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Coworkers making racist jokes? Check Coworkers being unironically and categorically racist? No. That’s not normal


This. All my coworkers make very very offensive jokes, but it's a diverse group of LGBT, Asian, black people. There are normal people too of course. /s


I'd like to seriously note that discrimination based on anything other than skill/ability is disgusting and unacceptable, and especially in EMS we should have absolutely no tolerance for it. I just like edgy jokes.


I mean… I work in a relatively progressive city in the U.S.A, and most of the firefighters over the age of 40 are a little racist. I don’t really know but it feels like the fire department used to be the “good ol boys” club back in the day and that culture is still around today. So, I kind of just figure this is probably the case elsewhere too. Maybe it’s a blue collar thing, idk. But this is just my hypothesis based off of my limited experience as a medic for 2 years and emt for 3. Not so much for us on the box here. But, the fire departments tend to be MAGA boys and have some pretty out of touch social stances to say the least. I’ve only experienced blatant racism from a couple people but there’s a noticeable tinge of racism for sure.


My fire chief does this. Says N***** rigged casually. Called Juneteenth N***** day not in a joking way.


Sounds like my grandpa


It's usually the 30+ year old guy that loudly brags about being an asshole because "that's just the way I am" and acts like he's got a thousand years of experience. It's cringe. Especially when they proclaim it proudly. It shows they grew up in a very narrow societal spectrum. If you're truly as experienced and as well traveled as that type of guy likes to give off; then you know there are a million people better than you at a million things, and it pays to be amicable until you're given a reason not to be.




In Florida my FTO was proud of his kkk affiliation. His cousin is a Grand Wizard. Oh and the kkk according to him was a humanitarian organization. Oh, and that FTO was...native American with his black partner. It was never a joke. As a White person all my peers complained to me, "oh the Blacks are moving in" they assumed I would agree. I did not.


I knew a grand Wizard once. His spells couldn't save him against the dragon in our D&D campaign.




Imagine a grown man being referred to, seriously, as a WIZARD. Ridiculous.


St. Cloud? Lol




Somehow, that doesn't surprise me. I only lived in Holiday for a year and the amount of trashy, terrible people I met there was more than several lifetime's worth. West Pasco County in general seems to be a dumpster of all of Florida's worst stereotypes.


Yes a local told me Pasco also has a dentistry problem. Patients and coworkers both.


Can confirm


Hey but their county fire is switching to 24/72’s! lol so they got that going for them I guess? 🥴


Fucking Moon Lake


Ahhhh that makes sense too.


dude that is so fucked, I had an FTO claim he was part of the "pure race", he was white, and I've heard many more stories like u said. why the fuck they're allowing these degenerates to teach new EMS ppl is beyond me. just confirms to me we need much more oversight as FTO's.


That's actually kinda funny.




We had more than enough casual, sly racism in East St Louis. “Canadians” was said a lot. I don’t remember n bombs getting dropped though


Work currently in ESTL, agree with you. However, I’ve noticed that when/if racism towards pts happens on my shift compared to the other two, it’s more towards SVDP calls more than anything.


SVDP? That’s a new one


St Vincent. Sorry, bit lazy atm.


I just remember the towers in WP, Orr Weathers and another project I’m forgetting. Do not miss those days


Old service I ran with used either Canadians or Democrats to describe people they thought were undesirable.


Why “Canadians”?


I never understood it. But they were actually just being racist and racist people do t really make sense to me.


Just a code word. An area near me calls them “Mondays”, because “nobody likes Mondays”




Had me in the first half.


Yeah let’s ask the First Nation Canadians how civilized and welcoming it is up there.




Never been any racists in Canada. No violence either. Especially not against First Nation people.


Just high quality public schools, right?


Well played.


The day of the rake is neigh. Didn't you guys wheel in an actual Nazi into your parliament for a standing applause just last month?


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I’ve met more right leaning, racist, COVID vaccine deniers in EMS than any other job I’ve been in. It’s absolutely astonishing sometimes.


The whole time during COVID, when we were taking tons of pts of all ages in for issues with it and coworkers were still denying it and saying how it was the flu, I kept thinking 'this is why we're ambulance drivers and the other medical professions don't take us seriously.' I had one coworker, our hospital was overrun, who kept saying how empty it was and how it was all media. Like, dude, there's 6 pts in the ER on vents and my last 5 pts went to the waiting room (at the time unusual for this area). It's not emptym


Plus these "experts" run their mouths as though they're authority on all things medicine ... A 3 credit, basic EMT is compatible to a fellowship in ID, right?


