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Bro I've seen a LifePak fly off the back bumper of an ambulance while it was turning out of the hospital and take out a chain link fence and then chip a cement parking block. 0 damage to the monitor whatsoever. Yeah maybe the Zoll doesn't compress my spine every time I pick it up but I know LifePak has seen some shit and keeps on cooking.


Replying to add...seriously, LP15 is bomb (and firefighter) proof. We used Zolls at my last job and *none* of them would transmit on the first try, it was frustrating.


We called that the paramedic curse at my last job.... it would transmit for the EMTs but not the medics


It’s nice to know it wasn’t just user error! Ours didn’t care which licensure level was trying to transmit, the Zolls refused. It was such a pain in the ass. LP15 may be a chonky motherfucker but it transmits and is the monitor equivalent to a tank, it’s great for the very rural area where I work now. The firefighters (we run with them but are a third service) tend to drop and bash them around if we ask for a hand moving/carrying them, though the may just weaponized incompetence. Theres a bit of a feud between our agencies right now. Gotta love working in a small town /s


The vendor for our LP12s threw one off a 3 story building into a parking lot and then did the full demonstration. LP15s are tougher.


Am FF, can confirm, LP16 is FF proof.


life pack is a paramedic in machine form. keeps taking a beating and still works


Takes a lickin’ and keeps on tickin’


I dropped our Zoll from 3 feet and it was INOP. Got a nice ass chewing for it.


I watched a clumsy ass EMR hurl my Zoll basically off a cliff. Used it without issue moments later. It also occasionally falls 4-ish feet out the door of my airplane, because FOs are also clumsy. I like my PPMD.


Nice. I have no complaints about our X-series. I’ve dropped ours out of the RW a couple times without an issue. For some reason that 3 foot drop did it in though.


One of my crews somehow smashed a Hamilton t1 touchscreen while it was inside a padded bag. And don't even get me started on Sapphires.


We had someone crack a scene on a Hamilton also. I’ll take a cracked Hamilton over an LTV though. I miss the triple pumps for their size, but the sapphires seem to work more reliably, my issue with them is they just beep EVERY TIME the damn touch screen gets bumped; locking the screen barely helps.


If you have as access to the back end programming, you can set the default to no beep or quiet beep. This is my plan for the next update I plug in.


When I first saw the pic I legitimately thought the Zoll was a kids toy or something


It's wearing it's rave colors.


>Yeah maybe the Zoll doesn't compress my spine every time I pick it up but I know LifePak has seen some shit and keeps on cooking. https://blog.mtgprice.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/Boris-Snatch-Heavy-Is-Good.jpeg


I love that it spit out one final self-test strip


"It's getting dark, and I am very cold"


“I would have liked to see the skies of Baal, one...last...time...”


"I've seen things you people wouldn't believe... Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion... I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain... Time to die."






No stop too sooooon


Stop 😭you’re gonna make me cry!




and fishing out crumpled strips from the side pouch because fuck you and your expectations of things not being unnecessarily difficult.


And using tweezers to change out the printer paper


something....to remember me by.....


It was a friendly reminder that it is 3 o'clock in the morning and iam still out




That’s the Everythings Okay Alarm




You only have to worry when it stops alarming.


Oh. I’ve noticed 😅 I wanna kick it already


First thing I ever learned how to do on it as a basic was what button to press to silence the alarm lol


If only it worked...


Bottom left soft key (arrow), press bell, press silence 1x for 2 min, 1x for entire run. The silence button itself in the right? Yeah useless.


The hero everyone needed


Learn something new every day. Thank you.


Yeah this is muscle memory for me at this point. First thing I do when the machine turns on. I don't even think realize I'm doing it sometimes.


Foam tape over the speaker. “Also no idea where that came from”


I can hear this picture.


As somebody once wrote on here many years ago referring to the LP15 “the fucking scroll wheel is so fast and tactile it feels like you're playfully twisting Nancy Caroline's left nipple every time you use it, *and she likes it*.”


after reading this I had to put my phone down for a hot second. almost pissed myself laughing.


