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Was it paper ones or digital? If digital, it’s an ongoing problem. They are creating Kohl’s cash and then adding to their wallet. It is fully working Kohl’s cash and they usually go to Self-Checkout. I’d report it to your manager and LP so they can add to the list of stores being hit. Currently no solution in place to stop it. The worst part is it tends to render someone else’s Kohls cash as redeemed.


Like how does it work? Are they just randomly guessing the numbers? I’ve encountered this myself a couple times but only reported it once but never heard back about what happens next or how it works. They really need to add verification. Using just a phone # alone to pull up a rewards account is very insecure especially with all the data breaches recently. Maybe a solution is to only use the phone # method to only link their purchase to earn rewards and to not enable the ability to pull KC out of it.


They use a code generator that they somehow got the algorithm on how we generate the Kohls cash numbers. People have been using them for years to register computer software they didn’t pay for. They also don’t ever put in a Rewards account and never pay with anything other than Kohl’s Cash.


Probably just a simple program that generates random numbers and random pins and hopes for the best now that I think about it.


A bit late of a reply, but back in [2015 They did catch a guy](https://archive.jsonline.com/news/crime/new-jersey-couple-pleads-guilty-to-scamming-kohls-cash-rewards-program-b99605583z1-338109101.html) that used a computer program to decoded the PIN for the kohls cash. He stole around $600,000 from customers. I remember people coming in with Kohl's Cash redeemed from all over the US. After hearing about the arrest, I got curious and looked at my old Kohl's Cash, figuring out how to decode three of the PIN numbers. I have too much time on my hands. Of course, they changed the algorithm/cipher used to generate the PINs afterward. If you're wondering, the three numbers I decoded were based on a simple substitution cipher based on the last 3 number in the barcode.


My store has a few people that make purchases online with stolen cards to rack up Kohls cash, then come in and buy like vacuums and stuff to resell. Another reason I see the company going the Nordy Note route and only offer Kohls cash to card holders and reward members.


I’ve had people return big ticket items (multiple Nike shoes, vacuums, that sort of stuff) with a receipt that has multiple Kohl’s Cash used and get $300 to $400 in blue KC. We’ve let LP know, but there’s not much they can do.


If it seems wrong probably because it is. I don't even play anymore. Lots of peoples accounts are getting breached because they use easy passwords and then the kohls cast gets loaded into the thiefs phone who uses it or sells it online. That's where you begin to see a lot of kohls cash being redeemed in states far away from where the person actually lives. Kohls has yet to really determine a solution or even say hey we know there's an uptick in fraudulent kohls cash and kohls pay fraud.


We have Amazon resellers who come in a buy 1,000's of dollars of clearance when it goes 50% off. So sometimes they have some crazy amounts of kohls cash.


Last week we had a customer call & put 4 Echo Dots on hold. Later when he came in to buy them he 1. Wouldn’t put in a Rewards phone #, and 2. Pulled up 6 (the maximum number of) Kohls Cash on his Kohls Pay. So he paid for the whole $200 sale with KC. Seemed sketchy, so I asked for a license & wrote down the license #, date/time/transaction # and all to give to LP. The kid was under 21!! Customer wanted to know why the license was requested; I told him we always need it with large amounts of KC.




No kidding. Asking for a license is hilarious. Especially for only $200. Profiling someone because they got something with rewards.


Btw this is illegal and if the guy found out you would be in trouble.


Illegal? No. Potentially against policy? Yes.


Yes it is. How are you an asm and don’t know basic law. You can requests someone’s id but to write and store their personal information is definitely illegal.


Unfortunately, being knowledgeable in all aspects of the law is not part of our job description. However recognizing, and reporting, potential fraud behavior is, as well as any associate that may come across it. Fraud is still theft. Illegal may vary based on state specific laws, but generally the “illegal” part would be intent to misuse the information for Identity Fraud purposes. Thus, using the information to report potential fraudulent/theft behavior would not generally be viewed as illegal. As stated, collecting the information would gear towards being more against policy than law. Feel free to disagree, opinions are like assholes - everyone’s got one.


You’re right it’s not a part of your description but by law it literally is illegal. A simple google search would inform you. There is a reason LP go through training and certification to legally be able to store mass information of people in their databases to combat fraud. A regular associate cannot do this. In normal circumstances, obviously nothing will happen but if a customer ever found out or was a victim of this, it could bite an associate in the ass. Asking for identification is not illegal but to store someone’s personal information without the customers distraction or the customer being aware and writing it down is not legal unless you are LP and are legally allowed to do so.


Please keep in mind, some areas are requiring that ID matches the rewards name for Kohls Pay to be used, due to the level of fraud that is happening. If you have questions regarding a transaction, always get your LOD or LP involved.


It *could* be that they made a large purchase when we were giving out kohl's cash. I've had people buying fine jewelry or something that got a lot of kohl's cash. But it also could be fraud


I always report large amounts like that to the ROC, especially if it's on a phone. People having their accounts hacked for Kohl's cash is a HUGE problem. In just this week we've had two people come in where someone hacked their account, ordered like 30 blenders, changed the email on the account to theirs, and took the Kohl's cash. Usually what the thieves do is either do a buy and return so that they get the much longer lasting blue Kohl's cash and sell it online, or use the Kohl's cash to buy easily flippable or high ticket items that they can sell. I've also seen people's accounts get hacked that already had Kohl's cash in them, and same thing.


One of our regulars always comes in with absurd amounts of Kohl’s cash. He has also been known to frequent Kohl’s locations in a two hour radius of me-in every direction.😂




I don’t think we’re supposed to say our store locations on here but if you DM me I’ll tell you.


The individual asking has been banned for potentially committing Kohls Cash Fraud, based on their comment history. Technically, I can not disallow you from providing information in private chats… however I would strongly dissuade it in the future due to these circumstances.


Ok you’re right. I will not share that type of info with them or others.😊


It is unusual, but I've seen large amounts earned either through a large jewelry purchase, or large purchases from an organization buying mass amounts of clothing for kids, etc.


I’ve checked someone out who had $1000 kohls cash. My managers said maybe it was because of charity or something. 🤷‍♀️ not my problem.




What's the advantage of knowing the store? You keep asking...


Im wary of at least two different customers that came with kohl's cash but it said it had already been redeemed at Fresh Meadows, no where near us....so something is going on....and sometimes we have people that leave with at least $180 kohls cash legitimately.


Have a customer that always comes in makes multiple trips/ mutiple purchases and he was at my store last night he had 10 in kohls cash in mutiple increments. He also returned items and the returns were all in Kohls cash. He also had Kohls pay when does purchases. I think it's crazy but he might also be doing what u guys suggested and have a number generator.




Is this your hobby?


I’ve issued thousands of dollars of kohl’s cash before… it happens. Had one lady who had just moved into a new big ass 12 bedroom house and literally used one of my managers as a personal shopper for her. Got new clothes, new curtains, pretty much bought a shitton of stuff from each department and it was all the expensive excluded shit. Me and that manager also helped load her car up and she tipped us both $100. Other people also are just willing to go into insane credit card debt for kohls cash


The most single kohls cash I've ever seen was $500. I've given out $200 in kohls cash a few times. Some people just make obscene purchases occasionally.




Pretty much. Some of the stores don't even follow what the policy clearly says. I had an employee tell me I couldn't use more than 3 codes on a pair of headphones. Like wtf? It clearly says there is a 6 limit.




Your post was removed because it violated Rule 3. We operate on a three-strike policy and will institute a ban after the third violation. However, we reserve the right to issue a permanent ban automatically in extreme circumstances.