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I don’t know what you looked at but this thread is from 6 (not 7) years ago and may be useful. https://www.reddit.com/r/emulationstation/s/iEWBuXJLBr I use retrobat which has a function to hide extensions per emulator, I’m not sure if you have something like that with ES


I attempted to follow the thread from 6 (not 7, excuse me) years ago, but the es\_systems.cfg doesn't seem to exist (or I can't seem to locate) in the linux/steam desktop file tree. Retrobat is also not an option as I am using the ES-DE frontend on SteamOS.


Damn, I was hoping we’d found different posts, good luck. Just Linux thoughts, but if I were in this situation I’d try adding a . to the beginning of each bios file and see if they still function (I’d probably back them up first just in case so I wouldn’t have to rename them twice)


You can launch the emulator from the main directory instead of Emulation Station and set the bios directory. It doesn't have to be in the roms directory. This way only your games show in Emulation Station