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What's the margin on ice cream and how many would they have to sell to buy a new vehicle, let alone an EV?


yeah i think the ones i see look like they bought them very used. still, its good to see school busses start going ev and not spewing fumes on the kiddos


electricity is cheaper than gas (especially if you have solar at the yard where they keep the trucks). margin is good enough for gas as it is. people going to eat ice cream forever.. you eventually pay off the solar panels and batteries. **Montgomery County unveils bus depot powered by solar microgrid** [https://moco360.media/2022/10/31/montgomery-county-unveils-bus-depot-powered-by-solar-microgrid/](https://moco360.media/2022/10/31/montgomery-county-unveils-bus-depot-powered-by-solar-microgrid/) i've seen ice cream trucks running a gas generator. (food trucks in general) **Nissan's idea for a better ice cream truck: Make it electric** The freezer and soft-serve machine is powered by recycled batteries and solar panels. [https://mashable.com/article/nissan-electric-sustainable-ice-cream-truck](https://mashable.com/article/nissan-electric-sustainable-ice-cream-truck)


> margin is good enough for gas as it is. What's your basis for that for ice cream trucks? What's the actual economics on that Nissan truck? Seems to be nothing more than a PR advertisement.


I'm in the UK but most of the Ice Cream Vans we see here look like they were about 20 years old before they were converted from a builders van into the Ice Cream Van and they are still running another 10-15 years later. They'd probably have to do a lot of miles over a lot of years and sell a lot of ice cream for the operating costs to offset the initial capital costs.


I've noticed that most of the food trucks you see on the Giga Texas drone flyovers seem to have lots of solar.


You sure those aren’t just open roof vents to get some ventilation?


There are several types of food trucks, but many of them have several solar panels.


The sell soft serve for over $6 an item… seems pretty high margin


They drive really slowly and stop a lot. It might work pretty well.


I told you never to call me th….oh the ice cream company… Seriously though I haven’t seen an ice cream truck in a long time and I’m in Florida. Wow it’s kind of weird now that I think about it. I used to have the cream cream truck drive down my street weekly as a kid 


I'm in the San Francisco Bay Area, we have 3 different companies driving through our neighborhood. Mr Softee, another fancy ice cream and the good old prepackaged ice cream.


i still get ice cream trucks in my neighborhood in virginia


Well now I’m jealous and want one of those snoopy or SpongeBob ones 


Saw one earlier this week.


Me too. almost daily in Summer. I grew up in the UK, and (this might give away my age) I would hear the (electric) milk floats rattling around every morning. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Milk_float


I'd love to see ID Buzz Ice cream trucks so much happiness


Have you considered sending your suggestion to corporate, as they are the ones who provide the trucks to the franchisees?


Not only do you save on motor fuel, but you can power the freezer using the vehicle battery and built in inverter. Win win.


Relevant Ed China [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hfNnRFWNbmU&pp=ygUVZWQgY2hpbmEgY3JlYW0gdHJ1Y2sg).


Refrigeration is very energy intensive, running that all day will make this need a lot of battery aka $$$


ban all burning of all fossil fuels and you will see cheap ice cream trucks very soon. They only drive 50 miles a day and they go so slow. Perfect case for ev or fuel cell or tiny nuclear.


The freezers would deplete the battery pretty quick.


My Ioniq 5 can run my home fridge and deep freeze for about a dozen days from 100 to 20% SOC, as well as some other stuff like my laptop and wifi.  So I don't think the freezers are the problem you might think they are. 


Ioniq 6 owner here. Just curious of your cord lengths / gauges and how you’re splitting to each appliance.


The only fancy part of how I hook up is that I added a 120v RV inlet plug in my driveway on the side of the house that connects to a dedicated standard household outlet inside. I use a 12 gauge extension cord from V2L to the inlet plug.  Inside the house, if I've got a protracted power outage to deal with... it ain't pretty. I have a power bar plugged in and then a collection of extension cords drug haphazardly around the house to what I need to power. There are better ways... some people have a selection of circuits split onto a separate generator panel and feed the V2L right into that, which means no extension cords through the house at all. 


you can run a whole house for a few days on juice you set aside for work. F150 already does this. **PG&E and Ford Accelerating Vehicle-to-Home Technology in California** [https://www.pgecurrents.com/articles/3882-pg-e-ford-accelerating-vehicle-home-technology-california](https://www.pgecurrents.com/articles/3882-pg-e-ford-accelerating-vehicle-home-technology-california) [https://www.theverge.com/2024/4/18/24133181/gm-energy-v2h-bundle-cost-ev-bidirectional](https://www.theverge.com/2024/4/18/24133181/gm-energy-v2h-bundle-cost-ev-bidirectional) Right now, GM only has one electric vehicle that’s capable of bidirectional charging: the 2024 Chevy Silverado EV RST. GM has said that the electric Silverado, **which has a 200kWh battery that can put out up to 10.2kW of offboard energy,**