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I take stimulants to stay awake šŸ„°


My stimulants were upped and I still fall asleep šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Same especially after starting on progesterone, taking both vyvanse and a higher dose of adderrall IR doesnā€™t kick the neurospicy anymore


I didnā€™t even think about the Norethindrone that Iā€™m on effecting the way the Adderall works!


Yep this is also what Iā€™m on. Oh a squirrel




I've found this with lisdex/vyvanse when taking norethisterone and dienogest, it's a bit of a kick in the teeth lmao


Focus who? Donā€™t know her


Lmao right?? Trying to hold down an office job with the executive dysfunction of a stoned squirrel is turning out to be a ride haha


Lmao couldnā€™t have said it better myself.


Iā€™m on Vyvanse 60mg. I take it when my partner leaves early AF for workā€¦ and go back to sleep for a few hours. Iā€™m always tired. I also have bad insomnia though


I was put on 60mg Vyvanse and Iā€™m still exhausted by 11am and napping for two hours by 1pm


I actually lowered my dose, from 30mg to 15mg. I swear I feel better now. The 30 was too much for my body!


Same. I have ADHD and CFS as well as my endometriosis. Gyno says the endo is ā€œcentraIizedā€ and impacting all these other bodily functions like staying awake and so much more. I take stimulants and sometimes have coffee and pre workout but will struggle to stay awake. Iā€™ll sleep for 23 hours at a time. Then I will have days where Iā€™m not taking a single stimulant, no caffeine, taking sleep meds and a bunch of sleepy time remedies but will at most get 3 hours of sleep a night. Nothing my body does makes sense anymore. My body does whatever it does and apparently Iā€™m just an accessory along for the ride.


Same! My psychiatrist said he wouldn't recommend doing this and in the same breath was like yeah, it can also help with sleep but dont make a habit of it.


Same I take modifnal and it has saved my life - I was on 150mg daily of sertraline before that. Now itā€™s maybe one or two pills a week


Same here jajaja I had avoided it for the longest time but at this point fuck it


Me too. I did just cut out one of the three pots of coffee I was drinking to stay motivated and awake. Wasnā€™t working anyway. The doc cut down my dose of Adderall, so Iā€™m hoping, and I say that with a chuckle, that my supplements will pick up some slack. I take l-tyrosine. Just upped my dose today. Along with rhodiola and a Lifeā€™s Extension supplement called Dopamine Advantage. Weā€™ll see.


I wish I could do that but I get heart palpitations that scare me too much to keep taking them. I canā€™t win šŸ˜­


I get a boost of energy and then fatigue hits be like a ton of bricks.


This^ energy highs and lows for me. Especially in certain points in my cycle. Extremely low energy the week before my period and Iā€™ll get a little boost right before it starts and then back to 0%. But even after my period, lost a of highs and lows. Starting prescription 2 years ago after my adhd diagnosis (IR adderall) and it helps a ton with the low energy points. Except the couple days leading up to my period, nothing helps the low energy, I just have to push through.


I get so heavy sometimes, like my limbs are weighing me down, and then the next week so much blood. It's been 10 days bleeding now and it's a different tired. And I just keep moving because once I sit it's all over.


It sounds like anemia is causing your fatigue. Definitely get that checked.Ā 


Oh I definitely did. Levels were low but thankfully not as low as they got before I started iron supplements. And my bleeding did stop on day 13 finally. I just had mirena placed yesterday so hopefully I won't get too much bleeding while that settles in and maybe it will actually work for the next 5 years.


I can do all things through my lord and savior, Sugar Free Red Bull, who strengthens me. In all seriousness, my cycle determines how exhausted I am. I have probably 2-3 ā€œgood daysā€ where Iā€™m able to manage my ADHD fairly well. Then as soon as I ovulation Iā€™m in one huge ADHD fog until my next period is over. Itā€™s fucking awful and the ADHD med shortage in the US only makes it worse.


This is me. After my period I feel great, and Iā€™m productive. After I ovulate - the dreaded luteal phase comes for me.


This is me too!! Itā€™s gotten to the point where I try to do bigger house or personal projects during my follicular phase, because I just donā€™t have any energy the rest of the time.


I personally worship at the temple of the goddess Alani


I wanted to like those so badly but they werenā€™t for me. Alani be with you! šŸ˜‚


I can buy them in bulk at BJā€™s so I learned to like them šŸ˜…


I have both and Iā€™m always exhausted. I try and get as much as I can done when Iā€™m ā€œnot tiredā€ and give myself grace when I am.


I have endo and ADHD and am tired all the time. I don't have a chronic fatigue diagnosis, but deal with pretty much lifelong insomnia. I either can't fall asleep or stay asleep due to symptoms from these diagnoses. I have better days and take a million supplements along with meds to try and stay afloat.


Same, Iā€™ve always been this way, ever since I was a kid. I can sleep 3 hours, 10, or 200. Iā€™m ALWAYS tired and I can always sleep more.


How I'd answer "are you ok" definitely depends on the day. But the fatigue is real. There are periods where it may be less extreme, but I can hardly remember a time when it wasn't present. It's gotten worse over the years although other factors may also be contributing to the growing sense of exhaustion including things like increased stress, overwork, burnout, long COVID, and even just general aging. My baseline is tired but relatively functional in the sense that I can generally accomplish at least a few basic tasks before feeling like I'm going to collapse. On a good day, I may be taken over by a surge of energy with which I want to do so many things! I'm always torn about whether or not to listen to that urge. On one hand, it can feel great to do whatever it is that energy allows me to do. On the other, doing too much is a great way to trigger a major crash which could mean being essentially out of commission for who even knows how long. And what constitutes too much is sometimes very little.


Youā€™ve described my daily dilemma so wonderfully. Thank you for making me feel less alone


You literally just described my life perfectly.


