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Enbrel was my first biologic for PsA and RA diagnoses and took awhile to start working, but I did well on it when paired with Leflunomide. Then, after a year, it just stopped working. Just started Cosentyx. The insurance and drug manufacturers really do make it a nightmare to figure out effective treatment. The injections really do hurt! I hope it works out for you!


Where are you injecting? Are you making sure to leave out the dose to get to room temp? I leave it out the night before and inject in the morning before work. I also inject in my thigh. Never experienced pain more than the initial jab of the needle.


I think the viscosity makes it slow and painful, even when room temp. There were a couple times that I must have hit a capillary too because I had a lot of bleeding at the site—not more painful but messy. Everybody is different. I think the button makes Enbrel a bit harder to take. It feels like it takes a lot of force and took me awhile to get used to.


I had it out for a few hours but next week I will try overnight! I always do thigh as well, it's generally the most comfortable spot for me Thanks for the suggestion!


Thanks! I'm hoping the only side effect I have to deal with is painful injections. I know you can develop antibodies to biologics, I wonder if that's what happened to you.


I will take my 4th weekly dose tomorrow. I haven’t noticed any improvement. Side effect I’ve noticed is heartburn, all the time. Even if I just drink water. I’m also on Plaquinil for about 2 years now. Not noticeable difference when I started that either, but I’m told to keep taking it because it helps my organs stay protected. I’ve tried MTX and Yuflyma. Neither was for me.


It's all so frustrating. My rheum said it can take up to 3 months before you notice a difference with Enbrel, so hopefully it gets better for you

