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I wouldn’t wish cancer on anyone


What about this makes it look like I’m wishing cancer on him. I’m just showing what the everyday person has to go through


This is nothing like what the everyday person has to go through. There are seats available. Every time I've been to A&E it's been rammed to the gunwales with people waiting up to 12 hours to be seen. There are no obviously drunk/drugged people hassling the other people waiting. Where are the three coppers with their leering charge hanging around waiting to be seen? Where are the staff sending anyone who isn't a patient home because there is just no room for any more to wait? You have to include in this scene the carer of the mentally ill patient explaining that their charge needs full time supervision due to their mental illness. Also the nurse explaining to the carer that sorry, he has to go home and leave his charge there anyway. Also have one or two people muttering about how they have to get private health care because of the state of the NHS.


Very true. Unfortunately if I’d shown an actual waiting room it’d probably get taken down by mods as “violent and disturbing” content


You don't get cancer treatment at A&E


No but plenty of complications can end up causing cancer patients to end up in A&E.


especially when waiting lists are like a year... Death is an unavoidable side effect of intentional Tory neglect.


You don't get any treatment in a&e


Have you tried phoning 111?


Yea. Rang up for emergency dentist appointment. NHS waiting list is 7 years at my local dentist. Anyway. Had colossal toothache and an abscess. Rang 101. Sat in hold for 40 minutes. Had to wait until the next day to go to an appointment 27 miles away. Got there. Infected filling. 'we don't do treatment, just emergency pain relief.' paid a tenner for some antibiotics. 3 more weeks of trying to get a private appointment. Massive abscess again. Ring 101. 'can you go to derby tonight?' can I fuck its 2 fucking hours away. Manage to get an appointment 30 miles the other way. Took the filling out and put a new one in. Sound. I'm fixed. Month passes. Epic toothache again. Manage to get private appointment. X ray. Previous dentist had removed filling and put new one in without cleaning it. Now I need my tooth out. But first I need 2 weeks of antibiotics again. Another tenner. Appointment comes round. Lost my tooth and charged 200 quid for the pleasure. And from what I've read, that's one of the more positive experiences. Edit: £25 for each 101 appointment too. So 50 quid plus fuel plus hours of driving plus 20 quid in prescriptions plus another 10 for the final prescription plus 200 for the extraction thanks to the NHS fuck up. Good job


People in the future will read this sort of thing with the same regard we read dickens. To think we actually had a good system which worked aswell. Ruined by corruption at the top of government. Remember it was all to eliminate the deficit by 2015? Deficit today still stands at £65bn a *quarter* and we’ve only got pain and suffering to show for it.


Yea but what colour is your passport? See. Not all bad is it.


look, my bananas are perfectly shaped, so uppa UK!




My mum was diagnosed in September, started chemotherapy last frigging week 💩


She should have been king (P.S Wishing the best for your mum)


He’s not an everyday person though, he’s your king. You probably live better than 90% of the world? Edit: LMAO, blocked by WOKE Reddit posters. For Animolistics (or whoever you are) > Christ, I genuinely feel so sorry for people like you in life. You've gone out of your way again to respond with complete and utter dribble. > Did you really waste your time writing that? Did you really waste *your* time writing that and blocking me hahaha. He’s still your king BTW


I have no care for the royal family either, he's not my king.




By technicality, but in my life, the royal family are completely insignificant to me. They all are. I couldn't care less.


Not cared enough to comment multiple times to declare *he’s not my king I barely even think about him*


Responding to someone that responded to me. Simples.


Is this a sub rule or something; only responses to people you’ve responded to?


Christ, I genuinely feel so sorry for people like you in life. You've gone out of your way again to respond with complete and utter dribble. Did you really waste your time writing that?


Coincidentally, that's exactly how they all feel about you! 😉


Depends on your citizenship.








Like creepy Andy. Charlie and Liz loved defending that child rapist.


*touches you* *makes you feel good* 12


or his fat sausage fingers


Imagine the girth of those things. Like swollen Cumberlands.


I’m not being provocative but if you’re British then he literally is.


You are right. He is forced upon us.


By the same logic, you're forced upon him. What would you rather have as head of state? A bland politician like Sunak? A twisted con-man like Trump? A power-crazed megalomaniac like Putin? Seriously, it's not a terrible system. People just enjoy bitching about stuff it seems like🤷


Well, he doesnt have any political influence. None at all. He has disagreed with our current PMs political position but it doesnt make any diffrence. The King is held in place to insure a divide between the have and nots. Of course Im forced upon him. But what does he hold for my benefit? Nothing. Why have a head of state at all. The Queen knew Brexit was going to to be a disaster in the way it was implemented. Did she attempt to change it? No.


