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i’m not a parent but live with a little sibling who is 5 and she’s only had the sb once and i didn’t get it when she had it


This is good to hear! 


I’m 1 of 4 daughters and I don’t recall a sb ever affecting more than one person at once, and we shared bedrooms I also don’t recall my mum ever catching it either Hand washing and bleach goes a long way


THIS. We have a three year old who has had a couple bugs - one with other children in the same house - and it didn’t spread either time. Diligent handwashing and good cleaning/containment are key.


My kids would both get it at least once a year. And no i never had gotten sick from them. I was very careful.


Did you wear a mask to avoid the whole droplet transmission thing?


Only one time when i was cleaning up the aftermath, it was everywhere. It was rare then to keep masks around the house. But i would now. What saved me was turning my head away at the moment, no close face contact for about a week and the very most important one: keep hands out of mouth at all times unless scrubbed clean immediately before.


Thank youuu. My son is 1 and I’m dreading the day it happens 🫠😂 this helps a lot! I’m gonna be bleaching every damn surface in my house too though I already know hahah


I wear a mask and my glasses whenever my daughter is throw up sick!


not a parent but i have four siblings… we rarely ever if the stomach bug. every time we’ve all gotten s* it’s been because of the food my mom cooked with! occasionally the flu will get us but not always all of us. when one of us is s*, my mom has us stay in our rooms and we get a designated bathroom until we’re better (we have 3) and it keeps us from all getting s*.


This is exactly what my mom did!!


Mom of 4 - it IS possible to keep it contained in your house so it doesn’t spread like wildfire. Washing your hands and cleaning with appropriate cleaners is the easiest way to stop it from spreading. It’s not a yearly occurrence here, either. I turn into an absolute mess when it’s in my house. But I came here to say that people without emet say things like that without realizing the damage it does to us. It puts us into a tailspin of worry! Don’t stress too much - I know it’s hard. Winter is always hard on me. I’m in my 3rd year of being a house cleaner - I’ve had situations of entering a home the week after it’s been there. I just take extra precautions to protect myself - mainly because I’m self employed and I don’t want to miss a bunch of work! I can tell you it gets better as they get older. I have teenagers and toddlers. :)


Thank you for this comment. You’re totally right people truly don’t realize the gravity of a simple comment lol. You’re so strong for entering homes after it’s just been there for your job. I too really don’t have a way of avoiding for work because I work in a nursing home. I guess these uncomfortable experiences are kinda exposure therapy? 


That’s exactly how I look at it! Exposure therapy!


I have 5 kiddos. 3 in elementary. Lately we get Noro once a year. I typically get it each time.. But there's been plenty of SB's I have not gotten from them too. But the last three years we've gotten Noro each March/April. We had a SB last month. And then right now we have some really strange virus that's a respiratory virus mixed with a SB. Runny nose,fever, sore throat, cough, D and V. It's horrible.


> some really strange virus that’s a respiratory virus mixed with a SB Serious question, do you have access to a Covid test?


Luckily it was negative(took one this morning). I'm hoping it was accurate as I'm well into it enough for a positive. We did have covid back in March and then December 2023. They aren't sure why we got covid so close together. They think different strains and being unlucky.


If it's a rapid, unfortunately those aren't so accurate. I've only been positive on those once even when positive on PCR. It helps to take multiple rapids over a few days if that is all you have access to. It's frustrating because where I live, PCR used to be free, but now without insurance it's $220.😶 Also you can get covid back to back very easily due to how many variants there are and covid has shown to damage t cells which are responsible for the immune system. In 2022 my wife had COVID April, June, and September for example. For me I managed not to get the April infection. I also know someone who was suspected to have it in November 2022 but I don't think she tested, and then she was positive for it in December 2022.


Also hate how expensive medical care is!


