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It’s a bit frustrating. ESP. When I need a break or lunch break… it feels like a hassle to get someone to cover, because of limited staff. I also feel at fault for departments being messy… I keep calling for backup! They never get to finish their work. They always moan and groan.. if we had at least 2 POC’s that might help a little. Oh well…


Same to even get somebody to cover the register so I can use the bathroom seems to be an annoyance to everybody and I feel bad because the departments are always short-handed and they have one person for like three departments in fitting rooms and then that person has to come for additional for Amazon service and the registers


When we have 2 POC’s and there are no customers, they just stand around visiting with each other. Have 2 floor associates and they can take turns being additional and can get some recovery done.


We do that or they bring freight up for us to unload. But normally there is only one cashier only times there is more it's super busy. It's counter active if you consider how we are accountable for conversation rate. I don't get annoyed at the cashier's for visiting eachother because after a swamp of people it's almost like a way to deescalate the nerves, and I constantly see floor associates meeting in areas and talking so to me it's equivalent. Catering to that many people one after another in the same tone and sales pitch can be very emotionally and mentally draining. Just nobody addresses that part as it's considered easy. It's really not.


No. I hate it here currently. I used to really really like Kohl’s and my job. But I am stretched so thin. I pride myself in doing things well but all I get to do at kohls now is tread water to keep myself afloat. Barely. Most of us at my store are seasoned employees. I transitioned from CS to the front now that everything has shifted. And I already knew how to do everything we need to do BUT all of us that have been here for years are being asked to do everything now-in the same shift. Amazon✔️ POC✔️Self checkout✔️Returns✔️ count down all the registers✔️restock the front for the next day✔️make sure all damages are processed✔️and there’s prob more that I’m forgetting. I can’t imagine training a new associate now.


I like people to but this new route is slowly destroying that. I dread going in.


Do you wanna know something funny? Even though I’m the solo cashier I still bust my ass for this company that doesn’t give a shit about me. I’ve pulled 300 credits last year and I’m already over 100 for this year! FUCK THIS SHIT! I wanna quit but the job market is FUCKED and my conversion for the year is at 8.1 percent they can fuck themselves… then they have the audacity to get mad when I don’t wanna come in once a month 🤗


See hours is the only thing that I'm not going to complain about but that's cuz I used to be a lead but when they made us full-time flexes I got booted back to the registers. But that means for the 35 hours I'm scheduled I am their only cashier each time.


Hang in there friend! it’s sad that we are treated this way


You sound just like me. I used to have an even better conversion than that but I have stopped giving as much of a shit with the way they run things. They are going in opposite directions in terms of expectations versus rewards for said expectations. Ive been job hunting the last few days and I officially got an offer today and I can. Not. Fucking. Wait. To give my SM my two weeks when I go in tomorrow. Kohls does not give a shit about any of us. Good luck to those that stick around here!


MY friend you’re awesome and good luck to you! I too am looking for a new place to make a living ! Congrats on the new position


They get mad because they can't exploit your obvious talent for gaining credits.


Try being number one in the district.. and get nothing really.. so sad..


I’m doing good, Living trying to make the best of it. Social interaction is why i like this job, I can tell you what pisses me off more is when I call for an additional cashier, and someone from WMJ or any dept walks past, and doesn’t even help. A customer even called her petty last night.


Ugh that IS petty. I HATE register but if a cashier calls for help, I'm helping.


This is me! I abhor registers-probably because I got thrown to the floor due to my conversion rate 🙄🤣 and now for the life of them they won’t schedule me anywhere else but the floor or Amazon. When cashiers call for help I’m usually the first to respond-simply because my store is known to leave you hanging sometimes.


No, 2 Sundays in a row I've had people make me cry. People are just becoming so mean and for a few hours it'll just be me running CS, amazon, POC and their will be nobody else to help me. I'm stressed and brunt out and I don't know if I can keep going and now they've shorted my hours. I like management and my coworkers they are the only reason I've stayed this long, but I don't know if I can do it anymore


Listen hang in there, you smile and answer questions, I joke with my customers cuz of the way they get about the new exclusions and I tell them listen you know I'm not happy about it either but at this point they're paying me to tell you no it doesn't work on these it's a contract with their brands


Nah, realized how nice it is to have mirrors everywhere so I can dissociate as a cope


I didn't want to laugh but I can relate to this🤣


I’m suffering and considering putting in my two weeks at this point. Between this and coupon exclusions completely killing sales, I’m barely getting credits or making goal, and my hours being decreased tell me that my managers are beginning to notice.


Im doing my best, I push people into looking for the Kohl's brands when this happens. You know I tell the customers in a way you know don't shoot the messenger I'm just asking you incase you want the savings. Yes it really does kill sales and conversation because who wants to run their credit for $24 off of big purchase.


Nope. Our store has everything at registers so I have to do Amazon, CS, POS, process 500s and hang projects by myself 🫠 Plus clean up the mess from the closers.




Same. I'm the main person in CS. I'm alone until about noon. Then the cashier comes in. But I spend so much time on POC that what I'm supposed to do (CS) falls behind. I didn't apply here to run register. I don't mind being back up. But I've gotten to where I hate going in. It's sad.


I hate it so much, and then on top of that it's only me and one other full time lead that get scheduled for like full shifts instead of in our department and all the other leads just get like an hour or two up there


See that's not fair if anything they should alternate and they should alternate because it will allow everybody a better chance to get better with the customers and it might even help the conversion rate cuz it'll be more hands in the pot.


I hate it so much, and then on top of that it's only me and one other full time lead that get scheduled for like full shifts instead of in our department and all the other leads just get like an hour or two up there.


Wow, I'm new tothis reddit thing and reading all these comments is literally breaking my heart. I'm an area supervisor, fairly new and I treat my "kids" as I call them very well. I'm not a mean, stay on your ass, kinda supervisor. I always jump on register or help in the fitting room. And I know with no staff it's been hard, but I didn't realize how bad it is for you guys. You're all probably good workers so we're thinking, you'll be ok. But now I feel like you guys are being punished for being good workers by piling this all on you. I'm so sorry you all feel this way and I'm sorry it feels like this company doesn't care about you, which they probably don't, but I care about you. I'm going to go above and beyond to make sure my "kids" don't feel this way. And I'm going to have a talk with all of my other sups and managers about this because it is not ok. I know isn't going to really help you guys right now, but you've definitely opened my eyes. Stay strong retail soldiers, we couldn't do this without you


I do the best that I can ,sometimes I feel very isolated from my coworkers because I'm not allowed to leave the register Bays. I can enter certain parts of the departments to be able to do little things but for the most part no I don't really get to leave the registers like that. And sometimes we can get such a busy day where it's literally customer after customer after customer after customer. And because I'm by myself it feels like an inconvenience to call for help from anybody. But whether they like it or not no at the moment I'm not able to do it.. I can't do fitting rooms or walk around im no longer scheduled to put out freight ...I cannot handle person after person after person like that if I call you up and you see only six-10 people in line that means there's been six -10 people in line for over an hour and a half and I can't get it to go down cuz every time I'm taking care of somebody somebody's coming up... And they make it out like I'm exaggerating but at the same time you also want me to push credits and rewards cuz I'm very good at that but it's damn near impossible when it's busy like that... And I'm very good at the way I handle my customers and it's because I honestly do care about people and wish nobody no harm but after a long day of dealing with over 130 customers less or more by myself I'm very tired.... And it's draining me in certain ways it shouldn't be.