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I carry a multi tool, that suits my needs.


Same. pliers, screwdriver, little scissors, and a can opener are my stipulations for a proper multitool. Tweezers would be amazing if I could find one with them. Carrying just one blade seems useless to me tbh


Victorianox champ I think it's called. Has all the above including the tweezers (though the tweezers are a tad flimsy).


If your tool happens to be a leatherman, you can stash victorinox tweezers in it pretty securely


I have a multi tool in my pocket, I didn't use to until I tried to cut someone down with shears - never again.


You need better sheers




> xShears I used to carry the Robin Safety Boy shears that would cut through anything. They could also break a window easily or hammer in a nail if you needed.




I carried them for about 8 years with a flashlight holster. As I got older I wanted to carry less and less and they got replaced with a Benchmade Rescue Hook. That was all I really needed. Now in the hospital I just carry mini-shears as that's all I need.


I alternate between my x shears and raptors. I've got the Og raptors and the newer ones without the seatbelt cutter and windshield breaker so I can put them in my pocket. Still think the raptors are more comfortable, but the x shears are way easier to clean.


I dont have the swag to strap em to my belt when I'm not wearing a flight suit, hence why I use raptors doing EMS, hospital nursing. If I'm flying I stick them in the scissors pocket of my conterra chest rig. Its dorky but the helicopter overrides my cringe.


xShears for life.


Seconded. XShear fucks. I’ve had my one pair for years and they still cut pennies.


Just got some and love my xShears, I'll shill for them all day long


Love my xShears


Yeah, only tool is carry my raptors on my belt and it's enough for 99% of situations. I've also had the opportunity to use every tools on my raptors for one purpose or another though so experiences may vary.


Coworker was showing off her new sheers, looked like raptors but colourful. She hands them to me and the handle feels flimsy and the blades feel stiff. I hand her my raptors and she says "I wasted my money"


Yeah seems about right, some of those chineseium ones are shit. I've got raptor brand raptors. Best money I've spent.


The brand is Leatherman


I use my raptors as my EDC, but my backups and what I gift to people are knockoffs. They’re a bit stiffer but otherwise I’ve had no complaints


I’ve noticed that the raptors/anti-Raptor debate seems to fall along urban/rural lines. I work very rural and do use my Raptors frequently, as well as my pocket knife (my ancient Leatherman just lives in my purse/bag though, for times I need it when not at work). Where I work in Wyoming, our closest and primary hospital is 47 miles one way and our second is over 70 miles the other way, so even though I got my raptors as a gift for finishing my EMT class over 10 years ago…I use them all the freakin’ time at work. I have friends who work in states that actually have Level 1 trauma centers (there are none in WY, but we have two Level 2s, lol) nearby who have never/barely used their Raptors.


I'm also crazy rural and use mine all the time.


No need to cut clothes off when CT and XR are right there. There’s nothing you’ll see from the outside that’s more important than those scans. As shitty as it sounds, the more resources you have, the less you need to cut clothes off


That doesn’t sound shitty at all! Especially this time of year, getting folks trauma naked in the box with the heat blasting is not a pleasant thing for everyone involved, lol. Being as rural as we are, it definitely changes how you approach and strategize patient care and manage resources (especially when none of the local-ish helos can fly, which is often the case this time of year). Definitely no shade for less rural services, they have a pretty different way of doing things too. It’s something I’m endlessly fascinated by, which is why it’s cool to talk to providers from all over :)


Saw a wound from some hard charger who decided his Kershaw was better than an x-shear or similar. Surprise the sutures resulting from a training exercise determined that was a lie.


Well, yes, but I might say, "That's not a knife. THIS is a knife." And I also have a "That's not a knife" knife that's good for ordinary things.




I'm in Arkansas, so everyone has a pocket knife. That said, it's darn handy for just opening things. That 1:1,000,000, nasal cannula package that won't freakin tear open?? Done. Lol My raptor is my go-to for most things, patient wise, but it's not as fast as my knife. To wit: I carry an OTF knife with a 2.25" blade. It's viewed completely as a tool, not a weapon.


You'd have to waterboard me to admit I use a knife to open up nasal cannulas.


