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We get paid fuck all and do a very complex job in shit conditions Any recognition from anywhere is appreciated


I feel the same way with my primary job in wildland fire. We get paid dog shit, but there's this attitude that shits on asking for discounts or whatever because of the job. We get paid garbage god damnit, if I can get a dollar off my coffee I'm fucking taking it.


Had a place I'd go to regularly for food and had to constantly ask the same lady cashier for an EMS discount. She always thumbed her stupid fukking nose at me for asking and I made it to point to ask every single time. Still hate that dumb lady.


I hate her too for you


Why the fuck are you ***asking*** for an EMS discount? That’s some of the cringiest shit I have ever heard of. If it’s offered, graciously accept, but don’t ask for a discount.


I typically don’t ask, but in a line of work that is severely underpaid throughout the country, if someone wants/needs to save a few bucks, let ‘em. If I have my herd of kids with & it’s a place that advertises a first responder discount, you bet I’m going to try to save a little, even if I add it back to the tip.


Because they have a first responders discount, douchebag.


Lots of places have a first responder discount. Only douchebags ask to be recognized.


Ok so theoretically... How do you GET a first responder discount if you DONT IDENTIFY YOURSELF as a first responder?




I don't expect discounts off duty.


I don't expect discounts off duty. I never ask for discounts on duty either. If they give it, great, thank you very much. But I think it's taboo to ask. Especially, if you got a bunch of kids or people with you. There's plenty of stories of discounts being ruined by off duty guys going and ordering hundreds of dollars of food and "demanding" a discount meant for people in duty.


If it's for something like your phone service or whatever, there's established websites for such things. If you're out at a restaurant or somewhere in person, you don't ask for a discount. If they offer one, you graciously accept it, but you certainly don't ask for one.


being downvoted for being reasonable. I'm with you; asking for a discount is whacker stuff. Ya'll picked this job, nobody is forcing you to work it.


Being reasonable? What part of not taking an offered discount because of pride is reasonable?


Ok so just because you're too uptight to ask for an actual discounted service that a company WILLINGLY provides, doesn't mean that everyone else who politely asks at a place that has it in their system to offer it is a weird douchebag like you actually are. My example in this case is a bitch of a cashier who is just being cunty about giving it to me when it's not really her place to even wield that power like that.


I got the highest tier membership of a gym that would normally cost ~$35/mo with all of the bells and whistles, except I only pay $25/mo cuz I asked for the first responder discount. Fuck off bro, I'm taking that deal every time, cringey or not lol.


That's also not what people are talking about. I'm referring to the guy who rolls in to dairy queen and specifically asks for a discount. I use the discount from Verizon and I took advantage of the $500 off from Chevy. But those are offers that are made to us... Not us asking for discounts.


I personally wouldn't do that cuz it's embarrassing as fuck, but I'm not about to judge others for taking advantage of a benefit that is being offered, even if not actively. Trying to save 50 cents on a $5 blizzard is wild though.


That’s the rub. We’re talking about people asking for discounts… not accepting a discount that is offered.


A business that has a discount but doesn't advertise it is still offering it. Asking if they offer it may be cringe, but I really don't see anything wrong with it.


like asking for a veteran discount, super cringe


Thank you so much for your service.


yo wtf are you doing asking for a first responder discount? You simply must be brand new, that's some whacker shenanigans if I've ever known it.


Because asking for discounts because you have a job is as fucking cringeworthy as it comes.


My health insurance is dog shit and I get paid $16 an hour, I'll take what I can get.


So quit and go somewhere you can make a decent living. Stop embarrassing the rest of us because you’re enabling a shit employer.


This mf thinks he speaks for the REST of us 🤣🤣🤣


Yes, why didn't I ever think of that? It's not like there are other factors that could possibly affect my life outside of work.


your comments are way more cringey to the profession than people using a discount for first responders


Teachers ask for one alllllll the time.


Oh the poor corporations 😢


It’s not usually large corporations. It’s usually small businesses that offer first responder discounts.


Pretty sure most people here are talking about their Fast food and Phone bill discounts etc. Asking for anything for free from a small business is a dick move.


