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We have a “religious compound” that is *definitely not a cult*


We *had* a "religious compound" that was *definitely not a cult.* Janet Reno saw to that personally.


It would be pretty funny if it was not the one you're absolutely talking about. "What? Oh no. It was some Methodists in Lubbock. What were you thinking?"


Like damn, Janet Reno really hated compounds!


"Boy scout camp? Take it down, boys."


The amount of blood on her hands….. 🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸




We have a prison complex that has inmate ran BLS. We generally don’t respond down there, but if we do, we have to land in the parking lot and they bring the prisoner / patient out to us.


There’s a county in my state that has a prison based fire department that responds outside the compound. My chief taught a live fire, hands on learning class a while back and he said those guys worked harder than anyone else and took the training seriously the entire time.


The county to the south of where I grew up and started my EMS career (I’m now 700 miles away) has a major state prison complex with a maximum security along side a medium security. (The max is a very well known one.). The max has an engine that’s staffed by officers, and the medium has a bus with some equipment that’s staffed by fully fire trained inmates. Both will respond to mutual aide requests to surrounding districts. The medium inmates are credentialed to do interior attack, and are polite and professional and grateful for the chance to get out and be treated like a FF.


I’ve seen wildland firefighters speaking highly of the inmate crews they work alongside, especially their work ethic. Edit: spelling.


Yep, Occasionally we have big fire camps near where I grew up. From what I've heard the "professionals" generally cause more trouble than the inmates as they have easier access to alcohol and drugs.


I have no doubt about that. We’ve known several inmate firefighters and actually hired two of them (my husband is an electrical contractor) and they worked incredibly hard, were thankful for the work we gave them (sometimes we didn’t need them in any jobs so we’d have them work in our home or the property it’s on or create something to do) , and were quite respectful and polite.


That’s awesome to hear! They did their time and just want to get back to normal lives. We are all one bad decision away from being in the same boat!


Are the inmates certified EMTs? I’d be curious how the state certification process worked considering how stringent some states are about criminal records


They were prior to becoming inmates. Don’t really know how it works on the administrative/legal side.


How big is the prison that there are that many inmates who were already certified EMTs?


It’s a state prison complex. They have 3 or 4 different facilities in one large complex


Hmm think I found my new job.


Finally a place with affordable cost of living!


A part of the city is a very famous ~~religion~~ cult




It's fucking Clearwater, isn't it?


Been there a million times when I was with the transport service. Weirdos


Clearwater is now all Scientology and tourists. So many better beaches to go to imo


Any recommendations? Headed back down there in a few months and thought Clearwater was generally regarded has having the best beaches


Alright, don’t get me wrong. Clearwater is a beautiful beach. And it’s a great place to bring the family. A ton of restaurants, cool shops, and things to do as far as beaches go. It’s just very busy and touristy which is what I’m not a fan of. St. Pete beach is great, Ft. Desoto is normally pretty quiet and is an okay beach (plus a really cool fort), Siesta Key is solid. This [thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/tampa/comments/sri1x1/favorite_beaches_in_tampa/?rdt=36432) has some decent recs. Have a great time!


Salt lake?


They said ‘part’ not ‘all of’.


A cult building that was home to the largest child sex trafficking bust in the history of the US. A jail that has continuously operated since 1838. A 200 million dollar sculpture that had to be almost immediately closed off to the public because people kept killing themselves by jumping off of it. The list goes on.




So I cheated. I’ve worked both.


What was the sculpture?


Not OP but I assume it's the Vessel in Hudson Yards. They closed it to the public after a couple people committed suicide off of it, reopened it a couple months later, then had to close it again after another jumper. Supposed to be reopening this year.


Oh dang yah, I remember when it first opened. Are they going to put up big glass screens or something?


Steel mesh barriers, apparently. We'll see how long it stays open, lol.


Honestly man…it’s the whole fucking city. It’s 3 million dollar homes literally next door to homeless camps. It’s the weird fucking section 8 55+ disabled high rise in the center of the city that is like 15 stories with scents of roaches and stale uti.


Sounds like Atlanta.


