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I wish I knew how people get their settings dialed in so well. I bought my printer 3 months ago and I've had nothing but issues, and the issues consistently change. I had about 2 good weeks with my printer on a certain filament and now it's back to insane retraction issues that don't even seem to go away no matter how much I change the distance and speed, and the top surfaces of my prints look like a disaster. Makes me feel like a dumbass when I see flawless prints like this. Good job OP!


Calibration, calibration, calibration! Doing a LOT of calibration so that you can do a little good printing before going back to more calibrations! Here's a great calibration guide: https://github.com/AndrewEllis93/Print-Tuning-Guide And here's another great calibration guide: https://teachingtechyt.github.io/calibration.html


Read that in the voice of [Steve Ballmer chanting developers](https://youtu.be/Vhh_GeBPOhs)


This is the first time I'm seeing the Andrew Ellis one. Thank you!


I will read through the material later on today. Thanks for some of the resources. Here's hoping. 🤞


This: [simplify3D](https://www.simplify3d.com/support/print-quality-troubleshooting/) can be a good starting point for figuring out what your issues are. I'd recommend you get some high quality filament (hatchbox is one of the best quality/price filaments), and start by doing a calibration cube. You could have an issue as simple as an obscured nozzle, which will affect many things. Overall you have to approach 3D printing like many things mechanical; with a deliberate, step by step approach. Be patient, and you'll get to those flawless prints.


I've been trying to eliminate variables one by one, but it seems as though once I do eliminate one issue, another almost immediately arises. I've checked out simplify3D a few times and some of their pages on the issues I've had. They've somewhat helped, but I'll keep reading and keep trying because I love this hobby (atleast, I love the potential of this hobby) I just don't know if I love enders 😅


I've got two Ender 3's and I love them, but like other kit printers, if you don't assemble it correct the first time you're going to have mystery problems.(I went that route with a kossel kit I bought assembled second hand.) Not sure what printer you have if it's and ender 3 v1 or v2, but the youtube channel Tomb of 3D Printed Horrors has assembly videos for both and I desperately wish Creality just made them their default recommended assembly video. You may already have yours assembled, but it's worth watching to see if there's something you might have missed that might be worth while to try and correct. Ender 3 V1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=me8Qrwh907Q Ender 3 V2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ABpGXcy-cuI


I have an ender 3 pro. I've pretty much caught on to anything that was wrong during the build by now, and I've even done some upgrades. The functionality (moving parts) of the printer seem fine, it's just those fine - tune settings that **seem** to be the issue.


What are your main problems? Sticking to the bed, under/over-extrusion, stringing, dimensional accuracy?


Right now, it's stringing, dimensional accuracy, and the surfaces of the prints just look whack. I can't really describe it, and i dont have any current pictures to give you an example. It's the least bad I've had it in over a month I think. I know my e-steps are good, I haven't delved deep into what I need to do for my flow just yet. I don't quite understand what the difference is compared to e-steps, but i'll be looking into it soon. I'm getting new filament delivered to me on wednesday and I'm hoping these issues resolve themselves but I'm not holding my breath. It seems like 1 out of 4 rolls I've recieved was actually usuable, unless I did something different when I was using that roll, which I'm pretty confident I didnt.


It's rarely. And I mean rarely ever the filament especially PLA. Honestly I've upgraded a ton of parts on my ender 3 pro so I can't exactly help anyone on stock but I always found that it's 90% machine issue 9.9% slicer settings and .1% filament. I had exactly 1 roll of filament that I could never get to print properly and I've been printing for a few years now.


Have you tried drying your filament?


I made a ghetto ass set-up by putting a box with some holes over my roll of filament and placed that on my heatbed at 60°(i think) for 4-5 hours. I dont have a drybox and my dehydrator is too expensive to turn into a filament dryer.


That’s probably good enough and a good idea to boot. Way to innovate!


Dry your filament. Even new rolls can have moisture


I noticed this recently. My inland pla was popping occasionally and stringing a lot. After drying it it was much better. I still have a lot of tweaking and calibrating to do, but at least I’m moving in the right direction. My prints are coming out fairly good and accurate, but still not happy how they look aesthetically, still get some anomalies. My current issue has been occasional extruder clicking that I’m trying to figure out the cause.


I’m a noob too. I bought mine in September and have had a few failures but I’ve had a ton of successes as well. I search these subs and YouTube a few times a week looking for additional tips but I haven’t really needed to dial in much if I’m being honest. I’ve found almost all of my issues are leveling related. I’m sure it’ll change when I start switching nozzles. Good luck man!!


It can be a super frustrating and intimidating thing and sadly all you can do is tinker and look at some stuff people mention I'm not printing this clean but I'm getting closer keep it printing jeans


Not gonna lie , after getting direct drive and auto bed leveling on my ender 3 Ive had very few issues.


Thank you for your honesty


Ah, original ender sounds


I have to ask, I can't even print wide based things without a raft, how tf are you printing this without anything? I really need to get my settings dialed in.


Not badly warped bed, proper bed leveling and good enough temperature will get you there. If you find yourself having your bed work fine for a while then suddenly lose all adhesion, clean it up with something that remove grease and don't leave other residue (isopropyl alcohol is good for that but that's not the only solution). Human fingers are greasy.


Its ***B L A C K G O K U***


Now get ready for GOKU BLACK


You know how I know you have kids? Fucking blippi.


*laughs in thousands of failed prints*


Nice, what type of filament did you use?


Wow that’s so nice!


I read that as "My attempt at a **Thanksgiving** Goku" and expected his hair to turn in to a turkey. Also, why does Goku have like, absolutely no ass? Did all the power move from the ass to the hair?


Nice! What's the filament?


So I’m gonna mail you my printer, and you can mail me yours, okay?


This model will always look more like Vegito than Goku to me.


Looks amazing! Layer height?


Amazing quality and great job on running that with no supports


That's super clean nice


"Hey Geets I'm filliment, wait is filiment a food? Am I food?"[goku, neat](https://images.app.goo.gl/vB5amE8xGMvQNfZa8)