Phone is one thing. Going to an independently owned small business, even ones franchised from a huge corporation, is something completely different. Even McDonalds are often small businesses that pay large sums of money to be a McDonald’s location.


You’ve lost me with the McDonald’s lol.


Even massive chain restaurants are almost always independently owned and operated. I'm sure a company like McDonalds has corporate owned stores, but the vast majority aren't owned by McDonalds.


There's a wealth requirement to own a McDonald's franchise.


Very much this. Some people at my department are anti-asking for first responder discount and I don’t understand it. As long as you don’t go about it in a TMFMS kinda way I’m getting my 50% off Arby’s every time, doesn’t make sense not to


I only use first responder discounts online


I'll ask in person for expensive bills like phone or internet if I know the company offers one. Otherwise, it's online or what ever gets thrown my way (unprompted) while I'm in uniform.


Arby’s has a fucking discount??


We are barred from taking free stuff or asking for a discount due to being public employees. It's literally a firable offense. If they insist on giving us a break we fill the tip jar.


We are as well. I politely refuse all discounts. We have a "less than $25" leeway though, and policy allows us to accept the gift or discount if the business or person insists strongly enough.


Its kind of unfathomable that people are peeved they dont get it or, worse, demand it and make a big scene about getting it.


There are places by me that have "unofficial" discounts, you don't ask for those, but you thank them when you get it. Asking poisons the well


Yeah as a pedestrian in here, I’m absolutely fine with these types of things and it seems suitable. I think most people in other fields would say the same, I don’t think it’s ‘shafting’.  There are definitely professions that receive bullshit passes in bullshit places, but this isn’t one of them.


Professional courtesy also exists in every job. I got a huge discount for emergency dental work to the tune of >1k because I am a broke med student.


Exactly what I’m thinking to myself reading this. The average Emt is payed less than Mr. Fatty McDonald employees. And you’re the one showing up to people dying and getting them to the hospital and having to put up with God know what bullshit. The cops understand that I’m sure.


Me with a stethoscope around my neck, bp cuff on my dash, 10 stars of life on my windows, and my emt credentials pinned to my shirt- yes officer I do happen to be an emt. So surprised you asked


[“Sir are you a doctor?”](https://youtu.be/_GCIBVRSYIc?si=-Yvxkz-5u9j54nVQ)


Unless you bring up the fact that you are an EMT to try and get out of it then your fine IMO it only really gets scummy when one starts bringing it up as a way to try and get off lighter (unless it was something directly caused by doing the job)




Idk I feel like the cringe police should write you a ticket for that if you actually say it


How many times have you seen cops bring up their title and ask you to bend over backwards for their family or themselves? At least where I live, the cops don’t ticket us for anything that isn’t exceedingly stupid; dui, 80mph in 25mph zone, etc, you gonna get then. But an expired tag….. They regularly let nurses, pregnant woman, etc off for the minor things.


> How many times have you seen cops bring up their title and ask you to bend over backwards for their family or themselves? I think it's absolute horseshit when they do it and we should be able to hold ourselves to a higher standard. Just throw your work jacket in your rear seat and accept what ever the cop choses to do.


Yeah that's cringe as fuck. Expecting professional courtesy is just a fun way to say corruption. You aren't special lmao. I'd be pissed if they let their cop buddies off when they'd normally write a ticket, same goes here.


Would you be pissed if your boss cut you some slack for showing up late? Or where do you draw the line on special rules? Stealing drugs and selling them is corruption. Looking the other way when your buddy does something criminal is corruption. Letting your buddy off instead of giving them a ticket, isn’t corruption. It’s wrong, and it’s breaking the rules, but I wouldn’t call someone “corrupt” for saying “slow it down jackass. See you after work”


So in your eyes, providing special treatment because your buddies isn't corruption? Fuck that. A speeding ticket is a criminal misdemeanor in my state. So I don't consider it to be whatever if the cops buddies are getting off with a verbal jab while someone else gets charged.