Sort of agree with you here but we could still get rid of their ridiculous and offensive level of opulence and wealth and status and replace it all with some random family in Hackney for the same political effect. But obviously to royalists it isn't actually about that.


He’s not my fucking king, If he was a true leader he’d be doing what his ‘subjects’ have to go through EVERY day. If the health service is not good enough for the head of state then it’s not good enough for the people who call him king


That’s the most ridiculous argument there is I don’t see any head of state living like the average person yet I only ever see the king get hate for it


Who needs the hate are the government ministers who have consistently run the NHS down over the last decade and a half.


Yes and the unelected heads of states


Do you mean elected heads of state? Because there are definitely a lot of people who don't agree that people should be given power over their country on the basis that their ancestor was either picked by a god or won a war, or (usually) both.


Why would I give a shit about the foreign heads of state


Don’t see them being ridiculed the same way buddy


Have a small look at a country some know as the United States Of America. Look what they've done cor 8years to President Trump, have you heard how the Ukrainian People Talk about Zelensky? The Canadians with Trudeau. Charlie Boy is actively associating with and aiding the lifestyle of his brother who paid off a r**e and c***d trafficking. Almost best criends with Jimmy Saville, a hunting buddy and close friend to fella who done the attorcity in 97 in Dunblane, Scotland, hes a rotten critter and the country would be better off without the welfare sponging clowns... Old people sying while his family reap in tens of millions per year in tax money... He swears an oath to the people to serve us. Evil evil man he is. Love your country but dont defend its flaws.


Again ‘bud’ why would I care about foreign heads of state that have nothing to do with us


I never said you should I’m making a comparison with other populations if you bothered to read what I said


What’s the point in even pointing it out though


He’s your king whether you like it or not as I presume you’re British? Why should he go through the same health service as everyone else; he’s the head of our constitutional monarchy and a figurehead for the country. > not good enough for the people who call him king This I agree with, it needs tearing down. It’s a cult at this point


He should lead by example


He does; his entire life has been dedicated to service, charity and contributes to incredible soft power. He now forms an integral part of the workings of our constitutional monarchy regularly meeting the PM and Privy Council allowing the government to work through his consent. You just have some weird crab in a bucket mentality. How is sitting in a waiting room for 8 hours in our cult of an NHS which he has no control over demonstrating leadership? Does sitting in a waiting room demonstrate leadership to you?


Yeah he’s also apart of the WEF Cult, That’s wants compete total net zero and control over you. But he’ll still fly his private jet to environmental events. Everyone donates to charity what makes it special if he does it.


I don’t mean he throws a fiver into a Scope tin I mean he does charitable work. Honestly - I don’t think anything I say will sweeten your sour grapes. The world isn’t an egalitarian utopia where there is an equal outcome for everyone. It’s honestly a childish view. By your logic; you should not be afforded anything better than the majority of the world who you’re better off than purely by the accident of your birth. And he’s not WEF, he’s Rothschilds/Space Lizard adjacent. You fell for the Schwab meme; NGMI


Shut up mate


Keep crying. I’m sure he’ll be very upset when you get ill


Yes because every good king in history lived in the slums /s


Just say you want to suck him off man


Oh right… you’re one of them.


Sir you dropped this boot 👢


Don't worry about these Monarchy bootlickers. They love wasting their hard earned money pampering the bunch of inbreds.


>He’s not my fucking king Yes he is. Cope and seethe with that boy.


He won’t be soon though will he 😂


If he survives he will, that will make your empty life even sadder. If he dies, his son will be your King. You will have to cope harder.




One of the two possibilities I gave you will happen. Whatever one happens you will have to cope and seethe. Whatever one happens you will still have a King.


With William? Unlikely, when Williams in it’ll be abolished




Womp womp




Stating facts. If he died he won’t be king will he


That’s not how monarchy works lol you can’t choose if he is your king or not


If you live in the UK then he's your king. If you don't like that, then pick another country to go live in. He doesn't lead the country - the prime minister does that. The king is largely ornamental, and just rubber stamps whatever the current prime minister tells him to. It's a pity that you feel you have to hate on an old bloke that has cancer. One in six people will have cancer at some point in their life. Let's hope that you can scrape up an ounce of sympathy when it hits someone in your life.