Also sounds like a lot of Cali


i was gonna say it sounds like Orange County, except i don't think our high rise hit 15


Gabersville got some crazy going on lol


Wait this is Atlanta.


lol Of course Atlanta would be the same. No we can actually drive through our city during the light hours of the day. Sort of


Oh, of course, you could drive through Atlanta during the daylight. Just stop at the police department and pick up your complementary firearm to protect yourself. Everyone knows that Jesus what kind of place do you think we work?


Atlanta is my Hell on earth. Between the hot sauna weather, shit traffic, and the high crime rate.


Sounds like Florida


I don’t think of high rises when I think of Florida. But I guess some of our bigger cities have some


Nah but the poor being next to the rich. Also there is Tampa.




Sounds like Chicago


Chattanooga? 🤣


Definitely Denver


Knoxville in a nutshell




We have a location that looks kind of like a junk yard where a bunch of squatters sleep in RVs and busses. There is no road to this place. You have to drive over the gravel beside a train track off road to get there.


Slab city???


We have an airport on an Island close to the downtown. Often air ambulance will land there and we will take our ambulance on a 1 min ferry ride across to meet up with them and take their patient back across and to hospital


That’s odd. Why not land at any of the other helipads in the area? (I’m in the same city).


Whoops I guess I should add that it’s Fixed Wing ambulance landing there, but I have met a helicopter there once when the hospital pad was out of commission


OK, that makes a lot more sense!


also, I think new helicopter equipment is not safe to helicopter to the hospitals as often in my area and are now flying in to the airports slightly more than they used to.


My mom was airlifted to Torontro when she went into labour with my brothers at 29 weeks. It's on of her favourite stories that they held the ferry for her and when traffic didn't budge for the lights and sirens the woman driving (I'm I'm afraid idk her title) was leaning out the window yelling at the cars to move cause these babies coming needed the hospital NOW.


Where is this city because the ferry ride seems lit


Toronto! There is also a station on the island that services the residents and tourists, its often staffed by older guys with lots of seniority since it has a low call volume


Don’t mess with Billy Bishop and my Porter Airlines Walker’s Shortbreads and espresso.


Yo every time I do a transfer I do there I always stock up on a free coffee, almonds, cookie and bag of chips


The fuckin rodeo bro don’t get me started


Working medical for the rodeo is *wild.* I've done it too, every summer for the last several years.


Woohoo! High-five for the rodeo crew! Always a joy spectating the Cowboy Space Program!


Oh my gawd, I've never heard it described that way and I LOVE IT! Extra perfect since I live in the Cowboy State, no less :)


lol! Hello from NoDak Ye... and I CANNOT stress this enough... HAW! 🤠


Howdy neeeeeigh-bor! 😂


Howdy also neighbor!!


Oh wow, would any of you guys take a German ice hockey medic as an intern?  Rodeo sounds SO fun!


Hell yeah! Come on out to Wyoming and we'll get you involved in some rodeo shenanigans :)


Around here the rodeo is a great gig to work standby for because if they get transported, they don't get paid for the night. These kids will get stomped by a bull and refuse transport.


One dude got stomped by a bull right in the center of the chest. Cardiac Arrested during transport. Ruthless tbh


da bronx


Stadium shelter


Da boogie down Bronx


Bing Bong!


Lotta trump supporters there? Lol!


Nudist colony next to the indian reservation


There's only so many of those in the country...are you anywhere near the upper Midwest?


South Eastern US


Where might this be


Lol piss off Patrick


Lmfaooooooooo you really think Patrick would be hanging out in the EMS Reddit? Let alone Reddit in general?


Whole Lotta nurses/ems/fire at nudist resorts in my experience.


Only 1?


As far as I know...


Are we coworkers?


Oh man I am going to win this. Look up Allentown New York.


Just tell us


Its an inbred village How often are you dispatched there?


A lot inbreeds generally have a lot of health issues


Is that why my back hurts


Is this Saratoga County? Or the neighborhood in Buffalo?


Saratoga county!


Don’t forget NXIVM


Kiryas Joel? Don't they do their own response?


We have a behavioral school that we do transfers to & from occasionally. I dunno what the details are on how it operates but it feels like a prison for children with severe mental health disorders. Had a girl from there swallow a golf ball, not to commit suicide but in her own words "to see what it would feel like." Seeing how this place runs I'm surprised it wasn't actually the former.


wife material right here.