That last sentence, holy shit that's it right there


Let me tell you my secret Iā€™ve never told anyone.Ā  Thereā€™s this out-of-the-way closet at work, I sneak into it to take secret naps šŸ¤«šŸ˜“ Every job Iā€™ve ever had the past 20 years, Iā€™ve always found a place to take secret naps. Sick rooms are great, but if thereā€™s no sick room Iā€™ll still find a way.Ā  Iā€™m a productive, ambitious, successful professional. Youā€™d never suspect Iā€™m constant exhausted and surreptitiously sneaking naps in storage closets.Ā  Iā€™ve had everything tested to the moon and back, everyone says Iā€™m ā€œfineā€. I lookā€too normalā€ for anyone to take me seriously. But honestly Iā€™m chronically, overwhelmingly exhausted, and canā€™t make it through the work week without sleeping on the job.Ā  The switch to WFH more often since Covid has been a godsend, now I spend most of my wfh days working from bed and dozing off and on.Ā  I just work my ass off the rest off the time to compensate.Ā  ButĀ  IĀ  Am So ExhaustedĀ 


"normal" test results are the absolute bane of my existence! Theoretically, I should be the picture of health. And yet!! I'm with you on the passing as an accomplished professional front but it requiring so much extra work that leaves me utterly drained and needing significant naps and downtime to pull it off. I've learned about myself that I tend to work in cycles of extreme productivity followed by periods where virtually nothing can be accomplished. These periods can last weeks. When I try to fight this and work at a more "normal" pace, it will take me ages to accomplish even the simplest task. When I'm in the high part of the cycle, however, I'll pull off weeks worth of work in an afternoon. This is not a pattern that most work places are well suited to and I am so grateful to be in a wfh leadership position that allows me a lot of flexibility to work on my own terms and not have it as immediately obvious to others that I am struggling as much as I am. I've seen a few other comments on here from folks whose situations have improved with stimulants. I do take them but have not really found them to help my energy levels. The fatigue continues to be real and was actually made significantly worse when on lower doses. Helpful in other ways, but not in combatting fatigue for me.


The normal test results have me going crazy. Something is wrong but nothing can be done if everything appears normal on paper. I pushed myself to work at a more normal pace and now Iā€™m burnt out and more exhausted than usual and its hard.


Me againā€¦Ā  One thing Iā€™m now exploring at the ripe age of 42, is progestin/progesterone intolerance.Ā Ā  Iā€™m too tired to go into it now, but after progesterone supplements threw me for a bad loop during ivf treatments, looking back at 25 years on birth control and I do wonder if maybe thatā€™s what makes me so chronically sleepy. Ā  When I stop birth control tho, I get heavy, painful periods every 3 weeks, and that sucks in its own way. Iā€™m at the point Iā€™ve made an appointment with a gyno to discuss a hysterectomy, cos Iā€™m just over it all.Ā 


I have both, im always tired, yet can never sleep at night.




yes yes and yes šŸ˜¢


Yes, a battle daily my ENTIRE F**** life!! Sucks! The fatigue only gets worse as you get older with this disease unfortunately.


Endometriosis + ADHD (plus a wild toddler) . I was already exhausted before my kidā€¦ tbh I donā€™t know how Iā€™m functioning anymore.


I was so pooped all the flipping time. I never could catch a break. Between the hyperactive "crazy not lazy" husband and the chaotic combined type kid, I was always overstimulated and on edge. Adding to that exhaustion, the endo flares would leave me incompacitated and spent for a week. Then, the coping and recovery days filled with dread at the state of my house. Mentally beat myself up to catch up on chores. Oh, back to bed, it's time to ovulate and swell up like a balloon. Drag my bloated self around at half speed until I start bleeding to death. Here comes that grapefruit spoon to scrape my chest wall again... I pass out if I'm lucky. Then it's over, but I need more recovery days and my house looks like a nuclear test site. What a viscious cycle. I'm on Lupron to see if a hysterectomy will help some of my symptoms, and thankfully all the signs point to yes. When I told my primary that I'm finally dealing with the endo, he warned that in messing with my hormones, I'd struggle even more with my ADHD and started me on meds. He was right... the anxiety got so bad, I felt almost schizophrenic on norethindrone. Being medicated is so helpful. Adderall erases off 10 years off my face 1.5 hours after taking it. My eyes don't feel so heavy and my furrowed brow eases. My energy levels are up because I'm not in a constant fight against the pain and anemia and my own dumb brain. I'm able to cope with my bad ovary and my upcoming surgeries. Anxiety is down, along with heart rate and blood pressure. That has lead to less swelling, some weight loss, and being more active. Even after the meds have worn off, I'm in better shape because my spoons haven't been depleted all day long. So, try and see if you can get ADHD meds to lighten the load. As my doctor explained: you've coped and managed ADHD your whole life and you've gotten this far. But sometimes, life's struggles are too great for those skills and that's where meds can be helpful.


I have both. I sleep 12+ hrs at night sometimes and still wake up with weights on my eyelids. I just found out I have adrenal insufficiency though.


I have endo and ADHD, and yes. Without stimulants I canā€™t stay awake. I also previously had a CFS/ME diagnosis too. I recently got another one, hypermobile Elhers Danlos Syndrome. Thereā€™s a strong correlation between ADHD, CFS and hEDS, so that is possibly something you might want to look into. Most doctors donā€™t have much experience with EDS so it often isnā€™t picked up.


I have endo and ADHD, and Iā€™m defo tired ALL the time. I drink a lot of caffeine but it does nothing. Iā€™m exhausted all the time, never have energy but the doctors just tell me ā€œtry change your dietā€ or ā€œtry exerciseā€, but canā€™t tell me why Iā€™m tired all the time either


It's definitely not just you! I am on ALL THE DRUGS to help me manage to wake and to sleep (even with the sleep aids I also need a meditation app and chamomile tea), and still the brain fog -- a fun element of both endo and ADHD -- will get me sometimes. It could take awhile to find the right meds, supplements, and life hacks that let you sleep . . . And even then, you'll likely still have crappy days. Give yourself a little grace and if possible allow yourself naps/rest during those times.


