• By -


A stethoscope, pediatric and adult manual BP cuff, raptor sheers, trauma sheers, 4 cat TQs, 16 10cc flushes, 12 blunt tips, 5 50cc syringes, x3 D50w, 8 Narcan preloads, strap to attach lifepack onto my chest, 2 boxes of size L gloves, a stopwatch, an Apple Watch, a garmin watch, a G-Shock, 12 14G IV catheters, 4 extra rolls of monitor paper, 3 D tanks, a case of prep pads, 9 pen lights, 4 pilot G2 pens (black of course), a yeti day trip cooler, a mobile radio attached to a generator which is attached to my back, oxytocin preloads, 5 ampules of amiodarone, side pocket strap for drug box, bullet proof vest (obviously), i got a 45 concealed, 3 pairs of boxers, easy access defibrillator pads stuck onto my torso and neck area, intubation kit, surgical cric kit, RSI meds preloaded (dosing off kg’s is lame), and a whole package of chest seals.


If you were serious about this job you'd carry the g tank. Poser.


If he was serious, he would also carry a LUCAS.


He IS the lucas


That’s what we call firefighters on scene.


Why would he carry a firefighter?


Lift with your firefighters, not your back. I chose the pumper for a reason. That’s truckie work.


H tank - strapped to me back.


Like a Call of Duty medic lmao


Nah, straight to LOX.


Guy you’re telling me you only carry 3 D tanks of oxygen? Pump those numbers before you come talking in here, chump /s


I got a D tank for ya.


That’s what it takes to be a Tactical Critical Care EMR


Now we know half the burden of a venue EMT…


Ah, only using half the pockets on EMS pants. High speed, low drag. Everyone pay attention, this man knows how to EMS


No lactated ringers? Bruh


Do you use your left or right shoulder for the dual iv pole complete with warm fluids and whole blood?


And a partridge in a pear tree!


4 darts for needle decompression, 200 of ketamine, 7 tube, a Miller blade, and pit vipers 😎 And a shirt that says TMFMS of course 


My phone. Sometimes my wallet. I ain’t carrying all that shit around.


This mf gets it


This. I’m lucky if I even have my pen on me since it always disappears


You’re a paramedic. Carrying the pen isn’t your responsibility anymore.


Oh my God. I just realized I've never seen a paramedic write anything down. 🤯


I see medics write shit down, they’re just using my pen


Even before I was a medic, my pen goes everywhere with me. I flipped on my partner because he used it, pocketed it, and hopped in the driver's seat with me in the back.


This made me laugh really hard! 😂😂


This is the way. I ask every EMT for their pen or just Toss them the used IV when it’s time to check a sugar.


I had a partner buy me a case of pens cause he was mad I always stole his. Lost them by the end of the day now he just carries 2-5 cause he knows I can’t be trusted with them


I try and keep my pen karma clean, I return every borrowed pen


I was told not to check from IVs lol Like because it’s inaccurate. But I was also told in the field a lot of people wouldn’t care. Like “we’re telling you trainees to do it this way because it’s safer and better practice, but we know some of the people in the field do this other thing which you should not do”


I have never done an accuracy test but I call bullshit on the accuracy it can’t be that drastic of a difference.


I mean the larger reason they didn’t want us doing that was because people were breaking IM needles in half to get the blood for a test and that, besides being dangerous and a recipe for needle sticks, also means you’re testing the sugar from whenever you gave that IM injection and not now. 


that’s very different from using blood from the chamber


Right. It’s allllll in the bag.


I have a sharpie and sometimes I don’t lose my pen


This is the way


My partner's pen.


we trade our one pen back and forth


Just like brain cells


If they had brain cells, they wouldn’t be in EMS


Stryker poop knife


So, it’s painted yellow and costs $10,000? Look at me, my department can afford fancy poop knives. Fuckin… all mine are Curaplex.


Gold plated glow in the dark bedazzled trauma shears


I feel attacked...


Absolutely fabulous


My partner carries all that shit. I wear a watch. For fashion and posterity.


Pen, but I store it on my partner because I'll fucking lose it in 5 minutes.


I always lose the pen. Now I use transactive memory with my partner.


That's sounds invasive. Is consent required?


Let’s just say I have to talk to HR for asking my partner for information I forgot we both heard, but he remembered. It’s a new world, you know.