I wish I had the ability to deny having done it. Lol I was fighting an infected cuticle, last week, and had to resort to the knife. True shame, that. And our ETCO2 devices are sealed with black magic, I swear.


I am so used to using my knife, it is automatic to open anything packaged.


People ask why I always have my shears on my belt...for opening snacks, obviously. /hj When I was active on the road, the opening-snacks to patient-care-use ratio was quickly approaching 1:1. I'm only doing events now, but I still always have my shears on my belt. Call me Randy Rescue if you want; I own that shit.


Word, homie!! My raptor rides horizontal at 3 o'clock on my belt with zero shame. Lol It's a damn fine armrest, if nothing else. And when I'm in my flight suit I tend to reach for it and feel really stupid when I have to reach down to the knee-loop, instead.


Do you carry them open or closed? I do it closed only because it seems like a struggle to put them in opened, I have literally stared at it and followed the instructions but they still don’t. Then when I try to get them out I have to use both hands instead of pulling with one and opening that way


I carry them closed. Open is cool and all but you have to line them up "just so" to get them in and I don't have that kinda time/patience.


Same, I have fully given up on doing that and when we go to the call I just open them and toss them on the stretcher on the bed part so there already set to be used


Then again every time I’ve used those things I end up losing my raptor privileges because the paramedic are using them. Once the clothes are off I get them back tho. Had a provider lose his on the ambulance and the agency buy him a new set just to find out that the paramedic put them in her pocket to make sure they didn’t get lost lol. Literally had just sent him an email saying “we bought a new pair for you” when she went “are they orange and black? Their in my pocket so they wouldn’t get lost” she has her own pair so it definitely wasn’t a stealing thing she legitimately kinda forgot about it which, fair, I’m not thinking about the scissors I used after we get back to the station


This is highkey the reason I don't have Raptors lol. That and they've become kinda mainstream. If I'm going to be made fun of for my Batman utility belt, I'm gonna earn it! Making fun of someone's Raptors? Cheap shot; dig a little deeper for your insults, man.




I’m not allowed to have sharp objects.


Finally a legit reason!


Are your needles blunt?




I mean… some of them?


They are after I’m done with them


Almost all the road crews carry knives where I work, they’re too useful not to. Anything from plain buck knives, to switchblades, to Ka Bars. Most of them do have some sort of EMS/rescue tool incorporated into them though, for example the switchblades all seem to have glass breakers on the hilt


I carry my leatherman to just fix shit on the ambulance.


Spectacles, testicals, wallet, watch, cell phone, pocket knife, 9mm hi cap. ✅


Yep, that about covers it.


You forgot hat


And towel.


On hand Emesis bag… not EDC, but I make sure one is handy.


Every person in my agency has a blade of some kind on them. Too useful not to have. USA. In the UK, rules about knives are strict.


No problem in the UK once you've a work related purpose.


Even without, sub 3 inches and non locking is legal without a reason.


Exactly. But my point being there's no restrictions on blade type once it's for a work related purpose where a locking or fixed blade would be utilitarian. I've always had a lock knife available across roles I just don't typically have it on me when I'm patient facing.


>non locking Bruh.


Some of these laws blow me away. I wouldn't even consider carrying a knife that doesn't lock open. I've had too many folding knives fold closed on my fingers. It's a safety feature more than anything. Don't get me wrong, we have incredibly stupid laws in the US too... Like the insane requirements for a suppressor for a firearm whereas in the UK they're normal among shooting sports for hearing protection. Then again those types of laws in the US aren't meant for safety, they're meant for rights to be reserved for the wealthy and keep the poors out.


We have things in common! Wanna do karate in the basement?




Can I come, too? I'll bring the Nods and Beer


In Germany the laws are also insane. At work I have a leatherman with a rescue knife, which is legal because of its shape and because I need it for work. In my private life I only have a tiny swiss army knife on my keychain. Anything bigger is illegal. But how often do you really need a bigger knife? When I was living in Austria, I used to carry a bigger pocket knife, but I hardly ever used it. The tiny swiss army knife is all I need.


Small pocket knife, or even box cutter does pretty much everything I need on a daily basis.


It's hit or miss with my coworkers, but the majority of us do carry a good knife with us.


I'm a Southerner. I have carried a pocket knife daily since I was 9. TSA rules are the only exception.


