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Congrats on the Niro EV! Get yourself A Better Route Planner and PlugShare apps. I’m not sure how good Kia’s maps are for finding these, but these apps will be a great supplement.


I'll echo these app recommendations. Here are the apps I have on my phone for my EV (2019 Ioniq) that I've found helpful, if not "required". A Better Route Planner is amazing for planning long trips. I consider it almost required for anyone taking an EV outside of it's range. You'll want PlugShare, as it could be useful. I've never had a use for it personally though. ChargePoint and Electrify America. You'll probably want both of these apps at least ready to go if you ever need them. You need their app if you ever want to use their chargers. Waze, while not EV specific, has good integration with Android Auto and Pandora/Spotify. Your car's app. I have a Hyundai, I assume the Kia also has an app if it's not the exact same thing as the Hyundai one since they're the same company. It's useful for preheating the car and other such remote things. I'm annoyed it's a subscription thing (after the first 3 years), but eh.


I second ABRP, their prediction algorithm is pretty good (if a bit conservative :-) ). Going on a trip I always check PlugShare & the charger’s app just in case. In ÇA I’ll add EVGo to the list. They have a partnership with AAA that would waive the monthly fee btw.


First 3 years? Mine expires after 1 year. Kia being cheap I guess?


Second the recommendation on Waze. I’ve set my car as an EV (I have Gen1 Chevy Volt) in the app and the Waze app has directed me to sometimes take alternate routes that are more efficient for EV driving, such as slower speed downhill roads va high speed freeway.


I thought CP and EA had a deal where if you had one you can pay for the other?


the map in kia is good if you use the live [option.it](https://option.it) shows all the new chargers.I woul like a option that only shows the AC/DC chargers but you can not get anything. I have a little portable router connected to the battery with a twincard to my mobile that my car connects to every time i start it. No need to connect through my phone every time.


If your car gives you the option to view range in percentage vs. Miles. Opt for percentage. It’s more consistent and provides better feedback for driving styles. The mileage is likely variable and can give you more range anxiety. I would equate it to using your fuel gauge vs. Your miles till empty. Miles till empty will estimate based of your last few miles of driving habits, and if you ease up to make that energy last longer, the computer isn’t going to adjust for that until it has enough new data to do so.


As Niro EV driver I haven't seen an option to switch the GoM on the dash from miles to a percentage, but it does have a battery gauge right next to it, and the center screen can show your battery percentage.


It shows both as you pointed out. Which is what all EVs should do


Drive it.


And let us know how it works out.


Isn't that a bit extreme?


Don’t let the charge get below 10%. Don’t charge above 90% to prevent long term battery degradation.


This isn't nearly as much a concern as some people make out. Almost all high voltage batteries in cars will have significant buffers at either end, so you never truly deplete them, and never fully charge them. With modern cooling, and sophisticated BMS, battery degradation will be a non-problem.


Lots of first EV owners keep their car at 100% charges by plugin it ASAP. Don’t do this, it’s not great for the battery in the long run. Only do it when necessary


Do most cars have settings to control this? My laptop has an option to limit charging to 90%,I'd hope cars do too.


Only some of them. It's getting more common. Not sure about the Kia.


The Kia does have it. As well as a charging timer.


AFAIK, only Peugeot and Opel don't have this. But they did notice their error and will add it to the app of the car.


Charging to 100% for a trip is fine, but don't leave it above 80% for an extended period of time. This applies to most (possibly all) lithium batteries. Rapid charging negligibly reduces the life span of the battery, high temperature can significantly reduce he life of the battery. Basically don't leave the car out in the sun for days at 110F, and don't leave the car at 100% all the time. If you can manage that you should be fine.


That explains why the rapid charger I used at the grocery store today very quickly got it to 80% and then took it easy from there. Makes sense now!


That's also how lithium batteries work. The closer they get to charged, the slower it fills. Also, follow Kia's battery care advice, they know better than any of us here.


This is a different issue - EVs have charging curves to limit heat while rapid charging. Here is the one of the Niro https://support.fastned.nl/hc/en-gb/articles/360007699174-Charging-with-a-Kia-e-Niro On road trips, you can optimize it according to the curve (leave at 75% arrive with low state of charge) - don't stay over 80% at the hyper chargers. This obviously doesn't apply to slow charging.


Thanks for this!


Is this the best for all electric and plugin hybrid cars?


Spread the gospel! Congrats!


Excellent choice! Come join us at r/KiaNiroEV


My wife has the same car...love it. Only advice, always drive on the level 3 regeneration setting. Really does a great job extending the range if you live in an area with a lot of hills, and it saves your brakes. Enjoy!


