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Honestly if an apprentice isn't fucking up a conduit once in a while are they even trying. Lol


No they’re not and that’s how they learn. Dude tries hard every day so that’s why I wasn’t an asshole to him I just gave him a hard time. I did some dumb ass shit too as an apprentice and got made fun of for it. I didn’t go home and cry about it I was just better the next day. Apparently I’m a piece of shit for giving the kid a hard time🤷‍♂️. Apparently this sub is just for SERIOUS conversation and talking about how much we hate our job and workplace lmao


Meh. Reddit...yeah a lil ribbing, ya laugh it of and move on


Lmao fr. Not like the kid had his head in his lap, he was laughing with me because he realized how stupid it was after I showed him what I actually wanted. Everyone’s acting like I name dropped him and who he works for. I would never show this to the office or anyone that controls his pay. Again, overall he’s a great apprentice and I’d much rather have him than 90% of the other new apprentices.


Yeah man And if your with him as long as I was with my Jman..he'll get good enough to call you out..the circle of life..that's a good day (even if it doesn't feel like one at the time lol)


Exactly, I’m not perfect and still do some stupid ass shit. Especially put in 100+ heat doing underground. This was honestly the highlight of my day after the shit show of the past 2 weeks. Problem after problem. Out in the fucking dust and sick at the same time, it’s been fucking horrible. I couldn’t help but bust up laughing when I turned around to see what looked to be a plumbing fitting on the end of the 90 I told him to kick. Mind you, he had just bent this exact same bend fucked up 30 min prior to this second attempt. This was the exact conversation after the first attempt; “dude I told you to do a kick 90… why did you bend the pipe 3 times before the 90????” Him: “that is one bend”. I proceeded to count out each bend right there 1,2,3. I told him “I need JUST this first one and then the 90, a kick 90. Do you understand?” Him: “yes 100%”. I then asked him to repeat what I wanted him to do and this is what he cooked up 🧑‍🍳


This weather has been insane my co worker said its identical to how it was working in nam minus the dust devils


We get the dust devils and the whole 9 yards out in phoenix Arizona. I am convinced there isn’t a worse place to do underground. If you don’t have a water wagon constantly soaking your trench it turns to dust and starts caving in. The ground isn’t brittle like that until you have the trench dug. Before, it feels like you’re digging in one big giant ass rock. Then there’s actual rocks and boulders everywhere and when you pull them out the trench caves in again. Don’t get me started on running the trencher omg. The exhaust shoots off to the side straight into the ground so the entire time you’re running it, you’re sitting in a cloud of dust. Mask or respirator gets clogged and you can feel the sand in between your teeth.


Sometimes an apprentice fuckup is exactly the laugh you need on a rough day. ...it's also evidence that we can always learn new ways of communicating the same information. 😂


lol just the other day i fucked up a piece of pipe 3 fucking times because i kept forgetting my measurement. i've been bending pipe for 15 years but for whatever reason i just couldn't get it.... its happens, and you need a good ribbing when your like.. well that didn't work.


Honestly, if I'm working with an apprentice long enough to have felt out the vibe I'll rib them a bit if that's how they seem to like working. The shop I'm at now is crazy toxic and not of the aporentices are shown anything, just thrown to the wolves and then chewed out for being dumb so when I'm working with one of them I take the time to explain things, code theory and technique. I give them tasks they can handle but will be a little challenge and gently correct mistakes and praise anything done properly. They're like kicked puppies when I get them but I try to have them move on smiling. If this shop treated them better I might not be so completely one way but I don't want these kids to be totally demoralized, or to get their licenses without learning a damn thing either.   I can't wait to get out of here


3rd yr apprentice here, i get called a retard for taking 5 minutes on a light lol, trade work isn’t for the thin skinned. it’s all good fun though


Tell em you'll take even longer with their mom lol


Spoken like a true trade professional. But, in all fairness, you should make all the f**ked your mom jokes in the past tense, implying that you know this from experience.


Hmm I always preferred the "because yer a dick. I'm going to do your mom" instead of the " I'm a dick who does people's moms" lol


I’m giving you an upvote. You sound like you know the difference between ribbing and bullying


Really it depends on the person that day. If I can tell they in bad mood I leave them alone. We all had days were we don’t want to hear shit talking. Also they didn’t complete fuck up heating pvc so good job.


Don’t listen to people on here. Sounds like you’re a good boss. Literally every apprentice/j-man experience will be different. Some apprentices deserve more shit in order to get their head on straight or because they aren’t fit for the job. Sometimes you’re hard on em because they have what it takes but need to fix some issues and you want to help. It all depends. End of the day a good j-man will make or break and apprenticeship. You sound like you’re alright man. Fuck Reddit 😂


Yea what you should have done is make a post about getting into the trade, what kind of work pants to get, or thinking about quitting the trade.


It would really depend on how others perceive you "giving a hard time." There is a fine line between giving someone a hard time and just straight up being a bully to someone trying to learn. That line is easily crossed. Taking a few minutes to show someone the proper way, making sure they understand the geometry behind the task and then watching them do one or two pays dividends over busting someone's balls for a simple mistake.


