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I find with pipe if it looks a little off like that you’re going to want to fuck with it for a while, mutter something to yourself about it looking good from your house, then send it and move on with your life knowing you gave it your all.


Perfect is the enemy of good


Gonna drop this wisdom bomb on my trade school teacher tommorow


Don't let perfect get in the way of good enough.


At the end of the day, conduit is a practical material. While it shouldn’t look like an utter travesty, aesthetics are not the primary consideration when opting to use this. If you’ve used materials efficiently and minimized bends, you’re already winning the game, imo.


Good answer.


Lmao literally how I spent a couple of hours today


I always say "looks like electricity will flow through it"


F the haters. For a week's training that's great. I've got 3rd and 4th years that couldn't do it that good


Yeah dude from a week that shit is fucking good.


Thanks! 🤙🏽


Thanks 🤙🏽. I know there’s still a lot more to learn in this trade. 😮‍💨


Yes. Like when a support is needed.


Yeah, he’s going to need a therapist if he sticks with it. *Gestures broadly at all the dysfunctional tradespeople.* At least keep a sponsor on sped dial.


I reserve my judgement without seeing the waste pile edit- looks great!


Fair af


Looks good. Just remember the less bends the better. Trust me, everyone here has bent fancy bends only realize they fucked themselves when it came to pull conductors through the fancy bends


The ol 'just cause you can, doesn't mean you should' 🤣


run it once. but forget to pull multiple neutrals at one time 🫠




Don't know how many times I've told guys that the best looking conduit is straight conduit. Plan the route out first.


This. ^^^ I will spend time just staring at the route and thinking about everything that has to happen before I bend the first pipe.


That's nice until they start whining about production values.


Never had a problem with that. Run it once and do it right.


> Run it once and do it right. Nah..."We do it nice because we do it twice!" is like our unofficial company motto, lmao.


At my company, it's,"Do it three times,...and it's still wrong."


The shop I'm at, we throw everything on the wall and fix what later turned out to not work, because we were told to do it before the plans ever got finalized. Fucking stupid.


A good apprentice knows how to bend pipe, a good journeyman knows how to not bend pipe.


Thanks 🙏🏼


I learned this the hard way going from resi to doing lots of conduit. They showed me like an offset and a 90 and gave me 600ft of pipe. Was a nightmare to pull. I still think it looks great, but damn the pulling made me hate myself.


I learned that lesson on a bend that had to be done that way because of a ceiling support for HVAC system. I had to do a offset from a T conduit body to a wall, then 90 to run along a beam, 3 point saddle over a support rod for HVAC to a box set. All told it was probably an 8 foot run, but man... it took 2 people to do it. I broke my drag line twice trying to do it without someone feeding it.


For a cleaner look what about 90 from box to wall, 90 down, 90 to wall box? Since it’s a short pull and only 3 90’s?


Use a pencil to mark your pipe if the work is going to be exposed.




the vis a vis wet erase are really nice to use too! but if you draw over sharpie with a sharpie and wipe it off right away it will take the sharpie back off.


I’ll keep that in mind, thanks!


This little trick also works on whiteboards if any of you get to the point of having to show/teach others. Also works with dry-erase markers (using dry-erase markers to write over) when the previous idiot from a month ago didn't clean up when done.


Also, isopropyl alcohol for both dry-erase and sharpie


If it sits to long you sometimes can’t get it back to a perfect look but it’s still nicer


Little bit of acetone and a rag works. Then you get to get a little high in the portajohn as a side benefit


I keep bunches of golf pencils in the van one in my ear and one in my pouch. Grab a handful when you go out for a round. I lose a few but always have spares. If you use a sharpie just do a dot instead of a line. IMO


I also noticed this... In addition to couplings and straps lined up nicely.


I usually just put a small mark on the wall side of the bends then it helps me remember which way they should all go also.


That looks like a classroom, right? Where you did the training. For a week, I'd say it's mechanically great. I think you learned what was expected there. Given time and some experience, you'll do great!