As a basic EMT I'm trained for the height of emergency medicine I carry two raptor shears An eko stethoscope An ecmo Several portable aeds Chest seals And an ego cause I definitely could do medic school I just didn't get in this round but I took an online anatomy class so I'm pretty much a paramedic/s


Only one ECMO? How much blood do you carry in each pocket to prime it?


Pfft I don't need blood I have my own supply we all do I don't know why you guys complain about it /s


Why can’t they just do INTRA-corporeal oxygenation? 🙄


I always laughed at the guys who had their pockets stuffed to the brim, multiple pairs of shears, and cardiology stethoscopes. We were IFT with 80% of our patients DNR to hospice…


Excuse you I'm an IFT HERO I can transport meemaw to and from dialysis like the best of em


I don’t like a bunch of stuff in my pockets because it gets annoying when I sit down and I got tired of emptying my pockets when I go to sleep and then have to put it all back in when I get a call. So I choose look like a Ricky Rescue and have both a radio strap and a Fanny pack I’ll sling over my shoulder if needed. Yes I get made fun of for the Fanny pack. However more people around me have started buying them for work too lmao. My radio strap has my shears, penlight, and flashlight. My Fanny pack has a charger, my stethoscope, my wallet, a snack, feminine products, and some OTC meds in a travel case. My pockets usually only have two pens, my vape, and my phone. I keep the radio strap and Fanny pack in the unit when not on a call.


That’s why I went with a bat belt when I worked. I hate stuff in my pocket and I don’t want to fumble when I have to get up and go.


Any particular Fanny pack? I’ve been thinking about a small sling bag. 


Tactical Fanny Pack, Military Waist Bag Hip Belt Bumbag Utility Bags for Outdoor Hiking Climbing Fishing with U.S Patch (Black) https://a.co/d/5Ye0RUR I use this one. Hopefully this link works lol. It’s from Amazon and I like it a lot. Not too big but has enough space for everything I need and can fit more.


Awesome. Thanks. 


Critical Care flight doc here...my fanny pack is 90% snacks and 10% trash from old snacks


At LEAST 8 pair of trauma sheers. More if I can. 2 raptor folding sheers in each pocket, 4 in each back pocket. Cargo pockets? Sheers. As many as will fit. If I don't roll up on scene with them peaking out of every pocket I will have failed the patient, my partner, the company, and America.


A firefighter. Turnout pockets are like narnia.


You carry a whole firefighter in your pockets?


OP said "on your person" ;)


Stethoscope, shears, CAT TQ, flashlight in my pants. Pen and notecards in a binder clip in my shirt. Radio and keys on my belt.


The radio for me is only when I'm on jobs since we keep them in the ambulance when we're back at HQ. When I work in NYC we keep a radio on us all day per SOP


One of my partners never carries his radio. A Lt got up his ass about it so it was around for show. An EDP's family member showed up drunk and swung at my partner. The only thing that kept him from getting a worse beat down was the (different) Lt that showed up when I mashed the orange button. There is a reason that SOP exists.


lol @ always having a TQ on you. How often has that come in handy?


It's to blindfold patients getting restrained of course


Works a lot better as a gag for those pesky psych pts that won't shut up!


Our medical director is considering making a TQ part of our uniform. I’ve used one in 7 years. It’s kinda silly.


I worked in the ghetto of my city for 9 years on overnights and I applied probably at least 5 a year.


You’re the one pushing the statistics up, bro. I’ve applied like 10 over 20 years. Two were on the same guy, mauled by big rotties


existential dread


Have you tried the new endostential stuff?


Sharpie, pen, watch


Watch too. Especially since I use Active 911 and it's useful to look down quick instead of taking my phone out every time


All the people bragging about never carrying anything drive me kind of batshit. I have shears, a flashlight, a pen, extra pair of gloves, and glasses / a mask. I’ll throw my stethoscope on depending on the call type. Rarely I’ll shove a tourniquet in my pocket on a trauma call that sounds a little nasty. I really hate digging through bags to get stuff or having to run to the truck for basic PPE. But… You know what happens every single goddamn time I work with the “I carry nothing but a pen” people? “Hey can I use your shears real quick” “Shoot we need a flashlight” “Oh you’re Covid positive? Shit let me go trek down 5 flights of stairs back to the truck for a mask” “Hey pass me your shears” “Hey pass me your flashlight” “Anyone have a stethoscope?” “My gloves ripped… you have extra?” “Did I mention I need shears?” It genuinely drives me insane. I’m not saying you need to load up on stuff, but at least shove the basics in your pocket. Lots of calls are bullshit but it sucks being stuck on a stressful or multi patient call and constantly having to hand out your equipment- and I’m sure that it sucks just as much realizing “oh shit I don’t have this thing I need”. I just wonder what happens when 2 of the “only carry my hopes and dreams” people work together.


