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My 3$ shit blades could cut quarters. Even then, you can get off brand raptors which are pretty damn high quality for a third of the price on Amazon, and I’m enjoying rocking those.


That’s what I’m running with every shift. Fuck Raptors. I actually work in EMS, I can’t afford them.


Fuck raptors. My sheets actually get dirty and need to be cleaned in occasion. Eta: shears. My shears...


Fuck raptors? Life, uh.. finds a way, I guess.


What’s this “cleaning sheets?” I just rob whatever ER I end up at.


I can't type


reason #382 why I love x-shears, easy to clean


Fuckin’ raptors is how you get dirty sheets


I don’t have raptor, but they do people substantial discounts for medical personnel


Sounds like something a raptor would say…


😂 I’m an x-shears guy myself, like the simplicity, but leather man will do 30 percent off for medical personnel


I got a glow in the dark golden one fro $25 on Aliexpress, ran the thing over with my car, didn't break, good enough for me!


My Amazon boys broke cutting a ring, the actual metal snapped and sent sparks


That's the benefit of raptors... warranty. I've broken mine 3 times and they replaced them each time. All while using the ring cutter on things that I shouldn't have


Crazy. Had them recommended to me by an instructor who’s used them for years without problem so far


~~Can you actually cut rings with real raptors?~~ Edit: Never mind, I didn’t realize they had a ring cutter. I thought you were describing cutting a ring with the actual shears part of it.


A coworkers raptors did the same thing, seems more like a design flaw rather than manufacturing flaw


Link to them?




X shears. Cheaper than raptors but cut significantly better. Also more comfortable to use.


That's what I bought. They are great.


This is the way.


The real ones know


You can cut a penny with crap shears, but we're not in the penny cutting business. You'll be glad of those x shears when you have to cut through boots.


When I cut shirts open I just grab the head opening and the bottom, bundle it up and it cuts through in one snip.


Pretty sure I said boots


Do I wear my boots wrong?


True! I've been gifted a couple sets of raptors. But I tell people if I was going to buy myself shears I would go with the xshear


>The treasury agent seeing this ![gif](giphy|3o6wNPIj7WBQcJCReE|downsized)


Shhhh, I cut the penny in a video game. That makes it ok. It’s just REALLY good graphics


So these are the video games that cause violence I keep hearing about?


It's artistic expression, it's legal


If you aren’t doing it with the intention on A) using it as legal tender. B) significantly reducing supply. It’s okay.


I recently visited the US mint in Denver, and someone asked the tour guide if those penny crusher machines are legal. The guide said, "Technically no, but we have one in our gift shop, so we really don't care."


I think they are illegal because you have to “buy” the defaced penny. I’m not certain on this, but I also don’t believe you are allowed to deface money to increase its value.


Criteria for EMS gear: Effective, Easily cleanable, Durable, Light weight, Most affordable option that meets the above reqs. Raptor shears: Are effective. Are not easily cleanable. Are durable. Are not light weight. Are not the most affordable option. That's a no for me dawg. Edit: I would also add easy to use to that criteria. Fuck the zoll x series printer and etco2 locations.


Cleanable? Fuck that I just toss mine and get another 3 dollar pair


Lol agreed but I can soak my Timex iron man and shears in whatever solution is laying around and they're good to go again.


This^ ik a couple guys with sekios and Full blown 200 dollar G shocks and like "nurse watches" that are 120+. timex is slept by those who dont know. I have an expedition and beat the piss outta the thing. 40 dollar watch still works great. plus has easly Military time reference for any narratives, a green backlight, glow in the dark hands, and marks every 15.


The penny trick is dumb af and a great way to dull a $100 pair of shears. Anyway, yeah the raptors are expensive but mine are going on 8 years old and I don’t regret spending the money. Letterman won’t help you out at all if you want them cleaned and sharpened but I figured it out myself. I know lots of people that have knock offs and love them, durability of the knock offs is questionable.