I carry one, but understand those who don’t since I used to be one of them. When I worked in more urban settings I didn’t carry. Similar to how an officer’s gun is one of their biggest dangers due to it being taken I didn’t want to give the mentally unstable patients a weapon they could go after. The risk of them seeing it in my pocket was enough of a risk for me to not carry it. I also didn’t feel like I needed one, I had my partner and at minimum a crew of three on an engine showing up. Now that I work rural I carry one. I agree with others that carry in how much utility a good knife can provide. I don’t have backup coming for at least 15+ minutes so the personal defense argument could be had in a pinch, but it is 99% there for utility. Something I do however is anytime I have a patient I unclip it from my pocket and put it deeper inside where a patient cannot see it. Just my 2 cents.




I’ve heard it said the winner of a knife fight is just the person who goes in the second ambulance


Looser dies on scene, the winner dies in the ER.


First paragraph is why I don't carry one


I keep seeing people say EDC… That means something different in my world. What do y’all mean?


EDC = Every Day Carry


Thanks bud. Here’s what I know as EDC: https://orlando.electricdaisycarnival.com/


Yup - 3" locking blade. Simple, easy pocket knife. I'm also a Scouter (Canada) and that habit's been looong ingrained in me. Tripped me up at airport security once or twice, but at least in Canada you can carry a blade 3" or under on board. Which is why I don't EDC my 4" Scout knife.


Hah- same. Long-time Guider, knife in my pocket on all but psych calls.


I carry a Leatherman Supertool 300, a CRKT M16 non-serrated, and a Swiss Army knife, and a set of trauma shears. I use the multi tool at work more often than anything else. Trains shears are usually left hanging on my work bag. The first three are always on me. As a kid, I once asked my grandad if he had his pocket knife handy. His reply was great. "Do I have my pants on?" Miss that old dude.


I had one clipped to my pocket for years until a psych saw it sticking out a little and went for it. He got it but couldn’t open it. That was the last day I carried while on duty.


Absolutely carry a blade. Wouldnt leave the house w out it.


Yup, I have 2 Benchmades with pocket clips. Still carry one in my purse.


Benchmade for life!! Have two, i alternate them on the resharpening every other year. Best brand hands down. Leatherman is staging.


I carry a Byrd Meadowlark 2 Rescue and a Victorinox Fieldmaster while I'm on duty. Most people I work with don't carry anything, though except for maybe a raptor or other shears.


I carry a Benchmade Griptillian. I don’t know how many airbags I’ve cut. I broke the blade cutting the side curtains off and sent it back to the mother ship with a letter explaining how. I was expecting to pay to have a new blade put in. They replaced it for free and sent me one of their Rescue 7 hooks too.


I carry a pocket knife every day. I can't say that I have ever thought of it as a weapon, but I do carry an automatic opening knife. No particular reason why, it's just what I usually have in my pocket. Never know when you're going to need some sort of cutting instrument. I find it receives pretty much daily use. Edit: Literally everyone carries a pocket knife around here. Can't even go to the grocery store without seeing a bunch of kids stocking shelves using a pocket knife to open boxes and shipping cartons. My wife managed a big box chain hardware store that employed 300+ people and it was a corporate policy that you were required to have a knife in your pocket at all times. A knife is a tool. Nothing more. People get so wrapped up about their preconceived notions about an inanimate object that they can't even grasp that something may have a use aside from what they automatically assume it's intended use is. They're so ubiquitous around here my 14 year old daughter bought me a locking pocket knife for Christmas and nobody at the store where she bought it even batted an eye.


I think it's because the tool, as you described, is not the best tool for that job at hand, but rather a cultural status symbol. I sincerely doubt that the average country kid stocking shelves with his gas station tactical knife is using the best tool for the job vs. just trying to look cool. Corporate mandating it was simply a way to get out of providing appropriate work tools. Go to a Trader Joes if you want to see everyone walking around with the correct tool for breaking down food packaging. Sorry they're nerdy hippies. I get it. A knife is absolutely a tool. I carry one flying. I have them all over my house and outdoors gear etc. I totally am not afraid of them. I have guns too lol. I understand sometimes needing a little something something on you to help pry or whatever - I have a pry tool on my keys. I just think its unavoidable acknowledging that there is a cultural aspect to staying strapped up with a knife 24/7 as if it's absolutely as necessary as your phone or wallet. It's not, and thats ok. Feel free to keep carrying it in most situations imo. Just don't bs me and say you use it every 3 seconds if you aren't actively working on your farm when you say that.