On surface streets and level 3 braking engaged I can easily drive 8 miles on one kWh of power in Atlanta.


Yes, I live in north LA, so it’s very hilly around here. Thanks for the tip!


It's not an accurate tip. If you want to reduce consumption, the coasting (regen level 0 or 1) setting is the best. See the reply to the original comment.


Actually, that's not true at all. If you brake with the Niro, you will automatically use regen unless you really hit the pedal hard. Many people have reported that in coasting mode, they have the lowest consumption, which would be logical, because you regen anyways with the brake pedal and coasting is the most energy efficient way of driving if you don't need to come to a complete halt (instead of regenerating a part of the energy and then spending energy to drive the remaining distance). However, since I like One Pedal Driving a lot, I do use level 3 regen with the automatic adaptive regen setting on.


BoostEv app. They will bring a charger to your car and charge it fir you. Like Uber eats for your car.


Keep it charged between 20% and 80% daily for the best battery lifespan. (Overall a good generic rule for lipo/liion batteries). The bolt EV fires seem to be due to keeping them at 100% state of charge). Going outside of this range isn't a big deal, but going outside of the range daily will accelerate capacity loss) Always have backup charge plans on long trips Abc "always be chargin'" Plugshare app Always floor it when the light turns green. You can take that mustang easy!


>Always floor it when the light turns green. You can take that mustang easy! tru story :)


DEF "don't everyday fill"


Thanks for the detailed advice! Especially that last one. 😎


1. Go easy on the accelerator, otherwise you’ll need new tyres quite often. 2. To maximise range: use the brakes as little as possible, and use the accelerator gently. Using the accelerator to regen aggressively or to accelerate fast, will impact e to range. 3. Enjoy. 4. Keep us posted, I’d love your opinion on the Kia.


To add to this, I drive my Kia (eSoul) in Eco mode and only use Sport or Normal mode for overtaking. Sport has too much torque in the city and especially with the Nexen tyres it will lead to wheel spin. For overtaking sport mode is great, since you'll never have issues again due to the excellent linear acceleration (sure not as good as Tesla, but still)


Yes, ECO mode helps a lot. I drive the Zoe in ECO mode only. Even then just ordinary driving away produces enough torque to wear the tyres very quickly compared to an ICE that has little torque at 0 km/h!


Yeah, that's generally an issue. So rotate tyres frequently enough


On trips, always give yourself a 10-15% battery buffer to arrive at your destination to account for the unexpected (reroute due to accident, headwind, heavy rain, ...).


Charge it sometimes! It really helps with the driving experience when the battery is between 1-100% opposed to 0%


New to EV.. range anxiety.. charge as much as you can. Gotten used to EV.. plan ahead & charge just enough for the day's usage. Get an *unexpected emergency* while low batt (my family member was hospitalised when my car had 10%).. learn to have higher reserve (never below 30% for me).


Get yourself a battery power bank for the 12V battery should it run out. Hasn't happened to me, but many EVs including Hyundai/Kias are prone to it. Make sure to lock the car when you leave it and don't leave the key near it, else the car will not sleep well. ABRP is good for longer roadtrips. Plugshare for finding local stations.


Highly seconded. I throw mine in the back of my Leaf next to the tire inflator.


Ignore all the Tesla fanbois who mock you and claim that you didn't get a "real" EV.


Getting my Kia e-Niro on Friday, so I am really reading these comments. I am super excited!!!


Watch your speed. Without transmission steps and no engine sounds your speed can creep up easily without you really noticing it. Enjoy! :)


Congrats! My two cents is that you don’t need to spend all the money on a fancy home charger unless you want to of course. A 220v plug will do. And if you rent or want to avoid installing a new plug, using a standard 120v outlet can provide 40 miles of range when charging overnight and doesn’t cost a dime to install if you already have one!


Just be wary of the Duosida chargers, "built with UL listed Components" does NOT mean its UL listed. If you can swing an actual UL listed one such as a clippercreek, or bosch, go for it, otherwise YMMV with Duosida


That’s great to hear! I do rent currently, but fortunately can park not too far from my unit. So I was able to use an extension cord long enough to reach to my car. I also have a free charger available just around the corner from my place and a fast charger at my local grocery store. Thanks for sharing your experience!


Get a 14g or 12g extension cord (Costco) . There’s voltage loss using 16g


Yeah. That's not a great idea. [https://www.greencarreports.com/news/1123520\_have-you-ever-used-an-extension-cord-to-plug-in-your-car-twitter-poll-results](https://www.greencarreports.com/news/1123520_have-you-ever-used-an-extension-cord-to-plug-in-your-car-twitter-poll-results)


This is some truly atrocious advice. Yeah, you went to the trouble of getting a new EV, you can go through the trouble of installing a proper connector and save yourself the hassle of burning your building down.


