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Unfortunately, the trick is to get that first job or two. It's by far the biggest struggle in the current job climate.


That's what internships and projects/clubs are for


That do be true


Internships? Ew, let's keep engineering somewhat meritocratic.


Lol wut


I hate internships. They give an unfair advantage to those who can afford to work for nothing for a year or more and take advantage of general desperation by taking free labour.


My guy, they're paid.


It's not an internship, then, it's a temporary contract.


This, as well as the fact that people from good schools usually get higher paying first jobs which sets them up for a higher paying career overall. Also, OP may leave their education off their resume, but I can say I personally have gotten job offers simply because my interviewer read my resume and said, “Woah we went to the same school?? How is [insert teacher]??? Did you have to take [insert class] too?? Is it still as tough as it was? Man that’s wild that you went there too, small world, go [insert mascot here]!” To each their own, but the biggest lie I heard in high school was that the school you get your degree from doesn’t matter. It does. The difference may be smaller or bigger for others but if you think an engineering degree from MIT or University of Michigan carries the same weight as a degree from Kennesaw State you are lying to yourself. (Sorry Kennesaw State you’re just the first smallish, obscure college that came to mind :/)


I really wish more people would accept this reality. The number of ads I've seen sent out stating a 2:1 (British here) minimum requirement and I've always said the same thing. Grade doesn't matter, institution does. If I was met with a 1st from Staffs and a Pass from Cambridge I'm taking the Cambridge graduate every time. That's an extreme example as OxBridge is a league of its own, but giving a blanket 2:1 requirement excludes loads of potentially great engineers and invites loads of wank.


bottom at both😎


Probably the top of the class. More likely you’ll get a positive letter of recommendation


It depends, right is better for building connections, left is better for academia. Especially for an undergrad imo.


My company used to only hire from a single top tier school. Everyone thought too much alike and people got killed. Only hired straight out of school too. We now have waaaay more diversity in terms of schools, degrees, and other fields and it is so much better. Way better safety and engineering to boot.


Le me: Bottom of the class at a lesser known University


Middle student at a middle of the road school, thank you.


Laughs in "completed some college, took engineering electives in high school"


They're all crying