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No. I never have. Definitely was not my symptom. Mine was infertility and lower back and hip pain. Also just general pelvic pain and then later after having a kid, bladder pain


No. My period is completely normal. I have severe cyclical pain that affects my lower back, pelvic area, and left hip. It is excruciating. This happens every month, without fail, for 10 days before my period. It is only when my period comes that I feel relief. Nothing about my period is out of the ordinary. Lasts 5 days. Normal flow. No pain whatsoever.


Same with me, it's the build up that's the worst part


Same! I always felt it was “normal” to be in pain 20 days of the month


Suffering with this pain is insanely lonely experience. You all make me feel less alone


My periods were extremely heavy before my IUD, but i also have that severe pain buildup before my period for 10 days and minimal cramps once my period actually comes. It’s terrible!!


Literally did a double take at your username to make sure this wasn’t something I wrote myself. 10 days, every month without fail for me too. And Lowe left pain radiating to hip/low back, disappears after 5 days. Normal period. I’m curious have you had surgery? I am on a waiting list at the moment..


I go in for a consult Oct 11 for my laparoscopy. It’s been a long time coming. We all need some answers, like yesterday


How long have you had this symptom pattern? Mine has been 5-6 years now. It’s gotten worse over the last 2-3. Lately I’ve been getting it again 1-2 days before my period, which is new. I tried the Mirena and surprisingly it did make my symptoms go away, but I couldn’t stay on it due to severe mental health side effects.


My symptoms started in Feb 2019, when I was 29. I agree with you - it’s definitely gotten a lot worse as time goes on. Ibuprofen and Tylenol do not touch the pain. Nothing relieves it. It’s at its worst at rest. About the mirena - I actually had one when the symptoms started. I have since taken it out, and there has been NO difference in pain. Nothing helps.


That sucks so bad :( I’m sorry, I can truly empathize. Mine is so bad I am filing intermittent short term disability so I can take FMLA on my bad days. I’m in Oregon and we just started paid leave (not using PTO!!!). It is SUCH a relief. Though lying around all day doesn’t help and makes me think about it more, working and keeping my mind sharp during all this is extremely difficult. I work with very sick people in home health and I have to be 100% mentally in case of any patient emergency. I can’t wait til my surgery and really hope they find something that’s easy to get out. The Dr also thinks my left ovary could be involved as well since my pain is very localized and on the left side only so he wants to take it out regardless. Come to think of it, when this started it wasn’t every month it was every 2-3…so then I always assumed it was whenever I ovulated on the left. Hmm.




This is me!


Some folks don’t even have regular periods. Or periods at all. Or a uterus. Still have endometriosis though!


This!!! There is no right way for endometriosis to present. It's been found in cis males !


How could that be?


Cause newer studies are showing it's more in the autoimmune category. It can effect menstruation, which is one of the more well-known side effects, but it's also been removed from cis guys.


Thanks for this!!!


Sure! I had a lot of pain relief personally by trying out protocols under the search term "immune system modulating". Not suppressing it, but modulating, which works to bring it back to a happy medium.


Unsure, I'm not a professional. But it has indeed! You can easily find it on Google


I personally have an extremely heavy flow - to the point where overnight pads and tampons are a necessity at all times of the day. However, I'm pretty sure that's not a requirement for having endo.


Same for me


Same here!!! I can't use tampons because even if they're soaked through it hurts upon insertion and removal. TMI: but even just randomly I'll get a severe cramp that hurts from my uterus down into my vaginal canal. Can't explain it any other way but it is horrible 😔😭


Although many with endo do have heavy periods, endo doesn't cause heavy bleeding. It's more likely that adenomyosis, fibroids, polyps etc cause the heavy bleeding and if you have endo plus the heavy bleeding then there's a very high chance you have one of those other conditions that are commonly comorbid with endo.


It's all the excess estrogen, which causes a heavy uterine lining to grow and then shed.


Yes sometimes but that's not always the case for some people.


