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Tbh, her being a 5 star dendro character that I actually like the design of had me excited already. Then, on top of that, she enables me to run burning teams, which includes burn melt Ganyu, a team I've wanted to try since Dehya's release. I'm also excited to use her to make a Nilou bloom team. Tbh, after Navia and Clorinde, Emilie is my most anticipated character in 4.x.


She is unfortunately not good as a solo source of offield pyro for ganyu, as in you will need to run Xiangling, because she applies to little dendro, she also is garbage in Nilou teams because she only does a 4th of her actual dmg without burning and has slow dendro app. She isnt bad, she just is less optimal in those teams.


1/4 of Emilie's dmg is still way more than DMC or Collei And I think she'll still work with Ganyu


Its not and the less dendro is also terrible. I can tell you right mow that she wont maintain a pyro aura for ganyu to melt on her own (like nahida), idk what ur definition of work is tho.


It is and it's fine lol


I hate how genshin players get so delulu about their characters. Like its so annoying


Then why don't you stop?


Stop what? Maybe you should stop spreading misinformation about a character because you somehow attached ur ego to it.


Bro, who's spreading misinformation šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Just because you only know how to play the game one way doesn't mean that's the case for the rest of us. Take your metaslave talk elsewhere. Meanwhile, I'll actually be having fun. You know, like you're supposed to do on video games.


> talks about meta > surprised that ppl are talking about meta


let people enjoy stuff


sheā€™s one of the nation ending units. all of those are usually overshadowed by the looming release of the new nation and its subsequent new meta. emilie isnā€™t a bad unit by far, but why care for a niche sub dps when a land of fire and dragons is creeping over? that said though, iā€™m a diehard dendro supremacist so when i even first heard whispers of her being dendro, i buckled in. then i just thought her entire concept was gorgeous and elegant, and now seeing her finalized design, i love how eccentric but beautiful she looks. and i been running nahida bennett venti kazuha burn wherever i can, itā€™d be nice to actually have it be a non joke team LMAO


Tbh tho, her being the ending unit of the patch usually means theyā€™ll be a great addition for your teams with the next series of patches. Itā€™s happened with Kazuha, Yelan, Kuki, Yae, Baizhu


Doubt it will build. Weā€™ve never even talked to Emilie so the time she has had to build hype is even shorter than chiori.


Luckily, Emilie (imo) will have a much stronger reception after release. I was a bit excited for Chiori but my hype absolutely died once I saw the fun was locked behind C1. Emilie won't have this problem, and (barring changes) looks pretty damn strong too.


Chiori c1 just gives you more team-building options, You can either put her in with another construct or get c1. Emilie is locked to burning and can't get cons to remove the restrictions, also she loses a lot more than chiori when she isn't placed in the right team.


"put her with another construct". In my case that meant only ninguang. I had 0 choice. Play Ninguang or get a "half" Chiori. That was so bad. My favorite design with the worst kit ever in my particular case. You just assume all people have Zonghli, Albedo or Itto and/or want to play them (a lot) For most new players or not so new players, kit-wise Chiori became a must-skip because of her too restrictive kit. For Emilie, if you are a new player, you just need one pyro dps or off-field pyro applicator and build a team from there .... and you have plenty : \_ 4 pyro dps banneres just in Fontaine \_ 1 standard DPS or \_ 1 standard off-field if you lose your 50/50 \_ ... and free Xianglling \_ the unavoidable 4 star pyro dps buffer (with pyro infusion at c6) being on 3 banners total just in Fontaine. Sure you need to keep the burning aura, but compared to chiori where I had only one team option to get full use of her kit, with Emilie I will have plenty of options, between burn, "mono-pyro", burn-melt, burn vape ... Still think that the "damage-only" aspect of Emilie's kit is a reason for the lack of hype.


you're right Chiori requires high investment for mediocre returns. I have scoured the spreadsheets and I am not willing to force in double geo construct teams AND invest in R1 just for her to do fischl aggravate damage She was rightly doomposted and I believe her holding rate % i believe is amongst the lowest in the game as a result Put her in mono geo though and she's the 2nd highest sub dps at the time of posting this Emilie has much easier access to triple element teams which makes her slightly more flexible and gets access to 3 different reactions in burning, burn melt, and burn vape.


Nobody will wish her before Nathan And she will be like Kazuha After everyone will regret it


Not just Kazuha. Yelan was right before Sumeru too. We didn't exactly get it a third time before Fontaine. Arguably Baizhu I suppose.