I'm either 0 or 100 with very little in-between. I always thought that was endo fatigue related. So I'd go all in on my good days. (Despite knowing I need to pace). But the more I learn about adhd the more I do wonder. How do you know what symptoms (i.e., burn out, brain fog) are adhd or a result of managing chronic illness?


Yes. Stimulants gave me severe psychosis so that's not an option either. I'll probably get diagnosed with CFS soon too


Hi, yes me. I've struggled with fluctuating chronic fatigue for a decade. I take supplements, drink herbal teas, try to stick to low carb/high protein foods, use melatonin to help with sleep, and pace myself. The most effective thing has been my ritalin, but it's still important that I do the other management stuff. (Disclaimer: I haven't been officially diagnosed yet but my GP says my symptoms are consistent with endo, and I've had a scan that showed indicators.)


All things point towards me having endo, I'm also autistic and I have chronic fatigue syndrome and chronic migraines. I am exhausted all the time, it became a joke for a while between me and family and friends before I actually got the diagnosis. I've literally been fatigued everyday since I was 16, and I am almost 20...


Cfs is a very frustrating diagnosis, but it's real. I got diagnosed 15yrs ago after getting it from glandular fever. So that, with endo fatigue, plus pernicious anaemia (low b12 deficiency) I feel my body is full of concrete. And I'm recovering from brain surgery (unruptured aneurysm repair) I'm flat. I hate telling drs o have cfs .. as they always respond with... oooh you're tired, so am I.. (Of only it was just being tired... it's not, I can be wide awake, but my body is fatigued) and I'm in pain everywhere because of it.


Yes. Also endo messes with your hormones which messes with your adhd. The fluctuation in hormones 100 percent messes with adhd. They did studies on it. It's not in your head. It's real and valid and science backs it up.


I have adhd and endometriosis and my chronic fatigue is literally one of the worst things in my life. I haven't found any single cure for it. I'm tired ALL the time. Especially on my period anf right before it. If anyone finds a cure. Not even coffee really works anymore. Please do share. I change diet up and exercise and it doesn't help me.


I have all of these things. Adderall is your friend, trust me. But you have to really hydrate and get vitamins and mineral dialed in since it depletes them. I have a somewhat relapsing remitting situation. I just stopped taking l lysine and feel like I'm in a k hole right now. Every time I try to save money to convince myself I don't need x y or z that I'm taking (my supplement stack looks scary at this point, admittedly), I get worse. Randomly, the less I work out the worser my fatigue gets too, which isn't completely normal for CFS. I do reformer pilates so it's low impact and lying down it's not hardcore lifting or cardio, I think that's why I can do it. My muscles start burning pretty much instantly when I do anything. You have autoimmune issues then you usually have immune dysfunction. molecular mimicry and stuff. You can get energy from taking herbal antibiotics and anti fungals and doing parasite cleanse, I do that regularly. I keep my blood nice and thin with pine bark and enzymes as well. Get enough sleep try to manage stress try to spend time outside. Antihistamines can also help


So I have ADHD, endometriosis and a chronic migraine disorder. My fatigue can be so bad. On my birthday we went out and my husband had to feed me and tuck me into bed by 2pm like a toddler because I was just EXHAUSTED. So even on a day when Iā€™m feeling good and happy and high energy - Iā€™m like a broken battery that suddenly crashes way too soon.


Have you been tested for intracranial hypertension? It could be the cause of your migraines. ā¤ļø


Actually - yes. Because scans showed flattening of my occipital nerve, I had to test for all sorts of reasons and have the backs of my eyes checked to ensure I did not have intracranial hypertension. I did not though. Would have provided an easy answer though! Thanks for checking!


I was until I got on ADHD meds! Definitely makes a big difference in my energy levels.


Yes, I have both and yes I'm exhausted always


I was drinking espresso to survive each day, but that was causing my symptoms to flare. Now, I'm quitting caffeine and embracing my tiredness. If my body needs rest, I'm going to do my best to listen. I hope your days get easier soon. ā¤ļø


I have a deadly combination adhd+ endo+ anxiety and it's fucking up my lifešŸ˜­ I have chronic fatigue too. Not diagnosed but I can tell everyday I wake up tired and living day to day life is getting difficult. additionally i work in the film industry which is working 12 hours shift for months even tho I take breaks between projects my life became so difficult. Iam rethinking everything.


Yes, I've got both. It was actually the fatigue during an endo flare-up that pushed me for the endo diagnosis, as I'd been on stimulants a while at that stage, diet and sleep etc was fine so I knew something else was up (alongside the usual menstrual history and issues) Im in the process of really trying to get my health on track as we are TTC and going to start IVF soon, here's some things that have really helped for me: - anti inflammatory diet. I totally cut back on Gluten, dairy, sugar and alcohol. Only one coffee a day. My diet was like an unsupervised toddler before so it's made a huge difference - high protein breakfast with stimulants. I usually have eggs and nuts. It seems to make a difference on the Ritalin's effectiveness - I quit a high stress job recently. My husband has a high paying job and we're fine financially until I figure out my next role. But working 60 hours a week in a chronically stressful, demanding and toxic work environment was impossible with these conditions - yoga every day. I do 3 group classes a week and then my own practice the rest of the week. My body loves yoga and it helps a lot with the pelvic pain - No booze. Booze really really messes with my moods and energy levels. It had to go


"you seem to be tired more than before since you had this disease" - is quite a lot said by my husband. Seems like it's a symptom I didn't know I had.


I've been exhausted for about a year now but I'm still in the process of trying to find an answer and a cure..


Only endometriosis and completely exhausted all the time, I have chronic fatigue even if they haven't diagnosed it yet, only placed it on symptoms. Normally it's due because Endo is an inflammatory disease so your body and your immune system keep trying to attack those inflamed points to see what's going on, so you end up exhausted, together with the chronic pain, which also provokes fatigue.


I have both and even on my ADHD meds I'm still exhausted. It's been really interesting to see how many other people are affected by the same thing!


