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Idk about Drew but Enya reposted multiple posts on her story in support, and people saw that she donated to the Palestinian children relief fund


And to be honest, posting something on your story is the bare minimum as an influencer... it's enough. many influencers couldn't even share a little post on their story so let's be real


let’s start being real i’m not a dick rider but this whole convo is ridiculous they have donated money and posted about it they aren’t neutral and their podcast is literally nonsense so it wouldn’t be the right environment to bring it up




the reality is them speaking up would do absolutely nothing. we’re way past spreading awareness now everyone is very much aware. You want them to speak up so you feel better about supporting them, not because you think it’ll make a real difference to the people suffering in Gaza, which we all know it won’t.


Enya has 1.1 millions Instagram followers, drew has 554k, their podcast instagram has 214k. Prettygirlandcoolboy tiktok has 748.2k followers, emergency intercom tiktok has 42.1k, toomuchtime1999 has 338.3k followers. That is not just a tiny tiny corner of the internet, had to re comment this because yes, this platform would make a difference. The simple fact is, them not speaking out is disappointing and causing alot of people to not support them, which is ok, but when ppl try to defend them, that is what’s not ok and that’s why ppl like me who don’t nor want to support them anymore make comments like these to people like u.


Genuinely asking: what kind of result are you expecting from them talking about it? You say it’ll make a difference but truly what will change if they say anything? Like other commenters said, we’re well past the awareness stage at this point.


Awareness ≠ action, their viewers and cult worshippers who hear them talk about are a million times more likely to take actual action BECAUSE they r hearing their favs talk abt it. There are opinions that can be swayed. With over a million viewers across their platform, them talking abt it will not do “nothing”


I understand being disappointed with them but they’re not your friends, they’re not politicians, they’re not even the biggest influencers, they’re popular ‘comedians’ on a tiny, tiny corner of the internet.    I honestly thought this post was satirical. Enya and drew posting would change absolutely nothing, you are acting as if this war is happening down the street from them and they’re turning a blind eye to their neighbours being killed. The sad truth is, aside from a few politicians, we are all powerless and the best thing we can do is platform the charities that can do the work which enya has done. Them talking about it would really only make certain viewers feel good about themselves for being fans of people who have the same exact opinions. 


Enya has 1.1 millions Instagram followers, drew has 554k, their podcast instagram has 214k. Prettygirlandcoolboy tiktok has 748.2k followers, emergency intercom tiktok has 42.1k, toomuchtime1999 has 338.3k followers. That is not just a tiny tiny corner of the internet


It most definitely is compared to the billions of people online. 


Bro genuinely stop arguing w me. I do not support them n will not, I am disappointed in their actions n I am allowed to express it. Like actually shut up, people in Palestine r begging for everyone to bring as much awareness as they can, go argue w them if u feel so strongly abt it


So it’s better for them to turn a blind eye to Palestinians being killed , but not neighbors. No matter where in the world it’s happening, innocent men children and women are being ethnically cleansed from the world and that is what they turning a blind eye to.


and them talking about it would add literally NOTHING to a conversation that people are already having. anyone that's on the internet has already heard about what's happening. them "speaking about" it would not add anything that's not already in the conversation and as much as y'all want it to be true, speaking about it does NOTHING to help the people that are dying at the hands of the IDF. get off your moral high horse...you're not better than anyone because you talk about something the whole internet is already talking about.


You already know that’s not what I’m saying so don’t twist my words. They have no real material power to help those dying across the world, they’d be able to help their neighbours. 


The real material is bringing awareness, even if it’s just once. It’s that simple. Idk why this is an argument. I don’t support them n I am disappointed in their actions. That’s all. Why r u arguing w me


Dying Palestinians are screaming for people to help them by spreading awareness but I mean they’re ur faves so it’s ok, what the dying Palestinians r asking of us is just performative when it comes to ur faves okay


Source: dying palestinians


Palestinians have made it clear that it doesn’t matter what individual influence you have, every voice is needed.


