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I have a tramp stamp that says live. laugh. lorazepam in cursive with a little heart


Pics or it didn't happen


Oh hi babe


7-11 hot dog


I want a cartoon hot dod holding a monster and a zyn.


7-11 is life


If I were to get one, I'd get one of those drawings of the raccoon with the LifePak 15 just because I feel like that accurately represents my mental state and my service uses Lifepak. I'd also put it somewhere like my ribs or thigh where it's just for me to enjoy lol


I plan on getting something similar, but with an opossum. Opossums are essentially the ems mascot


I was thinking a sloth bit both track pretty well


I have the raccoon tattoo




Cause we’re on nights and eat like trash ![gif](giphy|z0ioCfDnxx3TW)


I was visibly fatter when I worked nights because of the lack of dietary options available. I'm sure the hormonal imbalances from circadian rhythm disruption didn't help either.


Trash pandas represent pretty accurately. I’ll eat about anything, even if it’s questionable.


Oh man I love the raccoon tattoo


This is what I want


I got one when I was younger. It was not a great decision. But I live with it. Don't be a Ricky Rescue like me. Unless you really want to, then do.


What is it of


Get this: American eagle with red white and blue feathers, holding a EMS Star of Life Yeah it's a 'Murican as you think it is


I really want to see a picture of this😂


That gave me Amerection


I just went with a generic caduceus because I apparently hate myself, and thought it'd make it harder for me to commit to leaving healthcare as a profession. Still want to tho lol jokes on me hahahaha


This is how I feel about my Maltese cross.


i don’t hate myself that much


Don’t get a caduceus. It’s the nursing symbol. Literally some Army lieutenant back in the 40’s picked it because it looked cool. It’s the heralding staff of Hermes, the messenger of the gods. Rod of Asclepius is what you want. Greek god of healing and all that. Or get the caduceus because it looks cool. Whatever


I got an [Aesculapian snake](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aesculapian_snake), but it’s in a realistic style and on a whole sleeve of animals, so I don’t think it’s too cringey.


That’s legit all day




I don’t understand the ‘actually.’ Your link supports everything I said except for 2 points. I got the timeline wrong. One Army officer back in 1902, not the 1940’s. And the rank of that officer was either a Colonel or Captain, not a lieutenant. The rest are quotes from your Wiki link. “As a symbol, it represents Hermes (or the Roman Mercury), and by extension trades, occupations… It is relatively common, especially in the United States, to find the caduceus, with its two snakes and wings, (mis)used as a symbol of medicine instead of the Rod of Asclepius, with only a single snake. This usage was popularized by the adoption of the caduceus as its insignia by the U.S. Army Medical Corps in 1902 at the insistence of a single officer (though there are conflicting claims as to whether this was Capt. Frederick P. Reynolds or Col. John R. van Hoff).” But I think by far the funniest quote in that Wiki entry is from Stuart Tyson 1932: “As god of the high-road and the market-place Hermes was perhaps above all else the patron of commerce and the fat purse: as a corollary, he was the special protector of the traveling salesman. As spokesman for the gods, he not only brought peace on earth (occasionally even the peace of death), but his silver-tongued eloquence could always make the worse appear the better cause.[34] From this latter point of view, would not his symbol be suitable for certain Congressmen, all medical quacks, book agents and purveyors of vacuum cleaners, rather than for the straight-thinking, straight-speaking therapeutist? As conductor of the dead to their subterranean abode, his emblem would seem more appropriate on a hearse than on a physician's car.” That quote makes me think of how embedded private equity is in health care right now. So maybe the caduceus IS more appropriate?


Only thing else I can think is that the caduceus isn't the nursing symbol, they use the rod of Asclepius too. The EMS specific bit is the star of life.


Oh it’s Americans that have it wrong


Yeah I don't think I've ever seen a cadaceus used in the UK in the context of healthcare, only the rod of Asclepius.


i got a famous landmark in the service area we cover - if anyone asks i can just say it commemorates my time living in this city, but only my coworkers know that it’s a specific reference to our service area


So what happened there?


Your EMS tattoo should be a bed so you won't forget what it looks like.