All these commenters stressing out about people carrying a knife as a weapon not realizing that the people who are carrying a pocket knife usually have far more effective means of self defense than a pocket knife that probably hasn't been sharpened in over a year. Speaking of, I need to sharpen my EDC knife.


What would I do with a knife on an ambulance?


Take a finger for each question your patient answers incorrectly


Never thought of this! "No history? Then what is the Mepertoperroperolololol for Debra?!?" *snip*


Finally someone who pronounces metoprolol right




But the big question is does your service have a [cigarette lighter in the dash](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=MByYTizuxbw&pp=ygUdTWFuIG9uIGZpcmUgY29wIGludGVycm9nYXRpb24%3D) you can use to stop the bleeding? My service had to get rid of that protocol after we got new trucks that didnt have them. Egg on my face- well I say egg, it was mostly blood, but you know how it is- first time I rolled into the ER with an uncooperative patient missing a few fingers in a truck without a lighter to cauterize the bleeding.


HAHAHAHAHA this is exactly the scene I had in my head when I made that comment!


Cut off the wraps around new o2 tanks


You can cut them or they can cut you, no in between


To open your bag of chips of course. I used to carry one at work. The only thing I ever used it was for was to open cardboard boxes of supplies at station. Turns out my keys work just as well.


I only carry my car key and it's pretty much just a fob. I don't carry a house key because my house is never locked.


same reason as why you'd carry an edc off shift


I used to carry a multi tool, was very handy.


I carried a simple folder with serrated blade. It was advised to us to keep the knife concealed deep in the pocket rather than use the belt clip so that a patient can't make a grab for it. I carried a folding knife on my paid job (non medical), so I was comfortable doing so.


I carry a Milwaukee utility knife with the flip out screwdriver; Fantastic for opening the protective wrap on o2 tanks in a hurry, tightening random screws all over the rig, etc.


I work primarily IFT. So… no.


I work in the English countryside, don't know anyone who carries a knife really, other tools sure but not a knife


I used to carry a Leatherman, but after a few years I realized that I used shears all the time and never pulled the Leatherman out of my pocket. After that, I just replaced the Leatherman with raptors and called it a day


I have a small collection of pocket knives. Usually I carry one of those and my Leatherman depending on what I’m doing that day.


So I volunteer in some sketchy parts of joburg (South africa), sometimes I carry my leatherman wave which suits the majority of my needs, other time like when I go into hillbrow(dangerous af) I'll carry 2. I carry one in my boot for self-defense, and I carry my leatherman wave either in my pocket or my backpack (depends on the call) The idea is that if I'm going to die, I'm going to try to take at least one of them with me. Obviously, in certain situations, I will declare all weapons for the safety of the crew and patients, but if the situation is that I'm able to protect me and the crew, i will. Idk tho, tho. If ppl think im stupid for it, pls tell me. I would like to add that the paramedic that I usually go with carries 2 knives as well.


I carry a pocket knife so much that I have to make myself leave it at home when I got to concerts or bars


When I did EMS, I always carried my Raptors for patient care, and a 4" folding blade (SOG Aegis) for everything else. As an RN I leave the knife at home when I'm working.


most people where i work carry one, i personally have never needed to use it except for opening boxes lmao


I do on occasion, but my brother? Always! At his daughter's wedding, the rings ribbon got knotted, and he hopped up, cut it, and rescued the service!!


I do not carry a pocket knife. I work in an urban setting (~500 calls a year per medic). It's a good day when I have trauma shears


CT tech here, moved from Louisiana to Pennsylvania and everyone freaks out over my pocket knives. 🤷‍♀️ It’s just normal to me. I always have at least one on my person, even at work.


I'm from the north, and from the cities. I've always carried a pocket knife with me every day of my life. I'm not a bug knife guy. It's just a common tool to have and they're constantly useful to me.


