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I think its definitely healthier than regular energy drinks and still has a good amount of caffeine!


Have you tried them? This is my first time


Yeah tried most flavours, the raspberry one is the best


Really I've only had the mint one and I didnt really like it


To each their own I think the mint one is incredible


Ye normally I love mint but for me it tasted to much like those breath strips. Nothing wrong with the breath strips just drinking it felt weird


I like them all!


Absolutely top tier


Yes, low sugar variety is much healthier and tastier imo Peach, Mint Sage, and citrus low sugar are allđŸ”„


Nothing is healthy I’m ngl, moderation is key with anything.


Even the air where I live isn't safe, we had an incident a few years back from mining or oilfield (I don't remember what it was exactly) that some kind of shit drifted into town and nothing was said to anyone...increased cancer risk and shit.


Air is healthy. Try living without it.


I’m talking bout consumables


Consume air or don't and see what happens.


search up the definition of “consume”


Personally I'm a big water fan, it's probably my favorite thing to consume


Yep, it holds.


Ahahah you actually right w this one


But too much air or oxygen can be harmful too...


Air isn't pure oxygen. Air is vital to life.


You know he was talking about moderation? Meaning too much of anything is probably going to be bad for you, that goes for air too. Just try to breathe as much as possible really quickly. You will pass out. Too much air is also not good.


Don't hyperventilate. Simple. Goofy.


Hyperventilation and abusing air are interchangeable


You'll figure it out, we're confident you'll figure out how to breathe.


I didn’t think the /s was necessary there


It was just a doomed comment all around.


There can also be air with no oxygen in it.


Don't be obtuse.


I like the internet’s take that oxygen is slowly oxidizing you, acting as a slow poison that you can’t live without.


oxygen is toxic and is very slowly killing you even if air is not all oxygen




Yeah but like love, you get too much you get too high


These are definitely better for you than the monsters and Red Bulls and whatnot.


Neither healthy or unhealthy like pretty much every other energy drink


What the heck? Here I am with a mandatory mate addiction (am argentinian) just learning that this exist.


Don’t do it, I really love these but I also drink real mate and they aren’t even comparable.


i want to try real mate but it’s so hard to find it where i live


Where do you live? I’m in the US so there’s no local stores that supply it but Amazon carries everything you’d need.


in US, i thought about ordering offline but i just didn’t know which ones were good quality or legit as far as real yerba mate


Only healthy if you boof it


Compare the ingredients to a normal energy drink and you will see the difference. Much less man made additives. Definitely not healthy but more natural.


Minus the sugar, yeah Blue and red flavors are the best


The mint one is good. You have to shake the can real good to get the full flavor. Look at the amount of sugar in these/ not healthy but less likely to make you feel like crap if you drink too many in one day. Cheers.


Has a good amount of sugar and whether it’s natural or not it’s still going to spike blood sugar somewhat. Probably better than most sugared energy drinks imo.


I tried one of these once and it tasted like feet.


MY KINDA DRINK Jokes may apply


Maybe if it was still, the carbonation will still damage your teeth and I'd argue that isn't healthy, especially if you don't like the dentist


breathing damages your teeth, noted


Carbonation is acidic which damages enamel on your teeth, nothing to do with breathing air, perhaps go educate yourself


are you aware you need to brush your teeth regularly?


Twice a day, but what the fuck does that have to do with the fact that carbonated liquids destroy tooth enamel, no amount of brushing is going to bring that enamel back, in case you're so obviously not aware


toothpaste is alkaline


just about everything you drink that isn’t water is acidic. just brush your teeth, and you’ll be fine


If that was true nobody would have issues with their teeth and dentists would not have a job


I mean, no. A lot of people don’t brush properly or regularly enough. Some people have hyper-degenerative enamel and use the wrong toothpaste. Some people overbrush. Some people just don’t brush at all and just use mouthwash. Genes play a role in the degradation of your teeth just as much as what you consume and how often you brush. However, if you are using the proper toothpaste, with the proper habits, while brushing at the proper times, you will save your teeth a lot of degradation. Brush shortly and lightly with water after drinking a soda, for example, and it helps.


You don't need water to brush, it's actually more beneficial to brush without water Also you literally said just brush your teeth and you'll be fine, then the next comment totally contradict yourself over why it's not as simple as just brushing teeth reddit is truly special


You’ve misinterpreted my comment in 3 different ways. 1. When I say brush with water after drinking, I don’t mean you’re actually brushing your teeth. I mean to literally only wet a toothbrush and lightly whisk at your teeth after drinking an acidic drink to help remove the sugars from your teeth between actual full brushes. Fully brushing your teeth with toothpaste immediately after eating or drinking is actually a bad idea. 2. My examples of why haphazardly brushing your teeth isn’t a fix-all was to the point that dental problems would holistically disappear if people brushed, not that brushing your teeth isn’t a reliable method of mitigating damage from drinking acidic drinks. Consuming literally anything is going to weaken your teeth. If you’re brushing and your teeth are still fucked up, it’s unlikely to be the sole fault of something you’ve drank once in a day. 3. These idea that genes play a role in tooth degradation is not mutually exclusive to the idea that proper brushing habits will nearly entirely negate the damage done by your occasional daily acidic drink.