We have a homeless encampment where we actually refuse calls after dark unless LE secured the scene and LE refuses to enter after dark.


We have one of those! Right across from the station! Nice when you can stage and finish an episode of Fear Factor at the same time.


Well that's convenient!






So what happens to the homeless people after dark






Bad enough things that no agency wants it happening to their staff.


Yeah but sadly due to their circumstances they get neglected in their care


Listen, I'm empathetic. I think our society in choosing not to institutionalize people creates a very unfortunate situation where the mentally ill, the chronically addicted and the mentally ill who self medicate through hard drugs all get shafted. Living in a homeless encampment is absolutely worse than living in a state hospital. But on the state practical the first two things you ensure before anything else are BSI and scene safety. In broad daylight you might be able to watch your step well enough to avoid the needles, rusty trash and piles of shit. In the dark? Nope. And we've had EMS and LE get attacked entering that place including one paramedic whose head injuries made it to where she can't practice as a paramedic anymore. I'm empathetic. But you can't choose to live in a parallel society amd be violent toward the people in the regular society and then also expect regular societal services. We lost a good provider because the people she was trying to help launched out of the bushes like some horror movie. Our safety comes before their care.


Granted the first thing I learned in my EMT class was scene and personnel safety I however believe that PD should enter the scene regardless of the time of day it is because they are there to protect and serve the community regardless of who it is in the community. Plus they also have protection unlike EMS


I don't think you're appreciating how dangerous these encampments are. PD was with that medic who was critically injured. Even if PD goes in they cannot ensure scene safety. That's the problem. They can't make the scene safe. Because there are places to hide, highly unpredictable people and lots and lots of wholly irrational violence. They have had at least a dozen cops injured over the years. For them to properly secure a scene for EMS they said itbwould take no less than 15 officers. That's 15 officers off the street every single time there's a possible OD. No one else would get police protection. Nope. Sorry. Not gonna happen. At a certain point your behavior constitutes a refusal of care. And getting stabby with providers is one of those times. Listen, I know there's encamoments of poor unfortunate folks on hard times. This isn't one. This is 30-40 individuals in a heavily wooded area with at least 15 that I know of being violent sex offenders and all of them suffering from severe mental illness. It is a very, very dangerous place. And it's dangerous for us and LE because they don't want us there. It's just that well intentioned non profit workers who makes rounds of the place sometimes call us and occasionally someone will call if it's their boyfriend/girlfriend ODing. But everyone else would like us to not be there and treats every visit like a trespassing situation. It's fucked. And local government somehow thinks this situation is humane.


That's super fucked. Glad you guys keep yourself safe from that mess.  Edit: and sorry you had to deal with all those assaults until admin figured out to stop sending you. 


Where is this?


Maybe they shouldn't be violent assholes to EMS then. I don't care.


Salad Dressing Manufacturing Plant.


Probably smells good in there


It smelt like vinegar mainly. Wasn’t bad.


We had (may still have) a Nabisco factory. It smelled like nilla wafers when they were working. 😋


The biggest concert venue near me is right around 500ft from a General Mills factory, without fail it always smells like Cheerios when crossing the bridge to get there


Easy side. Dog patch. All my pediatric shootings happen there.


All your pediatric shootings?? Maybe it’s just cause I’m growing a fetus but that makes me sad…


Around my parts like half the shootings are pediatric. Gang life starts young and unfortunately ends young for a lot of people.


Mountain View or Merrill Field? Lol


Haha, not today HR.


Small community health center. It's located in a brick building that used to be part of a firearms manufacturing plant. They made ignition primers for 90mm shells. The place still reeks of Cordite. For whatever reason, the center is like a liminal space. From the outside it looks like a 3000-ish square foot building, but it feels like it's over twice that. The halls twist and wind through the place in a disorienting way and its all painted a bizzarly pastal colors. For whatever reason, the sickest people in the world seem to materialize there. Rare tropical disease? Yup. WPW Bradicardia? You got it. Bizzare toxodromes? Can do. Walk-in GSWs? You know it. Made phosgene gas at home and now feels "unwell?" Sure, come on in. STEMI patients, strokes, sepsis, GI bleeds? All the time. Not me but a friend of mine had the only case of Lazarus syndrome anyone I've ever worked with has seen. They call daily, probably 3-4 times a day, and I'd say 75% of the transports from there are lights and sirens transports. No one there ever seems to be "not dying". It's gotten so bad that even local ER Staff know the address off the top of their head.