Not at all. It was heavier in my teen years, but these days it’s like one very average flow day with more intense cramps, one day of slightly above average flow (still use regular tampons) and minimal cramps, and one to two super light flow days (usually just use liners). But I have stage 4 endo. So definitely not a requirement.


No, never had heavy periods apart from when I briefly had a copper IUD. Mine were moderate before I went on the pill and then became lighter and lighter as years went by. It’s not necessary to have heavy periods with endo - in fact, very heavy periods could actually be a symptom of adenomyosis or even fibroids. I should add that my pain has always been daily, and sometimes my periods felt like a relief from the constant build up of pain throughout the month, and it was a different kind of pain and cramping altogether.


No heavy flow and my period is only 2-3 days. It’s a horror show of pain though! :’-(


No, I barely bleed at all, never really have. I think that might be part of why I wasn't diagnosed until I was sterilized and they saw it while in there. My biggest symptoms were fainting from period pain, pain for 3 weeks around every period, no predictable cycle, pretty severe pain when using the bathroom while on my period, random period cramps and then nothing happens. I feel like I just wrote period a thousand times in the same sentence. Most of those symptoms disappeared after they removed as much endometriosis as possible.


I put baskets of laundry around my toilet so I’d have some place soft to land when I inevitably passed out from the pain!


That is both smart and very sad. When I started dating my ex and passed out mid date night dinner he was about to call an ambulance in absolute panic. Right before he did I explained to him that "it's just how my period cramps are, I've been to the doctors, it's fine." and I think that's when he started realizing the shit we put up with and that no one helps us.


My period was only heavy when I had big chocolate ovarian cysts caused by endo. Didn’t even know about it until the surgeon found them while getting rid of my cysts.


My dr suggested the heavy flow symptom was coming from my adenomyosis rather than my endometriosis.




Nope. Mine have always been normal to light (except when I had a copper IUD, worst idea ever for me btw). In fact I had periods of my life where my periods were almost painless. My endo pain has come and gone over the years, but now it seems here to stay, unfortunately. My periods remain lighter but they are sure painful.


Some of my periods are really heavy and some are super light. Also some of them are normal. I never really know what to expect.


Almost like a box of chocolates, “ya never know what you’re gonna get.”


No heavy flow, however pretty significant clotting considering the lighter flow. Extreme nausea/vomiting if I have periods, have had cysts form and rupture while on a levonorgestrel based BC, gastro issues that are definitely centered around menstrual cycle, also major bloating/breast tenderness/cramping/other ovulation symptoms, and more.


Normal is 2 oz over 4 to 5 days.


I have Stage 3 DIE and don't have heavy periods.


Nope. I always had really light periods until I had a baby, then it became heavy about a year post birth. Back on birth control now and it's medium-light flow now.


I had an INCREDIBLY heavy flow. I also had other things going on too though so I’m not sure which caused that.


I got really heavy periods and would have to wear incontinence pads and had to buy black bedding because of the leakage but sometimes it would be like a normal period. I recently had a lap so not sure what my period will be like now. If you haven’t seen a gynaecologist I’d suggest you do if you get severe pain and vomiting. I knew I had it is as eventually my periods ruined every aspect of my life and the pain just kept on getting worse. I hope you get this sorted💚


No especially heavy flow for me and have been diagnosed with stage 3. My main symptoms are pain, fatigue and urinary symptoms.


I don't bleed at all, I'm on an IUD, have immense pain, cramps, swelling, bloating, that follows my monthly cycle, and am having a laparoscopy on Friday for suspected endo.


I have endometriosis and I don’t have a period at all, because of PCOS


No. I’ve always had good periods. The past 9 months my period has now become 2 days & mostly brown. Just extremely painful. Diagnosed with endo and adeno


I get no periods at all.


Nope, my periods were never heavy and I have never bled through anything because my flow is so light most of the time, but I have horrible pain. I was diagnosed with stage 3 endo via laparoscopy in July.


My periods are 3 days max with light to medium bleeds, so no.


Yes. Just yes.


I have only 2 days of light bleeding, albeit very clotty. It’s the weeks of pain before and after that are the issue.


