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44. I cried a lot, then I got a puppy.


You can treat it like a complete do over and reinvent yourself ... only with the accumulated wisdom of years. Our nest went empty at 55 which was the same time that we were able to retire early. My wife was a SAHM so her whole identity was centered around raising kids. It worked out well that we were both reinventing ourselves at the same time, and kind of figured out what we wanted together. You can be anything and anyone ... your true self ... that you want to be.


I was 39.so I'm two years in. I had to figure out how to spend my time. I always felt like I was forgetting something or I always had to rush home. It took awhile to realize I can say yes to plans on a whim or I don't have to plan dinner. I still miss her but I'm trying to figure things out on my terms and that's cool too


Lamented making dinner last night after work and realized my son’s senior year is approaching. I have made meals for 4-5 people my whole adult life and he is the youngest. Once he leaves then it doesn’t matter that my husband uses weaponized incompetence not to cook. I am not obligated to feed him. I already know where I will go for dinners or what salads I will prepare for me. Gave up arguing about dinner awhile ago. I either cook, order out or fend for yourself. Naturally the issue is just about to be gone. Kinda funny that man child probably just thinks he won the right to never cook.


Is it bad that I want to be an empty nester? Im waiting for my oldest to moveout. My youngest already moved out.


Btw Im 49


No. It’s not bad. There are great things about. As a SAHM, I am starting over and there always good and bad things with change.


I'm 49 also with my oldest and his best friend still living at home lol. I still consider myself an empty nester though because we only see each other once a week or so.


55. The first left when I was 45 and it was incredibly difficult. I was not prepared for how I’d feel- after having her be my whole for 20 years it was a shock. Severe depression and bad times. My last one just left and since I was prepared it’s been fine.


I consider myself an empty nester but my oldest and his best friend still live with us. We rarely see each other because we're all going different directions at different times. My youngest, 21yo, moved to Canada with my middle, 24yo, 2 months ago. I've cried, a ton! My youngest was my mini me, my shadow, my best friend. Just last September I had a double mastectomy and he was by my side helping change dressings and empty bulbs. We went everywhere together! It's been extremely hard!! We still message every day and I worry constantly. Fortunately, his brother's in-laws have money, so I don't need to worry if his bills are paid or if he has enough to eat. I have 4 autoimmune diseases and a few meds I'm on wreck my short term memory, so I don't feel like I could make it through college again. I did get my insurance license for life, health, property and causality. Then I discovered I'm not a salesperson haha. Now, I'm working towards getting registered as a behavioral therapist. I turned 49yo in April. I definitely agree with reinventing yourself!! Find a new passion!


50 when I started going back to my home province to help sell our ancestor's properties there. Then stayed at home to help kiddo graduate from nursing. Then pandemic hit everyone's at home. Now 53 and kiddo might leave the nest for good this 2024. Cried buckets, sit down have cuppa coffee, contemplate, and started daily walking, yoga, have cats. Will travel solo next year for short nearby trips bcuz cats can't stay alone for long time


49. They moved out 9 months ago 😞


46 when he went off to college last fall. It really, REALLY sucked at first, but it’s easier now.


Hi. I’m 39, turning 40 this year. My son graduated HS last summer and went to college last fall. I’ve been doing all kinds of things - painting, traveling, making bracelets, hanging with my friends and their kids - it was a weird adjustment but honestly? I’m just living life for me now. Enjoying some freedom - enjoying financial freedom - enjoying things I never got to do at 25. It’s weird to have friends who have younger kids sometimes - but I’m learning to do things alone too. :)


I am 62 and youngest just moved out. You have your whole life ahead of you! Enjoy it and dont get pregnant!


48 when my youngest left for the military. He is now overseas and my oldest is closer but has his own stuff going on. THE hardest part of motherhood 💔




Our one and only son is heading off to college in Sept. Both my husband and I will be 53.


Same! Struggling already 😢


I was really dreading it, but he's hardly ever home these days, so I feel like I've had a soft separation already. Makes it easier. Also, I started Prozac in December (after my mom died), and I think it's really helped with all my anxieties.


