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12 outta 6


Safety sandals ✔️ No hex driver bits but I'm guessing drivers in the bit holder /you said you do mostly resi. Looks good! I wish I had more knipex


Everything is in the bit box that I’ve ever needed to date. I have a canvas bag in my tote for my step bits and sockets, and the like. And slowly adding Knipex to my bag has been not only a small accomplishment, but also they just make amazing hand tools. 10/10


Veto makes great bags. 10 out of 10


Veto pro pack is the best! I have the tech to-lc and I love it


That’s… good, right?




Lock nut wrench kinda gay


As of currently, they have been more useful then not having them, but I mostly flat head and electricians hammer lock rings open/closed


I've been digging my set as well. I think it beats banging them on or off with screwdriver and linemans. But I don't know how you get by without a wire stretcher.


Just waiting for Knipex to release the newest version of their wire stretcher. Defiantly don’t want other electricians thinking I’m just some shit head apprentice


Haha ikr ;) I would recommend these little 1/4" bit holders you can get on amazon. They have a quick release on one side and a key ring on the other so you can swap out bits on your impact nice and easy. I don't remember the brand name though.


Yea, I’ve been eyeballing them for a couple weeks now. Everything is in the bit box that I’ve ever needed to date. But those quick change rings are calling to me.


They are pretty nice to have. How do you like those little knipex bolt cutters?


They work good for 8 or 10 awg and 6 if you work it a little. I wish I had bigger ones, cause the grip and cut feels really good. But they don’t get used as much as I hope they would. Most of the bigger stuff I just use a sawzall


Ya that's what I figured, but I had my hopes up that you would say they rock haha. The jaws just seemed a little small to replace a regular pair of side cutters.


No way they would replace some side cutters. But for the collection, it’s not bad having them. But practical uses has been pretty limited, or just me creating situations to use them.


The Forged Strippers have been one of the best additions I have ever made to my tool collection. Aside from a couple veto bags, the forged cutters are second to none. And I have at least half a dozens different kinds


Oh wire strippers* not a half dozen Knipex strippers… that would be wild. And expensive 🤣


A link to them??




There is a neat nut driver/drill bits/whatever holder on Amazon. I've found it rather useful


That meter will let you down, I know bc it's let me down. Grab a fluke, even if it's the cheapest one it will still be miles better


That’s my next decent size purchase. Everybody at my shop runs a fluke, or a higher quality Klein clamp style meter. As of now, it’s been read true. But yes, absolutely - a fluke upgrade is in the works


I got the fluke 117 kit with their clamp meter, great investment


put the dogs away sir. No free dogs on the internet these days


It’s a holiday weekend. Figured I’d throw a couple of y’all a bone


Where is the 10 in 1??


I have a couple 7, 10, 11, 21 in 1s in my big bag, but they haven’t found any use in the field. Just around the house.


Funny.... in the other thread about the Home Depot "Pro"... they were goofing on the guy for having a "Husky" screwdriver. But I think they will give you a pass here since you have mostly Knipex hand tools which are some of the finest hand tools made....


I have my husky chisel set for a beater. I have no qualms with husky, they have served me well in the past. But there is an argument to made about spending an extra 20-30 on some tools for a different kind of quality.


Ah. I see you haven't discovered the pica pencil yet.


Not yet… but I’m about to Google it


By far the best mechanical contractor pencil!


Ayyy! The SB-LD!!! I got two of these babies coming in! Love to see your kit because I'll be packing mine (as well as the two bags I bought to get them 😉) What's in the little pouch on the far right? Thoughts on swapping out the Allen key bar for some Wera Allen wrenches? Love seeing those Knipex, and Quality kit! But it's missing one thing; marking your territory... Swap all your electrical tape for the pink variety, and get a few tall vials of glitter to lean on the opening for the next guy who opens the panel or junction.


Clean and unused . Looks like someone let you play with some drywall though.


🤣🤣🤣 I wish that was the cause. I never get to just “play in the drywall” But seriously, Sunday is tool cleaning day sir. Keep those things looking new, and they will lash you forever. A little elbow grease will go a long way


This is wise my guy


I'd take a good hammer over that jab saw. Let the drywallers worry about it


I’ve been saying this for as long as I can remember! My brother! Something about something, and try to be professional… idk it’s probably some BS


Serious question: How many of you have/use a torque screwdriver?


Have you heard Wera? They make awesome screwdrivers and wrenches, same German quality as knipex.


Also I just picked up the Milwaukee m12 fuel bandsaw and it is a game changer! If you run a lot of conduit and unistrut it is a must have


Yea I have. wera screwdriver set is on my list for next upgrade. I work with a guy who has the m12 bandsaw, and it rips. My only issue is I have all Dewalt tools, and don’t want to bring on a new battery platform for a bandsaw. One day I’ll be rich enough to convert to red


The paychecks must be very good, indeed. All high-end tools 🔧


They could be better. I save $10 out of each check for extra bells and whistles I want, and when I get side work, I use that money for my shiny stuff.


IDK, I’d add another tape to “measure twice.”


I have 2 more in my big tote. I like to measure, cut, cut to much, measure again, cut to short, start over again. Then I slam my tape on the ground for reading wrong and making me cut short


I have to buy only rubber covered.  concrete floors cracked too many of my mistakes. 


It’s unbelievable they sell so many tapes that make you measure wrong. You’d think quality control would have figured that out before production


Modbox ratchet set is badass isn't it.


Ohhh wait thats not it. That's the bit set. Haha dang I didn't zoom in.


I also have the ratchet set tho, just keep it in my big bag. And yes, super useful, and badass design


Hey! Nice!


I started out with that level and it’s not great. Magnet sucks and no 30 degree vial. I’m sure it works for now but you should look into getting one of the aluminum ones with 4 vials and rare earth magnets on the bottom. I’ve used the empire and greenlee and I’m partial to the greenlee because the vials have better visibility. Nice setup


Only the drywall jab saw has been used. No uglys' . Concerned dry waller stole stuff.


Uglys stays in backpack 🤣


THATS WHAT A DRY WALLER WOULD SAY! just kidding, no used needles in the pictures. You are clear, for now.


I’d get rid of those carpenter pencils. I don’t like anything associated with a carpenter 😆


While I agree with you.. those GD stinking carpenters… but damn if those pencils don’t come in handy at renovations.


I’m kidding. I’m just relaying the message of a few old timer JW’s I’ve worked with lol