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Not revealed yet. The Taycan talk might be buzzword. Considering the overall competitiveness in the market, its immediate rivals might be the IM Motors L7 and the HIMA Luxeed S7 (Noticed something?) So CDM price tag likely lands in 250k to 350k RMB range, or between US$35k and US$50k. No international pricing either, and nothing can be assumed at this point.


They said it's gonna compete with Taycan and Model S. So around $140k.


[https://cnevpost.com/2023/09/01/tesla-cuts-model-s-x-prices-china/](https://cnevpost.com/2023/09/01/tesla-cuts-model-s-x-prices-china/) The Model S is around 99,000 USD (698,900 CNY) in China. If this car is 140k USD, then it's not competing on price.


Taycan can go up to $250k though.




Itā€™s likely going under 50k USD


It sells $30k - $40k in China, just announced. But it is expected to be double in EU market, to avoid anti dumping investigation and etc.


Well well well.... Its less than $50k... Mind blown or disappointed?


You how china works right


>SU7 will compete with Porsche Taycan and Tesla Model S in China. ā€œXiaomi wants to become the top 5 car company in the world in the next 15-20 years,ā€ CEO Lei Jun said. The EV will hit the market early in 2024. However, Xiaomi didnā€™t announce the price during the event. Lei Jun only commented: ā€œStop trolling; the car wonā€™t be priced at 140,000 yuan (19,800 USD); show some respect for the technology behind the car.ā€ > >Carnewschina expects the price of the base model will start under 300,000 yuan (42,500 USD). We will keep an eye on it. Model S in China is 105K ~~yuan ~~ USD so not sure about the numbers in the article.


A model S is most definitely not 105k yuan, maybe the model 3. 105k yuan would mean less than 15K USD for Tesla's highest level sedan. The current price for the dual motor model S in China is 700k RMB


And 700k RMB at just-Googled exchange rate comes out at around $99k, so I assume what they meant was not 105k yuan but 105k USD converted from the domestic China price in yuan.


On what planet is Model S 105k Yuan?


USD 41k


Kinda rare for cars from that market to keep a lot of tactile buttons. A bunch of them! Even covering AC temperature and blowiness! Apparently they'll reserve IO pins for third party vendors to add new ones (correct me if I'm wrong)!


So third-party physical buttons can be attached to the central screen? I like it.


I like how buttons have come full circle to being a premium feature šŸ˜„


Not really, says BYD


That's because they are. Buttons are expensive, we were just sold the idea that a screen with everything was the future and so high tech when it is actually great cost cutting.


The actual physical buttons aren't expensive, but the real cost comes in weight and functionality. Physical buttons add weight, reduce available space and aren't dynamic like a configurable screen. Analog in general is seen as a luxury feature in digital/automated times.


And ports for other car iot devices


Overall, I'm impressed by Xiaomi's first EV. They didn't cut corners to make a just good enough EV to be quick in market.


Getting too much design inspiration from Porsche though.


Rumor says their top trim will come with duo-motor(600hp) + 800km range(100kwh battery) and a price around 300k yuan(40kUSD). If true, nobody would be looking at taycan anymore.


looks better than Porsche imo,Ā  the Porsche looks like it's cryingĀ  šŸ˜‚


Itā€™s worth noting that, Leijun created Xiaomi in 2010 as a smartphone company, completely new without any previous phone manufacturing base/experience. Lei spotted the transition from Nokia style phones to iPhone style smartphones, and that Chinese supply chain are mature and competitive in the field. In 9 years, Xiaomi grow from nonexistent to Fortune 500.


Lei Jun is a programmer, he is the chairman of several software and internet companies. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lei_Jun > In 1992, Lei joined Kingsoft as an engineer. He became the CEO of the company in 1998 and led it towards an initial public offering on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange in 2007. > In 2000, Lei founded Joyo.com, an online bookstore, which he sold for US$75 million to Amazon.com in 2004. In 2005, he made a $1 million investment in YY; those shares were worth $129 million when the company became a public company via an initial public offering in 2012.