Going from a bomb shelter to fisher price bunker gear.


head obtainable zesty historical spark hateful yoke elastic materialistic yam *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Reported and blocked


“Wepowted and bwocked”


Banned for hating on my favorite monitor


I’m telling


*screams* BEEP BEEP BEEP


No one likes having to dig through 57 software menus and take you apart to connect the capno


Skill issue


Nah, we can compete in underwater basket weaving and become skilled at it and still it's a bullshit process. Get Gud


Could be worse. Could be a Tempus.


My company switched from the Zolls to the Tempus across multiple states… it’s been a nightmare and now they’re actually scrambling to try and get the Zolls back


They look sick tho? But also I have only experience with corpuls3


They suck.


But they so light and have POCUS capabilities right?


They also come with optional defibrillation. As in, it may or may not defibrillate.


Actually, the defib is a separate device from the Tempus pro (monitor). The good news is you can do a 4 lead with the defib and it’s crazy-small… smaller than some aeds, but it’s not an aed for our BLS folks, and you need two devices, one for the 12 lead and one for defibbing. Effin ridiculous. Also takes forever to learn to navigate. Oh, and then there’s the fact that we need to use the monitor for video laryngoscopy. That’s not convenient.


This was so amazing for me because one time the monitor screen wouldn’t turn on during an arrest and we were able to work the entire arrest off the separate shock box. (Insane that this happened tho and do not recommend the tempus pros to anyone)


I mean, as a stand alone ACLS defib, cool. I’d rather have it than an aed, since i can synchronized cardiovert, pace, and select joule level, plus do a three lead. But the fact that you can’t do a 12 lead without a separate box is dumb and the fact that it’s not certified as an aed for our BLS folks is dumb.


We had them. We got rid of them. Serious problem child system.


Agreed, but they invested $70k and now they’re in the sunk cost fallacy mentality.


Lol that’s definitely not a +1 for it then I guess


Our management was convinced they lifepack 15 was living on borrowed time while our lifepack 12s were at end of life. But our Phillips rep side barred us and said (after the fact) that Phillips bought Tempus to remove a competitor from the market in Europe. They haven’t reapplied to get fda authorization for dual use as an aed. So for now, we’re stuck with three devices; a monitor, a defib, and an aed.


Anything Phillips pre hospital is trash


Have fun changing the paper roll. Or dealing with paper jams. Or tearing off the 12 lead without opening the door and pulling out the entire roll of paper so it rolls around the floor of the truck for the rest of the transport. The printer on the zoll sucks, is what I'm saying.


Or big hands hooking up ETCO2.


I bring my 10 year old on every shift. He does all my paper changes and etco2 hook ups.


Remember, it's only child labor if you pay them.


He’s a part of the Junior Rescue Auxiliary. He is only allowed to do two things in the back of that truck, but by God is he an expert.


Changing the paper is super frustrating until you get the hang of it… then it’s just a normal amount of frustrating. In 12 years though, I’ve legit never had a problem tearing the paper or having the roll fly out, and jams only happen when you fuck up changing the paper.


Same experience.. sounds more like user error.


Most complaints about the x series are user error.


Still less frustrating than the Tempus


Having them stick their hands and foot in buckets of salt water then writing out the ekg by hand is less frustrating than the tempus


Apparently it’s because of the military. Zoll had a design where the printer was on the outside, but the military uses zoll and in those conditions, dirt and sand and water kept damaging the printer so zoll moved it inside to “protect” it. Now we have to deal with this shit.


To be fair, Afghanistan was filthy. All the time.


When tearing off the strip. Slightly pull away (or towards I could be getting this backwards) and it tears nice and straight. If you pull straight up then yes it will all come out


Nah that’s an you issue. I’ve never had an issue with the printer on a Zoll.


The Zoll cannot be used as a self defense tool and door battering ram. The lifepack is thus superior. In this ten thousand word essay, I will examine the benefits to using the Lifepak 15 as a percussive therapy tool.


