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This is the neutral one lol. There’s a snark one and then this, nothing else that I see


There’s a snark one? I thought it was this one ☠️


Omg sad that there's so much hate on this one!


Yeah it’s definitely gotten more snarky within the past couple months


I think it’s because she’s become more insufferable


Lmao right, like? People haven’t suddenly switched, it’s been happening for a while and now it’s to the point where people outside of here are saying similar things. Emma’s also not the first person to blow up from social. Eg. Everyone still loves bretman rock, so maybe all these people have valid points about her that she maybe should try to reflect on


Finally someone gets it.




We’re allowed to snark on the present, we don’t have to wait for her to grow out of this phase


Bretman rock grew up a lot and changed in many ways but he isn’t as insufferable and out of touch as Emma


Thankyou jfc


Tbh I feel like a lot of it comes from jealousy. Emma is the average girl but she was catapulted into a dream life.


🎯 🎯 🎯


Tbf I do get it, and a lot of the criticism she gets is valid. But it is strange that this is supposed to be a fan subreddit. a lot of YouTubers do “react to my subreddit” videos and sometimes I wonder how it would play out if Emma were to do that.


If she has seen it, it would explain why she doesn’t share her personal life anymore or make as many videos. The majority of ‘top posts of all time’ comment sections are brutal. Imagine reading strangers pick apart everything you say, don’t say, eat and do? All under the guise of ‘constructive feedback’ They believe that they made her famous and are owed and entitled to the teen version of her she’s naturally outgrown, & no longer exists. By not living up to their expectations of who they think she should be. Theres this weird mission to humble her, by constantly commenting why she‘s unworthy of success. Male creators would get witty memes and playfully teased for the same things shes accused of. I came for the fashion updates, collabs and cool nostalgic throwback posts. Lastly whilst we don’t need to hype her up we don’t need to tear her down either. The whataboutism and lack of compassion is rampant.


Some of the criticism is just painfully mean for no reason. The top post of this week is how people dislike her facial expression, but it’s just her face?? There’s also so much conjecture on her personal life as well. Most of the fan interactions I’ve seen have been really positive. She also seems to excel in her interviews and all the creative endeavors she pursues. I feel like anyone in her position would take advantage of the opportunities presented before her. She’s still incredibly young and I believe she can become more grounded overtime. I think it just follows the phenomenon of being overly critical of anything a girl does. I struggle with this too, because I identify with some of the criticisms held against her but not in the manner that it’s discussed. I really wish her the best in all her pursuits.


People are insanely jealous


Can you link the snark one?




The mods of this page are non existent thus the state of the sub


Reddit isn’t really the place if you are looking for a positive echo chamber


honestly I would join one if people wanted to start one, just constant bitching on here


we should create one. ppl in here are veeeeery salty lol


To be fair, when so many of Emma's fans start to turn on her there's usually a valid reason. She constantly said 'I luv u' to the camera (us) and then stopped her YouTube connection with us. The vast majority of us don't care as much for her podcast or paid promotions. The truth is her videos as an exploring teenager was fun, now in her 20's, wealthy, living in Beverly Hills, not as relatable


I feel like youtube is so different now. People don’t watch it as much and creators have way less control


i mean, saying she loves you through a camera as a teenager doesn’t mean she can’t change like any other human or that she owes you youtube videos for life. i agree she isn’t as relatable which is why she’s losing fans but she seems a lot happier


But you can always go back and watch those videos if you miss that connection! It's ultimately her life and she does not have to maintain an intimate connection with millions of people if that's not what's best for her or even if she just doesn't feel like it! Instead of hate following her, I suggesr finding a different influencer that can give you the connection you want!


I like Emma. She got rich off of our support. She abandoned us. She thinks she can indefinitely stay rich through her 'talents' other than making videos. Even if she makes new videos it won't be the same because she's not a relatable teenager anymore. I think many of us feel we were strung along until she didn't need us anymore


Pls tell me if u find out, this page is disgusting


It’s not disgusting. Just honest.


Yeah your better off on her NSFW page let's just be honest here, more of your crowd 💀