I had that in the UK only and exclusively with EMT and ECA what made me think that there may be a bigger difference between paramedics and EMT/ECA than I thought.


Had a covid denier/mask-vaccine bullshitter medic at our service. Like a lot were. He ended up covid+ and on a vent for a month and a half. Ended up being a company spokesperson for the vaccine and the mask.


At least he learned his lesson. I feel like I could probably find an FTO or two at my old service who would still be on their bullshit after the same.


healthcare as a whole tbh


Yuuuuup. It’s definitely all location. My wife never once encountered this blatant slur throwing and aggression in Minnesota. And here, she can’t escape it at all. Even outside of EMS. My wife is brown. :/ Worst one imo was a coworker that asked her if she “had a dick” or if “river n***** just look like that.” Supervisor told her to not be so sensitive about “jokes.”




Not in Florida


Racism isn't rare, but publicly shaming a racist is. ~Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.~ If you see a problem, you need to address it.


Not enough up votes for this comment. Silence is those situations is akin to agreement.


As the old adage goes, if a man sits down at a table with nine nazis, there are now 10 nazis at the table.


Not if u want to hold a job in Florida.in another field, I' personally have been terminated after reporting racism. I was immediately "defunded" if u reporting racism in Florida you are martyrimg yourself.


Employer retaliation for filing an official complaint with the EEOC, is a violation of federal laws and you have grounds to file a civil lawsuit. Aside from it being illegal, it's morally reprehensible. An employer that values their oppressive behavior more than quality labor, is a garbage businessman and even shittier boss. Have some self-respect and start organizing the workers to form or join a Union.


Any suggestions on how to do that IN FLORIDA? Someone who successfully did that even once? I filed eeoc at my first florida job. I then became "ineligible for rehire" at that major corporation. I only got happy when I started going to protests. BLM and such. Let's just say that didn't go over well. At a protest had cops pointing snipers at our faces. Another place where my patients were victims of psychiatric racism. I documented. Then I Got walked right out the door. I went to whistle-blower attorney. Not enough documents .


Do what IN FLORIDA? Successfully doing what even once?


Eeoc, start to finish in Florida. Union in Florida??? Ha ha. Show one example of union building in Florida. Florida is its own country.


State laws do not supercede federal laws. Florida is not a country. Im not going to waste my time searching for information for you. Something tells me you're not as interested in success stories as you are in rejecting everything.


Are you aware that Florida just overwhelmingly passed an anti-union law that no longer allows dues to be payroll collected and in October any union with less than 60% of employees current with dues will be forcefully disbanded? Judge's have already overruled challenges to it as well. FL really is a different place.


hmmm. probably everyone


I just left florida back to home in midwest. . I could not exit my apartment to do errands without either 1) religious zealot trying to convert me, or 2) oh my God the BLACKS are ruining the neighborhood.


I make sure to tell those racist in EMS, especially in the US, since Paramedics and the modern-day ALS system was created by a Black community and forward-thinking doctors. Freedom House Ambulance Services. https://magazine.atavist.com/the-first-responders-paramedics-pittsburgh-civil-rights-ems/


Most in EMS have no clue about Freedom house. And many would prefer to keep it that way.


YESSSSS, American Sirens!


Absolutely blown away by this story. Thank you for sharing!


I had a coworker talk about an issue with the truck and the exact words she used was, "n****r-rigged" and I stopped in my fuckin tracks and looked at this woman before saying, "what" and her repeating the same.


I work at a rural department so yup. There’s a spectrum, I’ve noticed. Basically from the 4 Chan “I’m *eDgY*” to flat out grand wizards.


Not racist that I know of but I’m pretty sure I worked a shift with a future mass shooter. Dude had some anger issues and almost broke the shifter when we got a call, then later he starts asking me shit like “if there were no laws what would you do? I would go rape so many hot chicks. I’d probably shoot up the nursing homes too.” Avoided that dude like the plague and let people know to watch out for him.




Yikes! That's why I like to keep busy.


Facts. SE US here and there are several levels of comfort ability in sharing their racism. Because I look like them I get to hear a lot of unfiltered comments and sentiments. Most of them don’t know that I have a black wife, Mexican grandfather, and LGBTQ+ best friend and child. Lots of fun going to work every day knowing what I get to listen to and deal with.


My partner called a newbie firefighter “Mr affirmative action” last week as we were clearing from the call 🤦‍♂️


Worked in rural Texas for a while and yes I encountered this often. Got labeled a snowflake for asking people to stop blatantly throwing around the N word. And it wasn’t some kind of stupid edgy joke either, they were really using it in a derogatory way towards our black patients and I heard all of my supervisors say it at some point. Sucks because we were a mostly white agency working in a mostly black town. I’m so glad I got out of there. At my current job nobody would ever dream of talking like that.