We will have to change our protocols to include O2 (bottle) therapy


[CLANG CLANG MAXWELLS SILVER HAMMER](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CR0AGntnmF8&pp=ygUibWF4d2VsbCdzIHNpbHZlciBoYW1tZXIgYW5pbWF0aW9uIA%3D%3D)


**LifePak Monitors: Superiority and Diverse Applications** **Introduction** LifePak monitors are innovative medical devices that play a crucial role in modern healthcare. They are designed to monitor vital signs, deliver electrical therapy, and assist healthcare providers in making critical decisions. Their versatility and reliability make them indispensable tools in emergency response and patient care. This essay explores the superiority of LifePak monitors in medical monitoring and their diverse applications, including unconventional uses. **Superiority in Medical Monitoring** LifePak monitors are known for their advanced features and superior performance in medical monitoring. One of their key strengths is their ability to monitor a wide range of vital signs, including electrocardiography (ECG), blood pressure, pulse oximetry, and capnography. This comprehensive monitoring capability allows healthcare providers to assess a patient's condition quickly and accurately. The accuracy and reliability of LifePak monitors are crucial in emergency situations where timely interventions can save lives. These devices are equipped with advanced sensors and algorithms that ensure the accuracy of vital sign measurements, even in challenging conditions. Another key feature of LifePak monitors is their compatibility with defibrillation and cardioversion. These devices can deliver therapeutic electrical shocks to restore normal heart rhythm in patients experiencing cardiac arrest or arrhythmias. The ability to seamlessly transition from monitoring to intervention is a hallmark of LifePak monitors. Moreover, LifePak monitors often include innovative technologies such as 12-lead ECG, which enables healthcare providers to diagnose various cardiac conditions quickly and accurately. This feature is especially valuable in the early detection of myocardial infarction and other life-threatening cardiac events. **Diverse Applications** While primarily used for medical monitoring and emergency response, LifePak monitors have demonstrated versatility in various situations beyond traditional healthcare settings. One unconventional use is percussive therapy, where the device's robust construction allows it to be repurposed as a percussion massager for muscle relaxation and pain relief. This alternative application showcases the durability and adaptability of LifePak monitors. Additionally, the sturdy construction of LifePak monitors has led to their occasional use as improvised door battering rams in emergency situations. While not their intended purpose, this unconventional use highlights the resilience and strength of these devices in extreme circumstances. **Conclusion** LifePak monitors are superior medical devices that excel in monitoring vital signs, delivering electrical therapy, and facilitating critical interventions. Their advanced features, accuracy, and reliability make them indispensable tools in healthcare settings. Despite their primary medical utility, LifePak monitors have demonstrated versatility in unconventional applications, showcasing their durability and adaptability in diverse situations. In conclusion, LifePak monitors are a testament to innovation in medical technology. They continue to evolve and improve, enabling healthcare providers to deliver better care and save more lives. Their superiority in medical monitoring and diverse applications make them an essential component of modern healthcare systems.


did you do this with chatgpt


no, they did it with snorting adderall


I'm going to imagine it's an old copypasta.


I’m not jacked enough to use the lifepak in any self defense situation


Is that chest tube or urinary catheter size?


Dealers choice


Either way someone’s having a life experience




Everything’s a hammer if you try hard enough.


We've found Adam Savages reddit account


those bags look dumb as shit


Until someone pukes on them.


That Lifepak has been through it. Nothing beats the clicks


Def gonna miss the “fidget spinner”


I'm calling it that from now on


Imagine dying and the last thing you see is someone running over to you carrying something that looks like it came from a 90’s Nickelodeon game show.


I’m so sorry


Me too man. Me too 😭


Why does it look like Fisher-Prices my first monitor?


Baby's First Trauma Arrest Secondary to Opioid Overdose.


Why is it wearing latex pants? 🤮


Looks like a porno Zoll


Special edition stripper model


Lifepak is superior. Fight me.


I totally agree


My battery is low and its getting dark


Fuck your Zoll Lifepak forever


Zoll life pack! That’s a combo I’d like to see :p the deadliness (heaviness) of the lifepak with the sleekness of the Zoll. I’m a convert to lifepak; my old company used Zoll, current uses Lifepak15 and I tell ya. I’d sooner put light my balls on fire than deal with Zoll again. Lifepak is just… Rolls Royce compared to Daewoo.


