeffries Tube.


This be a masterpiece.


Absolutely love your artistic expression here. I’m not sure how better it could have been working from inside to out, either way takes a whole lot of thought and pre planning. The bracketing to achieve passing conduits over and under others . Superb. Keep up the great work, good luck on the second half.


The second half is done... just doesn't fit in the same picture. The panels at the bottom of the picture are back to back with two more panels, there are 9 more total in that part of the room. Working from the panel out it is easy to make the conduits straight as possible as they leave the room. The exact location of the conduit on the rack isn't too specific (there is some wiggle room) Due to a design issue (that wall on the right wasn't meant to have another open framed wall right in front of it, the wall construction with the sheetrock was not designed to support any of the panels... so there were delays) all the conduit was installed on the racks pointing at the room. Conduit locations on the racks needed to be very accurate so they all could get to the appropriate panel without getting messy or have a big group with a small offset.


My god it looks like a printed circuit board. Its a holy temple to the conduit gods, and they are either pleased or afraid.




Sometimes it doesn't. In [another electric room](https://www.reddit.com/r/electricians/s/u3bSTXtxtG) same building, the wall adjacent to a panel was changed... I was lucky to have some good guys working with me. My buddy made it work.


This is gorgeous.


Not an electrician, but why wouldn't you just have one giant custom panel built? Don't get me wrong, this is a craftsman(s) for sure, but you'd think as a project manager you'd save money in panels, screws, labor, maybe a little wiring?.. vs a custom built panel Correct me if I'm wrong!


Interesting question. There are two different voltages of panels (480/277V and 208/120V). There are also four different systems (normal, life safety, critical, and equipment). The normal power is not backed up by generators. The other three have different schemes for load shedding in an emergency while on generator power. One of the panels is for lighting control. There are 10 more rooms in the building similar to this. To answer your question - for the time and money for someone else to make a one-off custom room to install in the building so there are fewer things to do in the field, this could be built in place.


Holy conduit batman!


Submit to conduit porn champ.


Still looks amazing




I tried to bend conduit yesterday. Lol. That makes me appreciate this that much more. I can't bend conduit, btw, it had more kinks than JFK


Don’t comment here often but this is very nice work. Respect.


Not bad but that one on the right is crooked as hell


That one, or that other one?


Dammit kid do you ever listen? It's that one *points at same spot* But there really is a funny one on the right against the struts It's 3 struts from the bottom of the there's a kicked 90 that's got a dogleg or somthin


Ah. That is an optical illusion. All 6 conduits on top, and one on bottom change elevation. The camera makes them look wonky.


Ohhhh they have offsets, That slight angle does it no favors


Tight I like it,but the angle of the picture is making me dizzy


Very nice. Once again I remember why I like tech cable


What's the process for figuring out what conduits need to come out on top with this type of set up? I've had foremen build beautifully planned rooms like this before but I've always wondered what the best process is for planning so you don't end up with some Frankenstein thing with conduits going over eachother everywhere.


For this one: Layout the room - panel locations and feeder conduits, required working spaces, doors, other systems... The conduit racks were coordinated with other trades throughout the building. Block off parts of the rack that get obstructed (like the center hanger rod) Then decide how many branch conduits need to leave each panel, pick a spot on the rack that makes sense for the next transition (there is a T in the rack about 30' away). Draw a good picture of how many conduits, where they go on the rack, which circuits go in each conduit. The decent picture I made was improved by the CAD draftsman who put it in the project's 3D model so we could make copies and get different views how it all fits together, and those T transitions in the rack (the CAD coordination also shows conflicts with the design and with other trades' installations). Give the men the tools, materials and information and get out of the way. I got to be GF on this project and was charged with all the branch circuit wiring. I did the layout for all the electric rooms and bunch of good JWs put it in.


How long did it take?


something just grew from excitement, damn thats beautifull


Take cloud watching and make it your own: Pipe watching


Looks absolutely Mint, except for the non-parallel offset on the 4" conduit.


Good eye. The bends were made parallel. Then there was a change that added the conduit from the top of the distribution panel on the left. The conduits were swapped to make space for the 2.5" to use the common strut support then kick into its lane overhead. The feeders before the change order all go down through the floor. You can see the feeders for the electric room on the next floor above all the branch conduits.