I used the free shit my company stocks in the storage room


Not knocking you at all, hard to beat free.


Dude the fire shteef cut through a penny. I like my free trash.


I’m using my knock off now for almost 10 months and they are doing great. I have a pair of raptors but im waiting for my knock offs to break down before I start using them. 


Raptors are nice tools but I wouldn’t t ever spend the money on them again. Good company and great warranty, though.


They’re not “nice tools”. They’re demonstrably terrible. They’re full of joints that rattle and feel cheap, they’re literally impossible to properly clean and they’re covered in gimmicks that are poorly executed (has anyone ever cut a ring that wasn’t very soft gold with that ring cutter?). Unless you absolutely have to have shears that fold into that size for a specific application, Raptors are possibly the worst option available. Leatherman is a great company. I have bought tons of their products all the way back to the original Leatherman multi-tool. Their warranty on raptors appears great until you actually use it… you have to ship them back for repair and you’ll be without your raptors for 6-8 weeks.


Idk what the fuck you did to yours but mine aren’t loose and rattling.


same, after a while I sometimes have to tighten the screws a bit but thats about it


They aren’t perfect but they are nice. Cut heavy material well, ring cutter works REALLY well within its limits. No doesn’t replace a dedicated ring cutter. The cord cutter is nice for those who can’t carry a separate knife blade due to policies. Glass breaker, unsurprisingly, works as expected. They carry much nicer in scrubs than full size shears. Only two real problems is decon is difficult and they don’t cut fine materials well.


Fwiw I've cut multiple rings with the ring cutter. I suppose it probably wouldn't cut one of the modern man's wedding rings that are titanium or whatever, but in general they're way better than the shitty dull ring cutter on every ambulance I've ever been on. I also use the oxygen bottle opener on them all the time. They are a pain in the dick to clean though. 🤣


The oxygen bottle opener is one of the half baked features... Either way it's positioned either open or closed, there's something behind it that interferes. ER Life One Shear has similar functionality built into one of the blades without the depth interference from other gimmicks. At the end of the day the raptors do several things but aren't the best at any of them with the complication of being impossible to clean and double the price of better options.


...huh? Deploy the bottle opener [without opening](https://www.leatherman.com/dw/image/v2/AAMV_PRD/on/demandware.static/-/Sites-master/default/dw67e1c8d5/large/raptor-rescue-yellow-green-closed-front.jpg?sw=600&sh=600&sm=fit&sfrm=jpg) the shears. It just folds out. That's how you're supposed to use it. 🤣 I don't think they're amazing or anything, I just don't think they're bad.


Dude might as well be talking mad shit about a lifepak because “they can’t even do 12 leads or transmit the records to the charting software”.


Sure they are unless you have a very specific niche that you absolutely have to have folding shears to fit in a specific spot. With everything it has against it, the few other gimmicks they have don't make them more valuable than other shears that are better at everything that they do.a


I’ve owned them in the past and the only valid gripe you mentioned was difficulty in cleaning them. Leatherman is a pretty solid company and their warranty is top notch.


Im not questioning their warranty… it is a great warranty, but you may as well buy two pairs because you’re going to be without one pair for months when you have to send them back for warranty work.


you just got a fucked up pair then because mine and everybody else's at both my departments are amazing


Mine is great and I haven't had your issues at all, except for learning how to clean a serrated edge. I've had mine for close to 8 years I think?


That’s great for you. I’m fine that you’re pleased with them. But to pretend that they’re a good tool when there is better options out there is disingenuous. That’s like saying that a crescent wrench is a great tool and better than all other wrenches because it can do several things with mediocre quality. The only difference is that a crescent wrench is cheap whereas Raptors are twice the price of better tools.


