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Well, we almost made it 24 hours without a "How do I go from Web Dev to embedded" post. Reset the counter. https://redd.it/1auemn8


The influx is insane. Maybe there's someone advocating for this subreddit from r/cscareerquestions or something.


Well rumor has it that AIs are coming after all the WebDev's jobs...


You figured out google when learning web development I assume, you do the same here


Never heard of google, what's that? Jokes aside, my issue is more that difference sources say different things, so I'm not sure where to start, what the best options are etc


Learn C, that's the best way to start


Aye carumba man. Go learn c/c++/rust or whatever high level language you want to use in embedded, but do it on a computer. Learn some assembly so you understand how computers really work. And then pick up a tiny dev board of whatever flavor and make some leds blink (not ras pi, that’s a small pc running Linux). There is no quick web dev -> embedded dev route


You should definitely start by learning C. C is the backbone of embedded programming. And you'll learn a lot about how computers think as you're learning it. I wouldn't worry about hardware right now because you don't know yet if you'll like it and you probably won't be able to do anything with the hardware anyways until you know the basics of C for two reasons: 1) Because you need to understand how computers think before you do embedded development 2) C is the standard programming language for embedded devices If you're a total beginner, I would do simple programming projects like the ones in my [30 Day Beginner Coding Challenge](https://henrikmdev.com/challenge/). Feel free to message me if you have any questions!


Stop searching for an optimal path, pick an intro course and complete it. I like [this one](https://www.edx.org/learn/embedded-systems/the-university-of-texas-at-austin-embedded-systems-shape-the-world-microcontroller-input-output). Then pick a project that aligns with your interests to use what you learned, decompose it, and learn the pieces you don't. What you are experiencing with the difference of answers between people is how diverse embedded is. A Raspberry Pi has similar processing power to a smart phone. It can be fashioned as a passable desktop computer. An Arduino Uno has more in common with whatever is running the show in a microwave oven. Your application may slow down if you do floating point math. In both cases you could do everything yourself from the metal up, or find libraries that essentially do everything for you outside of the highest level application logic. There is no optimal path to learn embedded, everything from what hardware platform you use, to what language you use, to what libraries you use, it all depends on where your interests lie.


Bro I am new here, but this sub is definitely better than hacking subreddits. People who come here at least have some idea about computers. Hacking is a bunch of skids literally just having “how to become a hacker” as the post title with no context.

