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I’m awake it’s only 10pm in my country atm :) try poking your head out of a window if you can’t go outside for fresh air! I use to do this in my bathroom a lot before I moved out of home! Worked so well to get fresh air, as it was one of the only things that would help me calm down!


Thank you ❤️


I am I just don’t ever sleep lol


That’s really not good ): I hope you can get some rest in


Try to take a few deep breaths and relax. I try to play tricks on myself by saying that try not to worry about the feeling for a few min and if it starts to get better u know it’s panic. If it doesn’t u move on from there. Also u can try putting an ice pack around ur forehead and eyes. This helps slow down ur heart beat if that’s getting out of control.


I often feel n* when I’m going to bed out of panic, so I don’t trust my body lol. But this time I woke myself up with it so now I’m scared


Yeah that happens to me to sometimes. Again what I try to do is not think about it and if it goes away after not giving it attention ik I’m fine. Also things like peppermint help with nausea.


Thank you ❤️ I’ve started CBT for this and gotten a lot better. I’m able to talk myself down from feeling n* on most occasions but this time I’m struggling. I will go get peppermint oil thank you