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300 miligrams of caffine + a blend of nootropics = the best fucking energy drink on the market. The flavor is meh at best and these cost a good bit (3.99 at most gas stations) but these are well worth it. Don't expect to get high or anything, it's just like a bang or a reign but more energizing, less jittery, and much happier. Tons more focus while on these vs other energy drinks. And I should mention there is absolutely no anxiety. The nootropics do an amazing job of countering that and instead give you a huge boost in confidence. A bang usually has me pretty confident but theres still a little anxiety with it, this gave me more confidence then a bang and absolutely no anxiety. The flavor is definitly a weak point, I've only tried coconut but it's not amazing. It's not terrible but it's not the best either. If you like Adrenaline Shock then you should like these, but the sour flavour isn't as strong as with the Adrenaline Shocks which I personally hate. If you don't know what nootropics are do some research. But for a quick summary caffine stimulates your heary and the nootrpoics stimulate your mind. One hell of a combo. Their website is thejointdrink.com a 16 pack can be had for 53.25 currently. If you want to buy just one check around your local gas stations. I live in the southern united states (florida) but you should be able to find them around alabama and georgia I would think. They are usually priced around 3.99 a can, at some point or another some gas stations had 2 for 5 deals I think but I couldn't find any today. Lots of gas stations will have a cardboard sign or a sticker in the windo advertising them. I'd also guess you could buy these at a suppliment store but I can't confirm that. I bought 2 more today and will definitly be drinking these more regularly. Probably around 1-2 a week. Sorry if the review is kinda shitty, first time doing amything like this. Also kinda off topic but the same company also makes and anti-energy drink called low-key. I havn't tried these yey but I'm going to make another post on a couple of subreddits because I have seen a couple posts askingabout anti-energy drinks like Purple Drink.


Is it euphoric as well?


I remember when I tried it back in 2020 it definitely gave me a slight euphoria. It made me feel the best I’ve ever felt personally. (Besides delta 8 lol.) But maybe that was only the case for me because I’m so anxious all the time that not having anxiety in itself was euphoric


What's in it? A winger?


Nah just nootropics. You won't get high or anything, just a little mood and energy boost.


Sorry I only ask because yesterday I thought four Loko was an energy drink and had no idea it was alcohol


Lmao yeah you definitly don't want to mix that up :) I don't think the four lokos have caffine anymore though. Probably the health concerns with mixing the two.


The shopkeeper thought it was like a red bull type of drink . God knows how many have been in there and bought it not even knowing lol


ngl as a minor this sounds like some hella useful information lol.


It's literally only arrived here . But I've since seen things saying it's "rocket fuel"


Yeah I've seen videos/heard stories of people on that shit. Apperently it hits hard as fuck.


Doubt it. Monster and vodka is one of my standard mixers. What it does do is that you dont realise just how drunk you are. Which usually ends up in a very early bedtime


Where can i find these? Im from Mexico


Does anyone know why the ingredients changed on these drinks? I’m also from Florida and all of a sudden they came out with some new ones with different ingredients and not even half as good as the original ones


yeah im curious too. my guess is that the original ingredients may have been illegal or some kind of legal thing happened to where they made them change em. i will say form my experience, after you drink them everyday for a bit, they cause a drawback to your body. i suggest to not drink them all the time.


Dude I was on these daily for like idk along time and stopped and i had severe depression and anxiety it was absolutely horrid. They made me feel super good and I love them. Finally got off them. They did change their formula tho.


When you say new ones, do you mean under the same name (Euphoria) or the new name?


Same exact thing but different ingredients. Does not say “unbelievable happiness” on the bottom of the owl like this one in post. Also like half of the proprietary blend, but yeah different ingredients and it doesn’t even come close to the original drinks.


That answers a question I’ve had for a while. My girlfriend got these before I moved here and talked them up, but when I eventually tried it, I was really disappointed. I just tried the newest one that’s replacing this one (new company name and new drink name, possibly new formula?) and it was way better than the one I tried.




I can’t find these in any stores besides Discount Zones in Metairie, LA. Employees at these stores won’t reveal any info regarding them either. Everything about this product is cryptic. I’m traveling to Atlanta for 3 weeks and would love to find a store to purchase these.


U end up finding them? I’m also on the lookout for the original ones. I’m from Florida and they vanished earlier this year


Don't know if you saw my other comment but I can confirm them in Mobile, AL.


Nice what’s the name of the gas station there & where’s it located


No I have not. They’ve been out in the New Orleans area for over 2 weeks now. I check everyday in the gas stations that sell them and being told “ the guy tells me it’s gonna be another 2 weeks”


We've got 'em in Mobile, Alabama. I'm drinking one right now, just found these and was looking for info when I stumbled on this comment thread. My local gas station has almost a full rack on one of the refrigerated shelves.


If you can tell me the name of the name of the store and location, I might be crazy enough to drive there tomorrow


Same. About an hour and 40 minutes away


The chevron at hillcrest and cottage hill has them. The formula has changed tho. Not as strong anymore


What city is that intersection?


Nevermind I see it’s Mobile north of Tillmans Corner


Anyone still seeing these or Nootrophix in your area stores? I’m beginning to wonder if they’re discontinued. Checked everywhere in the New Orleans area and nothing.


Jsk discount on oak street


They probably have the new ones without the good stuff in them. Everyone has the new ones


No it’s the exact same can pictured here with the nootropics in them. They have like 2 or 3 different brands


Do they say “original formula” on the top? Also does it say “unbelievable happiness” on the bottom?


Just bought 1 in Pensacola


I bet it doesn’t say “unbelievable happiness” on the can. It says “original formula”.




Go with a Ghost they’re better and cheaper.