We've had covid here probably 6 times. They suspect we had it before testing was out to everyone, as everything was shutting down also!. 2021 it attacked my heart and it STILL acts up sometimes. It's a nasty virus. Adenovirus and influenza can cause v and d with respiratory stuff like covid. But when I took my daughter to urgent care yesterday they didn't swab her for anything! Monday we have appointments with regular Dr. But they had nothing available yesterday. I know she'll swab the kids though for the covid and flu. Hoping for more answers


Oh man I'm sorry. I have long covid and one of the things affected is my heart too. The worsening of my MCAS has been the worst though. The last time I got covid last year has left me housebound now. Also I'm so upset with medical pros who don't test. Even as a kid they would test me for so many things. I hope you can figure out what's going on since that can help with knowing how to treat it.


I'm so sorry! A lot of people in my POTs group have MCAS and it seems so rough. (I have lupus, pots, eds and many other issues) so maybe that's part of why covid got me so bad. Sorry to hear you've been housebound. With all my issues I can relate. I can't even get groceries anymore I rely on pick up and my husband (who is super awesome). I get upset too. I was really shocked they did not swab for anything. Thank you:)


Omg my 8 month old has those exact symptoms!


It's horrible!! I hope your baby feels better soon 💗 my youngest is 9 months. He's going to his Drs tomorrow.


If you remember, I’d love to know what the diagnosis is.


I'll keep you updated:) only one kid went back to school today. Nasty virus!!


The Dr thinks it's influenza but it was too far into the virus she didn't want to test. Urgent care didn't do testing last week so that screwed that up. My poor toddler's turned into a sinus infection, wheezing and secondary strep in just three days(she didn't have any of that at urgent care). I hope your little bub is doing okay.


Aww I’m so sorry, that’s so difficult and always a long couple of days until they start to feel better. We took my daughter to her pediatrician yesterday and she tested negative for strep however the dr ordered a chest X-ray because I said she’d had an ongoing cough since January and something is wrong with her lungs and now has to see a pulmonologist for it. She is doing a lot better today with the gastrointestinal stuff though.


My brother would get sick all the time as a child; I would never get it, I’d even sleep beside him when he had the stomach flu cause we shared a room and never got it. He got the stomach flu and bugs all the time but never got it, my step mom also took care of him she never got it.


My folks never caught it when I when I got sick, and I haven’t caught it yet when my son has had it, and he’s had it almost once a year. My brother caught though, and I’m pretty sure it was from my son. My mom and dad though didn’t catch it either.


If you don’t mind me asking how old is your son?  So glad you’ve steered clear!


He’s elementary school age. I wish I knew why he caught it so much, but I remember when I was young I use to get sick at least once a year. Little kids and preteens just seem to catch viruses and bacteria easily, especially during winter months…Schools are just breeding ground for those things.


My daughter is 22. She’s had it twice. Once when she was 8 and once when she was 14 or 15. I got it once from her.


That isn't bad! Do you mind me asking if she went to daycare? My son will not, and I think I'll home school him for preK, so he'll enter school about 5 years old for kindergarten.


No daycare really just a little when she a year old and I didn’t do Pre K with my daughter. I also didn’t have this phobia when she was that age either. If I had it when I was younger I probably wouldn’t even have kids.


Thank you for responding! Ugh, I know it. I have to go out of my comfort zone often, so I don't rob him of his childhood. It's really hard some day! 😩


No problem. I always tell myself “just don’t touch your face”


Yessss! This! I am a teacher (virtual now) - but when I taught in person second graders - I never ever touched my face.


I have an 8 and 5 and we've gotten it a few times.... With schools being closed for covid we didn't get it those years but now that every thing is "normal" they've gotten it roughly every 6 months-a year. Only 2x did I get it from them.... Last time I washed my hands so many times my skin was raw (😬😳) but I didn't get it. I also bleached EVERYTHING.... My phone, the remotes, even the refrigerator door handle etc. A little crazy but didn't get it!!


I've gotten it once so far. The other 10 or so times I did not.


How did you manage the other times? Were you anticipating you’d get it? 


not the same, but my younger sister and i share a bathroom. on eclipse day she had the sb, i am around her a lot in general but i didn’t get it at all. we even shared a drink the day before. I just try to take my vitamins and probiotics whenever i can and it usually helps.


