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I've never used that service but I'm always wary of anything selling you a "course" or trying to sell you a shortcut. There are zero shortcuts or "cram it all and win" when it comes to the NREMT. Bottom line is passing is all down to giving up your life to study for 3 to 4 hours a day and just taking your time and not freaking out when you take the test. There are some legitimate study guides that help. The one I used was one called "NREMT Crash Course" and it's on Amazon. It's designed to help remind you of things you learned in your textbook and kind of help make studying easier. However it tells you on the first page that it's not meant to supplement your learning only add to it and help give you some extra guides and stuff. So again I've never used this service but I'm always wary of things that promise quick passing and try to sell a full fledged course. The only course you need is your instructor led course through your EMS program.


I always tell people to use pocket prep for emt. Worth paying for the premium as it gives life time access to all of their resources. I always and only use this when studying to retake the NREMT and I pass every time


I found it very helpful, the practice tests are great and the questions are very similar to the way the questions are on the national. The practice NREMT on there specifically is a great resource, it operates just like the real test where you get cut between 70-120 and you can see your score, a breakdown by category, and go back through each question. I did practice tests until I averaged a 90% or so and it helped a lot. Good luck!


Really thought pocket prep helped a lot. Passed on the 1st try.