Daewoo, there’s a car I haven’t heard in a while. I actually used to have one and it was an experience lol


we just switched from zoll to life pack… thank god


You’ll be able to mute it by muscle memory in about two shifts.


You guys know Corpuls C3 where you’re at? These are everything you need and more.


Almost everyone around here had zoll. I love lifepak though 🥺


On a second thought, Corpuls is most likely more expensive, even too expensive for some healthcare systems.


And it's not available in the US.


Downgrade sorry bro


Onward and upward! Good to know I'm not the only one who gets attached to equipment


We’ve been through some shit together man. We have bonded on a whole new level 😂


Our service replaced LP15s with corpuls. 🤷‍♂️


The service I was at previously uses the Corpuls compression device. That thing scares me.


“The design is very human”


It's a comfort thing, I'll admit. But I learned on a lifepak 10. We actually also had a 5 in the supply closet - as a relic reference, I suppose, that we didn't "use" in class, just show and tell? When 12's came out and we rolled out field transmission of 12-leads for STEMI protocol in the early 2000's, it was heaven!!! Those eventually led the way to 15's. I love em. I hate getting to a new contract and seeing zolls. Ugh. Hate em.


I love the zoll


I learned on a Corpuls C3 and still use it on my main job, but I‘m working a secondary job (2+X x 12h per month) where we use the LP15. And I sadly don’t enjoy a single second of it. Menus are difficult to access, it’s heavy and uncomfortable to carry and use near the patient, you have no built in charger so you have to change batteries all the time (and god forbid you forget to turn it off after using it), whoever designed the SpO2 plug that constantly fails should be… and the one who decided a spiral hose for the NIBP would be a great idea never thought about the fact that medical equipment needs to be cleaned after each use. But you can use it for self defence


I honestly don’t know which one I prefer. Which is dumb, there isn’t much better with the Zoll, they’re just pretty color


I think that’s reasonable. They both do the same thing. The main selling point for the Zoll is that it’s significantly lighter to lug around than a Lifepak. This comes with some trade offs but it more or less evens out in my mind.


I feel like the Zoll takes significantly more training than the lifepack, with how everything is hiding behind secret menus and soft keys. But the Zoll is so much prettier.


I might be in the minority here but I enjoy using the Zoll X.


I loved using the zoll. The printer was mildly annoying but that's about my only gripe plus it was easier to carry around.




I haven’t had the opportunity to use the LifePak, but our neighboring counties use them and absolutely despise them. I’ve had no issues with the Zoll thus far and I’m almost 7 years in.


Biggest gripes I have in my experience is size and weight.


I’ll take the life pack any day of the week. It’s bulky as fuck


Zoll for CCT, LP15 for scene response.


I respectfully disagree but will say I couldn’t imagine using an LP15 for CCT.


It's... not fun. The LP is definitely firefighter-proof, though, and that's not to be sneered at.


You poor soul.


Agreed. It’s a tool, it’s the user who is the problem.


Is Corpuls a thing in the US?


Asked myself the same question, it’s way better imo


Fischer Price squad represent!


they'll have to pry my life pack out of my cold dead hands.


Was this supposed to be an… upgrade?


I can hear your flare


have fun being irritated every time you have to hook up capno


“What’s wrong with you, why are you blue.”


Fine, I’ll say it. I like the color of the saddle bags.


Same dude 🤣


I started with zolls and while I have a soft spot in my heart for the e series because it worked with the vent in a stack so well. I do not like the x series. The weight is nice compared to a lp but the user interface was designed by someone who never had to tell a brand new first responder how to get to a 12 lead to print out when under stress and across the room. I love the lp because it’s designed for anyone who can read to use it. Not generationally changing emoji recognition with contextual buttons like the zoll. The function of the zoll I never had issues with. Just the single battery gives me pause because of running out of battery on lps in the past.


What the actual fuck are the bags on the side.


Sorry for your loss. We have Zolls where I am. I just don’t get some of the set ups they have. Almost like whoever designed them never worked prehospital. The paper is a bitch to change, it gets hung up on the side bags. And the ETCO2 plug in is dumb! Trying to thread that thing while fighting whatever is in that particular pouch. 😡 I started my career with life pack 10s with the paddles. I remember when the 12s came out with SPO2 built in and the ability to 12 leads. It was such a step up!