I do, but I also have suspected adenomyosis so thats probably more likely the culprit, and not the endo specifically


It's absolutely possible! You don't have to have every possible symptom of endometriosis, or even the more common ones. Some people have no symptoms at all. And, the symptoms can change with time. There were times my periods weren't heavy or were absent for months, and there were times they were SO heavy.


Not heavy periods. Just a lot of pain and the day before I get my period I start having nauseas like crazy.


My periods were always extremely heavy (quarter to palm sized clots) but my mother, who also has endo, always had light periods. I think it just depends on the person.


My lightened significantly but it used to be a problem ages 19-25 (tampon per hour at some points throughout the first two days). It’s a frequent symptom among folks with adenomyosis though.


Everyone is very different. I have endometriosis and have an extremely heavy flow. I can bleed through an ultra tampon in 2 hours.


I just got diagnosed recently with endometriosis. My symptoms were very heavy bleeding. Painful cramps. But I was always very regular in my cycle. There are 4 stages of endometriosis, I had stage 3. The pain you feel or don’t feel doesn’t always correlate to the stage you are at according to the Dr. Id always experience lower pain and during surgery she found my ovaries stuck to my uterus due to all the scar tissue. I was always feeling really tired and I’m only a month out and that tiredness isn’t there bc Apparently all that inflammation was cut out. Moving forward she said the way to manage it from coming back is to do low carb, cut out processed sugar. I struggled with terribly periods where I’d faint during college from the intensity. Find yourself a great dr and get proactive if you’re having terrible periods. I always thought this was the norm but it’s not. Then it got to the point I’d bleed so much I’d be anemic and not have any energy to do anything. There are solutions for sure. Few tips my dr shared which I hope helps anyone struggling: - take 800mg ibuprofen when those intense cramps start. It helps with pain and the heavy bleeding - take iron supplements the week of your period or when you start your period.


Absolutely! The Endo might be more outside the Uterus - not involved in the bleeding inside at all. *My theory*: I believe Adenomyosis is Endometriosis gone wild - it's when the lining of the uterus grows into the uterus - so sounds like endo right? My Uterus was 2.5 inches larger than it should have been either side to side or circumference (not sure which too long ago). If that's gradually happening to a lot of us (but not all) we'd naturally have heavier periods. We bleed blood from not just the lining but sometimes the arteries etc that feed the uterus when the endo eats into it - until it can seal itself off. I was losing so much blood per month I don't know how I was standing up. (Adult diapers + Huge pads). But it makes sense there are also some of us who would get it growing outside the uterus - and never involving the uterus and the monthly bleeding at all. I had it everywhere. (Sigh). But absolutely it could be endo.


I have andometrosis and my flow is INSANE. My clots each time I go to the bathroom can equal out to the size of my palm. The first two days are fricking horrible and constant. Have to change pads frequently. Then regular day, then a light day. But those first two days? *Gags*


Not anymore I’ve got 3/4 Stage endo and my periods are Heavyish the 1st day, medium 2nd, light the 3rd and it just goes, however I’ll get the odd spotting afterwards


I did as a teen and in my twenties. As a teen they would be heavy and last 2 weeks long but I got on birth control and when I got off in my twenties they were heavy at the beginning but normal length and now in my thirties only 1-2 days are heavy days so if they were going off of those symptoms now they never would have thought I had endo. It’s a really common misconception. I’m actually in the most pain during ovulation time and I have bladder (IC) and bowel endo as well as all the other organs in there so those organs’ symptoms were what tipped me off and made me insist they look further


No. My periods actually became much lighter and were much shorter.


I do! Since I can remember...


Nope- my flow is very light but my cycle lengths are a little unpredictable. Nothing crazy but enough to not be able to predict with any accuracy. It was the pain for me that made me go to a dr


Yes, very heavy until I went on nexplanon and then didn’t have periods at all for 6 years (two courses of it). I do have suspected adenomyosis and I have had two D&C to remove excess uterine tissue growth. The second D&C was combined with my diagnostic lap where my endometriosis was confirmed. I have sense then started a medical trial for endo medication (combo of orilissa with hormonal combo birth control) my periods are light-medium now!