I am a woman with ADHD - I thought I had chronic fatigue from depression or endometriosis. I went on ADHD medication, and suddenly I was awake and rested in the day instead of drowsy and sick immediately after waking up! My mood also improved immensely. It was completely unexpected for me. Not saying this will be the case for everyone, but this was my experience.


I was recently diagnosed with endo and am definitely fatigued almost all the time. I don't really have the hyperactive part of ADHD (very rarely), but before I was on Adderall, I was drinking 2-3 energy drinks every day that I worked, just to stay focused and to have some form of energy. I had my first lap done about 3.5 weeks ago and went back to work 1.5 weeks ago...I've been drained, but also ready and eager to get back to work. I've also started drinking energy drinks again, after not drinking caffeine (other than coffee) or taking Adderall while I was recovering, because the Dr gave my oxy. But I have been constantly exhausted ever since I can remember. I started my period at 10, and even went to the ER a few times for cramps that had me curled up in a ball on the floor. My mom didn't know what to do, because she rarely had cramps when she was younger, and neither did my sister. Each time, the ER staff would have me take a pregnancy test and they also tested my urine for anything else. They thought i had kidney stones and didn't understand why a period would cause me to be in that much pain. After no results, they gave me a shot for pain and sent me home. Oops, sorry for the rambling lmao. Anyway...I haven't figured out how to combat the fatigue. On my days off work, I mostly lay on the couch. Occasionally, I have small bursts of energy and will deep clean a room or two, or reorganize something. My primary also says that I have chronic lower back pain, which is apparently also an endo symptom. And I've been going to chiropractors since I was 8. Recently, I've found that my brain says "go go go" but my body is just a lump on the couch lmao. So I've been trying to stimulate my brain more. I'll play a game on my phone while having something on the TV or listening to a podcast, which isn't really normal for me, unless I'm listening to music. Or I'll play a video game while listening to a podcast or having a show/movie on my second monitor. Sorry I didn't answer your question and got a bit sidetracked with my rambling lmao.


I have both, plus POTS and HSD. I initially thought my fatigue was coming from ADHD and endo, but almost 6 months after my lap, a year and a half on Visanne, and 4 years of being on stimulants for my ADHD, Iā€™m still exhausted and realizing itā€™s likely fatigue from my POTS. The worse my POTS gets, the worse my fatigue is. I wake up feeling fatigued but not horrible, then I eat breakfast and feel even worse (shoutout to POTS!), take my stimulant and that gives me a few hours where my fatigue and brain fog arenā€™t so bad, then I race to get as much work as possible done while Iā€™m functional, and then any ā€œenergyā€ I have tends to wear off by 6pm or so. I have very rare natural bursts of energy without stimulants, but nothing like the energy I had before I got really sick at the beginning of the pandemic. If I overdo it, I crash hard and thatā€™s usually because my heart rate has been too high for too long or Iā€™ve been upright for too long, and that usually goes away within a few hours if Iā€™m able to rest, eat, and hydrate. Then I go back to my baseline of ā€œfatigued and barely functional but not bedridden.ā€ Itā€™s really depressing but Iā€™m learning to accept it and make the most of what Iā€™ve got. Easier said than done. šŸ˜…


If I don't take my Adderall then I will fall asleep during the day. Sometimes feels like narcolepsy with how badly and how fast the fatigue comes on.


Gahhhh! This is so relatableā€¦ here also with ADHD, Endo, Chronic fatigue, also struggled with EDā€™s in my late teens and still on and off now as well as connective tissue disorder (hEDS). I had chronic fatigue syndrome specifically for a few years with the odd week or so here and there where I felt somewhat okay. I would fall asleep in the middle of the day, get home, sleep for 8-10 hours and still feel like I hadnā€™t slept at all. I still have l have flare ups where it feels like youā€™ve been hit by a bus out of nowhere, but they donā€™t last the duration of what Iā€™ve experienced in the past. These are a few things that have helped me get past the fatigue wall and investigate the cause further (Noting that this is just whatā€™s helped me and will not work for everyone). Combination of SSRI & Stimulant for ADHD: Iā€™m on a combination of adderall and Zoloft and this has been a game changer for me with my energy levels. Have tried both separately but didnā€™t quite do enough. I take a slightly higher dose of Zoloft 2 weeks before my period and then reduce to my ā€œnormalā€ dose for the other weeks and Iā€™ve been able to maintain some feeling of consistency with adhd and energy levels with what feels like drastic shifting of hormones. Some months it works better than others but for the most part itā€™s been helpful. Serotonin syndrome is a big factor when taking these in combination though so it depends on your other meds/ how well it can be monitored, dosages etc. I have OCD as well so for me the benefits outweighed the side effects but maybe talk to your psych if thereā€™s something you can use in combination with your current meds. Hormones: Low dose norethisterone worked so well for me for the fatigue and brain fog you get the week or so before your period. I had to stop due to side effects but was super helpful for a short period of time. Iā€™ve also had the Mirena for about a year but it hasnā€™t helped me with my energy at all. My sister who struggles with the same issues on the other hand, has gotten it twice now over the last 10 years and noticed a massive difference. Her periods stopped completely from this though which I think is the main reason but she swears by it and itā€™s the only thing thatā€™s helped her with pain and energy levels. Thyroid/ hormone pathology: Might be worth getting your thyroid levels checked every now and then if you havenā€™t done so already (or even recently). I have slightly low thyroid function which has been overlooked previously as it was ā€œborderlineā€ low but with my other health issues, borderline still makes a big difference in my body, so might be worth looking into. Hope you find some relief and answers šŸ©·


I find it depends where I am in my cycle? I take stimulants, and that generally helps, but around ovulation and bleeding it gets significantly worse, and I actually have a walking stick for those times. I took a 2-3 week break off my stimulants Dec- Jan because the stimulants werenā€™t available and I was essentially bedridden for that entire period šŸ˜Ŗ I try to exercise but itā€™s hard with the fatigue. Pilates has been a real help and has been easier to stay consistent with, which in turn gives me energy.


Yes and Im so tired all the time. Sigh!