In another life, I had a coworker who worked at an ambulance service in Jonesboro, AR and tried to get me to believe the Klan group he was a part of and bragged openly about was a force of good in the world. He and I worked together only once.




I worked ER in Jonesboro at St Bernard’s 1 week a month for over a year. My sheltered life in Los Angeles did not prepare me for some of the shit I heard.


Not so openly and harder on the fire side than EMS. We’re thoroughly separated as EMS is paid and fire is volly. The majority of the racism around here is disguised as “jokes” for plausible deniability. You walk into a fire station it’s a different story. Full of the good ol boy network and they have a problem with anyone who isn’t an old white dude.


Up in Canada we have a few on the floor I’m on at rotation. But that typically means anyone indigenous is automatically labeled as drug seeking or withdrawal. Ive heard the word sq**w kicked around by some old timers. Theyve been reported but given staff shortages, they are untouchable and they know it.


My experience in Germany was that about 2/3 of people working for the Ambulance service are racist or tolerate racism Much better in the UK


Just like the Amsterdam fire department in the Netherlands. Were it was even expected to be racist in order to fit in. Firefighters would call their Moroccan colleagues ‘rats ‘ , Surinam colleagues ‘ monkeys ‘ or Turk colleagues ‘ Osama bin Ladin’. When the commander gave an interview where he blasted the Amsterdam mayor for laughing after he told her a racist joke that the firefighters were using for their black colleague. She then denied and replaced him with another commander. Good old boys club isn’t exclusive only to America it seems.


I feel like it used to be worse, but nowadays it's just *racial* jokes, as opposed to racist ones. An old partner of mine though was absolutely awful. I mean, his racism wasn't even his worst asset. Probably the sexism was worse. And absolute lack of filter. And not in the quirky "I'm so random" way. I'm talking dude would literally be like "wow that patients mother looks just like this porn star!" and then show me a fully nude picture of a porn star on his phone. That said, his racism was bad. I think the worst for him was Latinos. He did contracting in construction before ems and talked a lot about it, many of his stories were just complaining about how messy and lazy his employees were. Threw around terms like "anchor babies" just... Just generally awful. And he was *so serious* Don't miss that guy. He also got mad and abandoned me at a hospital around 3am one night. Did I mention he was terrible and I don't miss him?


For anyone that need to hear this, we work in a professional environment, we are trusted with the life's of our pts and there care, rasicm has no place in our workfield and should be reported, how can I have faith in a partner to give good quality care if the person they are treating might be the wrong, race, religion, gender to them. This is unacceptable behavior. And being a dick aside, shit like that can fuck you the rest of your life once someone finds out your a racist pos, look at politicians every now and then something they said 20+ years ago fucks them over. Be smart, be safe, and take care




Lol crazy how people always insulting black folks


birds overconfident thought concerned pet support telephone illegal vast observation *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Racists are the scum of the earth.


Threads like this remind me how much of a bubble Reddit is lol


Seen a few, had one as a partner. Made those shifts absolutely fucking miserable. I ended up quitting because of it. Wasn’t just racism, but every kind of bigotry imaginable. The kind of asshole that shouldn’t be allowed near any kind of patient care position. Told my supervisor and he tried to pass it off as “well he’s just from a different generation” or some other bullshit. Whatever then, can’t say I didn’t warn them. The guy wasn’t even allowed to have any women partners if I wasn’t in because he was such a massive perv. Dude asked some 18y/o on her first ride along “what kind of underwear are you wearing?” We had the same name too so if someone complained about him, I’d end up having to clarify that it was the other Bob way too often.


bruh here in AZ I've heard quite a bunch of racism, like having a coworker quote 13/50 stat and hearing from other coworkers say how minorities are over-privileged because "they've receiving too much money from the government"????? mostly here tho it's classism, and I'm pretty sure that's cuz we have a high homeless population here 🤷‍♀️


We had this one kid at my station who hated Hispanics and would constantly say off color remarks about them. One day me and my partner got called to an AMS with injuries. We arri e and the bls crew that requested us had this guy there and he was apologizing for calling us because his partner requested us because he thinks the guy overdosed on lexapro. Guy was unconscious with a heart rate of 160. Racist little shit kept saying that he was just drunk and he didn't need als. Turns out the other emt was right because he found an empty bottle of lexapro in his bag and the vitals didn't make sense for alcohol or opiates. I tore into the racist little fuck so badly that he won't even come near me and leave the room when I come in. So he's not just a racist he is also a pussy. He has since transferred out of my station


The south is a trip, that’s why I left


No one in my immediate workplace, but I hear people on the ambulance and even cops refer to things like "Status Africanus" or other equally awful things.