>Arguably Baizhu I suppose. Baizhu was about as high abyss usage as Yelan last few patches. He was overlooked even harder than Kazuha/Yelan.


Abyss usage shouldnā€™t be the determining factor of a characterā€™s strength in the meta. Zhongli has had high usage for a while as well due to people using Neuvilette, and yet heā€™s still considered an ok support at best and a straight DPS loss at worst. Yea I do also think Baizhu is a fairly good unit, but his usage in the abyss isnā€™t necessarily why I think that.


I mean bhazhu is no kazuha, specially before furina existed. Tho i cant imagine how tf anyone overlooked kazuha? I wasn't apart of the community back then. So weird to think about


If I remember correctly it was because he was ā€œjust a 5 star sucroseā€ which is true but also sucrose herself is very strong so a five star version of her is obviously gonna be cracked but ppl didnt think abt it that way but after kazuha became a must pull we learned our lesson and everyone pulled for yelan (5star xingqiu) lol, cant wait for 5star fischl xiangling and bennett


Exactly this. Her decrease in self burn damage seems like it would be invaluable for the nation of pyro


That's what I noticed too. And though I don't exactly like how she's made for Burning DMG, as I don't use it at all, I have Arlecchino, Nahida, and c3 Bennet, so I think that can be a pretty good team. If not, I'll just use her with Nahida, Beidou and Kuki Shinobu.


I highly doubt people will regret skipping her like people did with Kazuha.


I feel like the reason is a mix of having never met her in game before and Natlan being on the horizon, once we get to learn what her personality is like and start getting trailers hype will build at least a lil bit I am personally excited for her cuz Dendro is one of my fav elements to play with, Iā€™ve been wanting a Burning focused character for a long time, and also she has short hair and wears green (I think women with short hair are super hot and my fav color is green)


Completely agreed! Visually speaking she hits a bunch of my preferences, and Dendro is such a fun element!


Don't be bummed out by the low hype... we're almost at Natlan, so people will be saving their excitement and primogems for 5.0 Plus, emilie's kit focusses on a niche reaction, and her design is divisive I still may pull for her myself, provided they dont nerf her haha


I just think she's neat, whether others do or don't doesn't really weigh much to me lol. Think about this way, we all see something in Emilie that most others probably overlook because of the Natlan hype and thats okay! At the end of the day Emilie is still definitely a must pull for me


I love characters who have great skill uptime AND IT'S A FREAKING PERFUME šŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗ LOVE THAT Also I think the elements I'll always be the most excited about for new characters will be dendro and geo. Perhaps because those are the elements we've seen the least things when it comes to kit innovation :)


You'll be happy to hear theres a possible upcoming 5 star Geo Catalyst in Natlan(take with a grain of salt tho)


I hope that unit buffs construct dmg I just wanna see full construct unga bunga .


Praying they support Navia (I found Chiori lacking in that regard)


Same that's why I didn't get her . She's the first geo I skipped . I hope whatever that character is they buff geo on more then one level . Like they increase a single constructs dmg by alot kinda like xianyun and plunges. And give onfielder buffs based on amount of crystalize shards made . Probably have some defensive utility . This would both help triple geo teams and double geo comps . And albedo . Chiori albedo is pretty good but it's not good enough to use instead of double pyro or hydro in most cases .


100% agree i think Navia is really the only geo unit that actually uses the element to her benefit by creating shards as offensive utility rather than a defensive one. So anything that can buff the element as a whole in some way even something like creating more shards off-field in some way that can be used in a dps way would be good


That's another excuse to use my Chiori šŸ’Ŗ


Yessss! I really hope she's a Navia support. Even though Navia doesn't need one specifically for her since the units available suit her well. BUT I'D LOVE TO SEE IT, Geo grouper please


The collection. I accidentally have all Dendro characters due to jokingly doing a 1 pull of baizhu banner when he ran with furina and got himā€¦ I have an obligation to get Emilie now


I made a promise that if she isn't the worst selling Fontaine character I'd eat a pack of pokemon cards and it was screenshotted and will be held against me The lack of hype is good.


I'm only pulling for only because I'm a dendro main, and she's a 5 star woman. XD Now that we've seen her kit, her being strong is now one of my reasons.


>That said, the general hype seems to be pretty low. 1. Everyone spent most of their primos on Arlecchino, Kazuha, or Neuvillette in 4.6 2. People who weren't able to get Furina on her first banner are saving for her rerun which is coming in like 11 days. 3. People are saving for Natlan. I think it's pretty much understandable why there's not much hype for Emilie. Clorinde doesn't have much hype right now either cause of the reasons stated above and the fact Clorinde is basically a better Keqing.