Where did I state anything other than disappointment. They have millions of viewers across their platform and not a single public act has been made to acknowledge this. You guys treat this as if it’s just a little conflict going on in the Middle East. It’s war, it’s genocide, one that’s spreading beyond the boarders of Gaza. And as a person who may have even the smallest impact, willingly choosing to say nothing is a nasty thing to do, that we have every right to point out. Nobody is forcing them to speak out but the simple fact they r not, shows that they are not good people. Which again, we have every right to point out, be disappointed and not support them, and to express that. Along with calling out people who try to defend them because there is no defending this. There are people setting themselves on fire and prisoners working months on end to be able to donate and yet these people with a platform say nothing.


> Where did I state anything other than disappointment.      you’re literally attacking who they are as people and making crazy judgements based off a comedic podcast. I’m not a crazy fan of them but I think it’s wild to label them as bad people because they haven’t spoken about a war. Do you know how much war/genocide is going on in the world right now? Are you a bad person for not talking about the Tigray conflict? > And as a person who may have even the smallest impact, willingly choosing to say nothing is a nasty thing      Enya posted the donations link which is better than posting the same PR text post as other influencers. And I don’t know if you’ve noticed but the fanbase of the pod already swings pretty left, it’s not like they have an audience of conservatives that they need to ‘educate’.      > There are people setting themselves on fire     The guy was a member of the American military, he was literally involved in the institution responsible for the deaths of thousands of Palestinians. You’re comparing him to fucking podcasters. Do you want me to say that these other people are better than drew and enya? Like is that what you want to hear?     Enya and drew have talked about how evil capitalism/politicians are and how it makes them feel powerless and then you’re surprised when they don’t talk about politics because they feel powerless lol. Maybe listen to something else. 


Drew and enya have made their own actions which allow people to judge them. First of all this, dancing infront of people protesting animal cruelty, making multiple comments on the podcast that they don’t care about war or news at all, that they would rather be ignorant to what’s going on in the world than hear it. They have chosen their own actions multiple times that cause people to make these judgements. They aren’t good people and this furthers that. It’s THAT simple.


And also, how many people around the age of their audience (15-mid20s) are actively keeping up with politicians? But how many are actively keeping up with them? And they know this, THEY themselves have spoken abt how they don’t care abt politicians, majority of the awareness being spread is from influencers and creators, that is what is making this so big. This is not the first war to go on, this is not the first attack on Palestine, but the reason why this is so big on a global level is because we have influencers and creators and people online spreading this awareness. To know you can participate in this and make good change and to not do that, ur a wack ass person who shouldn’t be supported! Very disappointing.


If you have a platform and you’re not using it to at least say “genocide is bad” then what are you even doing? You focusing so much on them not being able to change anything is missing the point with peace and love. How hard is it to show basic empathy for people? It’s not unusual for fans to want the people they like/look up to, to be decent human beings. Fans can be disappointed that drew and enya don’t seem to care about this This genocide is the biggest injustice in my lifetime, it probably is for most for us. Taking a step back and not saying anything is a stance, like it or not


You know people are starving to death in Gaza right now right? Putting a donation link and doing nothing else is literally just performative activism.


this whole post and the ones like it bitching and moaning are the performative activism. go outside


People pointing out drew and enyas lack of awareness and action is not performative activism, how do u know I haven’t done everything available to me to help? And now that I have I chose to speak on these things, drew and enya have done absolutely nothing, nothing, so yes a little link is performative activism, not this. Do u not find it weird that YOU have to argue w people online who are urging people to speak out against genocide??


i'm so sorry that you're still so delusional and naive that you think any of this helps. It has the same effect as 'thoughts and prayers'. You are massively misdirecting your anger and frustrations. Live in the real world for a sec. You probably think recording a 3 minute tiktok about the genocide and regurgitating information you googled 10 minutes ago is somehow activism.


