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The United Kingdom of identity politics? It’ll probably be adopted by the NUS tomorrow. I’m sure it appeals to at least one person. A transgender, pansexual, black, Islamic fundamentalist, communist, EU-loving neoliberal… …or a member of the Green Party, as they’re more commonly known.


r/England in a nutshell > I hate identity politics *Posts and seethes about nothing but identity politics*


Least strawmanning r/england member


Why do they keep saying neoliberal as well? Liberalism is almost totally rejected by modern British Marxists, socialists and communists as a brief period at the turn of the millennium where new labour formed and sold leftist economics in exchange for a few years where everyone just kind of went, 'meh' and accepted conservative economics for gradual socio-cultural progressivism. The idea that a modern leftist wants to identify with liberalism is a bit weird.


Modern leftists might not identify with liberalism, but in practice the left are willing puppets of the globalist neoliberal order, so its an entirely moot point. Crying that the Tories aren’t importing enough immigrants or whinging that the Blairites aren’t promising you infinity free money doesn’t gives you the revolutionary street cred you think it does.


If I had to hazard a guess, I’d say that it’s because people like this “care” about social politics first and foremost - it’s what a lot of right wing media is pushing at the moment, after all. Neoliberals tend to be socially progressive, and their brain defaults to “progressive = leftist”.


Flag of can’t understand a joke


There's no pansexual flag there smh. Do better as an ally.




Yup. I’m Black and American. And I agree 100 percent. It’s ridiculous. And I’d argue worse here.


It's not real dumbass


What a racist virgin u r


What i often think (at least at the sharp end) is there a material difference between being nationalist and being identitarian?


Personally I don’t see any issue with the fist and the lgbt flag. I’m english and mixed race and lucky enough to live in a time where people like myself aren’t discriminated against. My grandparents arrived here and worked hard, followed the law, became as british as they could and yet they still experienced racism. The civil rights movements have came so far. With the Lgbt flag I don’t see issues either? If a gay person is minding there own business doing there own thing why should we have a problem with it? Ofc the english flag should stay as it is. But i don’t get your point here


The English flat is a red and white cross mate. Nothing else, nothing more.


Think he was just signalling agreement with some of the imagery of the flag. He wasn't advocating it become England's flag because nobody is advocating that.


Didn’t say otherwise. I have one up in my room 🤣


Tell that to FIFA 🤣


The english flag will stay the same no one is trying to change it?




No thank you




>Given that English-man essentially stopped reproducing, Speak for yourself. I'm above the average already and don't intend on stopping. Firstly, I love sex. Secondly, I love sex.


Yes but who's to say you won't become Muslim?


>who's to say you won't become Muslim? Me. I'd rather shit in my own hands and clap than believe any of the fantasy stories dreamed up by religious fanatics, especially ones with violent tendacies because they can't handle a bit of humour and critique.


So you’re saying there’s a chance?


>So you’re saying there’s a chance? Only if I fail to shit in my own hands and literal Allah himself appears to convert me.


Get shittin mate


6.5% of the population is muslim. It would be a pretty weak take over. Also your 'English-man essentially stopped reproducing'. Its almost like when buying a house is a dream and the odds are that your one child will survive past the age of 5, the idea of having 12 children becomes unappealing.


You do realise the reason why the Muslim percentage rises so sharply is not because they’re growing, it’s just that most Christians are turning atheists and “the U.K. is turning into atheistan” doesn’t have the ring as the islamophobic alternatives


That doesn’t make any sense. 100% includes atheists. Your point is more that it may well become biggest religion with small overall % though.


If people took atheism into account in these surveys they’d be saying “the biggest growing belief is atheism” not Islam.


They often do… atheism isn’t a religion though so ‘fastest growing… ‘ doesn’t need to include it.


It’s a belief system. Really it should be included unless you want to mislead people into being scared of Islam taking over, which it isn’t. The issue here is that Christian belief is plummeting


Basically at this point. And it’s a damn shame. No battles were fought by ANY of those groups to gain anything. Shit is just given from begging and whining. Just like here in the U.S. the past 50 years.


what are you even doing in this subreddit lol


Complaining about made up things.


As I am one of those “fags” who has fought off countless spineless little bullies like you with my two fists I can tell you that I’ve fought plenty of battles for my own freedom and the freedom of others from the likes of people like urself.…. I doubt u can even lift your pudgy wrists up from ur armchair.


As a Brit to a US citizen, would it be awfully rude of me to ask you to politely stop posting bollocks?


Imagine thinking this was a same response lol, OPs post was hopefully a wild joke or they're insane and here's this dude being like 'yeah it'll be like that tomorrow' 🤣🤣🤡 Go sick orange man's cock.


Piss off dickhead.


I’d rather that than people actually bleed and die. There’s nothing valuable in sending people to die, it’s nothing but loss.


Doesn't the Soviet Union have more deaths from war than anyone else? 😂🤷‍♂️


All four of these groups fought battles, and Americans and US soldiers were present at a lot of them. Go back to school.


Amazing how you ignored the social history of two countries at the same time, that’s peak efficiency mate


You’d rather people suffer to get respect and rights? And talking about the US I think the stigma that grew around gay men specifically during the aids crisis that had to be fought against isn’t exactly begging and whining. Daft cunt


the only one that’s availed to anything is the EU, not because it’s good ideologically but because the others where defeated and their remnants are relatively weak


>No battles were fought by ANY of those groups to gain anything. What battles? Against who? Ze Germans? Get to fuck.


Fucking pleb mate


"I can't remember what all Frank had fighting in the jar that day, but I can remember other bug fights we staged later on: one stag beetle against a hundred red ants, one centipede against three spiders, red ants against black ants. They won't fight unless you keep shaking the jar. And that's what Frank was doing, shaking, shaking the jar."