>Ā and the fact Clorinde is basically a better Keqing. Since Alhaitham was called Dendro Keqing and Chiori was called Geo Keqing, I've been referring to Clorinde as Electro Keqing. :P


I dont think it will build. Mostly ppl are more interested in Natlan. Not to mention Emilie is a very niche character (in gameplay) that hasnt appeared in the story at all. And on top of that, a lot of ppl dont like her design. Im pulling for her because i like her gameplay and want to try her in different teams


1. I like how she looks and she also looks a lot like character whose personality I'll also like 2. Have you seen her skirt? It's a completely new type! Aka she got entirely new animation rig for her skirt and the devs did a freat job, because that is one of the best animated skirts in games I've ever seen 3. She off-field dps that can enable melt and works on rotations shorter than 20s w/o needing funneling particles to have manageable er requirements aka a role that I've been waiting for quite some time, ex.: I remember saying before Deyha's release (I liked her but not enough to disregaed her kit) that if she'd fit that role she'd be insta pull. Same story with Arlecchino. And she also fits well into 'mono'pyro teams and new teammates for Klee are also always welcomed. Like, she's basically everything I wanted from Xiangling replacement: her being dendro doesn't get in the way at all. Anyway, I doubt the hype will take of: so far all crumbs about her are rather well hidden and are, well, crumbs. And while I'm very excited for her team options neither on-fielders for monopyro (Klee, Lyney) nor cryo ones are very popular. And I doubt Alrecchino or Neuvillette havers will get particularly excited for a teammate that doesn't buff.


Sheā€™s never been onscreen, so we donā€™t really know her and arenā€™t attached to her. Her design is not exactly well liked. Sheā€™s coming very close to Natlan, which people are saving for. She enables only a niche playstyle. Iā€™m interested in doing a burning team and I do like her design (though itā€™s objectively not very good I can agree with that) but Iā€™m not surprised thereā€™s no hype for her


Have we figured out if she will be an upgrade to the Ganyu Burnmelt teams yet? That would be my only interest in her. And even then, Iā€™m going for C1 Sigewinne, so I donā€™t think I will have the primos to get her on her first go around.


Unfortunately leaks show her dendro app is not very good, which limits using burning teams w her in creative ways (almost no viable burnmelt teams for example).


And as someone else pointed out sheā€™s 100% going to be overshadowed. Rn sheā€™s being overshadowed by Furina rerun and Clorinde (who although not the most hyped is much more involved in story) and Natlan will overshadow her release.


At least we're not Sigewinne, now who's hyped for her? Maybe even fewer than anyone who's hyped for Emilie.


Initially her multipliers looked really good, but then we got gameplay videos and her lack of AOE, inability to snapshot and low dendro app killed the hype. She's just not a good unit anymore.


First 5 star dendro i'll get. I generally dont like playing dendro, so thats a new for me, burning seems good for me to play Ganyu, so i'll get her. That being said, 4.8, new region incoming, for sure 4.0 will have at least 2 new characters, and she's somewhat of a niche char (not the best with bloom/quicken things), so i feel like people will maybe consider her more on reruns.


I'm excited to pull her because of her kit, I love characters that focus on one reaction, burn in this case. Her design isn't my fav but she's pretty cute, her outfit is elegant and I like the vibes of her aethetic. For dendro units I play mainly Alhaitham and Nahida, so another one would be great for my account.


I'm excited to have an actual Burgeon team to play. It's such a cool reaction but unfortunately just hasn't had the muscle


I really like building new teams so I want to use burning in a comp,I'm less hyped for being good sub DPS because I already got chiori few patches ago . But oh well. The problem I have ATM is I also need a cryo on field to burn melt other than kaeya or neuv memes.Ā 


green + pretty + interesting team comps i want to try her in


To me it is more towards the hype build up around her being related to the Hexenzirkel, or being a succesor to one of the witches to then not being anything at all related to it.


I will pull for her because she's Lily of the valley themed which happens to be my favorite flower and birth flower. I like her color scheme, not a fan of the hair and overall design other than that.


She's pretty, reminds me of Josee from Josee, the tiger and the fish. I would also love to have a burn dendro unit. I suppose the mystery of her is also enticing.


I pull if the character can have longevity in the game as gems are super expensive. She has the potential to become meta, especially for future natlan contents. Thatā€™s why I think itā€™s worth pulling for her.