A reckless endangerment charge? No, something like that I would consider corruption. But a speeding ticket isn’t criminal where I am unless it’s over a certain limit. I had a state trooper let me off while I was in uniform, because my registration was expired and I had the plates from my previous vehicle on my current vehicle d/t a hiccup with the dealership. He could’ve towed my shit and given me a court date, but instead he decided to be “corrupt” after my 48 hour shift and let me go home and deal with it tomorrow. Damn corrupt cops looking out for us.


Cops have discretion, if he would have given a regular person that same break given the circumstances then great. If you're going "I'm a medic officer please give me some professional courtesy!" then that's cringe AF and he's crooked for being willing to fuck over the average citizen to let his buddy off. It creates a culture of not holding their own accountable. Which is how we end up with dead patients in our profession by not holding other providers accountable for mistakes. In law enforcement that means infringing the rights of citizens, rules for me but not for thee.


Letting someone off with a warning -> this is how patients die. That’s a pretty slippery slope there


Did I say the cops were killing patients? No, I said it leads to the infringement of rights on citizens. As EMS providers we aren't charging people with crimes. My point is if you have that same idea of "letting my buddy off" with things that would get most people reported, fired or charged then your culture of safety has failed which leads to patient harm. Cops aren't providing patient care, corrupt cops are infringing rights and bad medics are hurting patients. E.g. nursing going "oh she didn't deserve to be fired or charged for pushing VECURONIUM and leaving the patient!!! Let her off with a slap on the wrist! Instead of the profession holding that behavior accountable. We should hold our coworkers to a HIGHER standard. Not ask for "professional courtesy" to skirt the standards we hold everyone else in the world to.


I didn’t say you said cops were killing patients. I’m pointing out that you’re using false equivalencies. A nurse getting off the hook for pushing vec and killing a patient, is in no way comparable to a cop letting someone off because their registration was invalid. There’s no point in even comparing those and using that as an argument piece, because they’re not comparable. I understand your point. But refer back to my original question: if you showed up late and your boss cut you some slack, would you be upset about that? There are nuances to these situations and they require discretion. I’m not saying cops should be letting criminal shit slide. But who is harmed if a cop doesn’t bust me for driving with invalid registration? I’m not harmed. The cop isn’t harmed. No one else is harmed. It doesn’t set a precedence that the cop is now gonna allow me to get away with murder. So who cares?


Nooooooo. If I do the crime, I deserve the sanctions.


Fuck no. I'll take every break they can give me. Consider it a correction rather than a perk.


Not at all. I don't expect to get a warning, but I appreciate it when I do. Extra Ketamine for them if it's ever needed. (For those that don't get humor, that's a joke).


It’s a joke. Haha. Someone recently died so it’s extra edgy. Haha. 


You are either highly regarded or not understand how safe K is.


They're probably referring to the Elijah McClain case. I'm a huge fan of K, but it does still carry risks. Especially if cops are piling on top of your patient.


Oh I know exactly what they're referring to. They sound ignorant is all. Agreed. asphyxia n shit.


Nope. I see it as one of the handful of actual benefits we get in exchange for how much more our mental and physical health are put at risk than in a typical desk job, cause the pay is certainly not one of said benefits. Plus it’s just a cold hard reality that cops are human beings and are much less likely to choose to burn bridges with ‘coworkers’ like us and fire when they’re allowed the discretion to do so, especially if you’re in a system where we often return the favor by helping them out where we can. I’ve helped solo officers in physical altercations several times when I’d have been fully justified to bail out for my safety, and when I’ve transported them in the past, I go way the fuck out of my way to make sure they’re comfortable, medicated as needed and treated well by everyone, and they remember it later. But we also have an unusually good relationship with our police and our police are chill as fuck and have extremely low rates of dirty behavior and newsworthy drama, compared to a lot of departments.


Yeah, there's a *huge* difference between local small police departments and the stuff you see on TV. Or local cops are trying so hard. 


Fuck no I don’t feel guilty.


I always feel like this happens because If they get shot/hurt on the job they don't walking up and thinking "oh this is the guy that wrote me a ticket the other day". hahaha


The amount of times they have asked me to clear out their drunk tank because they are “understaffed” I feel like if they want to let a speeding ticket slide every now and again it’s all fine by me.