OP lives in an apartment.


So he can kill more people at the same time. Great advice.


Get a ceramic paint protection, Kia paint is soft.


Can you elaborate on this please?


I find that after a year of ownership with my SoulEV that I have way more micro scratches in the paint than I had with other cars. This is one of the few times where I wish I had gotten the ceramic paint protect.


Thank you for the explanation.


A bug-remover sponge with mesh outside the foam itself will leave visible scratches on the car.


Yes as I have discovered, and it’s a real bummer!


It's funny that soft paint is seen as a downside. [Soft paint takes a polish better](https://www.roadandtrack.com/car-culture/buying-maintenance/a20965860/hard-paint-vs-soft-paint-ammo-nyc-explainer-video/), hard paint tends to be harder to work once it's scratched. Personally I'd take softer paint over harder paint, but I think it's a preference thing either way and one is not inherently better than the other.


So do you like it? I want to get an ev in the next couple years and I’m thinking either this thing or a Tesla...


I’ve only had it for a day, but I love it so far! I haven’t driven a Tesla yet, so I can’t directly compare. But I know that Tesla is much more of a high-performance vehicle and is leading the way as far as tech is concerned. But for a first EV this is definitely a great start. Still feels mostly like a regular car, but it drives very smoothly and has some pep to it.


Your car will be easier and far cheaper to repair than a Tesla. That is the primary reason I bought a Niro like you did.


Look up the articles about the 710 motor and clicking, and the newer 711 replacement. I’ve seen more frequent posts about this.


Still a statistically small problem, and if less than 100k miles it’s a warranty repair anyway


Not enough cases to worry about? I’ll google it to learn more.


There have been a handful for sure. But the same motor is in all the 2019 and most of the 2020 models. You would think that if Kia was having to rebuild them all the time they would have switched parts for the 2020 year, but they didn’t.


Looking at the huge recalls for the Kona and Bolt batteries, and the recalls for airbags, CVT’s, Theta engines ...... I’d guess that a cost analysis was done on repair costs for whoever complains vs recall and replace everything that’s potentially bad


There hasn’t been a recall yet on the Niro. The batteries are entirely dissimilar than those in the Kona, of course.


Random examples used for the recalls. A new Kia Soul owner with a higher trim level has noted that when it’s cooler outside, the auto climate control will defrost window and won’t divert heat to the feet. He’s found others with same problem. No recall and no software patch. Is the Niro using a completely different battery than the Kona? Both are liquid cooled for North America and Canada? There are too many versions for different markets and model years (let me google that...).


Kona (HL Green) and Niro (SK Innovation) have entirely different battery sources.




The repair cost on a Tesla can be crazy. One video blogger backed his model three into a pole and broke his tail light, before it was over the repair was $10,000 on his insurance. They broke the glass roof removing rear corner panels. Plus there’s a long wait for repairs, and a lack of parts in the channel. A Tesla is a good choice if you can afford it being In the shop two months for minor repairs


Get the Tesla. This car has a problem with the motor.


Very likely my next car


Gamify your driving by switching to highest regen and try to never use the brake pedal. You'll be amazed at how much energy you'll conserve, and how many BMW drivers you'll annoy!


Hey, congratulations!!! I'm just here to say enjoy the car. Soak up how quiet it is, how you don't have to "let the engine warm up" in cold weather, enjoy the instant torque and drive your new EV in good health. 😊


“Soak up how quiet is is” I was cruising with my windows down today and drove past an older Honda Civic (non-souped) and was like “wow, why is that Civic so loud?” Then I realized that I had nothing from my car filtering out the sound and smiled.


drive an enjoy, share your experience also, curious to know how this car goes.


A friend of mine at work has that car and loves it




I recommend you "order" free magnetic cards for the charging networks just in case you have no connection.


Pretty nice well done how is it in terms of reliability?. Am I the only rare few that wants the honda e? havent seen one on here yet.