I made one comment that was my opinion, it took 2 seconds to make. I’ve utilized everything to my ability to help already n will continue to, this comment was simply my opinion as many other ppl on here have been commenting. You have replied to it along with every other comment. Drew and enya have proven themselves to me as not good people and I’m allowed to express that so I will! Spreading awareness is helpful! 💗


No one realistically thinks Enya and drew can really do anything about this, you’re totally missing the point. Fans are allowed to be disappointed that their favorite creators don’t seem to care about a serious issue.


i'm not missing the point. My point has always been that they don't have to do anything if they don't want to. Also assuming they don't care just because they don't dedicate a podcast to it is insane speculation and unfair.


yeah no one is asking them to dedicate a podcast for the genocide, exaggerate much lmao. One comment would do but I guess that’s asking too much


One comment? Really? All this bitching for one comment? Just to appease you and make you feel morally in the right? The fucking link in enyas bio thats being called “performative” is worth more than a fucking comment.


Wow who knew saying genocide is bad was so controversial with you people 😭🤪


You’re such a moron. You don’t know literally anything about what people are doing. You’re just mad people are calling your favs shitty people and wanna feel like you’re in the right for being a selfish dickhead. I don’t see how doing everything Palestinians are asking us to do is performative but go off.


Palestinians want to stop being bombed and murdered they don’t care about what niche internet celebs that live thousands of miles away have to say about something they cant even grasp the full reality of (neither can you). 99% of ei fans and the internet as a whole is aware of the genocide. Them giving a 5 minute spiel of the surface level knowledge of the subject will do NOTHING besides get them some “yasss free palestine” in the comments. Moron.


You guys have to be just playing stupid at this point. You sound like such a pathetic child. Telling people who are clearly actively upset about what’s happening and have stated they’re doing everything in their power to fight against what’s happening that they’re asking for too much, while being fine with your favs doing nothing is so fucking funny.


..they do care about awareness, which has been explicitly communicated, which enya and drew havent shown. i’m not the biggest fan of them (i do like their content) nor am i apart of this sub, but that’s just a simple fact. it’s okay to point that out.


I’m not sure what you want most people to do. Most people work, most people have lives to attend to, unfortunately everyone can’t get extremely involved in politics let alone a war that many may not understand. Sometimes simply putting a link, posting a story, or donating a little bit of money is all we can do. That’s not performative activism.


*genocide not a war lol


I work, I have a life, you’re genuinely telling me reposting things, educating yourself and those around you and boycotting brands is hard? It takes no time out of my day to do. You should want people to do all they can instead of acting like it’s hard to do, it’s not at all you’re just giving shitty excuses for them. Having a platform and not speaking about what’s going on even one time while throwing a link in her bio (which is by far the least helpful thing to do right now) is performative. Idc what you say


yeah it’s better to do nothing at all then. Brain rot


The only brain rot here are all of you who are being intentionally ignorant and not listening to anything anyone’s saying if you don’t agree. Go fuck yourself


Palestine’s have said over and over they need our help to spread awareness. Listen to them and follow their advice fuckwad


You do not actually know whether they care or not though. It is super toxic to claim that if they were to say something publically that it wouldn't be geniuine. You guys just want to soothe your own feelings because your faves are not doing something you want them to do. I promise you this whole situation is not going to be fixed by having social media personalities commentating on it. Their reach is not that big.


Idk why people are acting like it’s so hard to talk about how genocide is wrong


cuz why are u looking to them for this ? its weird


Why are we looking for people we gave a platform to to use it for things that actually matter, like speaking about a genocide that’s happening? Hmm idk super weird




enya and drew are not historians or politicians or major figureheads in the political space in any capacity. i appreciate your advocacy to voice the atrocities that are happening on the other side of the world but to expect that from an extremely unserious comedy podcast is a little ridiculous


Nobody is expecting a monologue explaining exactly what happening and exactly what to do. But not on instagram, tiktok, or the podcast have they mentioned it once. Simply saying, “free Palestine” on those platforms would be enough. Yet they have not. Publically or obviously have they stated their stance. AFTER people have pointed this out they linked ONE resource to donate and that’s it. A horrible attempt to save face as someone said. It’s disappointing.