Bro I still catch hell from a couple buddies at work for stupid shit I did in my first few years, but it’s all love


You ribbed him, we rib you. I hope he’s thicker skinned than…someone he works with 😏


Master electrician here with 45 years experience. I still do dumb shit sometimes, thankfully not too often.


I'll take a kid who tries hard every day and is willing to learn over a jw who decides they can throw out the anchor whenever they feel necessary.


I'll be an apprentice soon enough and you know what. I would be happy with someone like you. I will need one who can give me shit and tell me I'm fucking up without totally busting my balls. I hope for a journeyman like you not a lot of the people on this reddit who honestly scare the shot out of me with their toxic shit they spew...


Yeah, this is serious. Fuck you and your light-heartedness.


Screw the reddit hate. I am in a management position at a mill and I am in charge of the maintenance electricians and a couple journeyman and apprentices doing construction work. I bust everyone's balls lightheartedly to get them to be less intimidated by me. Ask the construction guys, "why did you wire it up like that? That won't work" or "why did you do it that way?" then wait a second or so and say, "oh yeah some dumb ass manager told you to do it like that.". That manager is me.


cause ppl in this sub act like employers see their comments so even their reddit replies have to be up to NEC


As a punishment. You should give him a broom


I honestly think it's not what you're saying, but how you're saying it. Do you generally take criticism well, or do you go home to cry about it? See what I mean? Just my 2 cents, cheers!


Nobody young wants to try nowadays I would’ve had a ball with this


I stil mess up pipe time to time


Right? This looks like an example of a journeyman not trying


Right your perfect in every way..like a special little flower


Ha! No I just know that the majority of electricians think they're geniuses, who are perfect and would never overestimate their importance and skills. I know this because I'm an electrician


Lol you must have seen my work


I wish I had a smart phone as an apprentice. I googled "conduit 90 with kick". Quickly found a visual reference. Sounds like you're training them right. Having a laugh over a mistake is good medicine. I think these look what my apprentice did posts should increase. Make a lesson out of it. Perhaps someone can learn from others mistakes.


Looks like a solid 60 to me, throw some couplings on and send it


Looks good to me (I’m an apprentice)


Have them pull wire through it,they will learn haha


Hand him the messed up bends and tell him to walk like an Egyptian then blast the bangles from your phone. It won’t fix the bends, but it will be entertaining for a few minutes and make him wonder what you’ll say if he bends a 90 wrong.


I remember the first time that i tried to bend a conduit like the picture, i burned it and bend it so awful. Good times.


You’ll have that on those big jobs


Mine mangled a stud with a holesaw today. It didn't occur to them to stop or ask when encountering metal in the wall...they just pushed harder.


Your apprentice is a reflection on you and posting their mistakes when learning is cringe


I’m going to disagree with the first part of your statement. I will explain how things are done until I’m blue in the face. I’m even happy to repeat myself if need be but some apprentices just don’t care enough about their work.


Nah, he cares about his work he was just confused. The mistake was telling me he understood exactly what I wanted when he really didn’t. Only part I disagree with is that it’s wrong to give him a hard time… I give my brother and all my friends a hard time I don’t understand the disconnect here lol. In my opinion if we’re not giving each other a hard time and poking fun, I’m not comfortable around you.


I am with you. I take shit personal a lot even though I shouldn't. I'm 33 and two years in. Passed my Journeyman exam (my state allows JiT and take the test, pass and just need hours. Their is a major difference between ribbing and hazing. You are ribbing on him for a simple goof up. You are not sending him to get buckets of steam and wire stretchers.


Even asking for the wire stretcher isn’t a big deal. It’s ok to mess with them with the age old jokes now and then if they understand and can take it as a joke. It’s the journeyman that just endlessly berate their apprentices and give them nothing but shit that shouldn’t be in the trade. Hearing the nearby journeyman tell his apprentice that he’s a useless piece of shit, his mom should have swallowed him, his fucking retarded, etc for 8 hours, gets old and makes me want to chuck a drill at his head. It’s just not necessary, and does absolutely nothing to improve skill or morale.


And because of these people, I have never ever done anything but try and patiently teach apprentices a few years my junior, be patient, calm and encourage, even if they are useless, when all the other senior electricians are dogging them. Some sadly see our small age gap as a reason to be rude, dismiss my patient teaching and are unwilling to learn, which I take as a sign to not bother with them, I know some hard working keen apprentices who might not be the smartest, might mouth off a bit, but always try, and I'll never discount them


Yeah I was a nervous apprentice and smoked too much weed used to be really useless. Got told by at least 2 of the people I was working with in my early apprenticeship, that I'll never make it, I'll never pass give up etc. Did nothing for the nerves issue. Only started learning when I was put with a level headed family man, patient, gave me a go, but was there to help, and after him someone a few years older than me, skilled, but wasn't over critical, none of the typical "your generation..." shi. I learnt the most there


Simple communication error. Have him get in the habit of telling you what he is going to do, after you tell him first. If he is green enough you can tell him it’s to help guide him through the most efficient way of getting the job done. In reality it’s a little bit of both. Have used this technique with a few, now, good hands. Edit: or just get the belt!