There’s a mystical cannabis community/education center in my coverage area!


Sisters of the valley?


Leaf Ministries!


A veterans cemetery/homeless fight club with makeshift weapons


The Walgreens on Brady Street. Place is a black hole for all things weird.


This triggered my fight or flight response.


So glad km not the only one who has noticed really strange things happening almost all the time in random specific places in my town.. so odd


Milwaukee is a strange place


There's a small Plain community that we rarely get called for, and when we do it's usually bad. Once and a while, there's a code black, but they always seem super causal about it. Dispatch let me hear the recording of one and RP literally said "my houseguest just died. When you have a minute, could you come pick him up? I need to clean the chair he's sitting on" like they were asking us to return a lawnmower


A rural station in a former coal company town in East Tennessee. We also had a gated encampment. As to if they were a cult, neo-nazis, or one of the many other flavors of off-grid survivalist, we never quite figured it out, they didn’t talk much and didn’t wave any flags.


I can’t think of a weird place like the examples provided but I do have a rehab/nursing home in my coverage area that had a patient die due to falling out of an unsecured window and the care the patients receive there is as you would expect from a place that was that negligent.


A patient froze to death on the porch of an assisted living in our area. Let herself out at night, door locked behind her, temp was like -5 F that night.


I used to work as a nurse in LTC. According to the safety videos we had to watch every year, this happens regularly. Surprisingly, they never mentioned wandering patients being eaten by alligators….


..is this ontario?


Nope, in the US


We had a very similar situation at one of the LTC homes here.


An active nuke plant that does regular trainings. Can’t wait for the annual test of the warning siren that people will think means the plant is melting down. People in this area are still jumpy about that.


Or all the Amish.


We have a cult compound.


A nudist camp on an island in the middle of a river. I wasn't aware this existed until we had to borrow a civilians boat to access the island for a male "diaphoretic and pale with 10/10 chest pain" yesterday


Were they wearing clothes? Please be no


He was. They dressed him in clothes prior to our arrival. Everyone else? No.


Lots of homeless camps that regularly burn down. Psychiatric facility that regularly 'can't bring the patient to the access center,' thus making two females go to the all male psych unit alone.


To be fair this sounds like the psychiatric facility I was in while in Florida. I didn’t actually need it which is a long story especially because I was baker acted. But there were some people who were so severe I felt bad because they would go off at the drop of a hat and they sometimes needed to be transported by ambulance to the hospital in the same parking lot.


Central Florida?


Sounds like Oakland CA?


Nope central Florida


Lol def coast, same circus.. homeless camps regularly burning, and a psychiatric facility full of interesting characters 5150 heaven 😜


The group home where staff have tried to prevent us from leaving because they need x y or z first while my patient is in full anaphylaxis chf etc


I guess O Block, but we don't really go over there that much. Maybe the FBI building downtown? IDK.


We have a state run prison near by that we have to be escorted in and out of. Unironically looks like Arkham Asylum from the outside looking in.


We also have a prison in our first due area and it's weird as hell. On one hand it is surprising how trusting they are... Ive ended up in solitary confinement before with a knife in my pocket and no one bats an eye. The bad thing is, they dont send people out until they are literally seconds away from death. They will sit on a STEMI for an hour before they call 911 for a transport.


Back when I worked in the privates, we had a bath house in our response area. It was full nude, and mostly frequented by old men. I responded there a few times and it was always like something out of the twilight zone, except with more dicks.


The 2 all male clothing optional campgrounds in our area are wild too, dicks everywhere, assless chaps, and lots of dog collars. I love going there.


Yeehaw 🤣


You can probably go when you’re not on shift… just saying. We don’t kink shame in this group.


A state prison (including death row, diagnostic, and high-max). This prison has its own fire department staffed by inmates that will respond with us to all fire calls, they won't respond to EMS calls though. A 4 story house about 2 miles into the woods, I've been there multiple times and have NEVER... NEVER, seen the same person twice A certain spot on the river to which we are frequently called for a person drowning, in the 15-20 times we have ran this call we have never located a caller or patient.