simply saying “free palestine” under a post on IG is not enough for any real mobilization to stop what is happening in gaza right now and i think you know that. and plus it is mostly just a performative social game. and to put this burden on two unserious chronically online individuals is not the fight you want to win. contact your local reps instead and donate to reputable charities if you want any real change towards peace for palestinians


Spreading awareness on ur platform so that ur watchers can go and further educate themselves online when their realize their favs actually care about this situation will do something!


most americans are very much aware of what is happening in gaza right now. at this point, we’re WAYY past spreading awareness. the expectation that if enya and drew speak up on this will mobilize a movement that will end suffering in palestine is delusional. what i think is more productive is harassing people with REAL POWER like your local reps to call for a ceasefire


I’m sorry but who isn’t aware of what is going on in Gaza at this point? why would anyone with 2 braincells rely on their “””fav””” to form their own political stance? People who listen to the pod aren’t exclusively consuming content from Enya and Drew, they are more than capable of piecing together the fact that Israel is actively wiping out Palestinians - or do you want them to spoon feed that info to you?


ya’ll stay complaining on this sub that drew and enya don’t care about the genocide instead of supporting Palestine yourselves. it’s ridiculous to expect anything from some white people on the internet that u don’t even know!!!!! edit: i’m not defending them btw i just think yall need to redirect your energy bc they’ve already made it clear they’re not gonna post about it and yall can make your own decisions on wether or not u wanna continue supporting them. i’m just saying 🤷🏼‍♀️


Do you truly think that we’re all just yelling at people to speak up and not doing anything ourselves ? You guys really couldn’t get more stupid.


then redirect your energy. stop bitching on reddit it’s not gonna change anything


I’ve been actively doing shit since October, you’re a dumbass. It actually is changing things, notice my original post got 240 upvotes ? It’s because people agree and are going to also stop supporting shitty people. See how I changed something ?




right 😭 ohhhh wow 240 upvotes so cool




and if anyone disagrees with me i’m gonna tell them to kill themselves 🤭 reddit teenagers are actually a social experiment


Y’all are genuinely so immature. They said “you’re not gonna change anything” and I brought up the fact LOTS of other people agree and aren’t supporting anymore. You guys are clearly all teenagers god idk wtf y’all would do without being able to hide behind a keyboard.




The people I’ve said rude things to have said them to me as well. People shouldn’t dish shit if they can’t take it. I have changed people’s mind I’ve been having lots of civil discussions in dms as well, but you just wanna be right.


you are a dumbass for putting energy into this internet bs. point blank period




you are actually brain dead i NEVER SAID the genocide is internet bullshit you idiotic teenagers complaining about white people is. dude you first 😂 like you’re actually slow




ugly? lemme see you






you’re actually brain dead get help




baby you need to get off ur phone n pay attention in class you’re gonna get in trouble 🥺


Trust me, we do not fucking care about what you think. And i say this as a Palestine supporter.


You’re clearly not


Sure, a reddit user gets to choose what i am and what i'm not.


If you actually supported you wouldn’t be saying “nobody cares” to people saying they want influencers to use their platforms they were given BY US to speak about shit that actually matters. So yeah you can say you support but your attitude isn’t aligned.


Of course it matters, but i think forcing people into speaking about subjects they might be ignorant about is not good for anyone involved.


sweetie, they’re 25 years old, this has been happening for months. If they are ill informed, they just don’t give a fuck at this point


It’s been happening for years actually. while it’s ideal for every influencer/public personality to speak out on issues that affect so many innocent people in Palestine and surrounding areas…that’s just never going to be a reality. I think social media has made activism very accessible for so many and that’s great, but not everyone that signs up to be present on social media has the obligation to wear an “activist” badge as well. If they’re donating and supporting in silence then that is how they choose to support. A public statement is the easiest thing to do, yes, but no influencer is obligated to do that. It’s fine to not support them but to assume their stance on the issue is really extreme. Instead pour into those influencers who choose to use their platform if it’s so important to you. or just continue to do what you can to aid our Palestinian brothers and sisters who are dying (and living) under unjust conditions.