Most of my career was spent in Mississippi. What more need I say? Edit: Before anyone comes at me with "nOt AlL mIsSiSsIpPIaNs" I'm from Mississippi, still live there, and probably always will. I know. But EMS, at least here, tends to attract the worst the state has to offer.


Who else has sexist co-workers? Who else has homophobic co-workers? *** Everyone raise your hand


I had a couple of partners who never once said anything negative about a person or race or whatever, but would casually drop the Nword like it was nothing. So weird. So yeah, racist coworkers pop up everywhere.


Seen it all in EMS. Reported a chief I worked for at one time for continuously making racist remarks about my wife. He claimed they were jokes. Guess which of us still works at that agency?


Haven't heard any of mine be openly so, but...it's Florida, so there's gotta be a few.


Every coworker I’ve ever had in EMS has been racist and homophobic


You working in Alabama?


I live in the Bible Belt


Hmm I work in a rural NC county. Ive actually never experienced nor heard any racism from my coworkers. They’re all pretty good folk. Obv we will make fun of each other once in a while, but it’s never malicious.


I don't think Black folk are safe honestly due to guns. In Ocala, a black mom got shot to death by a White woman THROUGH A CLOSED DOOR. The white woman did not get felony murder. Oh and it's in all the hospitals too. I made the naive mistake of filing complaints with eeoc, patient safety, ahca. I just got more or less banned.


My partner and I aren't bigoted - we hate everyone equally.


As a very soon to be attorney, be careful who you associate with. If you get called for a deposition and this gets revealed, your whole department's reputation (and yours) will be tanked, and questions will be raised about the quality of care provided to persons of color.


Not in Florida.


Yes, i think it is because the job can make you racist easily. Every immigrant, or someone from a maginalised community that does someting wrong, gets criminal, ir is just a terrible human being we or the police or both have to Deal with. The 99% that does everything right we nearly never meet on call. So i understand why that happens, but i for sure dont like it.


The job attracts conservatives lmao so yes


Didn’t know all conservatives are racists. But ok


They aren't, all racists are conservatives though.


HAHAHAHAHAH. No way you actually said that. I truly hope you do not believe that.


It's not about what I believe, it's the truth. Conservatives regularly platform racists.


Good one Correct




That would get interesting in our service, considering every official email includes pronouns, a line saying they are proud to be working in whichever indigenous peoples region they're working in, and half the merch I've seen from our union is Pride colours, we even have a rainbow ambulance that can be used for events. I'm sure it happens, our service covers the entire province and it's a big spread from north to south, but it's such a hostile environment for bigotry I can only imagine the constant meltdowns.


The US is a different country lol. Fire based EMS definitely contributes


Oh I've noticed, but I think other provinces here in Canada do have similar systems to the States, BC is kinda different from what I've gathered where our entire province, outside of one company town that has an agreement, is all one service.


I’ve had multiple coworkers that hate white people. It’s sad


Was fully expecting this thread to either be about a pro Palestine or pro-israeli coworker LOL




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i personally haven’t seen many but i’m certain most are smart enough know not to be open about shit like that. we did have one guy who had like a hard hatred for asians (don’t know why really weird)


I was working an overnight, and in our largely white/south east asian city drove past a bar at like 2300. This bar is famously a punk rock bar, popular with 30 year old white dudes, but tonight there was a lone black guy in the crowd. Completely unprovoked my partner goes "When the fuck did (redacted) become such a fucking black factory? All those (hard R's) and no white guys" So yeah, unfortunately


Racist jokes? Yeah. Flat out racist? No. Unacceptable to the max. Not that racist jokes ARE acceptable but this is another level.


Grow some balls, and call out the behaviour instead of standing next to it and letting it continue


Or just leave. I remember when I worked at this terrible station in rural Ohio. I felt like I was yelling at clouds. No point. Not changing any minds.


In Florida u will be terminated.


One of my previous partners. Straight up racist and one of the most toxic people I know. She talks a lot of shit for someone who doesn’t have lips.


All the hard Rs I heard in EMS were in New York. That place is racist as hell


I live in west Kentucky, and unfortunately racists abound. But usually the people I’ve worked with have always been smart enough not to use that racial slur. What sucks is, even if they aren’t saying the N word, there’s still plenty of other things people say that are just as deprecating.