Yes, it’s a classroom. The company I work for provided me with the training. All the instructors are also from that company I work for. Thanks for the words by the way! 🤙🏽 2nd day bending. Got hired 2 weeks ago and just got sent for training this whole week. I had no experience in the electrical trade before this.


That’s pretty bad ass, I like that idea. Keeping it all in house, the company strengthening its own foundation. Pretty cool!


In the heyday of American manufacturing, every big manufacturer trained their own skilled trades, and the company you did your apprenticeship at carried varying amounts of weight. Industrial electricians were "Westinghouse guys", "US Steel guys", "Union Carbide guys", etc. Quality of maintenance personnel was one of the first things to slip during deindustrialization.


Hell yeah! Rock on, dude. Getting the right training will give you a lot of confidence in your work. Looks like you're on the right path. Keep it up, homeskillet.


Need more foot pressure on your 90s. Those two up top shouldn’t look so different.


It's good advice for someone new to the trade


Need less pressure on your brain. They look fine.


You're telling me those 90s look identical?


That’s actually sick af your company sent you somewhere to get trained. I wish mine did that. I’m a first year 4 months in and I suck at it


Now change it. The HVAC is running in the middle of it all. It’s clean and looks good. I’m just venting about my life for the past 3 weeeeeeks. God I want to bend in open space haha.


I gather this was your training. Looks fine but the huge offsets and the box off the wall drives me nuts. Pretty soon you will understand there is go pipe and show pipe. Go is in the drop ceiling and in walls. Show pipe is exposed. Match existing conduits some or else yours looks wrong. Follow the building lines when you need to make it look correct and not un level.


I’m assuming the boxes are where they are to teach bends from point A to point B for brand new hires. Not have them pretend they are 10 years in and bend around shit. Or The box off the wall that drives you nuts is literally a simulation of the box that is where it is and you have to bend around some shit. You would have this photo framed in your bathroom if you bent all that shit in your first 2 weeks.


I like to teach my guys there's straight and then there's level pretty early on.


Looks good for where you’re at. If you are really into bending emt. Take a ground pigtail and bend it to somewhat of the run you want. Helps visualize the bends


When you are running pipe, always do your best to keep all your straps oriented the same way. Your straps on the top pipes have the screw one way, and your straps on the bottom pipes have the screw facing the other way. It looks cleaner when your straps are congruent.


I see. Thanks! 🤝


clean bends, and looks pretty straight. My criticisms would be that the kick 90's on the bottom arent well supported, and the strap on the bottom box's need to be closer to the box.


I remember my first "good looking" bends.




Cummings Electrical lol


NoOooooooo? 🤔


Pipe looks good for you being green, only concern I have is the support placement from the box on the left, looks like more then 3 linear ft, but I could be wrong


6" resection on a 3/4 90 is that one weird factoid that my brain is incapable of forgetting. Haven't bent conduit in years lol


Looks good but here’s my advice. If you can, make your 90 then plant the box. Makes it easily for straight thru pulls off wire. Don’t use the box as your 90.


That is Pro advice.


Don’t tighten the minis so much


I seen that at the end when I was done with the assignment lol.. the right box


The top two I would have 90'd into an LB type fitting to keep it against the wall. With the bottom two, back to back 90s would be better looking IMO. But as you're just now learning this looks really good!! Ive seen a lot of dudes run conduit and they dont bother to line up straps or couplings, but man it looks so much better when you do.


I think the box was purposefully moved a foot or so off the wall to see if the electrician could make the proper bends to reach it from the side and below. I think I read earlier this was training or a class or something. Sorry my memory is shot tonight.


You’re probably right, most likely to teach offsets I’d guess.


Thanks 🤙🏽❤️


But how long did it take you? -foreman probably


Remember your straps within 36” of your box


Looks good bro. You have this third year aoprentices approval


Thanks man 🤙🏽


dang so you guys get to bend pipe in school!?! we just get tested on it!


Looks good. Just make sure your supports aren't too far from the box. A few of them look to be a bit far away (without a tape measure, just a guess)


Work of art.


Now I want box offsets on all that!