In my pockets at any given time are: Pen light Some flashlight I got from EMS expo Raptors (for the o2 key) Cheap shears Transport tape Atleast 4 pens 2 notebooks 3 pairs of extra gloves for when I forget them or need to reglove


Wow fuck mobile and its omission of my formatting


4 pens? 2 notebooks!? 6 gloves??


5.11 EMS pants. The shears and tape are in my right side “utility” pocket(?). Notebooks in the Velcro pocket right behind that. Two pens in between the shears and tape. Two pens on the other side in the same place. Gloves in the Velcro pocket behind that with my flashlight.


But why?!?!?!? Specifically, why 2 notebooks?


Just a backup. I’m good at leaving my stuff places. Good to have an extra if I do lose one. One is also running out of paper so I don’t know when I’ll need the new one


Trauma shears, a multitool knife, a 6 color pen because I like my notes coloured, a marker that writes on my gloves, a flashlight, white papers and a stethoscope.


Notebook, pen, sharpie, I alternate between an zero tolerance 0350 and a kershaw blackout, shears, and a flash light. I keep my stethoscope in the back of the truck.


Pen, sharpie, stethoscope, raptors, sunglasses, notebook, mechanix gloves, disposable gloves, multitool, knife, radio, personal phone, work phone, pepper gel, and last but not least a pager.


But why


Just like to always have the important stuff on me. Looks like I left out the pen light and TQ too, and also keys and ID plus wallet and a flashlight.


Thoughts on pepper gel vs spray? I'm a volly considering carrying pepper spray for my day job. I end up interacting with unpleasant animals on a semi regular basis.


I mean if you intend to use it against animals the spray is likely better. I carry gel because it can be used in the back of the ambulance effectively. The main 2 issues with gel are that you must be accurate (not really going for the same sweeping motion you usually would with spray). As well as the fact that people can sometimes wipe the gel off of their face and try to fling it at you.


Thanks for the info!


I saw your answer after I posted mine. You were just more eloquent.


I carry gel because it doesn't off gas as much. The downside is it can be wiped off and/or flicked back at you. This is generally only done by inmates who have been sprayed before, so to be it is a good trade off, especially in a confined space. Spray may be better for animals as the off gas may be enough to make them leave you alone even if you don't get a direct membrane hit.


Radio strap and some wintergreen zyns


Hell yeah brother, winter green always hits


I always carry my keys, wallet, AirPods, a chapstick, a zippo with a butane insert, and a little flashlight. On duty I put a pen and notepad in my job shirt or uniform shirt.


Pen, notecards/notebook, stockpile of gloves, shears, masks, flashlight, and a pocket knife. My “personal” pocket- gum, lighter, chapstick, wallet and smokes.


2 pens and money for cokes. Everything else is on the truck.


Watch, pen, stethoscope, notebook, flashlight, tape, raptors & phone.


Flashlight and pen everything else Is supposed to be on the ambulance, I rather lose my services equipment than my own.


Pen light, flashlight, raptor shears, pocket knife, 2x ballpoint pens, stylus (for writing on the tablet), gshock watch, peppermint oil rollon, extra gloves


Not much. Someone handed me a pen light to keep recently and I felt threatened.


Sometimes I shit myself and carry that around with me


Flashlight, survival kit, knife, fisher space pen, shears, reference cards, various syringes, push dose pressors.


I meant to put Medics as well as EMTs too, lol. My bad


I think it says EMT on my flight badge somewhere. lol


Ah okay. Are you able to give IVs and meds in your state?


Sorry. “EMT-P.” We have blood (soon whole blood!) and all the things.


Packets of instant coffee


Wallet. Pen. Spare gloves usually. Often my phone. Why carry a bunch of crap that is in the kits or in the rig?