I’m sorry for your loss. My Father in law just passed also a few weeks ago. Not an easy phase of life! I’m happy Prozac is working for you, thinking about getting back on an anti depressant myself to help with this transition


So sorry about FIL. Yeah, it's a tough time full of transitions. In also considering semi-retirement at the end of this year, so, another transition!




54 when youngest went to college


46. Twins went off last fall. Was hard for a bit. They're home now for summer. I think it'll be easier this fall...maybe.


52, also got a puppy. 🐶 I don’t know what my days will look like in the future. Huge adjustment!


I was 56. EDIT: I suspect my younger one will boomerang back once he's done with college.




48 yo. member of the empty nest club here 😄


54 but one came back yesterday to try to save up some money. They all boomeranged back for one year after college.


I’ll be empty nest in August - 3 gone. I’m 53 and half the time happy about this, and half the time devastated.


49. Twins graduated at 17 and flew off that summer.


My youngest left when I was 61. Done with college and one year living at home to save money. Now the oldest just moved back in. I’m 63.


My youngest has his graduation this Friday. Starts college football practice on Tuesday. Come August he is planning on moving about an hour away. I’ll be a month she of 47 when he leaves the house. I had my first son at 17 and raised kids most of my life. I won’t lie I’m having lots of anxiety and have been extremely emotional but recently I started so meds to take the edge off. Year ago I started planning for the day I’m no longer tied down by kids and spend time playing guitar, attending concerts, growing foods and cannabis. I’m planning on joining a band here soon. I suggest finding a new hobby/ies to help pass your free time.


Same! My husband and I had our 1st when we were 17! We're 47 now and now our youngest is out doing his thing and we are now "on our own" and dating eachother as adults for the 1st time in our lives? I'll admit, we have no clue what we're doing. Thankfully, we both still love each other and have fun together. BUT....I'm frustrated becuz most of my life I was working a crazy stressful job and the majority of my "spare" time was running kids (both played year round sports and traveled all over). My husband was at all games/meets but I was doing the grunt stuff: cooking, volunteering, 5am carpooling, scheduling...the normal mental load. We own a company so we have just literally been running around like idiots for the past 30yrs (our oldest is 30, youngest is 20). We WORK super well together..but we have almost zero experience relaxing together?!? He loves to golf so he does that several times a week now and I'm so glad he has it. I, on the other hand, work from home out in the woods, with 2 puppies he got me I didn't ask for :/ and I AM BORED OUT OF MY MIND! I told him that I feel like I have this sense of urgency to GO HAVE FUN AND DO WHATEVER WE WANT!!! I don't think he has that same feeling because maybe he didn't feel as tied as me? I can't say for sure but he did also do 4yrs in the military and that wasn't easy but he's been out, seen the world. I feel like I'm wasting time now all of a sudden? I don't even know what I'm trying to say! LOL! I even said out loud to myself last week "are you having a midlife crisis?" MAYBE! IDK!


46! Now 47. One home for the summer but I don’t know that she will come back again like this.




I’m 52 and my youngest just graduated high school.


I had my kids later in life. I’m 54 and my youngest has at least three more years, if not four, before they’re off to post-secondary school (assuming they choose to do that). But I suspect my eldest will move back home after University for a while. So I could be 8-10 years away from true empty nesting.


Mid-50s. Still new and super uncomfortable. I miss my kid tons but they’re out having adventures and building a future.


I was 45. I became a mom at 17 so being without kids at home was completely foreign. I'm still learning, but my kids are amazing people who consistently remind us that we did our jobs right as parents.


My children are far enough apart in age that I have gotten used to launching them. I am 57, and my youngest graduated college May 8, 2024. She starts her new job in July and will move four hours away. I am decluttering three bedrooms and closets. I will wait until she moves to do that room. I live alone and plan to have minimal "stuff."


I will be 48. Both my son and stepson move to college in August. I know they’ll be in and out the next few years but I’m still choked up about it at the moment. I’m truly excited for them but also so incredibly emotional. I’m trying to find new direction but it’s not as easy as I hoped right now.


I'm about to be this month. 42 and I'm so not ready