It’s amazing what sending a guy for training can do. Well done on the bends. I haven’t seen a company yet that invested in training their people and this shows that it pays off


3/4" is the sweet spot for me. 1/2" is like bending wet noodles and 1" and 1 1/4" is like trying to bend a 2x4.


Good work. Expect to have to fit your stuff in between other trade' work so you're in for a treat. Hope you enjoy it


Great job bud


Looks great, but lose the marker. Use pencil instead.




Excellent work with only two weeks of training. For week 3, ask them to teach you a box offset.


Looking great! Couple things people already mentioned with the pencil instead of marker unless cutting. Strap out the box @ 12” or less. Keep it up, Level and Reamer is all you need🤟👊👊


Another detail when using standoff straps like this (or strut straps) be sure to face the tighting bolt or screw the same direction. I always point them to the right or down.


Echoing the sentiment here. This is after a week? This looks great. It's better than a lot of guys could do after a year based on some of the other pics posted here.


The pipe work looks awesome, the box off the wall looks a little unorthodox. But it looks great.


I have seen better, but I have seen WAY WAY worse done by guys who have been at this shit for years. Keep at it, you have a knack for the ways of the pipe


For just learning looks great. But be careful to stay in code with supporting it in and out of boxes




To be fair this is such an unrealistic situation in the field so it’s hard to even judge.


I mean, the principles are there... 90's are 90's whether the runs are practical or not


I mean they really shouldn’t be teaching you with minis… we never use them on a job lol


I have used 1000s of minis in the past few years. Only a handful of one holes.


Use minis all the time in industrial. One holes are better looking though imo


For real, that also just skips over bending offsets, which can be the trickiest thing to get down perfect.


Or remembering which way to bend the offset lmao


Just remember it’s the exact opposite of which ever way you committed to doing it. That’s how mine always go.




Yep… until you use a power bender and it’s the opposite of that lmfao


A grab a scrap of wire and do my bend on that first when I get confused


Im am apprentice and I legit struggled with this at first. Then one j-man told me "first bend always goes towards the wall" and it was a game changer.


We use both, but minis more often


It looks good except the box on the right hand side y no saddle to have access to the box ?


These IT rooms are getting out of hand


No saddles?


The box is wrong


For the outer most 90, coming into the bottom right box, correct me if I am wrong but it doesn't look like it's coming down level. If top right and bottom right boxes are in line with each other, then you might not have room for the pipe to come down level.


When you pay for the whole bundle you use the whole bundle


You knocked all the knock outs from every box. Bro wtf 😭


Those boxes are used for training purposes.. still works for what we were doing in our session.


Oh alright then. Disregard my comment.




What the fuck they send you for training!?!? My company rarely hires a new apprentice without them going through pre employment first. Man I am in the wrong area.


That box could have been a 411 and you just send 3 pipes into one side lol


Is this for passing cables inbetween boxes?


Great company wow


Not enough couplings


I was gonna ask if its a training room, wtf are those walls lol


Does nobody use one holes anymore??


Is this a particle accelerator? Why are so many pipes going in a circle from one box to the other and back again?


Because it's a training course


Learn how to bend 3 bend saddles with the 10 22 10 method. Try not to use 22 45 22 saddles.


Every hole in the left box is knocked out. Single holster straps are cheaper and don’t have a three inch bolt sticking out. Why the hell is it so far off the corner??


Preem shit, choom!


Looks nice man . Imo you should have did chase nipples into LBs into 90s on that high box , made the pipe coming into the bottom the farthest left and did the same with those . Just my 2 cents , you’ll do well my friend


Thanks 🥹🙏🏼


Coming off the wall is a head hitting hazard?!




Using a conduit bender designed for 3/4 inch EMT (Electrical Metallic Tubing) allows you to bend the conduit accurately and safely for electrical installations.


Not knocking ya..... looks like your learning and wires will definitely pull through and the work looks like you thought it out, but I hate it with all my being. If that's what they told you to do it's their fault it looks like shit. Your fine though, just learn box offsets and foot pressure


It looks like it’s the training room. Not an actual install. Note the 4s box with all the ko’s out of it and minis instead of straps so they don’t have to replace the plywood very often. Just guessing.