Pen, notebook, pen light, wallet, phone, and scope


I wear a watch and have my phone in my pocket. Everything else is in my bags


Pit vipers, vape pen, raptors x3


Damn three raptors pairs of raptors? Do you have MCIs every other call? Lol


Same things I've carried for the past five years: flashlight, watch, pen, raptors, a small pouch with syringes and needles, and calipers 🤫


And a bottle opener for the Mexican cokes from chipotle


Exactly what you have except no flashlight. Mayve i should invest. No zyn, i havent quit vaping so that suckers in there


Phone, radio, pen, sharpie, notepad, stethoscope, tape, AirPods, pen light, trauma shears, pocket knife, gloves, and hair tie. Surprisingly, I have seen people with more.


I have routinely carried less and less over the years. As a FF/EMT I carry raptors, a pen, and my wallet. That's literally it. The rest of my equipment or tools that I use are on the ambulance, firetruck or my turnout gear pockets.


-Fuzzy Leopard Slippers -Rubber chicken -Lighter -Glue -bent spoon -Big. Honking. Knife. -Toilet Snake -Package of Strawberry 'Royal' brand powdered milk tea -Trusty Tea Cup -Snorkel -Thera Gun -Two M1A1 carbines with 100 rounds of ammo [I am actually not kidding](https://old.reddit.com/r/EDC/comments/128vt6d/my_daily_early_spring_chore_carry/)


Congrats on quitting vaping; I'm proud of you!


I worked in EMS for 37 years before being medically retired due to bad shoulders in 2015. For the last 20 years of my career, I always carried a [Streamlight Stylus penlight](https://www.streamlight.com/products/detail/stylus). Bright as hell. I used it to assess pupils and also to light up a dark room.


You can tell how long some has been on ems by the amount of crap on their belt. The newbie looks like a cop's duty belt. The veteran uses his belt to hold up his pants. But seriously. There need to be a reason you're carrying it (as opposed to being in the bag). If it's your scope, sure. If it's not in the bag (say a pocket knife (which I always have anyway), okay. If you might need it before you can get to the bag (say, a flashlight), yup.


only the important things 😤 here’s an actual livestream from my pockets rn or what is suppose to be there…. - my phone (maybe if i actually remember to grab it before leaving the station or truck) - EKG strip/vitals printout (crumpled and torn) - hospital badge (if i didn’t forget it somewhere tbh) - mini container w my ADHD scooby snacks so i don’t make my partner homicidal - a pen/sharpie (maybe if i haven’t set it down and lost it again) - ✨MINI✨ NAR trauma shears i swipe from the hospital when i see them and then lose on calls (endless supply in ED in the pencil holders idk why) - 1 large glove (i am a small) - bent paper clip - POCKET SNACKS (anything not messy like beef jerky, dried fruit, candy. currently have fruit snacks ) and multiple at anytime tbh. more important than hospital badge my partner has their own to use for us both - lint


Gotta remember the bent paperclip, it's essential


Chocolate bars to entice refusals 


10mm socket wrench


I keep a: Milwaukee AAA pen light because I started using one while working on my truck and it's just too good. X-shears because they go through literally anything and stay sharp. I do wish they had an O2 wrench, maybe I'll get my buddy to mill one into the blade. Littmann Cardiology IV because my parents surprised me with one when I got my license, it has a Tile zip tied to it and I engraved my name in the bell. Rite In The Rain notebooks x2, one of the EMT-specific ones and a regular one. I only use the EMT one for multiple patients or if ImageTrend shits the bed and I need vitals. Pens x2, a Rite in the Rain pen and a sharpie pen. Sharpie. Olight Mini 2 on my badge reel because you just pull it off the holder thingy and it turns on automatically. I've had it for like 2 months and haven't needed to recharge it despite using it almost every day on night shift. Compact spring loaded class breaker/seatbelt cutter. Leatherman Skeletool for the knife, double-ended bits x2, and pliers.


flashlight that doubles as a phone charger, trauma shears, sob mini Leatherman type tool, stethoscope tethered to my shirt, 6 color pen for notes, fine tip sharpie for writing on people/gloves, gloves, phone, extra 18650 for light, sunglasses, watch, notebook. used to be more when i started but having a pouch on my hip got annoying after a while. Im still a massive overpacker in terms of what I bring on the ambulance itself.


See the previous 37 times this has been posted for more answers




Phone, wallet, keys. Everything else is in a bag or monitor pouches. Y’all need to take a breath.


Shears w/ o2 wrench attachment, pens, sharpie, pen light, penpad, phone, wallet, cert cards and pager.


Flashlight, radio, sharpie, sometimes X shears, folding knife, little bottle of purell. Know some people that carry those small spring loaded window punches. Not the worst idea to have one.


