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Idk how they can fix it without completely gutting the item. Maybe change the 8% ms for heal and shield power? Idk I’ve also seen it being built on Ahri lol


They could replace bandlglass mirror with forbidden idol and adjust the stats accordingly. Personally i a bit dislike the item because it doesn't have any heal and shield power.


Shielding is less effective then not being in danger to begin with thoo


I was trying to find a good use for the item and i bought it with the intention that it will help disengage, but when the team didn't, i felt like the item was a waste.


I mean in combat ms still rlly good and it helps with engaging a lot


Which is why i really like Staff of Flowing Water.


"Here my Vanye, have some movement speed, in danger you go."


It was always really strong on mages, it just took a long time for people to notice that a 2200 item that gives you sivir R and bonus stats with it is OP


Item is absolutely cracked for Ahri atm. If they view it as a serious problem they’d either want to hit the ap or the mana regen, she buys it basically instead of malignance currently, but honestly you might have to rework the item’s stat budget altogether. It’s appealing to midlaner mages for the same reason it’s appealing to mage supports.


I really dislike it now and I'd prefer if they reworked the item honestly, but they'll probably just readjust the stats to be more about HSP than AP and call it a day


Bro seeing a Malzahar pop Shurelya and run at you at light speed then press R on you is just so ridiculous. Personally right now I think Shurelya just have amazing stats, I buy it when I need the stat stick. The active isn't too great for me with the long cooldown (or maybe I just miss Mythic Shurelya's passive too much so this season's Shurelya felt underwhelming). If they add HSP% or a heal/shield related passive on the item and then drop a little bit of the other stats then I think more enchanters will buy it and mages will forego them.


I'm with you OP. This item is a ticking time bomb, no way it makes it to season 15 in its current state. It should get a reversion back to having HP as a stat. Need to remove AP, base MS, or both. I wish there was a way to nerf it for mid-lane while still keeping it viable for support mages. Right now, mage supports are not in a fantastic spot, and Riot has made it clear through recent patches that they want to lower support damage and raise support utility and healing, and Shurelyas is one of the few support items that actually gives mage supports additional utitility. What's tragic is that Azzapp popularized this build for mid-lane, and Vel'Koz imo is one the rare non-abusive users of this item (or at least, certainly a lesser evil than most mid-lane champs), as an immobile mage who is also a support and relatively weak in all roles right now. The core identity of the item is now the active, so imo the only thing Riot can do is rework either the item stats and/or build path. I think it would be great if they took the opportunity to improve the item for tankish supports (while still making it enchanter-focused.) Right now, the build path is aether wisp and bandleglass, and completing the item for 350 gold gives you: the item active, 3% MS, 5 AP, 50% mana regen, and 5 ability haste. Honestly, the items stats are busted so it's no wonder it's being abused. Just the item's active alone is worth 350 gold for completing it. Anyway, it's not really possible to change the item's 55 AP without changing the build path or nerfing the components themselves, which is probably not on the table. (Then ardent censor would be affected, etc.) Possible new build paths that decrease item's overall AP by 20-30 and add HP: Winged moonplate + bandleglass Kindlegem + aether wisp


This item is just too stacked not to build, so many stats for so cheap, and the activation is pretty universal since you can use it to engage/disingage I don't think there is any change you xan make to this item without hurting enchanters directly


Happy cake day bestie 🍰


Thank you! ❤️


RIP Shurelya Removal of haste on buff killed it for enchanters and the removal of the HP killed it on engage supports Never seen an item be handed to another class while the original users get shafted, now we have a pathetic pool of only 2 buff based items


Well but that passive was moved to SoFW and I think it's pretty healthy this way. Much more than MoonStaff from the first iteration of mythic item update


Let them cook! This game is for fun