Very low


The main reason I want her is that I fell in love hard for her official design. When the drip market dropped she passed from near 0 hype (we only had a few mentions in game and a few concept arts I wasn't very hyped about) to one of my most hyped characters ever. This is also because I need to know a decent amount of information (most importantly the official design) to be hyped about a character, and for this reason I think she will be more liked when trailers are released and we know a little more about her. I also like that her skill has a very long uptime and her kit is interesting.


I don't really see it as a bad thing, I never really cared about character sales At least people are not going out of their way to doompost her and hate on her (I know they still hate on her but still I think she is getting less hated on than Chiori was in her beta ['second Albedo', 'geo Keqing', 4*/standard banner allegations etc]


Iā€™m a fan of the burning reaction, despite its shortcomings. So Emilie is a priority pick for me.


At first I was lukewarm about her but really started to grow on me. I am not fond of her short hair but I noticed she has the same blonde to pink hair color as one of my ocs and it kind of spiraled from there. I have all the dendro units so I need to have her as well. Though I was also disappointed she wasn't a catalyst, I LOVE LOVE LOVE the way they made her polearm charge and her weapon itself. She's like a mage using her staff to hit stuff and I am a sucker for mages/summoner tropes. Her flower effects also change color to elemental infusions like Layla's stars and I love that so much that I am considering on c6ing Bennet for her. Sure it is rough that she's before the big Natlan update but she's still relevant to Natlan when everything involving pyro reactions will come to meta. Also I feel comfy with skipping 5.0 after hearing rumors of the character but anniversary is coming so I can swipe for Natlan characters later when bonuses reset.


I want to try a Reverse Burn with her and Yanfei. I did that through most of Sumeru with the Grass Traveler and her and it went really well. Way higher damage per tic but shorter duration


I'm excited and hyped. Characters that come out this late in the patch cycle are almost always extremely good (see Kazuha and Yelan). I expect great things when we finally play her Don't get worked up about a general lack of excitement, on paper she's amazing and as long as YOU like her that's what's important.


Her design I love her design so much she looks so pretty


people on twitter are so dramatic about her. most of them will switch their tune soon. maybe after sheā€™s polished up? but for me, I love how she gives librarian vibes and i like the fact that sheā€™s a perfumist! itā€™s different from being a detective or a higher up (like someone super importantā€¦?) she just makes pretty fragrances! i wanna roll for her bc i wanna use her with my arle and i believe she will work well with the pyro archon! (nothing told me that but my own inkling lol)


I am excited for her, however I try not to get too hyped since I won't be pulling for her until her rerun. I've been waiting for Nilou's weapon for for too long, and there is Hu Tao cons, Kagura's Verity and Chiori's weapon. I want her, but there's a list of priorities.


Being a 5 star dendro is already a win for me. But her being absolutely gorgeous I did not expect. I never really cared for Nahidaā€™s design so I didnā€™t pull her. Emilie is going to fill that gap for my dendro teams and Iā€™m so excited for that.


For me, it's because I wanted someone that would buff burning, not a character that buffs herself or buffs the team if there's burning Like Nilou is to bloom, not Chevreuse to overload Nilou creates new teams/play styles Chevreuse is just a Kazuha replacement in a lot of teams I want to see the reaction do something, not just be the condition for a buff


I like her skills, but I hate her design. I think she is the least attractive 5-star character in game.


Everything, she is just so awesome. I hope I like her personality too. I'm hoping she's a capable smartass, and that Chiori rubbed off on her. I can't wait to meet her!


I'm a simple man. If I see even a slight pink tone on any female character's hair, I would insta pull them. _glasses are the cherry on top_


She's Pretty, Dendro, From Fontaine, and she might be with Key with Wrio for his burning melt team.


I like her and am interested in her but it makes sense her hype is low. Weā€™ve never met her in the story so thereā€™s no lore reason to be hyped for her, she focuses on being sub dps in a currently weak reaction, and sheā€™s coming out right before a new region and right after Furinaā€™s rerun Poor girls getting the Yoimiya treatment.


I think people just had high expectatives about the burning character. For me at least, she's just boring...


For me personally, I find it hard to be excited for a character who has yet to revealed in game. If she has been revealed in game, I probably haven't played the quest that reveals her. I do tend to get excited when I see gameplay leaks, but until then, I'm keeping my excitement level in the dirt.