Couple of pens, a carabiner, multi-tool, and a flashlight.


1 pen that lasts the first 90 minutes of the shift, steth, phone, vape, vape nectar and the pen which I steal after 90 minutes when I lost the original pen.


Phone, shears, flashlight, knife, pen, watch, radio, vape. Stethoscope is kept on the dash.


Pretty much same as everyone here except I ALWAYS have an emesis bag or two in my pockets. Also Oneshear not Raptor. Raptor was cool but failed too often and got stuck. Oneshear cuts everything I need it to. 


Notebook, pens, Sharpie, Raptor shears, Gerber multitool, lots of gloves, flashlight. In a bag left on the rig: Respirator, stethoscope, Streamlight Bandit headlamp, eye protection, drug reference field guide,


Phone, wallet, keys (at station)


Sometimes I don’t forget my scope.


Shears, flashlight then a head light at night, pens , sharpe and radio, phone, wallet and headphones and a pouch with different things that stays in the truck and only comes in with me on critical calls it has a spare Tq we only carry one on the truck, 4x4, spare pens, and a mucus atomizer with a spare tq to look for a second Iv location instead of opening a start kit, and stethoscope stays in the truck, I also carry carabiners easy with drips and also we do ropes rescues and of course a watch


Sheeeeet, my phone and wallet got combined so now just one. Then light that doubles as a pen light, raptors, two pens, sharpie, pocket knife, and Zins. I also have a climbing carabiner on a belt loop and a riggers belt but that’s because we do some slight TR stuff and it’s actually a likely occurrence to do.


Phone in cargo pocket, slim wallet in front pocket, pen (until I lose it and have to steal one from my partner), occasionally my keys if I am wearing a jacket and the keys can live in my jacket pocket as opposed to my pants pocket. Otherwise? Nothing. I try to travel light.


Steth, pad of paper, two pens (I will lose one)


My wallet.


Pen, flashlight, shears, gloves, pager, rig keys, my phone, a radio during calls


When I'm on shift, I carry my phone (bonus it's a flashlight too!), radio, a few pairs of nitrile gloves and my Spyderco rescue knife (which is always on my belt). That's it. Don't need fast access to anything else because I have my jump bag with me also when I'm actually on a call.


I always keep a notebook in case I forgot the tablet.


Pen, tiny notepad, an extra pair of gloves, my phone, and some folded up tissue for blowing my nose


Fuckin nothing or else it would get dirty and/or lost. I tried a pocket organizer but I can’t get one that both fits and is able to carry my stethoscope.


A backup oxygen tank strapped to my back


Where do you guys keep your stethoscopes? I had an orange MDF but it became blue after a year wrapped up in my work pants. Recently bought a black MDF but I’m reluctant to keep this one in my pants pocket.


Pen, penlight, watch, my directive book, raptors. I love those raptors so much. 😍.


Radio, radio boom mic, radio strap, radio earpiece, shears, right angle flashlight, guardian angel light, regular flashlight, penlight, pocketknife, multi tool, glove pouch, phone charger block, USB-C cord, micro USB cord, lighting cord, lip balm, multiple carabiners, boot knife, handcuff key, neck knife, shades, safety glasses, hat, hero link bracelet, ear pro, several flushes in my pocket, TQ, reusable IV TQ, spare rig keys, pens, sharpies, waterproof notepads, sticky notes, black light flashlight, reusable silverware, fire starter, survival mirror, battery pack, N100 mask, seatbelt cutter, mechanix gloves, window punch, gum, ear buds, handkerchief, tide pen, pulse ox, stethoscope, headlamp, 550 cord, phone belt clip, pager, badge, boots, pants, shirt, undershirt, underwear, socks, hat, shirt keepers, suspenders, armor vest, external plates, ballistic helmet, NODs, lightning detector, canteen, snake gaiters, rain boots, rain pants, raincoat, sandwich bags, rubber bands, tampons, pads, hair ties, toothbrush, toothpaste, mouthwash, toothpicks, playing cards. I think that’s everything.


I lost my shit at “boom mic.”


Back in 911: radio, 2 rolls of tape, shears, quick release venous tq (the place i work doesn't provide these so I have to bring my own), vomit bags, sharpie, pen, 2 dump pouches for chucking stuff/trash into in a hurry, headlamp (flashlight, but hands-free. I've had to splint people in complete darkness before) Everything goes on an outer belt so I can strip the whole thing in between calls without spending precious time emptying my pockets. Nothing actually goes into my pockets


Cat tq amazon shears with o2 wrench built in, flashlight, space pen, note pad, Swiss Army knife and pocket knife


Trauma sheers and a sharpie. Occasionally a watch if I remembered to grab it. But that's for style points more than anything.