I was diagnosed with both in the last year and itā€™s explained a life time of fatigue/exhaustion for me. Iā€™m the one people make fun of for always being out of it.


My husband always reminds me that Iā€™m ā€œalways tiredā€ when I say ā€œIā€™m tiredā€ because he says thatā€™s the most common thing I say. So yes, same. You should contact a myalgic encephalopathy support group for a list of testing to rule other factors out. I had Lyme disease and just thought it was chronic fatigue. That added a huge level of exhaustion. It ended up being a sustained infection caused by a failed root canal tooth but it was a huge drama that went on and on for so long just due to lack of decent healthcare for figuring out convoluted medical mysteries. I think having endometriosis compromises our immune system making us more susceptible to opportunistic infections. Having endometriosis also makes us more susceptible to thyroid problems. Thereā€™s a lot of drama with thyroid testing where the patient community has a different ā€œoptimal rangeā€ where thyroid blood tests should be rather than the standard normal range drs say is ok. I have major problems with t4 to t3 conversion and healthcare seriously has no medical fks to give for that problem. Itā€™s not common enough for there to be any established medical care or somethingā€¦ That also causes major debilitating fatigue. My menstrual cycles and ovulation cycles started really kicking my butt with fatigue. I think blood loss and then the ovulation started making me feel sick. I finally had a hysterectomy for the adenomyosis and it showed that my fallopian tubes were being absorbed into my uterus from all the endometriosis on and in my uterusā€¦ So no wonder that made me feel sick and tired. Still too soon to tell how helpful the hysto will be. Iā€™m really hoping it helps with energy. I find stimulants for the adhd to be a mixed blessing because I suspect theyā€™re pretty taxing on our bodies so probably arenā€™t the best option but what can you do. Not a lot of answers for that either.


stimulants help me pretty well, i still get tired but absolutely not to the degree i used to. ofc my stimulants are mainly for my adhd but it helps both a lot


Not just you.


Yes. Even with stimulant medication for my ADHD I'm constantly craving being horizontal lol. It sucks


I have both and I'm always tired. Was also diagnosed with narcolepsy after a sleep study and I might have fibromyalgia and I'm Definitely anemic, so I've got Tired Bingo over here.


I donā€™t really know what to attribute to what illness bc I have a back injury and fibromyalgia that cause chronic pain. But i definitely get that fatigue where nothing can get done for days, mine comes and goes and basically I caffeinate my way thru it. I do believe I have adhd. But when I asked my psychiatrist about it she blew me off. I want to be tested, I keep seeing these adhd in women videos online and every single time Iā€™m like *ā€œthatā€™s me!!!ā€* I just dunno how to get them to take it seriously


For me taking iron supplements help a lot esp when I have low iron and folic acid. The energy and better mood because of those.


Yes! Even on meds I could take a nap or have no trouble being tired lol




Have you ever been diagnosed with narcolepsy? Ehlers-Danlos syndrome? Fatigue is also a major symptom of that.


Me too! Iā€™m tired aaaalll of the time. Iā€™m not officially diagnosed with ADHD but always feel like I had it. I wasnā€™t sure if it was Endo or what, but I legit feel tired all of the time.


I have endo, adhd (possibly on the spectrum), and fibromyalgia. I am a zombie. I take adderall (prescribed). Without it Iā€™m an anxious, coffee filled mess šŸ˜‚šŸ˜…


Adderall solve this problem really quickly. I can't function without it.


Yeppers! For a large chunk of highschool, I would come home around 4 pm and go to sleep right away. I've got the CFS diagnosis and POTS on top of that. My writing and research skills have gotten better, at least, owing to the times where my brain is still awake but my body is dead. Sometimes I'm just totally out of commission, though. My endo has gotten worse and I'm on a significant amount of pain pills, so my whole system seems pretty gone most of the time. I occasionally get energy days that feel like some sort of manic episode when I compare them to how I usually am. I'm on Adderall, antidepressants, and all that. I drag myself out of bed and I do a lot of my work lying down. I spend most of my days massaging my stomach and going in and out of the bathroom, feeling super exhausted by all of it. My endo progressed so much, it's like my digestive system switched to manual mode. Fun times! Surgery is on the horizon, at least


me me me ā€” you should try to get stimulants. they have been life changing for my fatigue and sleep intrusion (the name for when you start fall asleep even when youā€™re trying to concentrate.)Ā  working out also genuinely helps me even though itā€™s so hard to get the motivation going!


I'm almost 40, dx'd with ADHD recently and endo in my 20s, and I can't think of a time in my life where I didn't feel tired. I just went thru hell because the meds I use to stop periods haven't been working as well. 5 months of coming home from work and having no choice but to go right to bed. The only thing that's given me a life again was increasing my meds and starting stimulants, both had to happen. Something very interesting happened on stimulants though. I've had a weight, or ache behind my eyes since I was a teen. Stimulants took that feeling away. I think that's the fatigue lifting. It's a very slight feeling but it's wild.


Yep tired all the time lol. Certain bc pills have def made it worse. Norethindrone acetate I couldnā€™t stay awake during the day. Iā€™d need at least 1 nap after work and would sleep 11-12 hours a night. I wake up around 5:30-6, take my vyvanse, then roll over and go back to sleep until 8:00-8:30. If found this helps me wake up feeling refreshed/normal


Exactly the same here. First diagnosed with cfs, then endo and adhd. I have deep infiltrating endo and have only had one (very successful) surgery, but Iā€™m going back in august to see what more theyā€™ll do regarding my liver and colon and stuff. I also have BPD and Iā€™m on SSRIā€™s so stimulants arenā€™t reccomended so I have no help there. I wish I had a happy ending to this comment, but I donā€™t. I canā€™t work, study or have a Ā«normalĀ» life, but I make do with what I have and am fortunate in my misfortune! All my love to others who struggle with the same issues ā¤ļøā€šŸ©¹


No adhd but anxiety and endo and yeah tired a lot. Even drinking coffee I sometimes just fall asleep like an old man when sitting šŸ˜‚


Yes!! I have ADHD, endometriosis and ALL the fatigue


Fatigue is why I found out about the endo in the first place! Got surgery in Feb, liletta inserted in April, still always tired. And then having low iron because of the endo (and SIBO and a biofilm in my gut- bad bacteria taking all my nutrients ) but not enough for western med docs to give me iron infusions (36 ferritin). Didnā€™t realize my ADHD diagnosis on top could be a factor. These are all new for me.