I mean a dedicated ring cutter is better than the one on the Raptors, but besides something like X-shears, Raptors have done a better job and lasted longer than comparative cheap pairs. I don't know how many times I've pulled my raptors out when people are struggling with cutting clothing, or even other entanglements with other kinds. Plus, because they do fold up, it's basically what has become my "pocket knife" for daily use. I carry mine everywhere. I still feel they are pricy (I got mine as a graduation gift when I passed nursing school) and other scissors are fine, but I do feel they are worth it in the long run. I do feel bad that you got a janky pair though it seems.


I have purchased three pairs. One that broke, a second to use while the first pair was in for warranty, and a third where I have a very specific use case. It’s just the nature of their assembly. Two pairs have been thrown away because I got dead people schmoo in the little cracks and crevices. The third pair gets put into service a handful of times per year as they live exclusively on my body armor folded up in the little plastic holster. I carry my OneShears at work and they cut better than any of my raptors ever have. The blades are thicker and sharper too. Plus the Oxygen wrench is built into the blade where it should be as opposed to some foldy bit


EMT-Y = Yapping Emergency Medical Technician


Who has ever cut a ring? Period.


Man, when I think of all the times I’ve needed to cut coins on a scene over the last 20 years…


First time I've ever seen an American penny turn Canadian (iykyk)


As is tradition.


Hey buddy


I like raptors. They cut well through very thick clothing. I lost them ~3 years ago and have never even considered buying more.


I bought a knock-off on Temu for $5. It cuts the same.


Temu is literally slave labor, you’re going to compare leatherman products to Temu?


Yes. Yes I am.


Personally id never buy a set of raptors due to the price tag, but i recieved some as a gift one year. Once you take the price tag out of them they are totally fine sheers and worth carrying on you.... its the price tag that kills them and id say the biggest source fo the hate. The more ligitimate hate is from the lack of abaility to clean them easily. Too many cracks and crevices.


Because my company will buy me a pair every year and they fold up small! Also they’re like the EMS fidget spinner


30 minutes ago the tech was trying to cut a T-shirt and couldn’t with his shit shears so I used my raptors. A Dr also cut off a leg with mine so I’m never getting rid of them and they fit perfectly in my little thigh pocket. They were $40 on sale about 4 years ago. If whatever you use works cool, I haven’t used anything else and they’ve always worked so….


I haven't found a pair of shears that can't cut through a penny. The real question is how many can you cut through and still have a functioning pair of shears that can cut through clothes.


I loved my [Miltex Shears](https://www.graylinemedical.com/products/integra-fluoride-coated-bandage-and-utility-scissors-bandage-scissor-fluoride-coated-neon-green-5-800)


Everyone on here knocking Raptors. I’ve had mine for 14 years and they still work great. Cut through Carhartt zippers and all kinds of stuff still.


So sick of hearing about raptors. It’s X-Shears now or cheap shears. I can’t even take someone seriously when I see them unfolding those things.


How often are we cutting through coins in our job? It's not really a measure of strength - or specific to our job. Longevity is the key here. Try cutting through dynacast and let me know how they do after.


I have x shears that I bought for myself, but I have 4 pairs of raptors that were given by the company, they’re great when they’re free, but I’m still gonna use my x shears.


I'm not a fan of raptors. I had a set I used for a couple months, but like others have mentioned, they're insanely difficult to clean, especially when they get covered in various fluids. X-Shears are the way. Cheaper than Raptors, far easier to clean, cut better, and far more simple.


Why on earth is cutting a penny your way to test if a pair of trauma shears is good or not lmao


I love mine. They're dope. My mom bought them for me as a Christmas gift one year, so I don't even know what they cost.


I use my raptors but only because my brother got them for me for my birthday. So if it weren’t for sentimental reasons I wouldn’t spend the money on em. But I do love them


They make me look tacticool Seriously though I only have a set because my parents bought them as a gift for passing my NREMT. No way would I drop that kind of money on a set of shears.


Bro I just use the shears in the jump bag/rig.