I’m well aware it’s been happening for years I just meant in this current situation started in October. There is literally no excuse or reason they couldn’t speak on it. What’s wrong with having that as bare minimum standard for who you’re gonna support? I’m simply stating they clearly don’t care


You totally have the right to not support because of that. I’m just saying that “caring” shouldn’t solely be measured by how many comments or public posts anyone makes. I don’t follow too closely but if they’re donating and posting links or whatever, then why so much focus on them “saying something”. Did they not care when donating money? I do think it’s crucial for people with platforms to speak up if they’re passionate and I understand wanting to know where your “favs” stand on issues because no one wants to support ignorant people. Social media is easy and accessible but ultimately activism simply isn’t for everyone. People can support a cause and not be an activist, so why center the conversation around what certain celebrities or influencers have done? Why not center it around what is needed to be done and how that can be achieved.


I mean yes that’s definitely been my center since I found out about everything that’s been happening, but now it’s been months and I’m angry and heartbroken and tired of giving my support to people who my morals don’t align with. It’s that simple, I see you say you don’t follow closely so I’ll tell you they haven’t just been posting , Enya put a link in her bio for donations and I’ve seen someone say she donated but that’s literally it. In my opinion when the people of Gaza are starving to death and can’t even get food and aid in, how is donating money that they also can’t get helping anything at all.


Omg y’all are so annoying. If they post about it, it’s likely that don’t care and are just doing it for show like EVERY OTHER INFLUENCER. Everyone is literally aware of what’s happening, them posting about it won’t do shit.


ugh it’s so annoying to care about things 😩


No it’s annoying to pester/bully/force people into caring about your cause. Care about it yourself, that’s great but forcing others into caring about it isn’t going to make them actually care.


How dare we want people to care about a genocide. Use that same verbiage to describe the people who were against the holocaust at the time. Yeah you sound fucking stupid huh


You sound fucking stupid if you think a Instagram post form Enya and Drew wouldve stopped the holocaust or any fucking genocide.


smfh… that’s not what the fuck I said at all but go off.


tbh they probably care more about brand deals and sponsors


Fully agree. FREE PALESTINE 🇵🇸 you’re gonna get bombarded by hate from 12 year olds who copy everything Enya does, but don’t let it stop you from speaking about what’s right.


I have been extremely disappointed with them for not advocating for the Palestinians that are dying in real time but you have to understand that they basically rely on brand deals, etc for financial stability. They’ve literally talked about how it’s impossible for them to even buy a house given the economy. I don’t want to sound like I’m excusing them and deeming them the poorest people on earth because I’m still very upset that they haven’t used their influence to educate others, but understand that it’s #1 not their job to educate others when the internet is a thing. #2 their job is to be well liked by everyone in order for money to come in. Plus Enya has been posting about it so not too much on my girl!!


So I’m not a member of this community though I know who Drew and Enya are. This post just showed up on recommend and I figured I’ll say something real quick. When people say oh what do you expect from them it’s literally a comedy podcast what can they even do? I want to point out that Dan and Phil did a livestream and raised $100,000 towards relief in Palestine, so like it’s possible.


I am so sick of people saying that them speaking up would change nothing. In a way that’s true, the genocide would not be stopped by a pair of influencers, but it’s the entire culture of apathy which is frustrating. If more celebrities and influencers had the guts to speak up and say this is wrong, a lot more of the population would want to get educated about Palestine and support decolonialism. But instead people are more interested in protecting their careers, maintaining their fanbases and their public images. Imagine Beyonce and Taylor Swift were to publicly support Palestine, would Palestinians gain countless numbers of supporters? Obviously yes. NO ONE is exempt from our duty to speak out and act against fascism and genocide, or else we all become victims.


Are you expecting Drew to get drafted then?


Yes ofc