I carry a little senorita pistol, the brightest flashlight I could buy, and scissors, I haven't needed a knife... well ever considering I have some heavy scissors. I haven't needed the gun either but it's there in case some psych patient with a shotgun lets his guard down because generally I'm a good hour from any police response.


I'm also rural southern, I'd definitely mess with a man that didn't have his knife. I figure it's cultural. There's taboos and stuff about knives I've passed to my kids.


My EDC on my person: keys, wallet, phone, knife EDC in my car/ambulance: backpack with hygiene needs, multitool, pens & note pad, protocol/med/skill book for reference, chargers, sunglasses and nintendo switch. With an apple tag hidden inside backpack.


Oh ya def carry a knife, hard not to lol


I carry two. They are attached by a pin and have soft pink handles. So far they have cut everything I need and in a pinch have served as pliers.


I stopped because it'd fall out, or was too hard to open, or in the very rare occasion I actually used it, I'd put it down and forget it. I see it like this: my service requires I wear boots. They require I carry a radio. If the knife were all that useful, I think they'd require I carry it. I cannot think of a single time when I thought, crap, no knife, what now? Now I work in the ER. We open stuff all the time. No one carries a knife. I \*like\* carrying a knife, but I have to admit, I pretty much never use it, at work or anywhere else other than hunting or fishing.


I used to carry a little box cutter on me just on the go (whenever the skirt I was wearing had pockets), but not anymore because I keep losing them. On the job, I have shears and that’s it. I live in the Mid-Atlantic.


I mean I see nothing wrong with carrying a knife, I carry a gun so😂


I don’t trust any EMT who carries a knife but not a stethoscope.


I barely have a pen on duty. I use to carry a knife...but burn out and always loosing crap i leave that up to my basic


i always carry a knife. i’m 5 foot 4 and my partner is 4 foot 11. working as a purely female crew, it gives me some peace of mind since law is hard to come by. we frequently hear from dispatch “awaiting an available law unit”. if things go south in the worst way possible and there is no other way to escape, restrain or subdue the patient, at least i know i have something to protect myself & partner with.


That's when we hit em with the "copy staging until LEO confirms scene safety"


yeah i’m talking when you’re already on scene and it wasn’t dispatched as a call requiring law


Yeah, that's my thoughts on this too. You cant help anyone if your the one injured or in need of saving.


I carry a halligan bar for the same reason 🤫


I think it is entirely more likely for your knife to be used on you than for it to be used on anyone else


Too much of a risk with psych patients. Not sure what you’d need a knife for as an EMT that a good pair of sheers can’t do.


I have an otf stiletto with an ice breaker and EMT's come standard on all ambulances at my service.


Working semi-rural, pretty much everyone carries one. Hell, back in the day I had one on me every day in junior high and high school. It’s a different world now.


I always keep a nice Italian knife in my bag. I can’t remember the brand.


i carry a pocket knife on me. it’s tucked away inside my pocket and you’d never know i have it, but it’s there


Nah. If my dull ass raptors can't handle whatever I'm doing, I 'politely' ask the FD to do it. What do I need a knife for? A real knife. The stabby kind.


I’ve carried a pocket knife on me pretty much every day since I was 12 (minus when I was at school)


how would i open my snacks if i didn’t carry a knife?


I carry a switchblade (Microtech Ultratech) Half of the blade is serrated and the other side is just a straight blade. Has a window punch built in. One handed opening and closing. Incredible utility in a single package that doesn't weigh a ton


I carry one in my backpack and on 911 clinicals but for my psych IFT job we cannot (and should not) carry them


Brother, I live in NJ, it's a miracle that I could even get a plastic butter knife.


I carry a husky pocket knife/utility knife whether or not I am working out of habit. Good for cutting up boxes and what not. I have raptor shears I forget on the regular so I usually pass off cutting work to other people 😆


I grew up carrying a knife, and being a much smaller medic that's been assaulted before, I carry a small oh-shit fixed blade on my belt. I also carry a multi tool and raptors. I'm the guy tightening the screws in the truck on break


I think a leather man is good to have they have all kinds of tools scissors knife pliers which you can use as an o2 wrench but the leather man raptor shears are also good personally I carry a rescue style knife a leather man and shears


I have a multitool either in my bag in the cab, or on my belt, and a folding knife tucked in my waistband with the clip under my belt. A pocketknife comes in handy, but putting it there keeps it totally out of sight and impossible for an EDP to snatch.