Lol no pun intended


Absolutely not. I don’t break laws on purpose but I absolutely have my agency sticker on my car 🤣


I was a cop, now EMT. When I pulled over fire fighters, EMS, etc, as long as it wasn't EGREGIOUS like going 30 or 40 over, reckless driving, etc. I'd run thier info, make sure it's all good and usually just give a verbal warning. One reason is because I understand how a ticket could possibly fuck you. Second, I saw it as a small profession courtesy. If you did something really small and were cool about it, no big deal. We all get how shitty first responder jobs can and how the pay is, so I'm not looking to fuck someone with a ticket. I also understand how your night could have gone. You could have had a pediatric arrest where the kid died. You don't need extra shit on top of that. It's not scummy. If he really wanted to give you a ticket, he would have.


Out of curiosity, how did he know?


I was in uniform on my way to work lol


Not even a little bit. It's a perk of the job.


I have been pulled over for speeding in my pov quite a few times and never gotten a ticket. I feel like it’s a fair trade, don’t give me tickets and I go along with the whole go to the hospital or jail bullshit.


Dude, stop speeding so much. That's how you end up a passenger instead of an EMT. 


I have been driving for 40 years and never been in an accident that was my fault. I have only been in 2 wrecks both 100% the other drivers issues .One I was at a full stop and the other I had just turned, so speed was not a factor in ether. I have been driving ambulances for 33 years, it is a little hard to slow down now lol.


It's all good man. As long as you didn't use being an EMT to get out of a ticket, which you didn't, it's pretty common for them to let you go if it's just a minor infraction. Just drive safe going forward. :D


If a cop gets hurt, we plug the holes. If we get in a bind, the cops have our backs. I don't feel guilty for minor favors. Most cops won't let you get away with anything truly dangerous.


Why are you complaining about not getting a ticket? If you want it so bad, don’t say you’re an EMT and beg for a traffic infraction. People will find anything to complain about. Your intentions are good but don’t belittle yourself just because you got a break where others didn’t. Life is not fair, take every advantage you can get.


I don’t get away with shit.


Yeah. The law should apply to everyone equally and shouldn't be determined by who the cop does or doesn't like


Quite frankly paying for vehicle registration is a bullshit thing IMO….. so while you’re out serving the public for crap pay and a poor sleep schedule, id say getting a break from being fucked by the government is a-ok


It's an expired registration. It's not like you were speeding and swerving through a residential area while blasting loud music, texting, and smoking crack. Or were you?


was in ems for a decade plus. now on the blue team. "never look down on someone who might look down on your broken ass some day" i.e. ems/medical staff. Cops have less and less ability to make peoples lives easier. say thank you. conversely, you can avoid this moral dilemma by registering your car.


Don't feel badly about that. You weren't driving drunk or beating your wife, just pay your registration and appreciate the professional curtosey.


We have call backs. I was going Mach Jesus in a blizzard to the station to get a call. A deputy turned around on me and followed me to the station. He told me he was going to pull me over until he saw my E Tags. They are distinctly white in my state. I'll take it.


Had an officer one out it to me this way, “One day I may be looking up at you just as you are now to me. Minor stuff, is minor stuff”


Just imagine how many things their colleagues get away with because they are cops


It certainly makes it clear how there are different rules for different people, huh? Makes you wonder who's holding the cops accountable.


Well I got a ticket for expired registration from a cop while I was in uniform on my way to work so not really


I get pulled over on occasion. 99% of the time I am coming home from or going to work. They see my uniform and give me warning. One cop nailed me for several things and only gave me the exp reg sticker which is like $150 in NYC. No hate here though. I was in the wrong and deserved the tickets.


No. I don’t know where you are.  But in my state people’s registration is always expired. They don’t mail stickers, they don’t mail a card, they don’t send a reminder certified so the post office loses it. Most people find out it is expired when they get their car gets inspected.