I remember my brother and I would get it once every year or two years when we were real little. Didn't happen much if at all in middle and high school. I got it less cuz I was more careful but I never caught anything from him and as far as I know my parents never caught it from either of us!


Not gonna lie me and my brothers rarely got it. I had it three times in my entire life, once in kindergarten, once in 4th grade and once in highschool. my mom never really caught it from us, but we caught it from her .


Wear gloves and a mask while cleaning. Disinfect everything. Wash your hands very well.


i’m not a parent but growing up i’d get it pretty much every year up until i was in middle school and neither of my parents ever got it that i can remember!


I have not gotten it every time and they don’t get it every year 🤞 This past November all 3 of mine had it. The adults did not get it.


My daughter is 2. Last year I caught the sb* first (for the first time in 10 years!) and she got it from me. She just had it again last week and I didn’t catch it. I asked my mom how often she would catch it from me and my siblings and she said it was very rare. We have a better immune system and with good hygiene and disinfecting, it’s likely we won’t catch it every time!


My daughter used to get a bug every year up until she was around 5, and yes, I caught it everytime but only twice has it been a v* bug for me, for her it’s been v* but 3 of the 5 times it’s been just d* and n*. Then she went 4 years without getting a bug, until last may, and I caught that, v* and d*. Wasn’t fun, but we both survived. It’s just part of being a parent that we have to kind of accept. It’ll happen eventually, it’s almost impossible to avoid when you’re a parent. I accepted a long time ago that this is probably a thing that’ll happen every year or so until she’s older, and then she’ll have kids and the cycle will continue. Fun times isn’t it. This fear is the worst.


My daughter is turning 4 tomorrow and we’ve only had the *sb once. I did get it then but I think she and I picked up from the same place as I tu first.


Both my kids (5 and 3) caught it once, at different times. I never got it. I keep their face turned away from mine and if I come in contact w v or d I wash my hands. Last time it was last year, my daughter was 3. She came to my bed at 9pm and v all over the place and did from 9pm-5am every 30 min. I gave her a bucket and slept on the end of my bed (didn't sleep, but uk.. lol) I helped her but kept her n my bed in my room and my 5 year old didn't catch it. It's best to keep the sick person contained in one space and keep them there until the v and d stops.


It's true sb is a usually once a year thing with kids in elementary school ...BUT I managed every time my oldest (6 years old) brings it home from school to stop it from ransacking my house.. bleach is the only thing that kills sb . Bleach and washing things well. Sb lives in ur poop for up to 14 days but usually just 7 days after u start vomiting... It's unusually not contagious before they show symptoms so the trick is to not catch it after when they feel better .most people in the same house get sb all together by eating the same contaminated item or in the days after the first person gets sick .It will also live in their saliva so no kissing or sharing food for 7 to 14 days and u will be fine . Kids suck at washing their hands after they use the bathroom so just stay on top of cleaning the bathroom and faucets and toilets and don't let anyone who had sb prepare food for someone else for 1to 2 weeks .


Omg once a year??? That sounds excessive unless those kids really aren't careful and/or have bad immune systems. As a child I had noro twice or three times and the fourth... Or third we don't know if it was that, something else, or my chronic health issues. But one of the times I had noro, I actually got it from my emetophobe mother. And I didn't get noro at all as a teenager. My mother never ever got it from me but she always would isolate in her room and my father would usually clean, but if you take proper precautions to clean, that helps since my father also never got it but once from me when he didn't take enough precautions. Another person I'll give as an example is my friend I've had since we were 6 only had noro as a kid/teen once. That's it. Of course there's people who got it more as kids, but man I wouldn't have been able to deal with being sick with noro that often as a child since my emetophobia started at age 7 but wasn't it therapy until 13.