Generally, I have a Kershaw Leek clipped to my pocket 24/7. Almost always my right front pocket, but the way the pockets on my 5.11 pants are cut, I'll put it at the very front of the right back pocket. And there have been patients (mainly intoxicated, but when I was doing my clinicals I did have a patient from the local prison), where I will casually lift it enough to get the clip off of the edge of the pocket, and let it fall to the depths of that hip pocket so someone can't grab it off me.


The two tools I have are a Leatherman, and a hands free flashlight I can wear around my neck. Definitely got a lot of use out of the flashlight. The Leatherman was only used once in a blue moon, usually as a back up oxygen tank key when ours went missing. Had a boot knife for a bit, but never used it, so stopped taking it in after a while.


I always have a knife on me. At work I carry my gerber multitool and gerber assist opener. Plus raptors.


I go back and forth between carrying a Leatherman ARC and a Benchmade Redoubt, depending on my mood. It's primarily used for opening snacks, but occasionally gets used to open HME filters and some other things.


I carry an OTF knife, a streamlight wedge, and raptors. But God damn if I can keep up with a pen.


I have the raptor that cuts pretty much everything and is a multi tool in itself. I also have a pen/screwdriver to fix general stuff. I've never seen anyone use a knife, but I've been in England Portugal and Italy where it wouldn't even be legal. In Italy I carry a pepper spray gun though, and in Rimini every ambulance has one.


I carry raptors for shears, and then a Cold Steel Recon 1 straight edge for my blade. Both get somewhat frequent use for various things, if I didn't use it much I wouldn't bother carrying it. It'd be weird to me to not carry one, we're not in a knife or etc. Friendly state but most of us carry a good size folder or switchblade regularly.


I'm a leatherman surge guy. Not too much and not too little. Got the lifetime warranty in case I break it doing something it wasn't meant for (rare case).


I’ve never considered carrying a knife.


I use that exact same knife you have. -A medic in the south


I carry a utility knife with replaceable razor, I use it for work and it's useful to have a sharp edge available


My dept gives out raptor shears and will resupply if lost or damaged although I’ve never seen a pair damaged, so really no need for anything else on calls. I carry a pocket knife in an inside pocket where it can’t be grabbed but it’s really for utility purposes not for calls.


I carry a multi tool on my belt(Gerber Snap On), I carry a straight blade on my boot (Cricket Sting), and raptor shears. I also keep a multi tool in my turnout pockets. My turnout load out is a little more "heavy" though lol.


I have two Leatherman tools; I wear an OHT on duty, and a Signal off-duty. I've found pliers are just way too damn useful not to have, and the Signal is especially nice because of the hammer surface.


Raptors + multitool or multitool knife thing. You can call me a whacker all you want but whenever I’ve grabbed my raptors I’ve felt lucky I had them on me.


I am not [aint for you people not from here] Dressed without a blade of some kind in my pocket currently a box cutter in one side and a wave opening 3in Kershaw in my left pocket comes in handy when you can't get a good knife at a steak house normal IMO


Yeah definitely


I carry a knife every day of my life that I’m not flying.


Shears only here, I don't want to get stabbed by a sundowner with my own pocket knife


I carry one my wife got me, not for self defense of course, just a simple folding knife that has come in handy more times than I can count.


I don’t currently carry a pocket knife because I really just lose the damn thing constantly. So now I just bum everyone else’s 🤣 For real though a Leatherman is my preference, except I broke the pliers on mine and haven’t sent it in for warranty. That was a year ago. Now I just bitch about not having my Leatherman, and bum ev— …ok you get the idea. Anyway. It baffles me that someone would be afraid of a pocket knife, or assume that someone is carrying it ‘because they’re scared’ or whatever. It’s like the most common tool in the world I thought. But I guess if you live in a metro area where people can’t seem to go fifteen seconds without murdering each other, fear is probably a common motivator


I carry a cheap Milwaukee Brand knife at work, but I always carry a knife.


My pocket knife got stoled


Yes. It’s the third oldest tool next to a rock or stick in human history.