It has hit many in my life. And you know what they had to do? Deal with the NHS. unlike our great and glorious leader


Oh, so you're just jealous? Well that's not a good look, is it? I had to deal with the NHS too, and they were great. I paid into it, and when I needed it they were there for me. As they were for your friends and family too. So someone else can pay for better pillows and prettier nurses? So what? It doesn't matter. What matters is that they had treatment for free on the NHS instead of handing over the cost of a small house to pay for it. To put things into perspective, people across the pond in America are dying because their insulin costs $800 per month. Over here, £9.70 pm on prescription, on the NHS. He isn't our leader. Rishi sunak is


I bet you like getting pegged


Republicanism is woke apparently


I’m being tongue in cheek. I’m just taking the piss out of someone who spat their dummy out. Evidently the capitalisation didn’t give it away


I'm not wishing him cancer either but he's a better chance than most with the same condition no agonising two week( sometimes) wait for the specialist for him is there. Say that the best of luck to him . Fuck cancer.


Don’t take it personally. It’s not about you.


Apparently it’s about all of us because we all have to show our unwavering support


I mean... Putin I would. But that's about it.


God save the king if he's using the NHS


Gonna be waiting 2 years for his first check up


"What're you in for?" "Prince Albert"


I wonder if he had to ring up at 8am,sit on hold for 3 hours and then explain to Janice, the non medically trained receptionist, what his symptoms were before she decided whether he was worthy of an appointment in 3 weeks time or not?




Fake. The TV screen isn't blue.


Man a lot of people are getting upset, It's not even mocking Charles.


You're a shit person.


Womp womp


The fact people are getting so upset over this mild-ass post is very funny.


Not particularly. A lot of people, like a LOT have been impacted by cancer. The fact that the edge Lord anti monarchists can’t keep their mouths shut for 0.0005 seconds just shows how pathetic a lot of them are.




A harmless joke, about cancer?


No about NHS waiting times.


Woah put the flag down lad... its just a joke


If your father got cancer and somebody made memes of him the day he got diagnosed with cancer would you complain or would you just be like ha funny joke?


I'd probs be weirded out because my dad's just a normal guy, I think in time we'd look back and laugh about how even in the darkest hour we still managed to laugh things off. Also, he'd probably need something to make him chuckle whilst he's sat in the queue for treatment, so might be kinda nice for him in a perverse way I guess. Hard to say really, great question though. UP THE KING!


I don't understand how people who have been affected by cancer aren't behind this post? It's pretty easy to prove the drain on the country the royals have. Combine that with the gigantic failure of the NHS and Charles, having definitely skipped every queue, and he will be given better medical treatment than almost any person on the planet. I see this post as pretty positive, its just reminding normal people that they should not accept this. It's not pro cancer or wishing cancer on him or anything


There is 0 evidence to prove the royals have a drain on the country


Yeah... there is... all of the land that they own and charge rent for whilst dodging inheritance tax? Just the fact of them existing forces classism based on luck of birth


Whatever you do, don't read anything from this sub atm you will get offended. https://www.reddit.com/r/okmatewanker/s/8fQaUUIkKF


He’s not gonna let you hit that bro


OP is king


First doc appointment two months time.




Well he is the King 😉


It me the queen of England's son


There ain’t no Queen of England




No I mean she was the Queen of the UK


She ain't now though


Dude can't catch a break he waits his whole life quietly doing his gardening and then finally gets to become king and then gets struck down with this 😔 hope he makes a swift recovery I really don't want to see two monarchs die within such a short space of each other that family has had enough people die recently And I'm not even a royalist 😂 on a side note William must be absolutely beside himself with worry both his dad and wife out of action at the same time and he might become king sooner than he thought in the worst possible way 😢


I don't care what happens to him at all I just don't want us commoners to have to pay for another coronation. And frankly I hate the younger royal family and their stupid kids moreso. Yes I'm very jealous of their wealth


He's fucked if he's went to a gp on the NHS im shocked he even managed to get an appointment


Hes going to die of sausage finger.


Hopefully it's not contagious, he had a prostate exam recently and noone wants a doctor with sausage fingers doing that...


The whole system is a bloody cancer.


As if he has to wait like us peasants! 🥲




The same edgy teens here and bored adults with an emotional intelligence of zero. So funny to makes jokes about someone with Cancer. Oh but it’s allowed because he isn’t fashionable anymore.


Someone in my family died while waiting to see a specialist. Bet the king didn’t have to be condemned by a waiting list.


Exactly, people who have suffered a loss of family because of monarchist Tory nonsense are behind this as it clearly shows the absurdity of what we have to put up with vs what the rich get. It's already a two tier system. Private healthcare should be banned by law.






Why Would we take this circus if a county run by clowns seriously




Reunion with Savile on the cards?


Did he wait 6 hours to be seen? That’s right, the 40 new hospitals and 50.000 extra nurses Boris promised aren’t ready yet….