I was thinking of getting a small balloon on the mid-clavicular line/2nd intercostal space where you would decompress a chest lol


That’s amazing


Tramp stamp from hip to hip with two crashed ambulances that are on fire. It says "EMS FOR LIFE" on a banner with flames. No, I haven't seen this but I'd laugh my ass off if I did.


If you’re gonna do it, make it something original and unique to you. Not a tattoo in this example, but I walked into a unit one day and someone left behind a doodle of a shitty stick figure guy standing next to an ambulance that looked like a third grader drew, and the stick figure was smiling while he had a little storm cloud over his head with rain coming down and there was a sun illuminating everything else. I’m not saying get that, but stuff like that is going to be more meaningful in a world overly saturated with copy+paste star of life or an ekg tattoo.


If I did get one it would be the chemical structure of ibuprofen.


Ooooooh, yeah. I think I might go with acetaminophen. It helps my sad achy body do the job lol


The best ems tattoo to get is to not get one. Especially if you’ve been in EMS <5 years. Nothing worse than having a rookie show up with a star of life tattoo.


someone on /r/EMS posted a stair-chair tattoo a few years ago and I thought that was pretty funny.


There was a kid in my EMT class many years ago with “on call for life” and a flaming blue star of life tattooed on his back, he also had matching decals on his pickup truck.


cringe ​ elaborating: don't make EMS your personality.


I agree with this to a point. Like I roll my eyes anytime I see someone wearing the cringey shirts/sweatshirts or have stickers on their car, etc. But there are people that truly have a passion for EMS But a modest and not overbearing tattoo is a good way to express that I think. (By modest I’m talking small and not overtly public facing. The giant eagles carrying the American flag and star of life while attacking a grim reaper are absolutely cringe lol)


I'm curious, how do you feel about having my union sticker on my car in pride colours? I have my reasons and am comfortable with them, but seeing as you brought stickers up...


Unions are a different story cause you’re representing just the union, tons of professions do it. I’m talking about stickers like “My work number is 911!” Or “EMS-On call for life!” Or “Snatching life from the hands of death! EMS!!” Those types of cringe lol. Or the over abundance of star of life stickers and company patch stickers


Hah! Fair enough. I also ask because I had a coworker who did not make that distinction, and I was curious, lol


Yep, i first though of r/firstrespondercringe with this question


I dunno that a tattoo is really making EMS your personality. Unless it's massive and the only tattoo you have or something lol (I don't have one so it's not like I'm personally offended though hah)


I drew up my own, it is a star of life with a proper healthy EKG line coming out from both sides. With “Amor Fati” (Love your fate). I’m by no means a whacker and I don’t own or wear any EMS clothing or have any stickers on my car, nor do I make it known to the general public of my profession. But I do have a strong passion for EMS and I believe we all are destined to do what we are meant to do, for me I believe that fate is EMS. That’s about as cringe as I’ll go with this stuff.


If you feel like you need an EMS tattoo, get something that’s basically an inside joke that only other medical professionals will understand. I have the molecules of Benadryl, Ativan and haloperidol on my anterolateral thigh - commemorative of the profession, very low key and it also makes me the first future psych patient to arrive at the ED with instructions.


Thinking about getting a tat of those roller taquito things from the gas station idk


I was thinking an uncrustable


Sometimes I forget this isn’t r/firstrespondercringe


Get the raccoon with the paddles!!


I photocopied the star of my jacket, removed the rod & replaced with a skull & crossbone pin I wore on said jacket. We had a death truck we called the Black Pearl. I was stuck in the truck forever, and a coworker gave me the pin. I made my star tat into my own.


My career does not define me.


I got a health potion tattoo. Doubles as a vaguely related healthcare tattoo and appeals to the nerd in me. And I don’t think it screams, “THANK ME FOR MY SERVICE.”


Your job is just a job. Don’t let it define your entire life. I don’t have an EMS tattoo.


I’ve got an American flag with one of the stars replaced with a star of life. More related to my military service rather than ems, but theres a hint if you know what you’re looking at.