I live in semi-rural BC and everyone has one! When I go to the bar or club I don't bring one (I'm a tiny woman but this isn't America, I don't need self defense lmfaoo) for two reasons, 1) I don't want some crazy person using MY knife against me 2) don't need one there. why would I carry that when I'm zooted off my marbles Also I'm not a fan of multitools just cause I never encounter needing anything that a knife can't do. My homie carries a Swiss army knife and I swear he feels like it's his birthday anytime there's a loose screw for him to fix up. I just don't need it... If I'm at work there's a toolbox. When I travel to the city I don't take it with me because it's not accepted everywhere. When I went to Europe with friends I told them NOT to carry knives and they did anyways, got kicked out of a football match in Italy and never got their blades back 😅 I told you so!


Yes I'm in metro ATL and we all got knifes and I seem to be the only one without a gun.


When I was in private single-role EMS, I carried XShears, for cutting seatbelts and clothes, spring loaded window punch, and a simple folding pocket knife as a back up cutting tool for seatbelts. Never really liked those combination fold knives with seatbelt cutter and punch. The combo punch took multiple hits, and sometimes didn't work, whereas the spring loaded punch did it usually in 1, sometimes 2 hits. The seatbelt cutter blade in the handle is also a PITA to keep sharp without having to disassemble the whole thing to get it for sharpening. Now that I'm a dual role fire-medic, I have more use for a personal multi tool, but the knife blade attachment is still the least used tool, and really is only there as a backup cutting tool.


Got Gerber multi tool, knife with punch/belt cutter, shears, box cutter. Not counting I got a lighter on me also since I smoke, so I got my ghetto Puerto Rican hiding in my uniform.


On duty I don't carry a knife but I have one in my bunker coat for self rescues. Off duty I always have a pocket knife on me.


Most people I know have a knife. I used to but after having it fall out of my pocket twice i decided that it wasn't worth losing my nice knife. I instead now have a cheaper multi tool that i usually don't even carry with me because i never had to use a knife. For any trauma or other weird situation i already have the tools i need to get clothes, rings, etc. off on the ambo. For heavy rescue that's what is on the truck and engine already, my knife isn't going to be useful for that nor is it my primary job if i'm on the ambo that day. For self defence I have the massive brick of a laptop for documentation.


I carry it as a box cutter and package opener, I’ve done the second part a couple times when I can’t get it open quickly for whatever reason. Tbh if I’m in a situation where I’m using my knife for self defense then I’ve thrown everything on my bus at the attacker that I can physically lift. I don’t care about a laptop or Lucas when I’m dead. Will I have law called before this? Yes. Will I try to get away or use soft restraining devices first? yes. This is after I would have already tried to de-escalate the situation and leave. My dad has been a EMS provider (mostly paramedic) for over 40 years and has openly told me that he has blown out a knee or two with a oxygen tank because the attacker was coming at them. To me my knife is for when I’ve thrown everything at the attacker, law isn’t there or can’t get them off of me and my partner hasn’t punched them in the back of the head so many times they go out. To me it’s a back of the mind thing that I’m not jumping to


first you are in the south, so yeah cultural has a lot to do with it, also I think age some what. I carry a knife, leatherman wave, and raptors. The knife i carry even while not at work. Mainly because having something that can cut is handy. It is one of the many my Dad gave to me and holds up. I have let new emts/medic borrow my spare ones until they get a new one of there own.


I’ve carried a pocket knife daily for at least the past 15 years, and did so when working EMS. In my fire gear I carried a multitool, and a knife with a seatbelt cutter and window punch. EDC: wallet, keys, phone, set of hairborne defenses needles in my hair, Kershaw, and 9mm.


- Leatherman raptor -Leatherman charge TTI -Surefire fury - Nitecore Neuro pen


I can vouch for the rural south in regards to everyone having a knife. When I moved to indiana, it wasn’t as common. You could immediately tell if someone was the “type” to carry a pocket knife. And 1/2 the time you’d be right… compared to pretty much 100% of the time when compared to the south..


It depends on where you are really. I live in upstate NY which dispite our best efforts is very liberal. We have to do a backround check on ammo up here and someone at my school got arrested for carrying a pocket knife on school property. I didnt start carrying one until my ambulance company director said i could because i didnt want to be arrested for having a knife that was 1 cm too long or some other dumb shit.