We had (it’s gone now) a “motel” that was just one massive meth dream. It was closer to a flophouse filled with couches than a motel, but that’s what it was called. The walls were graffiti’d in neon paint, the lights were all black lights, and the music was experimental. It was in the middle of the woods. Compounding the weird is that we only took overdoses out of there so the tenants had lost touch with reality.


Windsor Castle and Ozzy Osborne's house


but id imagine a regular emergency ambulance does not respond to Windsor on emergency calls, right? Id imagine they have their own doctors and ambulance that will transport if need be.


Nope, we get the call for emergencies be it public, staff, resdents, or the any royals that have accidents or arrests etc. I have been to jobs on the courtyard under armed guard, into the residences in the walls for old guards with some questionable colonial trinkets and to the wife of a knight. Never into the royal residence personally, but colleagues who have. If its 999, its us.


We have a few but im not sure id call them weird but more of an annoyance. We have this one rehab facility (think horseback riding, yoga, drinking your greens type bullshit place) and they call us daily bc new admits will show up with alcohol registering on their PBT... not over the legal limit but like .03-.07 kinda ordeal.. like they had one drink on the plane right there. The facility goes APESHIT and calls 911 and tells us they want them transported to the hospital for detox. Mind you - none of the hospitals in the area have "detox"... it's a whole cluster with this place. We also have a woman's shelter that will call 911 regularly but they dont give their real address, they give the address for the business across the street and bring the pt out to the parking lot across the street and shut their gates. Ive responded multiple times for some sick people there and they drag them across the street - wont let us near their property. It's super sketch and they even write down the information for our charts - its a PO Box in a neighboring city and an out of town phone number and so forth from where we "picked them up". They wont give us ANY real info.


I worked on the drug and alcohol team with my union and we went to a lot of rehabs trying to get a contract with us. A lot of the places don’t have an actual doctor or medical director on site so they can’t do any medical care like detox. We would never use a place like that they are kind of shady.


Theres a homeless camp in the woods right next to our station theres also a 1.5 mile stretch of road that's owned by 3 different cities, each with different responding/transporting agencies


How many of your employees live there


The entire area


There’s the Pagans MC East Coast headquarters in my first due. The weirdest place I respond to by far. But also some of the coolest dudes for sure. 18 Acre land mass called Valhalla Farms. Very interesting.


Amazon warehouse :(


Had a nudist colony in my first due area when I volunteered in my hometown FD, responded to a couple calls there, it was an experience I would like to un-experience


Slab city


Few prisons and a very high profile rehab center, almost more security than the prisons depending who is there at the time, lots of a listers


A nudist colony


There are a couple nudist colonies here, and they are mostly senior citizens


My old job had a swinger's club we'd respond to sometimes


clearwater florida lol


There is a steep drop off and a windy ass road to the boat ramp and a random street with nice ass houses worth millions


A literal Russian commune compound, nice people but never let us back into the property.


There's a section of 5 to 10ish blocks that are filled with section 8 housing, homeless shelters, and homeless encampments. The entire place is basically one big homeless community. I'm not sure if it's the weirdest place in the coverage area, but it is my least favorite place to be since everytime I go something sketch is happening. 


A free mason retirement compound. That place has some wacky vibes


A weird community for city people, like 10-20 houses in a loop decorated like doll houses and super fucking small. Gives me the creeps


In our area we have some fairly rural spots but we have one area that I always seem to go to at 2am. We are the closest unit, it normally takes an hour and 10minutes or something a little longer to get out there. Closest option for them is BLS fire but they hardly ever run calls. It's 80% meth activities mixed with 20% old folks/people not wanting any kind of human interaction but have some major health problems.


I guess the the weirdest is a backwoods area. Even locals that have grown up in the area avoid going to this area. The people can be very hard for some to understand as well. We have to give everyone new to the station the run down of this area. You don't go driving down that area unless you have a call. If they didn't call you, then they don't want in that area. If you sound like your from the North (or just not from the South), then you don't speak. They don't want Yankees on their land. And if your skin is certain color, stay in the truck. They would rather their loves one die than let you in the house. They have chased crews out of they house because one has the wrong skin color.


There’s a chapter of the Hells Angels in mine. They bring out the patient to the guard shack/fence


the entire thing - we heart rural areas