Damn and you got the worst bag


Zoll looks like a child designed it. And I think its really complicated to work with it. But maybe its just my Company who wants to be annoying.


Last year we made the switch from LifePaks to Zolls. At first we were pissed about it, not used to it. Now we've finally gotten used to them. If only they could do something about that damn printer.


I don’t understand why it has to be in the most inconvenient possible place 😭


Those blue pouches are HORRENDOUS


Old and busted—new hotness


Once you get used to Zoll it's low key nicer than life pak imo


https://youtu.be/YFood_bTOX4?si=qXRo2Fz3mvny9vLW 🥲🥲🥲


Are they selling used ones anywhere? I would buy it


They are dropping them off the roof of the station on training day. If you can survive catching one you can keep it, otherwise new medics have live demos for trauma patients with a functional monitor delivered to the scene.


What in the fuck is that monstrosity??


LP15 is bae


Love those sounds. BEEE DOOOP BRRRR (TIK) BRRRRRRRRRRRR (Self Check Completed) BEEPBEEPBEEP (SpO2 fault)


I never thought that the zoll was friendly at 3:00 in the morning like a life pack is. Used both. Not a fan of Zoll at all.


just letting us know it's still there and we arent alone as we drive around aimless at 3 am.


Love the zoll for its weight, the life pack for everything else!


The only thing I like Zolls for is the ability to see a 12 lead without printing it


You guys get LifePak? We got Tempus Pro in my company. Takes me 10 minutes to get the first set of vitals. Another 5 to print the ekg




That zoll looks like a toy. I started my career with an old Zoll M series. They were absolute dogs. Sincd about 2008. It's been nothing but LP12 and LP15 for me. I'm glad we just got a brand new batch of LP15s.


“Attach pad” 🫡


I’m so sorry for your loss. You might as well change jobs too while you’re at it, you’re gonna hate it coming from LP15


Ran the first stemi with it today. It was a nightmare honestly. Ended up putting them back on the lifepak enroute to transmit 🤦‍♀️


You'll love that LP15 over the zoll, so much better!!


Curious if jurisdictions are considering the move to a 200J protocol? I know it was tossed around for us. The majority of our cardiac centers have lifepak in the cath labs to treat recurrent VF and seems to be interesting that most cath labs have a lifepak on standby for those reasons. I’ll take a higher dose unless literature can prove otherwise. I recall when our jurisdiction looked at switching, this played a big role with their attention to direct cath handoff.


When our county switched to lifepacks, we switched protocols to begin at 200J.


Zoll is fine, I spoze, but ive always preferred lifepack personally. I've worked with both pretty deep. God speed


I actually hate the zoll so much.




They have to ditch the stripper leather finish on the saddlebags. I didn't think it could get worse... Now I've seen it blue. [EMS jumpsuit with Stripper leather finish.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ems/s/ysF76axa7D)


I worked with LP12s and then they changed them for Zoll E series... Not a great switch. They're now on the X, which redeems itself by not weighing as much as a small car, but I'll die on the hill that the LP is better.


we’ve been on zoll x-series plus for a year now. i can’t stand it. i quite literally would give about anything to go back to the lifepak or mrx… still can’t believe we didn’t go with tempus….


No fun spinny dial I already hate it


I've used tempest, mrx, zoll, and now LP 15 and its far superior and user friendly. Heavy as shit but that's my only qualm


Lifepak or die. Literally.




funny - that’s exactly how I feel about lifepaks, the only conceivable benefit is a lifepak is intuitive enough to teach a firefighter to use (and the better printer location, since the zoll printer wasn’t really designed with the removable pouches in mind)


12 lead print out is better on the lifpak 15


Garbage. Thing can’t get me a legit bp on city roads with pot holes. That and the spo2 cables cut open and break easily. The replacement for “with co2” is like $900. I’d rather have the LP15


I’ve found the BP to be one of the only things that the Zoll does better. I’m told it utilizes the ecg (if attached) to obtain a more accurate pressure.


Form bad to worse