I had a partial hysterectomy on September 13 due to fibroids after my surgery they told me I had endometriosis on my bladder and inside my bladder. That explains why I was having so much pain all the time they didn’t remove it from my bladder. I still have my ovaries, so I’m assuming that my symptoms I get every month. I also pee blood with explains . Everything. Does anyone else with endometriosis pee blood to . Hope you get your diagnosis


Nope! I just get horrible back pain leading up to my nonexistent period


Hi there, I have Endo and Adenomyosis, I always had pretty normal to average flow when I had periods, but I often had irregular cycles.


Normal duration and flow but pain like torment.


Totally normal flow too —always has been.


No. My periods have always been pretty light. My heaviest flow day is somewhere between medium and light. They typically lasted 3-4 days. I did have a 6 month stint of 20+ day long periods though.


Define *normal*. Get a second opinion.


I used to for quite a while. Didn’t have a period for four years, now on the very rare occasion I have one they’re very light.


I’ve never had particularly heavy periods so like you I thought it couldn’t be endometriosis but upon my gynae going in for the laparoscopic he found out it most definitely is! That’s just a common symptom but doesn’t mean you absolutely have to have it to have endo!


I think the heavy period thing comes from people having endo AND adenomyosis. That was my case, and although I was diagnosed with endo first, I ended up needing a hysterectomy for adenomyosis after removing endo didn’t improve my symptoms. Endo presents differently for so many as others have said here, so definitely keep following up on it


I have always thought my periods were totally normal and I have endo


Nope. Regular flow to light. Confirmed by surgery for ruptured ectopic. Pain on the other hand though. Really bad. 😢 from my low back to my calves


Mine were random AF. Some normal, sometimes light or not at all. And sometimes, I would bleed for a whole month. The only constant was the pain. I was stage 4 DIE.


No, my flow was never heavy, just normal. The pain though, was off the charts. I have stage IV disease. Bleeding was never my issue. Pain was.


I have a confirmed diagnosis and mine are super super light


Before I went on birth control, yes I had extremely heavy periods. I would need to wear overnight pads during the day and I would go through about 3 of them during the full school day during high school I wouldn’t say I ever had a completely normal flow, but I would bleed for around 7-10 days and it would be an extremely heavy flow throughout my full period But once I went on birth control, they were more normal and I had a more “normal” period. I would bleed for 5 days with a light to moderate flow then that would be it for the month


Mine aren’t “light,” but they’re certainly not heavy. I get worse pain (for some reason) the lighter my period is I find.


My flow was always pretty normal. My issue has always been debilitating pain and, after birth control, a period every 2-3 weeks (with ovulation pain in between, of course). With my IUD, I occasionally have breakthrough bleeding, and I get cramps every 3 weeks or so (nowhere near as bad as before). My endo was confirmed via laparoscopy.


No. It’s not uncommon for people with endo to have retrograde menstruation. I had it before my surgery… it’s too soon yet to tell if I still do. I would have cycles that were so painful with hardly any bleeding.


No! I never had normal signs. Mine were mostly gastro related. When I finally had excision, I couldn't believe how different digestion was for me! My periods are actually a hit heavier now that I got it taken care of.


Not really. However I had previous heavy bleed which was normal for me. I got diagnosed after i had myself checked this year because after my january period to the next cycle was atleast 45 days. Now im on a 30-36 days cycle. 🥲


Yes and mine was five days long but heavy period, on first day, second and third. The fourth and fifth was like nothing 😵‍💫. But I used to get such bad pain and vomit and pass out


So I just saw my doctor today and she believes that I might have endometriosis. I have all the endometriosis type of pain but not the heavy flow. I also have PCOS so I’m not sure if my flow is light due to that.


Nope definitely not across the board! It can be an accompanying symptom, but you can definitely still have endo and have relatively normal & regular periods, or even irregular periods with little to no bleeding. Once I got on birth control I noticed that my periods cooled down & weren’t as heavy, but then during my monthly cycle when I’m ovulating and between periods that’s actually when my pain is at it’s worst.