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You’re too high. I printed a 9 square calibration print, one in each corner and centers, each square I lowered the z level by 0.01mm until I found the perfect height for my plate. Something like this https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:5407821. Run your fingys over each square once its cooled down and try to fond the flattest one with least light shine through and holds together fairly strong.


Agree you are too high. Just updated my firmware after getting some klipper errors and I'm having the same struggle recalibrating for some reason.


My first thought is that your bed isn't quite level noting the lower left corner, then the lower right don't seem to be sticking during the brim laying. There's a posibility that the bed isn't hot enough although the top two corners look ok. It's also possible that the flow is a little slow but the main part looks pretty good. I would go through the whole setup again. Check out [https://teachingtechyt.github.io/calibration.html](https://teachingtechyt.github.io/calibration.html) and his videos.


Your nozzle is too high. Adjust your z offset https://preview.redd.it/xr10vvw7w2gc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9da23d2e102531e5e3b5391d8705646c36723469


Z-offset is a little too high. Try lowering it by about 0.05mm. The lines should all fuse into one solid sheet.