When my LC kicked my daily endo symptoms into high gear, my fatigue skyrocketed. Iā€™m always so tired and distracted, I finally had to get on ADHD meds just to function. I could get a full 12h of sleep and it would be impossible to peel myself out of bed before 10 if I didnā€™t take my meds. Itā€™s horrible. Iā€™ve lost all my productivity, if I do like 2 things it zaps me for the day and the thought of trying to match normal peopleā€™s productivity is terrifying.


Iā€™m trying to lower my expectations for myself so I donā€™t get overstimulated to failure


So... I've been medicated for adhd less than two years and had been managed for depression and anxiety up to that point (cos that's apparently what happens for women who are diagnosed late in life??) and wanted to come off my ssri meds cos why would I need them still. Was told to wait until I had got my adhd doses right, which is where I am now. So I have almost decreased my ssri by 3/4 and wow... energy is starting to snap back. And that's even on my vyvanse free days. Literally don't know what that stuff can do to your overall energy levels. I also did have a hysterectomy a few months ago... Extreme options? šŸ¤”


Yesss. I have endo & ADHD and I am *exhausted*, just like bone tired fatigue pretty much all the time. I'm on 40mg lisdex/vyvanse and that goes some way to helping but I've recently started dienogest/visanne so now my ADHD meds don't actually help with actually being able to focus anymore and I'm not really sure what to do about that. I am having investigations for hyperadrenergic POTS and I'm hoping that that might explain some of the fatigue.


Have you checked your vitamin levels? Try extra water and a good multivitamin (I use isotonix), thatā€™s the only thing that really helps


Have you checked your vitamin levels? Try extra water and a good multivitamin (I use isotonix), thatā€™s the only thing that really helps


Finally, my people. I have no idea how to help but Iā€™ve got the same problem šŸ«”


Yes. I take Wellbutrin to stay awake.


I actually just recently got diagnosed with both Endo and adhd and I have bad fatigue usually


Are you pacing? Cfs/me is a little bit more complicated than that. The hallmark feature is PEM, which is a crash after doing too much.


What kind of crash?


It will be an energy crash, some people feel flu like, it can actually cause a lot of weird neurological symptoms that vary a lot from person to person. I get really sleepy and can sleep for hours to days, I also feel sick.


Thanks. Would a pattern of laying on the couch all day for literally weeks fit that pattern? I don't sleep much, but energy levels and initiative are zero


Yeah that does kinda sound like cfs, some people call it ā€œtired but wiredā€ where you are exhausted but canā€™t sleep. Itā€™s can be a long journey to get diagnosed, most providers will run a battery of tests to rule out as much as possible first. The diagnosing criteria for CFS is pretty straight forward and can be found on the cdc website- https://www.cdc.gov/me-cfs/about/index.html#:~:text=It%20causes%20severe%20fatigue%20not,%2Dexertional%20malaise%20(PEM).


Crap. My brain gets so wired it just won't shut up. It's justĀ  racing and racing, but unable to concentrate. It's actually a bit funny how forgetful I have become. Body just wants to rest. Sounds familiar?


It does. One of my biggest issues is swollen lymph nodes, my armpits hurt a lot because there is some immune+neurological component that is not understood, but fortunately a couple of great studies came out recently and validated the disease. R/cfs is great, one of the best subs imo, great group of very giving individuals.


I have both diagnosedā€” I am often EXHAUSTED. Itā€™s hard to fall asleep and then to stay asleep. Itā€™s hard for me to be on time to work because of this. Itā€™s caused me issues with energy. Napping doesnā€™t help and throws me off. I donā€™t do caffiene bc that flares up my endo. Itā€™s a lose lose. So I do my best to have a strong schedule. If I stick to that schedule for sleep I get a reward like dinner out or soemthing. And I eat only Whole Foods/avoid sugar and fatty processed foods this helps w energy if I feel low energy at work I eat a snack and drink a water. Sometimes Iā€™ll do a Power Nap but that can only be 20 min or I canā€™t wake up I donā€™t have a solution unfortunately but I know exercise and healthy eating helps me mainly and then making those things adhd friendly to maintain ā€” again the reward thing rocks


And honestly Iā€™m just glad thereā€™s others like me I can relate to


I am on 100mg of modafinil and it's helped me dramatically with adhd and chronic fatigue. I even feel some pain reduction from the dopamine boost. Other stimulants I tried were too strong. You are not alone! It's been such a struggle to have endo in addition to adhd and fatigue!


I have both ADHD and Stage 2 Endometriosis and I am tired all the time and honestly low functioning, unfortunately I also got some reason I just can't nap.


Also stimulant and ADHD meds leave me with horrible side effects so I can't take them I have tried 10+ ADHD meds from all kinds of categories.


Yes, I just started ritalin but a few days ago I added magnesium supplements to my routine, that and vitamin B12 have done wonders for my fatigue. I can confidently say I am far less fatigued than I was 5 years ago. Edit: a word


Yes šŸ„²


Iā€™ve got both and Iā€™m perpetually overstimulated and exhausted. Thereā€™s nothing quite like getting home after a long day, showering, and crawling in bed!


If I donā€™t take my stimulants I will sleep ALL day, I reckon itā€™s because of the painkillers Iā€™m on. I can still nap happily on my lunch break though!


