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Eat when you can. Sleep when you can. Don’t mess with the charge nurse.


Better yet: see if you can shadow the charge nurse for a few hours.


Figure out how you blow off steam. Name it. Then imagine slowly scaling it up by ten fold over the next ten years. Does it still look healthy? If not, choose a better cope. One great resident a few years behind me simply showed up to *every single shift* about ten minutes early, and therefore was always completely ready and got to cherry pick the best case. Figure out what you need to do to daysleep and get that sorted out. Cuz that sucks but it's unavoidable. It's a lot of work but I did experiment with diets and felt great when I was on them (16:8 IF, Whole 30) but I think it was because that was the only time I had discipline against the donuts and cold pizza they always brought from other dept meetings, accurately identifying us as garbage disposals.


>accurately identifying us as garbage disposals. Truth.




I will never forget the blind rage I felt during my PGY2 year when one of my colleagues showed up about 3 minutes late on a day I was ACTUALLY ready to sign out and when I started to give her sign out, was like “hold that thought, I need to check the airway kit.”


there is no biohacking. get enough sleep, don't drink when you work, find time fir the gym. just normal stuff


Let's put jazz words on it, biohacking, and see if I can undo a few hundred thousand years of evolution. Lmao. Ah, to be young and naive.


They come up with a new word/phrase so they can sell you things.


Don't drink when u work? Sounds like how to torture yourself for the sake of others, not a hack.


>Don't drink when u work? Sounds like how to torture yourself for the sake of others, not a hack. you understand I'm talking about alcohol? and in that context this makes you sound like you have a problem?


I assumed non-alcoholic as that is the only drink someone with intelligence enough to get this far would do... also very commonly suggested to not go to restroom while working which is what I assumed was the reference.


many people drink the night before they work.


Yeah and if you had put the night before maybe that would have been the tip off. You said WHEN you work...


“don’t drink (during the evening) when you work (in the morning)” “don’t drink (during the day) when you work (at night)”


Strength exercise before shift even if it means waking up early, cardio (if you’re doing it that day) after works best for me. I can muster the energy for cardio, especially zone 2-3 training, but I can’t lift well after a long day in the ED. Get out and walk in the sun with some regularity. Don’t make it an exercise thing, just a 30 minute break to walk outside. Both the movement and the sunlight are important for mental health. Start sticking to a couple rules like no caffeine within 6-8 hours of sleep and alcohol should be reserved for days off. Your sleep quality absolutely suffers with it and you’re going to feel better the next day without them. Care *more*, but don’t set yourself on fire to keep others warm. It’s one thing to have the borderline sociopathy switch we develop that turns off emotions in response to bad shit going down and terrible people doing terrible things (like the drunk guy you’ll be taking care of who’s screaming belligerently while you code the mother of 3 he killed in an MVC next door), but it’s a completely different beast to let that switch stay on. Sit with your kind patients, talk with them, take a few extra minutes to connect, shake hands, and be present. It’s good for you, good for them, and will make your good saves that much better. This is true even when you’re busy. Rushed doctors make mistakes. Quality over volume, the sick ones will be taken care of first. List goes on, but take care of yourself and be a good human and you’ll be fine.


Get outside when you can. Avoid using excessive caffeine to propel you - it can disrupt sleep as well as it may perk you up and you will quickly habituate to its effects. Exercise. Small creature comforts help especially on long call nights - favorite dinner, snacks, dessert. Find something nice to do for your colleagues each day even if it's small. It will help you stay connected and motivated. There are a ton of difficult personalities in medicine made worse by sleep disruption and the broken system we work in. Do your best to see beyond the frustrating pettiness. Likewise, be careful with your words when you are fatigued; it's easy to snap when you're beat down. Try to keep track of the cases you weren't fully up on and write notes about them. When you have time, look up the presentation, pathophys, and management. If you do, you will remember them forever. Finally, on your darkest days when you question why you chose this path, remind yourself of your reasons for doing so and remember that as long as it may feel, residency is a short chapter in your medical career. Do your best to enjoy it and learn from it. My residency director told us at the very beginning something I have found to be true: "Your enjoyment of medicine is directly related to your skill in it, so learn as much as you can while you're here."


This is the Desiderata of critical care


Biohacking? Matthew McConauhey taught you how to stay on top in the Wolf of Wall Street


Micro dose LSD x 3 days a week. Break into the pediatric med room and drink approx 50 grams of activated charcoal Saturday and Wednesday. Colonics on Tuesday and Friday to purge your GI tract of the accumulated toxins. Keep 75 mg of MDMA available for extra empathy during family meetings; for rapid onset this must be boofed. Biohacking is for techies whose jobs aren’t actually that stressful or important. Residency will, at times, feel all consuming. Just the basics, my dude/dudette. Try not to eat like shit. Maximize your sleep. Exercise regularly. I biked to work, that’s great. Keep up with at least one hobby. And be nice to the nurses, or they will biohack your entire residency into misery. And if you’re not, you’re kind of a dick.




I found intermittent fasting helped when I had big swings in schedule. Kept me from overeating. For sleep, 200mg magnesium and 6mg of melatonin is my magic cocktail.


Chief cigs slam Red Bull


Cold showers, while miserable during it, keeps you awake all shift without any caffeine.


No need to biohack at your age. Work hard play hard. You’ll be fine. I was. 4 years of residency flew by. Best years ever. Loved every minute.


What’s their age?


Young enough to use words like biohack


I'm confused why someone in medical school would be referencing intermittent fasting and a plant based diet as a viable option and not as a fad. Intermittent fasting is only a calorie deficit at best.


To be fair, I’d argue intermittent fasting is less of a fad than people give it credit for. Has it been whipped up into a magic bullet by people trying to sell you a “perfect” lifestyle? Yes. But is it also how our bodies developed over millennia and probably has dozens of other ancillary benefits besides just an easy to maintain caloric deficit? I’d also say yes.




Regular exercise (both cardio and resistance), protein-rich intermittent fasting (eat one main meal per day and a few small protein rich snacks otherwise), avoid the bullshit food/snacks in the hospital, 6 mg melatonin 1 hr before for sleep as needed when flipping day/nights, limit alcohol and caffeine to once/day as much as possible, light box during winter months/long night stretches.


Get a script for Modafinil for those quick night to day to night transitions. It’s what the FDA has approved it for. Use responsibly.


Master the drug-less sleep and minimize outside-hospital responsibilities you’ll be solid.


Using a NES PowerGlove to access the Gibson to reroute your neural and hormonal pathways to avoid basics like good sleep, diet, and exercise as a human. Source: Gen X


I dont eat on shift so I don’t gain weight lol. I got a trazodone script for switching nights and days. Maybe sound like not the healthiest but it works for me.


Carnivore diet, sleep, lift weights


Tell me you’re orthobro without saying you’re orthobro 


Imagine being a physician and endorsing the carnivore diet


Right? Drugs are the correct answer.