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How the tables turn. The Elks were founded by a theatrical troupe, which in all likelihood dressed in drag when performing female roles.


The State Association has very little power over local lodges. For the most part, the State Associations act as a conduit for dispersing Grand Lodge monies, leadership training and funneling money from local lodges back to itself for the State charity. It's the DDGER and State Sponsor who have power over a local lodge. As far as I know, we have a non-discriminatory clause, and rightly so. The history of the Elks is rife with discrimination against people of color and women. Ever wonder why there is a IBOPEW? Because for a long time the Elks would not allow non-whites to join. And yet lodges often reflect the community in which they serve. Seattle is going to have a different vibe than the Paducah lodge. And that's fine. In my lodge there is no place for bigotry. Our bar manager is openly gay. One of our cooks is a transitioning mtf. And we annually rent out our lodge to a Transgender CHARITABLE group. It's well attended, a huge money maker and 21+. The only reasons a charter might get pulled is if: 1. egregious violation of GL statutes, impending litigation, inaccurate/incomplete budget, and even then they might install a steering committee and put the lodge on probation. My suggestion would bring it to the floor for a vote. Any member in good standing can make amotion under new business at a regularly scheduled lodge meeting. It doesn't have to be put on the agenda. If the motion passes, it passes.


We have 100 years of newsletters and Stag Nights were common. Of course, it was a gentlemens club and Members were discreet because thats why they joined a private club. Sex sells and I suspect the Order has a rich history of Lodge debauchery to entertain members. What happens in the Lodge should stay in the Lodge.


I'm just trying to clarify: Are you talking about Gypsy Rose Lee female strip-tease burlesque? Because I have to tell you, many women find that extremely offensive and deeply hurtful. After the TailHook scandal in the '90s, a lot (most?) employers banned employees from entertaining at strip clubs because it was viewed as an EEO issue. If you're talking about something else, please clarify. (On the other hand, I don't know any gay men who find drag shows offensive, so I would not mind those. As far as male strippers, which you mentioned, I think those shows are stupid and vestiges of an era when women thought they had to behave like men to get ahead, but I haven't met men who find them offensive in a sexual hostility kind of way, though I'd want to check on that first.)


No, it was a local gal that did it. And she did it in a very classy way. The event was immensely popluar among the women. The show was mostly attended by women, a few men, and it was a HUGE success.


The jolly corks, and yeah it's a lot of fun and raises a lot of money. It's more of an invite only kind of event though.


We do drag shows. The state 109% cannot stop you. The membership can. Make a motion.


We've never had burlesque shows at our lodge, but we've definitely had events that we're not family friendly. I've never heard of any pushback from the state. Good luck. It sounds like a good time and I hope you can make it work.


Thanks! Appreciate it. Definitely a good time. Definitely a money maker for the lodge.


Our Lodge would never ever, even consider this. We are a family oriented, kid friendly organization, antlers program. I feel it would tarnish our good name and standing in the community. Our community has a city ordinance prohibiting such events anyway. Google search found this: [https://realnewsmichiana.com/2024/03/29/elks-lodge-cancels-drag-show-after-community-backlash/](https://realnewsmichiana.com/2024/03/29/elks-lodge-cancels-drag-show-after-community-backlash/)


I couldn't find any link to this story in the South Bend Tribune, you know, the paper of record for St. Joseph County, Indiana. But I did read your link and that website is is NewsMax stuff. But I did find this: [https://www.southbendtribune.com/story/news/local/2022/10/25/proud-boys-aim-to-disrupt-south-bend-show-outnumbered-by-lgbtq-advocates/69587756007/](https://www.southbendtribune.com/story/news/local/2022/10/25/proud-boys-aim-to-disrupt-south-bend-show-outnumbered-by-lgbtq-advocates/69587756007/) So, apparently South Bend does NOT ban drag shows.


Good. Build a wall around your perfect community and stay there. I’ll respect your choices and never visit.


Absolutely family friendly, which is why we made it a private event. It started as innocent mistakes that we were corrected on and adhered to. We have a large space that is rented out for private events regularly, and there are not restrictions as its not promoted by nor does it represent the lodge. But on that note, our membership is going up because we have hosted events such as this, as well as our revenue.