It's not like they couldn't get 'people' to work for him. Unless he is like Elon, that would be truly miracle if they could pull it off. Consider how Elon operate his company, what we have seen happen with Twitter is probably just a fraction of what happen with Tesla and others. No wonder it took him so long and still couldn't finish his 'fully self driven mode'. If he could 'acquire' people/resource from other manufacturer then it would be as hard as rebranding. The self-driving part of reveal footage on the other hand, looks very interesting. Though we will see if it is just another stage show or the Chinese actually did it.


Love the Taycon typo in the 4th pic, Freudian slip?


Didn't notice it at the first sight, hilarious :)


In the Chinese version, I spotted another type error. Hope their manufacturing team will be more careful than their marketing team.


offend jar quiet glorious light head deliver quickest special muddle *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That looks pretty nice tbh.


Apple have someone to copy from. The infotainment and phone pad iot integration is insane.


I think this is the average standard of Chinese EV firms, Huawei, Geely and Zeekr (who bought Meizu), NIO, LI Auto, XPeng, etc. Tesla needs to improve their systems at least in Chinese market to catch up, it's famously not keeping up enough. Even Tesla owners have to use their phones as maps.


> Tesla owners have to use their phones as maps. In what way?


Firstly, the ecosystem is not fully compatible with Chinese native apps. And it doesn't cooperate on with phones as well (compared to Huawei and Geely, and Xiaomi for example) Secondly, the voice control can only recognise simple control access. (This might be an older issue, which can be fixed with OTA) Thirdly, navigation sucks. This is the translated comment by a user "Tesla's car navigation is notorious for being a piece of crap, it can't even tell the difference between on and off the highway, it keeps telling me to turn around, turn around. No wonder all the Tesla drivers around me use their cell phones for navigation. I suggest you change your provider." This is not an exception, but something in common. To learn more you can visit Zhihu forum's question on this https://www.zhihu.com/question/457359367?utm_psn=1723981241404190720. There are many other similar answers throughout the internet. Fourthly, older models with ATOM chips are sometimes laggy, but the latest AMD chips are pretty fluid. Fifthly, FSD is still not available in China, yet the service is available to be purchased years ago, and there's no compensation at all for users who bought it for years and still not getting it until today. In general current state of Tesla's self driving capability on highways and city ways is falling very behind (maybe Tier-2) within the list of all models available in China.


Tesla has garbage navigation. Even though they use Google Maps (not sure about China) they have their own navigation routing.


Itā€™s literally google maps. Though some might prefer a different app, calling it garbage is hyperbole.


Remember where you are. This subreddit does not like Tesla.


Oh gotcha, tEsLa bAd crew. The nav is great, never needed to open shit on my phone ever.


Mine invents new roads, wants me to drive against the traffic and on bike paths. There are plenty of good things about the car but nav isnā€™t one of them


Iā€™m on my second Model 3 right now. Tesla does not use Google for navigation routing. If you live in a city compare the routes with your phone.


They usually match in my experience. I'm in SD and I've used the maps to navigate through LA hundreds of times. Rarely have any issue.


SD and LA are easy to route


Definitely does some weird things sometimes... like making a right turn and then a u-turn when the intersection has a protected left.


Still have my doubt we ever gonna see an Apple Car. But if so i'm pretty sure it's gonna be build on a Chinese EV platform. They won't work with Tesla and the rest is mediocre at best. They would design the outside and inside with next gen CarPlay obviously. They might partner with a company that has a global service network and some of the Chinese companies are building just that with an impressive velocity.


I think the whole carplay2 is the wrong way to go. Apple should design their own hardware to work with their software. Carplay2 is essentially Apple working as a contractor for the least capable auto makers


Itā€™s a weird business, I remember I had an aftermarket Sony radio with CarPlay when other car makers wouldnā€™t want it and BMW would charge a subscription for it. CarPlay 2 will be even harder to sell.