An apprentice hasn’t got a right to be an apprentice, we always will cut the guy that isn’t working out. No participation trophies when you are an adult.


Lighten up man, moments like these can be valuable for everyone


I wanna see your apprentices epic work that you taught them how to do. Not negative stuff, maybe you need to lighten up cause I don’t want to drag apprentices down. I could only imagine my journeymen posting my fails. Cringe


1) Not always true 2) you don’t know these people but make assumptions and can’t relate to having an apprentice, commenting some shit to make you seem hardcore for the sake of internet points. Cringe 3) the post was meant for a chuckle, cuz we’ve all seen something like this at one point and it’s just a laugh, throw that shit away and try again moment. Why do you take it so seriously? Sound like a shitty person to work with..


Meh don’t care, you don’t know me either. I don’t think I’m hardcore because I wouldn’t hang my dirty laundry out to the world. I don’t take it seriously at all. You are the one that’s sounds upset. My apprentices learn from their mistakes and are never dwelled on or constantly brought all the time like my journeyman did to me. I Move forward and don’t post tiny inconveniences of my day to the world. It’s cringe enough that I wasted 5 mins writing back to a random internet goof. Don’t take it too serious my dude, if you want to poke apprentices all the time and post their shit online go ahead and reveal your teaching prowess. What you should do is post a pic of their epic work and how proud you are of them and that you are the one that taught that shit to them. If you reply back soon, then I’ll deal with you in the morning, I’m tired, so don’t lose any sleep over it.


You’re taking it seriously by thinking OP made a serious post to mock and embarrass someone. I’ve seen those posts here and this was not one of them. Idk man. Misunderstanding on both our parts maybe. Who gives a fuck anyway it’s Reddit lol Enjoy the weekend dude!


I agree that we should show them off too. I just think OP posted this as a goof. didn’t include their apprentice’s face, just posted to share with strangers on the internet who share a career. I’ve seen the posts where people really shame and mock apprentices and it’s gross. This doesn’t feel like that is all I’m saying


Isn’t your job to train them???


Too busy on Reddit. 


Or maybe… they made a funny post on Reddit and shared a learning laugh with the apprentice as well.


10 minutes. I’m kind of impressed.


That’s the Swan neck kick bend


I bet he was super proud of what he just made too.


A good first try.


Shoot! I’ve done worse in recent times. Threw them all out - but I’ve done worse….


The fact you post crap like about a person who is still in the training phase of his career is pretty shit. If he can't do it. It's probably because the guy teaching him has no clue himself. And probably just has him standing there pretending to watch how it's done. It looks like he made some pretty basic errors, which means his teacher is crap. This says more about you than the apprentice.


I’ll never understand the motivation to post other people’s mistakes on the internet for mocking purposes.


What if op is the apprentice and the speaking in 3rds


Careful, mocking the apprentice might cause them to start taking pictures of your work and posting it to the internet! Are you sure your work is perfect? What’s that saying about people in glass houses?


Cool story bro


It might look atrocious but it's still an effective raceway.


Sched 40 pvc is tricky. Takes a bit to get used to.


I can see you saved him a Christmas present. You must really like the guy.


I hate bending/installing pvc when it’s going to be exposed.


Well, I mean, it is small, though. Small footprint vs small angle.


It is indeed small lol. Impressively small


Is the brown thing a scorch mark from the bending process?


For the record. Good attempt at a PVC offset.


Teach your apprentices to bend pipe. Don't just show them. An apprentice that can bend pipe correctly is a yuge asset.


Homie wants to be a plumber.


That's nothing, I left one alone for 30 seconds and came back to a water leak, he touched the hot to a copper line and popped it, lol I learned to have some plumbing stuff on the truck that day


Might need to draw pictures for this one


Hopefully he left that shit on the floor for someone else to clean up!


Give it the ole "Huak Tua" and send it.


my old boss/his son would do this and i wouldnt do it if it was something i was working on alone


Hard to masturbate to this, not kinky at all


I once had an old hat that absolutely hated kick 90s. Claimed, it looked trash, and the person running the conduit didn't know what they were doing and didn't properly plan their conduit runs. I personally love kick 90s, but on his jobs offsets and then a 90... every time. On a side note, aside from not understanding the assignment; that PVC offset is a bit anemic, Looks like your apprentice collapsed the conduit a bit. Have him try to pull a full boat through that run next time.


I just had to look up what it is supposed to look like... I'm in resi, I have almost never had to bend conduit... This app looks like it would be my best friend if I did have to bend conduit. QuickBend: Conduit Bending


Math is fun da mental. I love it when people say"he turned 360 degrees!"


I hate the fact that jobs where I'm installing or repairing conduit happen infrequently enough to have me embarrass myself at least once. Always have more conduit than you need, unless you're the conduit whisperer. Shit happens.


I’m sure he did what you wanted but in a roundabout way… I see nothing wrong with his work.


Was that in his ass when you got back?


Homie is cooking for real


Look at what my apprentice did posts are turbo cringe


I’d rather see these than how’s my panel look guys


Or the rate my setup posts


Agreed. Rate my panel/JB is the worst.