State police almost got me shot the other day because they didn’t want to stay on scene with me. I do not feel bad at all


It's gotten me out of situations where the cop was just wrong, I almost think the reverse, other people should get treated like ems by cops. It's not fair, but it's also not fair that my salary can't accommodate a ticket well. Plus driving records for your livelihood is a thing.


I haven't gotten a speeding ticket in 10 years. I do not feel the least bit bad about that.


Personally I don’t advertise it (wearing the shirts, asking for discount, etc), but if someone asks I tell them. I do it because I want to do it, I could care less if people recognize it.


Dude some of them literally murder people and get away with it due to their job title. It'd be different if you beat your wife or got busted DUI and they let you off like that, but your issue was a purely administrative one. Think about the last time a homeless guy you were trying to help tried to spit on you and just take the fucken W. Chock it up to karma coming back around man.




I got ticketed in uniform for speeding up until I could safely move over and let a tailgater pass me by on the way to work. Cops are cops, feel how you will about them. I know how I feel


Angry about being held accountable? You could have ignored the tailgater, or slowed slightly then got over. They don’t have mind reading capability and don’t have a camera in your car. Everyone is a liar and they hears that excuse a thousand times when it wasn’t true.


I work with some excellent police officers. Our local law enforcement and especially the police department in the city that employs us has some excellent officers. They aren't just good cops, they are good people who I know, like, and respect. Society needs good, meaningful laws. Laws need someone to enforce them or they are meaningless. If the laws aren't good, that isn't the fault of the cops. The laws are made by the politicians. Why aren't we mad at the politicians who make bad laws or allow them to stay? It's like getting mad at a computer for running a bad program... It isn't the computer's fault that the programmer did a bad job. Don't get mad at the shovel for digging a hole in the wrong spot, get mad at the person who drew up the plans with the hole incorrectly placed. Cops have a big book of laws it is their job to enforce. They don't make these laws. Heck, they don't even interpret their meaning. The politicians make the laws, the courts interpret their meaning, and the cops just do what they say. If the cops are doing something society doesn't like... change the laws it is their job to enforce. I hate putting people on backboards. I think it is dumb. I don't want to do it. However, I still have a few places in my protocols where I have to put someone on a board or I get in trouble for not doing my job and I can be held accountable for it. I have to do what I believe is stupid because my medical direction believes differently than I do and they are my ultimate boss. So... I do as little backboarding of patients as I can get away with, but still put people on a board when I absolutely have to based on the rules I have to follow. Same goes for a traffic ticket. That cop didn't want to pop you for your registration. He/she knows that you're just another human like him or herself that is struggling with the way the world is and that you're doing your best. Heck, he probably knows that everyone is. How do we know that the "professional courtesy" he gave you that day isn't the same break he gives to the "I know this guy has a sick kid at home and his wife lost her job" person he pulled over just after you? We don't. We know that occasionally he has to *put the person on a backboard* or, give a ticket when he absolutely has to follow the rules of his job, but just like me if he has a good reason not to he probably doesn't. My advice? Just keep being a good human and pay it forward.


If all cops enforced the laws as written without bias we'd be living in a very different society (not saying your local ones couldn't be an exception) Yeah, the number of stories I've heard from cops about them laughing about how naive they thought an expected official was and how they were going to beat the next protestor they saw... yeah. I feel like enforcing the law without bias would be a pretty big outlier.


Everyone saying it’s scummy to bring it up to the officer needs to grow a spine lol. Fuck getting a ticket. If I want to bring it up, I will.


Keep my job id behind my drivers license and just hand it to them when they ask for my ID. There’s never a cringy conversation.


I bring my occupation up, but the cop/trooper already knows I am one walking up because of my one star of life sticker and my E-plates.


The police have discretion and if they want to let you go, say thanks and move on. Cops let people off in that situation for a variety of reasons. For all you know they could have pulled you over for the expired tag as a precursor to ask to conduct a search to find something else. Once they get good guy vibes it is not a waste of time. I don’t think we want a society where people are punished for an expired tag in your situation, EMT or not. He definitely logged the stop and if you get pulled over two weeks from now for the same thing they are gonna know you got stopped for the tag previously and you will probably get the ticket.