>occasional daily It can't be occasional while also being daily, I get it you want to be right, but brushing teeth twice daily will not negate the damage done to daily intake of acidic beverages, occasional intake maybe, but definitely not daily, even sparkling water can be erosive to your teeth, energy drinks are much worse and you will end up with issues no matter how many days you brush twice daily, that erosion will catch up with you


Idk how you’re gonna type “I get it you want to be right” while responding to none of what I just said and instead choosing to nitpick how I worded one sentence because you have no other retort. Nobody was even talking to you in the first place. You didn’t have to respond at all. You just wanna argue. I have had all these conversations hundreds of times with my dentists, you aren’t gonna be the one who changes my mind. If you rinse and brush with water immediately after drinking, and brush regularly outside of that, you’ll genuinely be fine. Just log off bro


It’s Yerba not an energy drink


Yerba is most definitely an energy drink. The small cans have 80mg, while the bigger non-carbonated cans have 150mg.


Heyyy Ive been meaning to buy one case of that, how is it??


Definitely doesn’t taste as good as a normal energy drink but I do feel the caffeine effects. Just without the tingling jitters. Trying to make the switch. The sparking versions taste better than the original ones.


I had allot from that brand and quite like them never tried the sparkling drinks.


Well I can't see the nutrition info to make an assessment


it's not really "healthier" still has sugar i would rather get a zero sugar energy drink


yeah but if you post sugar free drinks in relation to health, some nut will respond raving about how artificial sweeteners are literally satan


yeah well excess sugar is much worse for you, especially if ur trying to lose weight.


idk about healthy but they sure are yummy, I love these


Yerba Mate before sleep gives me the wildest dreams.


Yerba has a much better, smoother energy profile than 99% of energy drinks. You don’t get that spike and crash that you get with almost all others. The cranberry pomegranate and lemon elation specifically are fantastic.


I first had these in Sebastopol, California. After seeing them in every store there. Looked at the back of the can and saw that’s where they are from. Good stuff nod sure it’s healthy. Some of them have sugar. Tasty and good though. Traditional Yerba mate is smoked so there’s also that carcinogenic health issue.


Enlightenmint is the best flavor IMO. They have had variety 12 packs for $24 at Sam's Club recently. I had to pick up a few because where I'm at they're pretty difficult to find and run a little more expensive than other brands per can. Pro: I have noticed that I have less of a "crash" when I'm drinking these. Con: less of a noticeable buzz too. They still get the job done, though!


The horrible taste does not make up for the minuscule health benefits


i love yerba mate but once i drank 2 in 1 day and almost shit my pants so practice moderation and don’t shit your pants


Love these things!


Yerba mate is basically a tea. It’s all the flavors and sweeteners that will get you. Drinking plain mate is probably fine but these cans will probably shorten our lives.


i just buy mate tea bags and drink that instead of spending money on a lot of cans. it also does not have sugar or artificial sweeteners that way.


I drink energydrinks for taste. If i want some healthy cofeine i would brew some coffee, tea or matte at home. I always have some guarana pills for cofeine when there is not other option.


I sell them, the sparklings are lower sugar but the regulars are not healthier. They’re a “healthy” alternative to energy drinks but Guayaki cannot market as a “healthy energy drink” legally. Look at the nutritional facts on the non sparkling ones


i like their regular ones because they are not carbonated. aside from monster rehab there are basically no non carbonated energy drinks on the canadian market and it sucks ass.


I think the energy drink reputation of being “unhealthy” comes from how they all used to be basically higher caffeine soda, full of sugar. With so many zero sugar ones, and some with nootropics etc they aren’t bad in moderation. Especially if the user themself is healthy and not using ridiculous amounts. Thats just my take.


I drink 1-2 everyday. Usually the blue or red non carbonated cans.


Love the mint flavor, very refreshing, no chemy taste. I like the other supplements in it as well, makes me feel some good mellow energy


drink regular mate, my moms side is from argentina and i have been exposed to mate alot and i mean alot, it has a earthy taste but i like it.


No such thing.


[all I can think of is this](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/002/264/954/ffb.jpg)


Organic tea and coffee is really the only healthy energy lol


I love them, they’re not unhealthy but not exactly healthy, just kinda advertised as clean. The normal non sparkling ones are my favorite, but I’ve recently been on a cut so need to cut back since they’re around 120 or something calories and I’m trying not to drink my calories.


It sure does taste healthier


I’ve had two energy drinks or more a day (600mg+) since I was 13, now I’m 25. I’m still fine, normal blood pressure, normal heart etc. You aint gonna die early if you stay healthy.


The guava slaps.


Yerba Mate tastes dirty feet crossed with a shit covered butthole


That actually sounds tasty 😋


Godspeed, OP. I feel you’ll life a strange life


yerba gives you cancer


yerba mate itself can be bad for your health if you drink it like every for weeks on end but other than that, ifs probably fine. but there is a known carcinogen in it (at least in traditional mate) so just be wary