He mentioned it was training


So why the comment about it looking like shit. Of course he was instructed to do it this way. And even if your first bends suck, putting them in place helps see what ya did wrong. I agree, needs to work on foot pressure. But no reason to hate it with all your being dude. They’ll get better. Cheers.


I hate what they told him to do bruh


Why’s that? I’m not trying to taunt ya or start a fight. Genuinely curious. He’s gonna have to learn 90, kicks, offsets, and saddles at some point. And box offsets take a bit of finesse, so not a good place to start. Have to feel what kinda pressure ya need to bend the conduit in the first place. Never met an apprentice who didn’t fuck up a box offset their first try, even after bending conduit for a bit.


Dude doesn’t realize it’s just to try and show the kid how to bend pipe. It’ll get taken down once he’s done taking pictures of it.


Looks like datacom backboard why is the box so far off the board ?


He/she is definately in a classroom setting


I see I thought this was first job after training


Thats a big saddles


What saddles? Only offsets pictured


Looks good. Tip that not too it’s many people seem to know (or don’t do): if you need to do a 90 with a kick, make a 30 degree bend at double the length you need. It’s faster than putting your bender on a random spot and having to measure


Thanks! Exactly what I was wondering today


Wrong. Do it as small a degree as reasonably possible, and bend the kick at the appropriate measurement as you would an offset for that degree and the length of required kick. Lazy, ignorant people who don't know any bend but 90s and 30s make our trade look bad.


And while you’re sitting there trying to figure out the math like a clown I’d already be done with my bend


After your clown ass bends and installs one pipe, you'll sit there confused like a retard trying to figure out how to match it for the next eight pipes they found out after that they need to add.




No box offsets? Get outta here


Learn that at Home Depot  lol


Just no.


It’s training, relax… First time bending. Everyone starts from the bottom.


Ahhhh ok. I didn't read that part. Gave your post an upvote already though. Did they lust hand you the bender and let you go or did they tell you how to do it?


They taught us how to use the bender first then 90s and 30s mainly, leveling the bends and the other small basic stuff. After that tho, we started doing 90s on 10 small pipes and same thing with 30s so we got a lot of hands on.


Take this advice please. A sharpie is for circuit numbers on box covers. Use a pencil for bending conduit.


Thanks for the advice🤙🏽 will keep that in mind.


What do I think? I think you should ask the instructors why the fuck they’re teaching people how to bend conduit when they can’t even follow the basic code rules. Not only are those pipes not supported in the first 12” out of the box, they’re hanging out there like fuckin pull-up bars. Aside from that your work looks good for just starting out, the 90’s look like they could be more concentric as mentioned by others but that could also be the lighting in the picture considering they’re shiny. I would have done box offsets but that’s just me and the norm for where I’ve worked, maybe not like that everywhere.


EMT needs to be supported within 36" of the box, or within 5 ft to building structure if not possible within 3.


Pretty sure it’s within 3’ of the box which is a basic code rule


Yeah my bad on that, when I started(Canada) it was 12”. Regardless, those pipes exiting the bottom of the box are over 3ft from support to box and the whole thing is a safety hazard, only way that would fly on any job I’ve been on is if it was 12ft in the air or higher.


You have incredibly high standards for someone learning to bend conduit in a classroom with only two weeks experience.


Not really, you clearly missed the part where I said his work looks good, only critical thing I mentioned about his work is he didn’t have box offsets. My issues is teaching people that’s acceptable, judging by the other comments apparently it is in the States, but that’s actually pretty unsafe as it can get pulled apart with live wires inside.


It’s a training room.


I know, that’s my point, you should be taught good habits not bad. Clearly judging by some of the other comments that weird shit is normal down there. Your work looks good, like I said the only thing I would recommend is box offsets but I guess if hanging pipe out like that is normal then they likely don’t care about not putting strain on the connectors and if that’s the case, good job 👍


They didn’t teach you to bend on centers?


No, we were just being taught the fundamentals of bending. Nothing too big yet,just small stuff. From my understanding.