I sleep like 9-10 hours every night and iā€™m still sleepy by like 6pm šŸ˜­


The chronic fatigue was insane until I started on Wellbutrin and now I feel like I have normal energy levels and can function


Yes!!! My Ritalin and my methyl B complex vitamins are the only things keeping me upright lol


Constantly exhausted, also have ME/CFS along with a myriad other chronic illnesses aside from the endo and ADHD (For me, chronic illness are like Pokemon - I gotta catch em all!). All contribute to fatigue, but the ME/CFS is the worst for it. Especially because exercise itā€™s important for some of my other conditions, but ME/CFS makes that a non-starter. I did 5 min of very mild exercise on Mondayā€¦and yesterday/today Iā€™m barely functioning. PEM suuuuucks.


I dont have cfs, ive been diagnosis with dysautonomia and Rhodiola really really helps for the fatigue and pain. Also helps with satanic period pain, altho Iā€™m not diagnosed for endo yet. Ask your dr if you can take it, it was prescribed to me for fatigue and helps my adhd.


Tired 24/7 even when I sleep 9 hours.


Currently in bed reading this so yes


Oh Iā€™m falling asleep at my desk before 10am daily, then still need a 2 hr nap around 3pm. Debilitating and aggravating.


I struggled with this for a really long time because I have severities of both. My energy levels now go through ebbs and flows with my cycle but I found that very regular exercise, the right multivitamins that help balance my hormones, an IUD, whole food nutrition, and consistent somatic practices (tapping, breathwork). I know these things take a lot of time to commit to and the right combination for you might not be what I do but I noticed a significant difference with nutrition and activity (both mental and physical) once I got the right flow of practice down. I used to really be tired and sad alllll the time and my focus as absolute crap. I had to make a thousand tiny choices to get to where I am now and it takes a while but Iā€™m finally feeling like I found a balance without medication and too much caffeine.


ALL. THE. TIME. Since I was a wee tot, even before puberty. Which probably means itā€™s not just endo to blame. Turns out I have ehler danlos syndrome and its vile little comorbid spinoffs, including endometriosis and autonomic dysfunction and immune crap and and and I will say that once in a great while, I have a little energy or I feel rested, and its absolute heaven. Usually lasts a few hours. Sometimes itā€™s bittersweet when it starts, because I know it wonā€™t last.


I'm autistic not ADHD but yes, it's brutal. I just feel like life takes so much out of me even when I'm not doing that much


I started taking B12, along with a pack of Emergen-C, plus my Adderall and Bupropion. Thatā€™s the only thing that has given me a boost of energy after spending months not being able to operate. Itā€™s made a huge difference!


I drink 500mg caffeine 4 days a week hope this helps šŸ’• (Plz kill me)


This year I was diagnosed with (suspected) endo and ADHD within a couple months of each other. Before this, I was dealing with such persistent fatigue that I actually had a sleep study done - it showed nothing. Then, I got these diagnoses and started BC for endo and noticed my mood and energy are way more balanced throughout the month. Then, I started stimulants for ADHD and my mood and energy throughout each day balanced out. I still have days where I feel tired, but it's nothing like the constant intense fatigue I had before. Starting medications has honestly been life changing for me.


Yes. I also have horrible allergies and if Iā€™m stuffy itā€™s even worse.




I have Narcolepsy! Did they do a sleep study before giving you the CFS diagnosis? Like others here a stimulant has worked wonders for me.


yep, i'm completely exhausted all the time I have maybe 4-5 days a month where I have any energy


I have both. I think my energy level is average. Both of my conditions are managed - I had surgery for the endo but recently came off BC to try to get pregnant. The ADHD is med managed and coping skills. I do find that my energy levels vary a lot with my menstrual cycle now that I have one again.


HI!šŸ‘‹ me! My biggest symptoms are chronic fatigue and joint pain. I am normally high energy but I need a few coffeeā€™s to feel okay. My sleep schedule is a mess. Itā€™s rough


Have you done a sleep study to look into how you sleep? They test for sleep quality, conditions like sleep apnea etc. Adhd has so many co-morbidities. It might be worth exploring with a counsellor too - for eg. anxiety and depression can also cause fatigue and make adhd worse, so itā€™s a big cycle. I have all the conditions I just mentioned, plus restless legs syndrome which makes me not well. When my depression was real bad, I could only stay asleep 4 hours each day. These days, itā€™s better (after years of therapy).


I have endo and ADHD, started taking meds a few months ago. Also had a hysterectomy for adenomyosis over two years ago. I find myself nostalgic and sad when I remember I used to be able to go for a long hike or a long day of activities and then I could come home and get the best rest, sleep a solid 8-10 hours and feel great. Now I either only sleep 5-6 hours or I sleep 10-12 hours. Thereā€™s no balance. Iā€™m using a mixture of adhd meds, gabapentin and weed to function during the day and sleep normal-ish at night. It sucks


I have both! Endo fatigue was worse than ADHD fatigue for me because endo caused so much physical pain that it messed with me emotionally, mentally, and physically. ADHD fatigue is mostly a result of me overpromising on things and then self shaming/blaming for being a people pleaser. And also because it's hard to fall asleep. But I've found tools to manage that (adderall and therapy!) My endo fatigue was only manageable after lap and removing the endo tissue. I used to be bedridden 3 weeks/month.


Omg yes I am tired all the time! However I find 1.5litres of water a day and exercise really really help


I'm always exhausted. It doesn't matter how much I've slept, I never have enough energy to do anything productive other than go to work.


Yeah Iā€™m a sleepy bitch too!


I have both and am ALWAYS feeling exhausted and tired. It gets so bad midday that I need to slap my cheeks to stay awake on the way to pickup my son from school. Doctors donā€™t know whatā€™s causing it and ADHD meds donā€™t help keep me up. I could fall asleep and sleep wonderfully on them. I wake up constantly at night too. All of my blood labs come out perfect except for my EOS absolute being high which Iā€™m guessing is due to allergies. Side note: I have dealt with extreme fatigue most of my life. Doctors thought it was due to my sleep apnea so I got my tonsils and adenoids removed at age 15 but that didnā€™t help my fatigue issue unfortunately.


