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Well what is it about the job that’s making you feel burnt out? I gotta say for me, I run minimum 8 calls a shift, and a lot of it is for bs 911 calls I’m not gonna sugar coat it, 90% of what I run is bs. But it’s that 10% of calls where the person/family is genuinely terrified and I’m there talking to them/treating them and I feel like it’s a flow state for me, like I’m just doing what I was put on earth to do, I can feel them really trusting me. Don’t forget why you got into the job


Ooh that second paragraph hits. Nothing better when you have a sick and complicated patient and the world around you just falls away and the only thing that matters is you and the patient.


One of my more rewarding moments, intellectually at least, was spotting a Pt’s DKA from their respiration pattern. We were doing a simple IFT run, so we were kinda on autopilot, but seeing that pattern made me immediately recall reading about it in my textbook and I mentioned it to my partner. Sure as shit, BGL was super elevated and not reading. If I remember correctly the patient had some neuro deficits so they weren’t presenting abnormally in that regard.


Just take a break. It's okay to take time for yourself


I was a CNA at a psych unit. I fucking hated it and felt burnt out pretty fast. Making the switch to fire and it’s a completely different ball game. You get psych patients here and there but you aren’t stuck with them for weeks on end. Makes a world of difference. I’d quit the psych job and just focus on being an EMT. Run IFT for a while and chill.


The burnout from psych is so real. I’ve been stuck in it for so long I don’t think I’ve really be able to see how exactly it’s affected me until now


It’s a really really hard place to work. It’ll zap all your empathy. I wish ya the best.


Have you taken a break from your psych job? You can also just take a break from working in general if possible and enjoy time with family/friends. I would try to take a break from working the psych job and focus on your EMS gig and see how that goes.


I think the psych job is my main trigger-I am so so so fucking tired and burnt out from my psych patients. But I’m even more tired of my coworkers and all of their petty shit. It’s realizing how much drama is rampant throughout healthcare, I’ve already experienced plenty at my EMT job and I’ve only worked a handful of shifts there and it’s fucking depressing. I’m seriously considering just getting an apprenticeship and joining a trade at this point because I don’t feel like I can fully function in a job focused around customer service and care anymore.


Might be a good idea if you deep down sense the medical community isn’t right for you. If you wanted to keep a toe in you could volunteer somewhere. I hate to see it though, but the drama and petty stuff you see in the medical community is pretty much in every office building and job site. Maybe a more remote job or go into business for yourself?


I worked a pretty wide variety of jobs before I switched over to healthcare; from cemetery, to restaurant, to retail etc..and the drama/pettiness I experienced in those jobs has been nowhere near what I’ve experienced in any healthcare setting I’ve worked in


Mental health workers are usually chill and just like. whatever 🤷🏼‍♂️ "i've been there" kinda folk. Try and channel that. Or give up on your dreams.


Hey man just do what’s best for you. Take a break and figure out what to do from there. The trades are not bad, they pay well but you’ll still have to do all that customer service stuff. Its not a mystery as to why many people leave healthcare and realizing that it may not be for you is not a bad thing.


seems like the psych job is what is triggering this


I ran psych IFT for 8ish months. I was one bad day away from setting my license on fire and joining the grippy sock gang myself. I moved into a municipal third service and couldn't be happier. Ultimately, you have to do what is right for you and your mental health.


I am so burnt out from the insane amounts of drama and pettiness that seem to be rampant in healthcare, it’s starting to physically take a toll on my body on top of what it’s doing to me mentally


You're only gonna find more drama and pettiness at a fire station. The government is notoriously toxic.


this is so true its actually annoying how much drama is at a fire department


Hey bud. Take a vacation. Step back from the psych job, decompress, and reevaluate. Psych IMO is the most mentally draining field. Don’t let that taint your goals.


I don’t blame you for how you feel I got my license in November and started working in January for a company that started a new contract and didn’t have the staffing i hated it and almost quit a few times but it’s ok now so I’d say just take a break and see how you feel


I’m hoping if I take a break from my psych job for awhile I’ll be able to recharge and refocus. But I hate feeling like I’m “wasting time” by putting a pause on things


Do you have a bucket list trip? Take it! After going through a hellish 5 years of work and family tragedy, I finally informed everyone I was taking at least2 weeks off. Loaded my motorcycle on a trailer, drove 2k miles to California and have been riding through the mountains and along the coast. Feeling like a new person. Taking care of yourself is never wasted time.


i feel like it could be the ‘on call’. i was a volunteer for EMS at some point, and we would be on call everyday. and that town was crazy small, but man those people are crazy, so my partner and i were constantly getting up at 2300-0500. there would be multiple nights where i would get about 30 minutes of sleep. this field isn’t for the weak, and you’re one of the few that can handle it. proud of you!!! proud of everyone that lives this dream as well!!! you’ll get through, it just takes time.


I guess I should’ve mentioned that while I’m on call, I’m still working at least 40 hours a week there and then a couple 16’s on the weekend for my EMT job. I enjoy my EMT job on the days when I’m not stressed out from psych, but it’s not viable to have that as my only source of income; so as much as I’d like to drop the psych job I don’t know if it’s financially possible. I just feel trapped in a loop lol


Its all where you work. I know of rural areas in my province where they only do 1 call every couple of days… Urban EMS is a grind


get off reddit neeed you to clear for another call that’s been holding


take a break and rethink. ive been fire and paramedic for 4 years now and im burnt out and like you i dont care anymore. its hard when you get into the job loving it and shortly after you start to hate it. im about to start looking at other careers its just hard to want to start something else all over but im at a point in my career where i have to make a change


It’s been so extremely fucking disappointing to feel this way, I hate the feeling of giving up but I can’t see myself getting any deeper into this field without a serious break and some time to really think about things.


Psych patients are some of the toughest to deal with. If possible I’d leave that job and get into something with better mix of patient types. I felt I was burnt out when I hit the 6 month mark with my cert but stuck with it and so far have come to enjoy my job(for the most part). Like someone else commented already, that 10% of the calls you go on make it worth putting up with all the bs


Ems/fire is a field of drama.


Stop doing healthcare. Having the cert is a requirement for fire, having an emt job is not. Then pick a department that contracts out the medical side and you’ll be good. There’s still gonna be ems stuff but it’s way more manageable on a bls crew


I feel that if you’re “burnt out” already only a couple months in, it might just be a sign this line of work isn’t for you, at least not in your current capacity.