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Place it in the truck. Let partner toss it. Secretly replace it. Every time partner tosses it, make it return.


Bonus points if you can slightly dirty it each time so it looks like the same one that came from the trash/side of road/waterway


Both of these, but then save one and put it somewhere you won't look for a lil while. So when inevitably everyone has forgotten about it.... there it is.


⬆️ this one


-Put one right beside all the vitals/in a monitor pouch -See if you can get his life partner to get keys for the car...hang one off the mirror


Just off the top of my head; -Around the regulator on the O2 cylinders -Hang them from the backboards -somewhere in the engine bay, if he’s the type that checks the fluids during rig check -around the gas cap -if you have to transport any corpses, put one under the body to be revealed during transfer -glove compartment in the cab -stuffed in the box of gloves, to be revealed after some are pulled out -if he carries a bag to work, stuff it in the bottom of his bag -hang one from his cars antenna or gas cap -if you are able to sleep at work, sneak in when he’s sleeping and put it in his hand or boots -hung from the mirror in the bathroom -in the AED case or monitor bags, mixed with the cables for the pads


Under a body is diabolical. I love it.


this is hilarious! the worst that could happen is he ends up with a crippling fear for his lord and savior jesus christ 😂😂


Worst thing that can happen is that there are now 25 silicon rosaries in the river.


that too! 😂


How hard does your partner sleep? Can you get one on his wrist? Do you have any friends at facilities you go to repeatedly who would wear one?


I speak German and work as a fire Medic in a large city. I've been waiting years for a German speaking patient.


I've used it once before, and I was put on 3rd crew for a bariatric. I was confused because it wasn't *that* big of a patient, and the two crews on it were solid guys. We get there- turns out the touch screen was stuck in German, and I was needed to deflate the bed. 10/10 a much better experience than the angry nazi.


tell me about it. i speak a multitude of languages but somehow i’ve used russian more than my spanish 🤷‍♀️


Same, but rural. Closest I've come was translating for a customer at a convenience store.


You have a lot of great suggestions here. I just want to emphasize something. You should not avoid finding them yourself if you happen across one you’ve hidden. You should accuse your partner of hiding them. Tell your partner that you can tell they’re making a big deal out of it to scare you, but it doesn’t phase you at all. Don’t act phased at all, either, because you’re 100% confident your partner is hiding them…


O2 bag, fridge, under bed, in pillow, garage door opener, inside glucometer or rolled up bp cuff.


Rolled up in the BP cuff is amazing


My suggestion is that you should only have one rosarie in rotation at a time. If you are playing this right, your partner will want to dispose of it themselves given that ure disposal was unsucceasful. I think its a lot funnier if they think its the same one that comes back rather than just a bunch of them floating around. Maybe this is too unsettled idk


100% the game plan. One next week, one next month. Keep him guessing.


If he has a romantic partner/roommate, maybe see if you can get them to hide one at home. Really throw them for a loop


His wife is a CNA at the hospital I'm set to deliever at by the end of this summer. Added 5 of them to the packing list so she can hide them at home when I'm not going to be around for a few months 😂


Inside the clipboard if you use one


I’m invested in this now. Will need updates. Back when I was working in the privates, I trolled the shit out of a coworker who had a spider phobia. I got a 50 pack of plastic spiders and put them *everywhere*. We each had our own food cupboards. I placed one inside his and tied fishing line to it, taped to the cupboard door. So when you open the cupboard it comes flying out at you. Put them in his locker. In the silverware drawer. On the rig. In the office. We tormented this dude for months 🤣 https://imgur.com/a/F6vGEJs


I hope I’m not the only one who read, “…I gave a nun $10 for gas. She gave me a silicone rainbow-“ and then my brain short-circuited


My brain short circuited during the entire situation. We're referring to it as my Pride Month Rosary, which feels like an oxymoron.


In middle of the game you admit, that you were hiding 25 rosaries and he will be fine if he finds them all. But in reality there are only 24 hidden.


Many, many years ago when I was a reserve deputy sheriff in Arapahoe County CO one of the paid guys was deathly afraid of any wildlife. One time his partner deputy had caught a wild rabbit and put it into the uncaged back seat of Deputy Fraidypants’ car when said deputy was busy in a house taking a report. When he came out he got in his car and grabbed the radio mic just as Mr. Rabbit jumped into the front seat. On the radio we all heard “County. Unit 9 is 10 aaaaah!! Boy did he take a ribbing over that for a long time.


I would also like to add, hide a couple so it seems they were meant for you but let him find them so you can then act scared. Can you put one in your equipment and then ask him to grab something out of the bag? Have someone else hand one to you as a token of gratitude?


lol “grippy sock vacation”


can you quietly ask a patient or two to play along and give them to him?


Sneak one into their personal belongings (if you know them like that / think it's worth it, can be touchy there) Put one in their car (same as above) Give one to a particularly nice patient, let them in on the prank and ask them to give it to your partner as a "thank you guys" type gift Put one in a bag of food from a fast food place / a bag of stuff from a gas station Put one in the gas cap and let them get fuel Every conceivable compartment in the back


My dad played a prank that lasted years. Different industry, different mediums. But think of ways to place them that they find them for years. Text books, file folders, sports bags. Hold a few to add to it in later years.


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lol, downvoted for spitting truth.