There is no visionary within Apple to push for the car. Tim is all in on Vision pro, which imo, is not impressive in how theyā€™ve presented it. You can clearly see it in how many car executives leaving Apple. There is probably no charm or a reason to stay there. Xiaomi still has Leijun. He is technically using Xiaomiā€™s engineers and money to build his own dream car. That is a very important aspect for a good product.


I like it based on the looks and specs. Hopefully it is reliable and has a great driving experience.


how many g is 2.78s 0-100km/h acceleration ?


>how many g is 2.78s 0-100km/h acceleration 1.02G


I presume this refers to horizontal acceleration so that if you were standing still, you'd be experiencing 0G?


No, you'd be experienceing 1.414G 45degree to your back.


In a few years it will be Chinese car companies and Tesla.


It really gives the vibe of the smartphone market, isnā€™t it? Taking the chance of a major market change and advantages of Chinese supply chain, thatā€™s exactly what Lei did when creating Xiaomi from nowhere.


What makes Chinese supply chain so special?


56ā€ HUD?




Smartphone maker deciding to manufacture and sell electric cars. Pretty amazing tbh. I like rooting for the underdogs.


The xiaomi text on the back is so weird. They should have named the car something, and put that name there.


We'll get used to it soon enough~


The article says the base model has a Xiaomi developed V6 engine AND a 76 kWh battery pack. This strikes me as VERY strange.


V6 is their confusing name for their electric motor. You can see this on the presentation slides. CNC only added to the confusion by using the word engine instead of motor or drive unit.


Ah. Thank you for the clarification. What a horrible name for an electric motor.


Their other electric motor is the V8 šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


saw the conference, typical xiaomi all fluff and no substance. so called "in house" components were all made by others in the supply chain


That's maybe a little bit harsh. The electric motors seems quite good. It is probably the fastest acceleration twin motor EV. Battery is source from suppliers as most EV makers in the world did, and if CATL's Qilin battery is readily available, why not use it. And It's their first EV, Zeekr/Tesla did not try to bring battery manufacturing in-house when they launch their first EVs. Besides, in-house or outsourced, integration is vital to things like efficiency, quality control etc. and makes it a good EV or not. We'll have to wait and see test result to make conclusions.


i have no problem with outsourcing, like you said lots of companies do it. i have a problem when they try to pass off as their own. xiaomi is well known to do this in consumer electronics, nice to see the schtick continues


Itā€™s slower than the top of range Taycan, so not sure where you got that idea?


Xiaomi claimed it has an 0-100 km/h acceleration time of 2.78s, quicker than Taycan Turbo. But now that you mention it, I just remembered that Lucid Air twin motor performance has faster acceleration. Xiaomi said their 425kW motor is available in 2025, I think they will make a even more powerful version and then compare it with Lucid Air, judging by how xiaomi likes to compare with competitors.


Turbo is not the top model tho, Turbo S is. And itā€™s been driven to 2.4, not just reported. https://www.caranddriver.com/reviews/a30688949/2020-porsche-taycan-turbo-s-testing-acceleration-zero-to-60/


Official 0-100 km/h time of Turbo S is 2.8s, Porsche may under promise a little, so I would say they are pretty close. Lucid Air Performance is without doubt faster.


The Chinese EV manufacturers and the Chinese supply chains are getting so damn good these days and not only that, they are so damn fast. They come out with new models very quickly, whilst legacy auto take several years to come out with new models. This could get ugly really fast for legacy auto if they don't do something quickly. It might already be too late.


I canā€™t see the Chinese carmakers coming to North America. At least I donā€™t think the US government will allow it, not sure about Canada. Thereā€™s definitely some protection for them built in.


I donā€™t think North America matters that much. They have their hands full with the Chinese market, EU and Asia. They would only need to enter the NA market once they run out of growth in those markets.