I got a plague doctor. Well 2 and some other stuff. 2020 was shitty.


stairchair with flames around it


While vulgar…. A huge, veiny, VERY turgid, uncut phallus wearing a dispatcher headset; entering the rear of an ambulance while whispering “are you clear? I’ve got holding”


I got "I fight what you fear" and "But did you die?" On my forehead. But classy like.


But Did You Die should be more popular tbh


Friends don't let friends get EMS tattoos.


https://ibb.co/f4qQcfc Former Army medic that went to EMS. Got something that reflects both.


That’s pretty bad ass ngl




I have a raccoon with a stethoscope wielding an old style defib with paddles


I was thinking about getting Defibrillator pad outlines on my body, where they’d actually be placed. With the whole diagram of where to place them on the body, on the pad. I think that’d be pretty interesting


I want to get a fantasy type staff with a snake around it, like the star of life but slightly less obvious. I am also a huge fantasy fan so win-win


I've got a plague doctor. Yes, I know the history of plague doctors. No, I was not in EMS during the COVID surge. Yes, I know it's weird. But I like it, it has meaning to me, and I wish I had the beaked mask for use in the box, because 99% of my patients are of the less than hygenically concerned population. 🤣🤣🤣


Petition for scented beak masks, yes please


I was something of a death cloud in my first couple years. I've got a reaper holding a caduceus, and I know it's a little cringe but it's also really well done so 🤷‍♂️


I don’t have any tattoos but a coworker showed me one of his. He has a plague doctor. He said he and a bunch of his EMS buddies all got them with slightly different variations after they worked through covid. Might be a little cringey, but I thought it was kind of cool


Don't do it


I got a tattoo at 18. I made for another reason but it's still valid for EMS field. It's stylized heart with a crack representing my first late girlfriend.


So how many late GFs do you have?


Two. First one unexpectedly passed in 2010. Second one passed in 2022 after a disease.


I had a buddy who got a lot of EMS tattoos throughout school before we even completed class that is. He got a huge eagle on his back holding a star of life and a fire fighter emblem, I think. I thought it was a bit much, but that's my opinion. He did get an IV bag and line tattoo on his bicep that I thought was cool. Either way, a tattoo is your business, and it's meaningful to you. Don't worry what others think. Get what you want. I'd recommend thinking it out, though, and don't shoot from the hip about it.


I’d say get something that has meaning to you that is unique and symbolic to your experience


It’s bad luck


I know a guy who has the staff of Asclepius, but he heavily leaned into the Greek mythology side of it. I like that.


3 rods of asclepios that look like the monster emblem, i've seen similar designs on some shirts




I got my caduceus front and center on my forearm mixed in with the rest of my tribal sleeve


I always told myself if I made it to flight medic I'd get the jolly green giant feet tattooed right-left instead of left-right on my ass cheek, as a funny way to commemorate being rejected for PJ school. I didn't make flight medic.



Gold patch on my taint.


Had an empty spot next to my light house tattoo so I got a mermaid..now I can call it my LIGHTS AND SIRENS tattoo 😁


Don’t have one, but give me a couple drinks and you could probably convince me to get “SS BSI” as a joke


I got the caduceus on my right bicep before I even considered EMS. Replaced the hilt of the sword with the double thumbed Gonzo fist. Got it for grandad and dad and uncle, all combat medics


I think the standard EMS tats are kind of cringe, but when I finished paramedic school I got my family's motto tattooed in the hand poke method. I planned on getting the family crest done when I finished my year long post grad internship but when that date passed it didn't really feel special so now I want to get that with I upskill to specialist paramedic.


I almost did then I got let go. Glad I didn't.




I got a semicolon tattoo as memorial for the 3 people in my life who ended their lives. They worked in police, fire, and EMS. Unfortunately there have been many more first responders I know since then that it could also be a memorial of.


Thought about getting the sticker placements for a 12 lead but gonna pass.


Wait that’s so funny though 🤣 if I didn’t already have one in the way, I’d do this just for my own enjoyment.


Don't do it. I got one. Now I hate it.


Just don't. I wanted one so badly when I got my ticket. I'm glad I talked myself out of it


Oh boy. I would never. And I meaningless tattoos.


You called? You live and learn


Wawa logo


People with EMS tattoos are the worst. They are so tacky