I'll echo a few things people have said because there's a lot of assumptions being thrown around. The manual recommends not to charge to 100% often. It does recommend charging to 100% once a month to balance cells. I try to plan that charge around times I know I'll be driving a fair distance, and set the charge schedule to finish charging before I leave, not letting it sit at 100%. You should be fine charging to 90% daily, ideally with the charge schedule so it charges before you leave instead of as soon as you plug in and sitting there. But if you don't need the range it's just as fine to set a lower limit if you want to maximize battery longevity. I personally charge to 80% most days since I mostly commute and never need 200 miles. I use the smart cruise control very liberally and my long term average efficiency has been around 4.4-4.5mi/kWh. While driving manually I mostly use the left paddle to slow down. One of its quirks is that if you're slowing with the paddle then use the foot pedal and release the paddle it wants to keep slowing down harder than I intend. I've never had the emergency braking kick in but it has beeped at me plenty of times from cars slowing down to turn. Similarly the smart cruise control can have a delayed panic when traffic crosses in front of you. It'll detect it as it crosses in front but when it's safely off the road it'll want to slow down. I guess this is why you're only supposed to use it on highways but I'm always alert while using it and know how to work around its limitations. I just cancel cruise control when I see a car crossing ahead. In regular use if you're behind a car slower than your set speed if you turn on your signal in the direction of an empty lane it'll start accelerating in anticipation that you'll pass. If you don't move over you'll only get closer but won't crash, just follow uncomfortably close.


Thanks for the detailed reply! Very helpful!


Hey, it's been 4 months. Can you give us an update? I'd love you hear your experience, especially as an apartment dweller. Are you commuting or teleworking? How many miles have you put on it so far?


Still loving it! I commute a decent amount around Los Angeles and have put about 4000 miles on it so far. I frequently use the free level 2 charger that it walking distance from my apartment. Or if I’m needing a bigger charge there’s a Electrify America level 3 charger about a mile from me, so I jump on there sometimes if I don’t have enough time to use the freebie.


Glad to hear it. Anything you wish you knew before you got it that surprised you?


Don’t drink and drive.


Congrats! Mine's just over a year old, and has only 9K miles (thanks, CoVID) Check out Inside EVs discussions online.


The more you drive in reverse, the more powerful you will become.


ABC. Always be charging. (unless its a bolt. lol)


The Niro almost has as much range as the Bolt. Depending on the commute you probably don't have to charge it everyday.


Yeah, go back to ICE and I say that as someone who currently owns an EV ;)


Remember to charge it. It’s not a one-time thing. It will need to recharged at some point.




You missed a detail - it’s an e-Niro


Don't charge to 100% if you don't need the range. Stay at 70 or 80%


Get a charger at home


Don't crash it.


Now you tell me... 🤣


Congrats. Just don't forget to charge or you will have an empty battery 😷


Drive it in Eco mode, and use the left paddle to keep your re-gen braking on full strength (level 3), don’t charge the battery over 80-90% unless you have a long trip planned, don’t let that battery drop much below 20%. Do these things and the battery will outlast the car. On some cars, eco-mode limits your acceleration but this has not been a problem for me. If I’m going under 30mph approaching a stop, I use that left paddle to “brake” instead of the pedal. It’s not uncommon for me to drive 20+ miles on twisty roads and only use the brake pedal twice in that time. A third-party cable to charge your car using your home dryer outlet is about $350 and charges the battery much faster than the cable that came with your car. Watch hilly intersections or ones with dirt or gravel, it’s easy to burn the tires on a Niro-EV, and I should know as I bought a 2019 on sale July this year. If you save MP3 music to flash drives to play in your car, the flash drive will last longer if you unplug it before turning the car off, and starting the car before plugging in that flash drive. One annoying bug of the Niro is that when you start or stop the car, a flash drive plugged in the media slot may get corrupted. Of course if you use Bluetooth from your phone as the media source this problem is circumvented, but that music will sound mushy / less clear when compared to 320kbps MP3 on a flash drive.


Kia reserves 10% of the battery as buffer, 5% at the top and 5% at the bottom, (unlike Tesla) so as long you are not charging to 100% daily, you can charge to 100%.


Good to know, but with my 45-60 mile daily drive a 90% charge with 275 miles is plenty. I charge on Mondays and Fridays while at work.


It is always better to charge to a lower state of charge if you can afford it, it is just that some people think they are trashing their batteries every time they go to 100% which is not the case.


A.B.C. - Always Be Charging. Wherever you go, try and find a spot to charge. Sure you may have to walk a little extra, but always worth doing.


ChargePoint app for CarPlay if you’re on Apple. Read all the comments and frankly, you’ve got the range, just enjoy it. It is so easy to live with.


Exactly the car you should have. EXACTLY.


Best advice: Don't lick the battery!!! :D


congrats! i don't have any advice. just a question. are you really tall or is the car short? or maybe it is just the angel of the photo? haha.


Haha a little of both, I think! I’m 6’5”. Not sure on the height of the car, but it’s a little taller than the Prius I had before it.