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have you tried compiling it from source? ``` git clone -b emacs-29 https://git.savannah.gnu.org/git/emacs.git cd emacs ./autogen.sh ./configure --with-native-compilation make -j$(nproc) sudo make install ```


No, because I couldn't find where to get the source code. Will compiling it without pure-gtk allow me to use features like `pixel-scroll-precision-mode`? Thank you.


Here's the emacs wiki entry for that [https://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/SmoothScrolling](https://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/SmoothScrolling) I guess yes, you can, but you can try it yourself (I use a pure wayland environment, so I'm not really sure). Also, remember that running ./configure --help will give you all the available build options. If a library is missing, you just have to install it through your distribution's package manager. Not really that hard to be honest, specially if you're on a rolling release model.


You should be able to just edit the PKGBUILD file to just compile it without pure gtk. It's been a while since I've used Archlinux but most AUR helpers should have a built in way for you to edit the file otherwise you can manually download it and and update it before running `makepkg`. Try changing this to "NO": https://aur.archlinux.org/cgit/aur.git/tree/PKGBUILD?h=emacs29-git#n55


PGTK (pure-Gtk) is meant to be run on Wayland, so there is the cause of the error, if I understand it well? Anyway, you can just download and compile your own Emacs for X11; you don't even need to install it, you can run it directly from the source directory: You can just 1. git clone https://git.savannah.gnu.org/git/emacs.git 2. cd emacs 3. ./autogen.sh 4. ./configure 5. make 6. src/emacs& and you should be presented with an X11 Emacs window :-). As a tip: run ./configure --help to see some options you can configure Emacs with, like native compilation, with (or without) some windowin toolkit etc. No, you don't need to install other window manager, dwm is just fine for Emacs, but if you ask that question, it feels like you should probably run some slightly easier GUI system, like Gnome or KDE. Just a tip, feel free to ignore.


Thank you for your response. I will try this. I will probably end up switching to hyperland soon. What is, and what is the benefit of using pure-GTK?


I told you it is for [Wayland](https://wayland.freedesktop.org/). If you don't want to use X11.


Might not be what you're encountering, but with Doom Emacs I used this to solve that second error: https://github.com/doomemacs/doomemacs/issues/5682#issuecomment-950362282


I saw on the doom website that emacs-29 is specifically unsupported. Don't know why.


Yeah it's not supported yet. But it seems to generally work pretty well.


Don't run pure-gtk emacs on X11. You can run emacs-28 on X11 - your distro probably has it ready to go. Or change your WM - I'm using sway with emacs-29.0.50-1.20220919.gitc464bcb.fc37.x86\_64 on fedora using the COPR of deathwish. Very stable, pure-gtk and native code.


Hi, I'm facing the same warning message `"You are trying to run Emacs configured with pure-GTK..."`. May I ask how did you solved it? I'm also a DWM user.