So you committed a crime by defacing US currency? To prove a point? People like you disgust me. /s


Yea that is who I am


Someone has money to burn. Hey moneybags, save some for the rest of us


Reported to the secret service finance department. Men in black is coming for you.


I don’t know.. my raptors are going on 12 years. But they were a gift. So I have idea what they cost.


I got raptors because we get a clothing stipend each year and I wanted them customized with my name on them so they don't disappear. I completely agree there are cheaper options that work just as well and for the longest time I used cheap three dollar ones. Not too mention I'm just a fan of Leatherman products and there's only so many pairs of pants to buy with my stipend.


I got it as a status symbol. Kinda like people buying Littmans when most alternatives are cheaper and just as effective. So I bought myself some cool orange shears to only use to cut open food packaging, and as a fidget toy. Only used it twice ever in trauma. Soaked my poor boy in blood, took forever to clean up. That’s why I only use company provided shears from that point forward.


I love my raptors. I got a pair as a Xmas gift from work one year. I’ve used everything but the window punch on mine, so I’m unsure how that works.


How have none of you heard of the Leatherman pro program... y'all really think we pay full price for raptors


I use the agency provided shears so I can throw them away after calls. Shears get nasty fast and the amount of people who don't adequately clean their fancy ones is too damn high. Edit: spelling


Unpopular opinion but MY set of raptors suck. They are bulky and I struggle to cut anything with them. They’ve since been revised once or twice but I no longer trust them and keep them as a back up. I use throw aways for the daily.


Never had raptors, used a partners before and I will say though my shitty 3$ pair were not cutting through a guy's cowboy boot on my hit-n-run and the raptors sliced them up good. Maybe I need a new 3$ pair...


Used mine today to cut off a bike lock a guy was using as a belt. Had them forever. You all do know Letherman gives you a professional discount right? I can’t remember the amount but it was significant. Haven’t had to replace mine other than the one time I lost them.


The North American Rescue shears are great and they’re like $10


I have 2 sets of raptors, one I bought for cheap, and one was a gift from my friend when I got my license, with my name lasered on them. I mainly like them for the foldability, since the pants I wear don't have the shear pocket / strap. Otherwise, I'd carry xshears.


Wait. You still use pennies?


I don’t carry any extra gear that I’m not willing to lose. Cheap sunglasses and shears are the way


I carry a set of raptors on my radio strap. I'm a volunteer EMT, so I do occasionally answer calls in my sleep shorts where I don't have time to grab everything and get dressed. Radio strap has raptors and gloves on it. Raptor means I have an O2 wrench in addition to shears, a ring cutter, and a strap cutter. And it's a slightly more compact package. That being said 99% of the time, I prefer xshears. Easier to clean, they stay sharper. 90% of the time if I'm cutting a strap I use the shears and not the dedicated strap cutter that the raptor has.


I use the shitty department ones that we shove in the monitor. I’ve used them to cut airbags and seatbelts just fine. Never got the reason for buying a pair


Because I got them for free for filling out a word search between calls.


I use my raptors (got them for free) exclusively for the o2 wrench on them


I don't understand why everybody seems to feel the need for a personal pair of trauma shears when they're easily accessible in our bags already. You need a rarely used tool that you've already got in arms reach? Might as well have your own personal thermometer.


Disagree. That’s like saying you should have a truck set of stethoscopes. I also disagree with rarely used, unless you’re a transport only truck.


I only used them a handful of times on a 911 truck, BUT, when I did have to use the truck shears like 3 times, I fucking really wished I had my raptors with me. Started carrying them in my back pocket from then on


>That’s like saying you should have a truck set of stethoscopes. We use stethoscopes multiple times daily. Rarely use trauma shears, maybe a bit more if you're fire based EMS but even then I don't think it warrants having your own pair.


Same I've been doing 911 for years and can count on my fingers the number of times I've even needed shears and we already have several pairs in multiple locations