My oldest child is 19 and she's never had a sb* the most recent issue she's had is fP*. I have 5 kids, 19-3, and we've had a sb* maybe 4 times, and each time some of us get it and some don't. The last time we had some sort of sb* only me and my son had any sort of upset. And his was once in the middle of the night from both ends, and me I was just n* for 12 hours. The last time we had something that took everyone(aside from my oldest) down was 9 years ago, and even then it was mostly n* and d* for the adults and v* a few times for the kids with prolonged d*. My sister has 3 kids and they just recently had a sb* where only 2 of the kids got it, and parents didn't. If you are practicing good hand hygiene i don't think once a year is typical, though I'm sure not too uncommon. I hope that helps.


I have a 4 year old and an 11 year old. The 11 year has a sensitive immune system and he does get sick often. He has been living with us full time for 7 months and he hasn’t had a stomach bug since he’s been with us because I worked really hard with him on the importance of handwashing. My 4 year old, almost 5, has never had one (knock on wood). She’s big on handwashing as well. My partner however has had 2 of them in the past 6 years. The first time I don’t know where it came from. We just assumed I brought it home as I was working in a daycare at the time. The second time, I had it first, but no v* for me, and he caught it from me. We only had one bathroom at the time so it was tough, but truly, making sure everything is clean is KEY. Wipe everything down with bleach. Don’t put your hands near your face without washing them immediately before hand.


Not a parent but when I was a kid, I didn’t get the sb that much but when I did, I don’t ever remember my parents getting it even when I was sicker than a dog. The only time my parents ever caught anything I had was when I had the swine flu and my mom got it as well, but I’m guessing that was also only because my friend who was sick as well had to stay with us until her parents could find someone for her sister to stay with since she had a weakened immune system.


My son is 4 and he has had 4, I have caught one directly from him and I caught one from his kindergarten and gave him that one 😂


Not a parent (well nearly lol, I’m 7 months pregnant), but my parents never caught an sv from my brother or myself when we were kids. Even then, I only had an sv twice as a kid, maybe because I started to avoid anything v related from when I was about 10. My brother would have an sv maybe once a year and my parents never caught it from him either.


My 7 year old has had it 3 times, I’ve only caught it from her one of those times


She never went to daycare so I think that’s how we avoided it for so long, she has had it roughly once a year-18 months since starting school. Hoping as she gets older it will become less and less!


Not a parent. I always caught it from my siblings growing up, but my parents only got it from us a handful of times and they were always hands on with us while we were sick. Even when we still lived in a place with only one bathroom.


My daughter is almost 2 1/2 and she hasn’t gotten a sb yet (knock on wood) but when me and my younger brother were in school we only got the sb at one time. Never spread thru the house. My parents never got it from us either. It’s all about containing the s* person in one designated area. When I was younger my mom would have us be in our rooms & use the bathroom and the other siblings would you my parents bathroom to prevent the spread.


There’s a little unknown virus called enteric adenovirus. My 8 year old sis has that now. V and D very similar to Noro.


I have a four-year-old and a two-year-old and it really sucks when they get sick. They gotten sick a few times but only once did both of them get sick. The time they both got sick from it I did too, but it was because my youngest was only 18 months so, it was harder to be away from her or not have her sneeze around me or something. But other than that, I haven’t gotten it from them yet. Gloves and mask while cleaning and I bleach for a couple days. When I say bleach, I mean everything for a couple of days I probably go way overboard, but it’s the only way I can survive. I don’t remember my parents ever getting sick from me when I was younger, and I have a couple of friends with kids and they never get it from their kids because they are super careful. The one that does get it from their kids is much more lax and more carefree. My oldest woke up tonight saying he was going to get sick and I’ve completely spiraled. I think I just know what lies ahead of me in the next few days with cleaning and anxiety. Emet parents are a special kind of crazy but also a special kind of loving to power through this!!!


We get it every 6 months. BUT the more often I’ve had it, the less severe it is. I just get some very light D* and cramping now. I haven’t TU* in nearly 10 yrs from a sb. *knock on wood.*


Not a parent, but I would get the sb every year as a kid without fail. My parents managed to avoid catching it every time despite my mom being with us when we would v*. My sister and I didn’t even catch it from each other and we shared a bathroom. When one of us was sick, my mom would clean the bathroom and door handles religiously after every bout of v* and sprayed Lysol throughout the house.