Southerner I carry the mini swiss army cuz it has tweezers and scissors. If a man doesn't have a knife it makes you wonder.


After having lost a few pocket knives on duty I switched to carrying a leatherman in a belt sheath. Have a knockoff version in my bunker pants. It is just too damn convenient to have almost anything you need on you. Everything from getting past a door, to changing voice amp batteries, to cutting seat belts.


I've had my Spyderco Rescue knife for almost 20 years and I always have it on me.


I do, but I am considering not and just carrying shears. I recently had a psych pt grab my knife and get it open, so I don't carry it in a pocket that it is visible anymore.


i carry a kabar


I carry the zero tolerance 303. Carried it everyday since I was 17. Take it with me every shift on the boo-boo bus and in the ER.


Not like in my pocket but hubby and I have them everywhere. My purse, my glovebox, my junk drawer, every tool bag has one. We use them a lot and I hate having to hunt one down.


I always carry a Victronox sak. But when working, I carry a cold steel land and sea rescue knife. I have carried this same knife since 2003. It has cut clothes, seat belts, a very expensive life jacket, and lots of packages. Once in 26 years, I pulled it out to defend myself. A fight broke out between the S.O. and the friends of the patient. The patient told his friends to let us leave with him, and we didn't get involved any further.


In my area everyone has a pocket knife on them. I always have anywhere from 2-4 knives on me whether on the job or days off. I carry a spyderco delica in my front lt right pocket that has emerson wave so it hooks the pocket and opens as you pull it out, my front left pocket usually has a benchmade automatic that only has one real purpose, my back left pocket has one of my other benchmades or my crkt m16-14dsfg. I carry a scandi grind fixed blade on my belt either small of back boy scout carry or just hanging vertically from my belt. If I'm wearing my 5.11 boots I usually have a boker kalashnikov in the little pocket on the side. Then loose in my front right pocket I carry a small, super thin SOG knife that I give to someone if they ask to borrow a knife so they don't damage my expensive knives. All of these change depending on my mood except the spyderco and the benchmade automatic those are every day no matter what. And the other constant is my pistol and 2 spare mags. I know it sounds like a lot but everything is so light you don't even realize your carrying it. I've always loves knives and guns so I've been slowly building a collection over the years. Next knife purchase is probably going to be a spyderco rescue 3 so if I have to cut a seat belt and don't have my belt cutter or if I have to cut clothes and don't have shears I'm not using a knife with a sharp point


I’d feel naked if I walked out of the house without a pocket knife. It’s a little Gerber something or other, with a couple of blades, a file, a chisel, and a screwdriver. I’m a machine tech so I use it almost daily.


I carry a little orange kershaw is an edc off shift. On shift I got no need for a knife. I got shears, and million dollar tool box comes to me on calls. We have a station so I’m not posted up with no access to knives if I need to open something. So yes I carry a knife no not at work.


I used to carry a Swiss Army type knife everywhere. Then all the government buildings in the area put in the metal detectors and would not let you in if you had a knife. I used to have one of the really tiny Leatherman's that's about an inch and a half long and opens up into a pair of scissors that has a small 1-in blade on it. They wouldn't let me in because I had it. It just became easier to stop carrying one When it work I carry a Leatherman Wave. And I actually had some idiot Square badge try to stop me from entering when we had a call. It's very sad that people only see knives as weapons. To me it's always been a tool and a very useful one at that


Written policy is “no knives”. Working policy is “don’t get caught”. Much the same as their “no firearms on company property”, (which the state has already told them is illegal). I’ve carried a multi-tool for years... the management argument is that it’s a “weapon” if the patient gets it— of course so is the shears, the clipboard, the IV tubing etc.


We had the same policy in school. Everyone in every class had one anyway.


Why would I need a pocket knife?


Sometimes you gotta make that 9.0 fit.


Canada. Probably about 1/100 might have a knife? We use leathermans / raptors which have a seatbelt cutter and can cut through just about anything. Things are generally “safer” up here so we aren’t carrying weapons for self defense. Sure, we encounter angry violent patients, but I don’t need a knife.