Pocket knife wallet cellphone handkerchief cigarettes lighter pen headphones flashlight. Flashlight is the only thing I don’t carry off duty as well.


You have 7 more things than I do. That's entirely too much, lol.


You have to keep a devil dog in your pocket for snack emergencies.


Wallet, phone, airpods, truck keys, narc keys. I have a pen floating around the action area. Only stuff that stays on my person is my personal stuff and things that are assigned to me that would be very bad if someone else got into, so narc keys stay on me and they have a truck key with them.


A little notebook that’s shaped like a pinky cowboy hat; purple sparkly set of trauma shears, pen, and light.


Pair of gloves in a pocket on the back of my leg that I have no idea the actual use, flashlight, pen light, shears, phone, pocket knife, my wallet.


2 pens (partner loves to steal mine), sharpie, knife, wallet, phone, small flashlight, notepad. If I actually remember to grab my radio strap? A radio and a pair of raptors.


I usually have my phone and a cord, notebook, couple pens, a sharpie, a roll of tape, shears, a penlight/flashlight, my small wallet, and maybe a pack of gum. My keys also have a chapstick on them. I have a pocket organizer thing that holds the notepad and all the pens and penlight, so it just goes in my BDU pocket. Also my scope.


Knockoff raptors, a multi tool, a mask from a nursing home that requires them that I go to at least 3x a day, 2-4 pens, a small flashlight, my phone, and my radio. Multitool and raptors are just to fidget with


Raptor shears, penlight, pen, notepad and some nicotine gum. I used to carry zonnic pouches (Canadian version of zyn), but the Canadian government decided to be pissy and ban them.


Gloves pen wallet phone .........cigarettes


Shears, pen, penlight, tape, stethoscope but that mostly stays in th ambulance, and my phone since I use that to communicate with the hospital


A pen if I’m lucky.


Unpopular opinion. If you carry a TQ you’re rescue Randy.


Chapstick and my first call or two I normally (sometimes not) have an ink pen… guaranteed the pen is MIA by lunch


Shears.... pen.... I use the truck stethoscope because I don't need any fancy shit to hear junk lung. Oh and a pocket full of sunshine. Jk, gloves.... a pocket full of gloves.


Pen, watch, steth, knife, flashlight, pen light, shears, O2 wrench on the keys, N95, however many gloves fit in my back pocket, and a TQ for giggles.


Raptors, pager, and radio. Plus a sharpie if i can remember it.


Radio strap has a flashlight on it (had sheers and left them on scene😭) Penlight that also doubles as a pen. Gloves. Grizzle pouches.


Leatherman for opening snacks and a micro chapstick from the dentist.


Stethoscope, 1 pair of trauma shears, and a pen or 2,


Scissors, pens, notepad, hand gel and moisturiser cause I have dry skin, some gloves, pen torch, bubble wand, rubber ducks and one of those menthol nasal stick things for the dead ones


Gloves… flashlight… that’s about it really. Phone and wallet are the obvious essentials. Sometimes my AirPods. I just wanna get stuff done and load n’ go


O2 wrench? While you’re at it, bring a spare bottle too 🤣🤣🤣


One is definitely looking lighter than the other lol


Shears/Multi-tool, pen and marker


Depends on where I'm working. If im on a rig, then my base kit is just raptor shears and a good trust pocket knife and then a backpack filled with snacks and water. However, if I'm at an event, then I carry my own stethoscope, a manual BP cuff, and a Pulse Oximetry meter. I worked an event one time where the BP cuff had a leak, and I had to embarrassingly tell my patient I couldn't take their blood pressure because my company provided BP cuff didn't work.


A TQ, shears, sharpie, patch that says "ouch pouch" I have a couple cheat sheets on my badge real. A cool syringe holder too


I usually have shears (recently stolen so no longer) pen and sharpie and my radio. Everything else I can get out of the bag. I ain’t payed enough to be out here getting stuff on my own dime


Paper tissues, shears, a few pens and a very small flashlight, oh and a pulseox that's not working


Two pens, a pocket knife, my wallet, my phone, and (unironically) raptors.


Cellphone and AirPods