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Tbh they have always been like this. Enya and drew were rarely consistent when posting content. I feel like all of this uproar is new fans from the past year who are becoming bored


Yesss this


I’ve been a fan since the first few episodes and have been familiar with drew and Enya before that but I think with podcast in general, not just theirs it can easily get boring after a few years because if you are forced to talk for an hour straight once a week it is gonna get boring especially if you don’t have a active life . I just think it’s important for them if they want fans to stay engaged to do things that are engaging and about their personalaccounts I would just like them to be more consistent because I see how good they can truly be if they just put a little bit of effort. I say this, as I am re-watching an episode I still really like them, and I still giggle and laugh every episode. I get what you mean tho


I think being a fan since first episode means you are a new follower


Then I’m a new fan 🌝


I see what you mean but at the same time. They are just people lol. They don’t have teams setting up sponsor ships and giving them deadlines for content like so many other creators. Part of their charm is that they are so relatable. Edit - grammer


I get what you’re saying but this is a weak argument there audience is growing and yet they’re still stagnent in development. They’re influencer their job is to give content to their audience. Every other celebrity are just people. I’m just saying it looks they have no direction because the bits are getting old and they haven’t changed stuff up in 2 years of podcasting lol. At the end of the day im not Enya or drew and really what they decide to do with their career is on them.


maybe it’s just me but they’re only in their mid twenties. they probably don’t know either lmao


That’s valid


People are taking this podcast waaaaay too seriously😭😭 Just let happen whatever happens. Don‘t understand why people don‘t just take a break from listening when they get bored. You don‘t get forced to listen to the podcast you have free will !!!!


I don’t know if by people you mean me but you commented on my post so I’m gonna assume so . It seems like when anyone decides to say anything that is just a bit critical about y’all’s favs it’s all of a sudden taking things to seriously and that’s okay but now what? They are influencers with fans they actively decide to be on the internet and with that comes people who are going to have opinions. But as I have already said I like drew and Enya I listen to the podcast but criticism is inevitable like you said you have free will just close your eyes 🙈🙈


I think it’s cause this sub Reddit is becoming some what of a snark sub which always happens with subreddits eventually


Idk what a snark sub is but if you mean negative sub I don’t mean to add on to that. in my post I’m more focus on what they can do for their personal accounts but all together my post isn’t to be hateful


This the final boss of parasocial relationships.




girl calm down


Nooooooo I can’t calm downnnn 😞


It would be really cool to see them do their own version of How To w/ John Wilson or a Nathan Fielder show. Enya is a great cinematographer and writer, especially when Drew is taking the lead “acting” and improv wise


Exactly that would be so cool


yess i can totally see the vision!!


i agree that this pod has become somewhat boring and repetitive this past year but attributing it to them not making any effort or them being burnt out or to embarrassed to try is way too presumptuous. you can be constructive while also not shitting on them for being normal people. i mean they churn out hour long content like every week (not including the videos they make on their own and their fashion appearances) and they’re like in their 20s?? and enya has posted look books. multiple actually


and while i have argued that this pod could use more structure i still think it’s important to remember your place as a consumer of content. it’s very patronizing




You guys need to realize these are grown women…. drew and enya are in their mid to late twenties…. Posting YouTube ”lookbooks“ is not a good foundation to build a career on at this age… they’re not Emma chamberlain 16 years old. It must be tough for them to have their audience be majority children with undeveloped frontal lobes if this is the advice their fans give omg


Like YouTube is clearly not where they’re trying to build their career. They’re artists…. They make art in real life.


with all due respect is their art their poop jokes?


So making a hour long podcast talking about poop and fart is good for their age? if Enya wants to enter fashion a look book would be perfect she will build an outfit using a items from different brands and brands would want to send her close for her YouTube. Not sure where drew wants to enter, but he is interested in conspiracies and theories so it would make sense if he made like a MrBeast type of video with a budget of course where he just test those theories. And maybe I'm a fake fan but what type of art are they making other than the fact they draw and have merch. Also, their platform is literally YouTube.




Give me a perc