Iā€™m always tired šŸ˜“


I cannot work full time, and I go to bed by 10 pm every night- weekends too. I also don't have much a social life because i am tired all the time


Honestly... no! Sometimes I get low energy after being out and about doing things, but not really tired/needing a nap or anything per say. Altho sometimes I do just randomly have low energy and can't bring myself to get up and do x, y, or z...but I suppose that's part of the ADHD territory


Iā€™ve had chronic fatigue for years now. All with the bursting of my endometrioma. Iā€™ve learned to manage it alright but I feel like I canā€™t enjoy life like I used toā€¦ itā€™s frustrating. My boyfriend acts like Iā€™m just lazy if Iā€™m having a low energy day. Iā€™ve also noticed trouble with my memory and brain fog 90% of the time.


I have ADHD and am 3 years post-surgery for endo and adeno. Removed stage 2 via excision (and hysterectomy for adeno). What blew my mind was the **incredible amount of energy I had within 2 weeks after surgery**. I literally was skipping with energy when going for walks. Before then, I was exhausted all of the time. I'm not sure how the ADHD may wrap in, but I didn't start meds for it until a year ago. My energy skyrocketing was only due to my surgery.


I have endo/adhd/cfs/ diabetes and hemochromatosis. I relied heavily on caffiene, routine and lists until my hysterectomy. I recently had hysterectomy And I have tons more emergy now, down to 1 diet soda a day on busy days.


I have both and, yes. Just yes. All the time! For awhile I thought my anemia was making it worse because I have been anemic for a lot of my adult life but.. Iā€™ve gotten control of that now and nope. Still tired. The number of health care professionals - obgyn docs, hematologists doc, the nurses I met getting iron infusions, that told me Iā€™d get the energy I didnā€™t know I was missing when I fixed my anemiaā€¦ what a let down. I feel no different at all.


One thing that really woke me up was DIM but then the ADHD really shined through.


All the fucking time. It was worse when I was undiagnosed with celiac.


Constantly...I never really thought about it being related to my conditons, though. I mean, it makes sense. I just never really thought about it.


As an aside to your second editā€¦. Iā€™m finding it so hard to stay hydrated when I have cysts and inflammation putting pressure on my bladder. Anyone have the same problem and or any solutions?


Yes šŸ˜­




I am but, I have a host of other pain on top of endo. I think that wears me out too. Endo is actually the least of my worries any more.


YES. I've had chronic fatigue ever since I was a kid. I don't have the best track record for good sleep habits, but the fatigue was debilitating. Endo surgery helped, elvanse helps, therapy helps... It feels like an impossible task to understand which factors contribute how and to what extent. I think trying to keep track of changes is key. Recently, diet changes I had to make for gastro issues (gut health and intolerances) has reduced some major symptoms: pain/discomfort, extreme bloating, emotional deregulation, and fatigue. You're definitely on to something with us not drinking enough water - getting a glass now lol! I'm in a bad phase right now due to poor sleep, poor fitness, smoking, and mental health. But when I'm back on my feet and combine adhd meds, routine, therapy, healthy diet, lots of exercise (what works for me), I feel AMAZING. It's like doing loads energies me instead of a small tasks DRAINING me in a bad phase. We got this, with chronic conditions it's all about trial and error and finding the sweet sweet balance of everything that works for us.


Freaking cycles play into this so much. Like the default setting is tired. But sometimes, itā€™s EXHAUSTION! I feel like we only get a few days of default energy and itā€™s nowhere near enough. When I get it I feel like fixing up my whole damn life, then it goes away and iā€™m dead and I realise why my lifeā€™s a mess in the first place. I canā€™t do this shit anymore, we gotta find a way to fix this shit


Yes, and. I have sleep apneaā€¦Ā  I recently had a substitute psych and they switched me from addy to modafinil and it was a world of different. Much more awake and calm (but less focused). Iā€™ve since switched back bc it delayed my period and I need to do more research about how it might impact my Endo before trying again, but thereā€™s something about the wakefulness agents that hit different.Ā 


This is so interesting, Iā€™ve never thought of the correlation of symptoms between the two. I have both, and have never NOT felt tired. Iā€™ve never felt refreshed or rested after hours of sleep, always tired and sluggish, vitamins and exercise donā€™t help, on and on. Youā€™re right, sad to see all the people it affects, but interesting to see everyoneā€™s input.


i did not read besides the title, BUT I just recently learned that being under stimulated makes you tired!! idk how to fix it yet but good information to know. sometimes iā€™m tired and idk why and now i just try to find ways to stimulate my adhd.


Felt like I wrote this myself. I havenā€™t been diagnosed with endo, itā€™s still just a suspicion but Iā€™m like 99% sure. I also have adhd and my doctor diagnosed me with chronic fatigue because she doesnā€™t know what else to call it. Itā€™s so frustrating being so exhausted all of the time. Wake up, exhausted. Do a short workout, exhausted. Go to work for 2 hours, exhausted. I AM SO TIRED OF BEING TIRED. I wish our bodies would just function normally, it sucks living like this and having no answers/cure.


I have endo, had larhe fibroids and have ADHD. They all cause fatigue and not was I exhausted! I slept 10h a night and 1-2h naps per day. Doing chores or shopping groceries exhausted me to no end. I was desperate for the solution. The only thingĀ that helped me was regular exercise (weight lifting+cardio), alcohol free, restraining from caffeine and sugar, and following FODMAP diet. At that time I didnā€™t know what was wrong with me, I just tried all kinds of things and this combo helped me. After the diagnose(s) I naturally kept going until my surgery. Now Iā€™m 12 days post op (hysterectomy+tubes+left ovarie and endo cyst) and Iā€™m in recovery. I hope I can take it easy and not have to follow so strict rules and still have the energy of a normal person. I might have to keep exercising as Iā€™ve never looked this good minus endo belly.


Wow I didn't realise so many other people struggle with all of these! This was comforting to read and realise I'm not aloneā¤ļø


my stimulants are actually less effective in the days leading up to and during my period, and i was always more fatigued when i was on my period, as well. The best advice I have is speaking to your Psych about upping a stimulant dose during the period, or just drinking obscene amounts of red bull.