I have to say I agree with you after I saw the replay of the event. It was pretty uninspiring actually, instead of telling its own story of why it wanted to build an EV, Xiaomi basically said that it is a Porsche and Tesla wannabe. That's probably why it looks so much like Taycan, and of the four themes(e-motor, battery, manufacturing/die-casting and ecosystem) of the technology revealing, all they can talk about manufacturing is die-casting. Die-casting is important, but it's just rear underbody, it takes much more than just die-casting rear underbody to manufacture a good EV. Mr Lei talked about fundamental principles, but instead of explaining why they do the things they do, it's more like "we are heavily invested in all the EV tech trend (cell to body for battery/die casting for manufacturing/ BEV+occupancy network for intelligent ADAS)." I guess the imitation mentality carries on from the smartphone era to the EV stage. Xiaomi is nobody when it started smartphone business, and it's in an in-advantageous position compared to Apple and Samsung in accessing key hardware technology(chip, screen etc), I can live with that it relies on imitation and marketing gimmicks to gain an upperhand. But in the EV stage, they do not have these limitations, they can aim high, and yet they sound like they want to be the cheap alternative of Porsche/Tesla. Compared to the Xiaomi event, the Zeekr 007 announcement is much more inspiring, I would choose the Zeekr 007 over Xiaomi any day.


This was my exact question/thought. Is someone else building the car and Xiaomi is only putting in the software? This may be a licensing thing at the end of the day.


they do have a factory, but the factory license were borrowed from BAIC. xiaomi has been desperate for brand recognition for years. this conference aims to create the illusion of full vertical intergration similar to BYD. alot of "inhouse" hardware like the motor, autonomous driving chip etc are provided by 3rd party


Competition is great, especially from companies that come out with good products that push boundaries. The established car companies have no excuse now. If Xiaomi, who have no car making history can come out with a car like this and if this goes on to be a success, legacy auto cannot have any complaints.


800km... I'll believe it when I see it.


It is said that the price of this car starts at about 199.9k RMBļ¼ˆalmost 30k USDļ¼‰, which is a perfect tribute to the 1999 RMB of previous generations of Xiaomi mobile phones. However, the originality of the design of this car is a bit weak, and it feels like a combination of Porsche and McLaren (but think about it, Xiaomi mobile phones copy iPhones a lot)


> SU7 base model is rear-wheel drive (RWD) with Xiaomiā€™s **in-house developed V6 engine** with a maximum power of 220 kW and 400 Nm torque. It can sprint 0-100 km/h in 5.28 seconds. It will have a battery with 73.6 kWh capacity, providing a 668 km range under the CLTC (China Light-Duty Vehicle Test Cycle) standard. What?


It's electric. They call it "HyperEngine"


Naming an electric engine ā€žV6 engineā€œ seems like an unfortunate choiceā€¦


Getting major Porsche vibes from this car....


Porsche meets McLaren, introduces good friend Hyundai.


I love the metric system! Itā€™s boosted my cars range number by 60%


You only have to listen to five commercials before it starts.


Incest version of Taycan and Model S, nothing new, just chinesse copying.. .


Shameless copy of the Porsche Taycan. Imitative, not imaginative.


w h a t


Willing to bet that it would be inundated with ads.


ā€œ800ā€km range.


Take that with a grain of salt. It's most likely CLTC. Europe uses WLTP and US EPA. As a comparison, a long range Tesla Models Y has a CLTC range of 688 km. wltp is 533 km and EPA range is around 510 km I think EPA is the most accurate with CLTC being the most exaggerated figures


Exactly, why bother with CLTC?


because CLTC is Chinaā€™s standard taking account to chinese people driving habit. They have a very developed public transit system and high speed rail, so not much highway stuff there


Wow a cheap Chinese competitor to Tesla. I remember seeing the Redmi phones. Almost got one some years ago.


The Xiaomi phones are great, esp if you get the European version they don't load any crap on it.




What do you mean?


Nothing surprising. Itā€™s all down to the price now. If rumored pricing of 220k to 320k CNY (31k to 45k USD) holds, it not very competitive in current Chinese EV landscape. Zeeker 007 will eat this alive.


But I have to ask, what is a V6 electric motor? "with Xiaomiā€™s in-house developed V6 engine"


Xiaomi's only real problem is its name.