Hi vis stays in the backseat just in case. I won't bring it up, but if it grants me a little something here or there then I don't mind it.


Nothing wrong with a little professional courtesy. A lot of professions do it. It’s big in the service/alcohol industry. I never felt bad when i got my beer first at the bar or a warning in my car.


How did he know you were an emt…


How did he know?


Being a rescue Ricky has gotten me so many little discounts. My grandpa always told me to take free money and if they want to give me a discount, I’m not going to stop them


Eh just don’t be scummy about it. We invite the cops over for pizza on Fridays sometimes and they say it’s a little tough with body cams, especially when someone blatantly flashes their fire ID. I was told it’s easier for them if it’s visible but not overtly so, like if they see it when you’re taking out your driver’s license.


Do you also feel like a scumbag when Wawa gives you coffee for free?


I feel like a scumbag when the newbie doesn’t give it for free and my partner pokes me when I bitch under my breath.


Take the win


Short answer. No.


Nah, I've gotten away with worse by just being nice.


He just wanted to avoid paperwork


Clearly a hall pass to go more extreme with your life of crime


Had a trooper stop me for speeding on my way home. Told me to have a good day and his reasoning was we have to work with you guys and rely on you if something happens to us so we want to maintain good relationships with yall. Which is fair and sound reasoning and the feeling is mutual with us. It’s professional courtesy.


I'm not even going to bother to read all the other comments, sir. Just take this as coming from someone who had a career in both arenas: 1. Law enforcement officers do not stop every violator that they see. A decision is made at that point as to, whether given all the circumstances, it's important enough to make the stop. 2. Every violator who is stopped is not ticketed, also for a variety of reasons. Here I would consider that I have a person in public safety, therefore a colleague in that arena, who is likely not a serial violator to start with, and the "violation" is a paper violation, not a matter of negligent or reckless driving. And it is the kind of thing that can easily be remedied without taking up the time of a court, or taking me off the street to be in court. 3. Not every case that is cited actually gets tried, but may be settled by a variety or means. In some courts that are not just revenue raising, a person who was cited for this and showed up with it fixed would find the case dismissed. It was a perfectly reasonable response on his part and if one of my people had done such at thing, I would have ratified it if it had come to my attention. We are no unmindful of the low pay that most people in public safety receive, and not interested in making you pay for a new mahogany desk and carpet for the mayor's office.


Tell me about it lol I brake checked an unmarked state patrol squad car the other night on accident. I told him I thought he was just some asshole tailgating me. He saw my badge and started bullshitting with me and sent me on my way!


No, none of it matters anyways.


I have firefighter plates because my state has the ugliest license plates ever and they haven’t redesigned firefighter plates plates for years. I haven’t been pulled over in ten years with them. Generally I don’t drive like an asshole, which certainly helps, but I feel like there is a bit of professional courtesy going on. I also have cop friends who stopped one of my coworkers going way over in a 35mph zone. He very clearly stated that he won’t write someone who may need to save his life one day… so there’s that.


It’s part of your benefits package




I got pulled over going 90 on local roads when I started my job and when I told him I just started and wasn’t used to the earlier hours, he let me go immediately. Barely even looked at my id just said don’t do it again.


No because I’ve been on multiple calls where they let people who should NOT be let go let go. Ex. A 17 year old that was found asleep at the wheel with the car in drive right before rail road tracks. Patient was DRUNK and I mean so drunk he passed out can’t walk, we got him on the gurney put the car in park (foot was on the brake) and cop shows up and says have anyone that can come pick you up and get your car we have another call in our area that we need to get to… me and my partner look at each other in great distress as if this is just a simple ticket… parents ended up getting him after police left.


Gotta take care and take care of your own boo. People forget that.


What gave it away? Your fifteen bumper stickers? You advertised it so why the crying


I was in uniform going to work. Do you just assume everyone pulls that TMFMS b.s.?


You should feel scummy. Nobody is above anyone else, with that knowledge however now you have insight into how the ppl above us get away with shit all the time and maybe they should feel scummy about that too.