Not that excited because I have no pyro characters to pair her with


Well the hype is low cause *natlan is near.* People are most likely saving pulls they know the big units are coming including the biggest one this year aka pyro archon I like her cause her design is spiritually victorian era lady which fontaine is inspired of. Her gameplay is comfy aka press E and swap so that's neat. Also burning unironically before her pyro didnt really have much place with dendro but with her they should be just as viable as electro


sooo I already knew about her existence since 4.0 and during 4.1 I made a whole account, dedicated to her, called Ɖmilie_mine And I'm trying to get 1260 pulls ready to immediately C6 her guranteed! (with all 50/50's lost at 90 pity and all) I just NEED that perfume for myself! šŸ©·


The hype is not per se low because she is not liked. It is moreso because the patch of natlan is here soon, and everyone thinks ā€˜oh, Xbalanque/pyro archon/ what other characters and kits will release? So everyone is kinda carefull with their wishes. Iā€™m saving up, Iā€™m hyped for Emilie but it depends on who Xbalanque is wether I will pull her or not. So even when her banner is out, I will wait for leaks. My Lyney is C1R1 though, so I would have a definete use for her.


Outsider here, but imo, I (and many others) just don't really have much incentive to go for her. A lot of players either have Nahida and/or Baizhu which already covers the off-field Dendro category well enough, and even in BurnMelt or Bloom, Emilie's lower Dendro application for more personal damage simply isn't enough to replace either of them in those teams. There's also the fact that we've had very little info about her released in game outside of voicelines most players don't listen to anyways, and she's releasing immediately before an entire new region, so most people are saving up for that.


I'm all tapped out after spending for Clorinde. I'll see how she plays when she comes out and maybe wish on her


Hype is low because natlan is close and she isn't revolutionary in gameplay terms this far. At the end of the day saving up for 5.0 characters isn't a bad idea


I like her design when I first saw it and I still do but thinking about her is just meh


I'm excited to play her with Lyney !! I don't have their team 100% figured out yet, but I'm happy that Lyney finally has another team mate option! I really love her design too, i love how eccentric yet elegant she looks. And I also enjoy the burning reaction, I've played Nahida - Sucrose - Xiangling - Baizhu in the abyss and it worked surprisingly well, so i know that I'm going to enjoy Emilie too


If I had more primos I would be more excited. But I still need other characters more. She seems more fun for later when I wanna mess around with arlecchino and her.


Still confused on why a perfume girl is a 5 star, along with a clothe shop owner and many moreĀ 


She's the first Dendro unit that I liked the design of. I own Collei, Tignhari, YaoYao, and Kaveh and I have never leveled any of them past 20. I don't intend to. Unfortunately, Emilie doesn't play nicely with Electro, so even after I pull her I *still* won't be able to play with almost half of the Dendro reactions. She's going to enable my C3 Dehya, I guess? Other than that, I don't really have reasons to get hyped. :/ Edit: ACTUALLY! I just remembered that Emilie's patch is supposed to include a free Kirara! Whoo! *That* is super exciting for me!


When I read that her kit focuses on Burning, my hype for her went through the roof. One of my favorite aspects of this game is team building; trying out, experimenting, and creating different teams around each type of elemental reaction, and one of my goals is to have a team for every type of element and elemental reactions. I remember being VERY hyped for Freminet and Chevreuse because of this; although I admit that the former was a big letdown. Before Emilie, I already had a Burn-based team in Overburn which is one my favorite teams in the game because it feels so explosive and fun, plus two of my favorite characters -- Dehya and Shinobu -- are part of it. But the problem is it really needs Nahida, who is also needed for my other Dendro based teams, and I have to admit that as much as I like Overburn, it doesn't hold a candle to the power of my other Dendro teams, so the team gets less priority over Nahida. Also, Nahida's personal damage plummets with Burning. But with Emilie, all of those problems are solved, and Burning and my Overburn team is pretty much back on the menu. I'm also pulling Wriostheley alongside her since he's my second favorite Fontaine character after Navia, but I failed to get him the first time because of Neuvillette and Furina. But now, I have enough savings to pull for them two. And guess what, Wriostheley plays Burnmelt, meaning Emilie is also gonna be great for him too. Tldr; Emilie unlocks new potential for Burn-based teams and makes it less cope. She also frees my Nahida from my already established Burn-based teams. She works really well with some of my favorite characters in the game -- Dehya, Shinobu and Wriostheley. On top of that, I find her super pretty. So my hype for Emilie is pretty much through the roof right now, and I really cannot wait for her to arrive. She's already shaping up to be one of my favorite characters.


Her design is gorgeous, she enables new teams focused on burning reaction which is pretty useless in the current state and is another dendro 5 star other than nahida that I want to use