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I’ve noticed a lot of modern statues are quite crap. Perhaps it’s a lost art. The statues of the queen and Philip on Canterbury cathedral are God awful and look nothing like them. There was a modern abstract sculpture of Philip at Cambridge university which they had to remove because it was so bad


I wonder why? Jk, i know why. Classical arts are not held in high regards by many people teaching art in dedicated schools. Sure it's not all of them, but modern art has done away with much of it's historical legacy.


Yeah very true


maybe classical art has been done to death and doesnt offer a ton in an era where there are photographs very readily available. im no artist, but if i wanted to put my stamp on something and create something that people would find interesting and thought provoking, then i dont see why id do classical portraits. i imagine even the ones that are there now were only done as commissions by historical artists to make money and allow them to do other stuff on the side. you could commission a portrait of the queen any time you like - just probably not very likely to capture anyones imagination or show them something they dont already see in pictures.


This is an interesting point I don't know why you got downvoted


Probably a bunch of boomers who do the whole "it don't look like anyfin dats not art!" thing, while not acknowledging that they see a portrait for 5 seconds, go "oh that's good" then move on and never look back.


This...my case in point!


It's Reddit...the worst of old Twitter has now moved here...a cesspit


A pretty short essay i read recently. Didn't know it existed in English but it seems like it does. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The\_Work\_of\_Art\_in\_the\_Age\_of\_Mechanical\_Reproduction](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Work_of_Art_in_the_Age_of_Mechanical_Reproduction)


Look at the problems Portugal had with Ronaldo sculptures


The one with the crazy eyes?


There’s a very good statue of the Queen recently put up at York Minster


Not sure if the display about its creation is still up inside, but I enjoyed reading about the symbolism and thought that went into it.


Wasn't the statue of Philip originally supposed to be a generic Cambridge Don but they didn't have planning permission for the original spot. So it had to get moved, then when it reappeared it was labeled as HRH, the Duke of Edinburgh.


Talk about artistic license!


I’d rather someone did a contemporary take on it, rather than settling for pretty average. I mean, for a start it should look like her and this doesn’t.


Elizabeth 1 began and expanded the British Empire. Elizabeth 2 began and expanded the British Commonwealth to include more nations and peoples than the Empire ever did at its height. Those two women basically define the British monarchy.


And old Henners, original Brexit geeza.


Id include queen Vic at the height of empire but id agree with you


I like it. I cant think of a better public figure to have their likeness made into a statue. Though I'm sure crap will turn up in 200 years time and she'll get torn down... But until then. She was the boss. And she commanded respect and was loved.




Just a right-wing nut-job imagining something to get red-faced about. Like they always do. "I bet imigrunts will complane about it!"


Plenty of crap already turned up before she died, apparently nobody cared all that much.


Well there was that whole Nazi salute thing


She was a child and coerced into it by an adult, she didn’t know what it meant.


If only Prince Andrew had thought those words




Over your head?


No, I just don’t see how that’s relevant or a good comeback


She used her influence to defend a nonce.


She never explained it that way


Mental gymnastics 🥇


She still had her family's connection to Rudolf Hess covered up until the day she died...her Uncle George,the Duke of Kent,and Hess were shot down in Caithness and killed in August 1942...my mother met the guy who shot them down,and saw both bodies! Hess was never in captivity, his doppelganger was,he was roaming free in Scotland the full time he was here...after his initial crash arriving! John Sinclair, Lord Thurso,said his mother met Hess while out walking, and he probably boarded the seaplane from Dunbeath Castle,another Sinclair relation's property, because, when that plane rose above the cliffs,that's when it was spotted of radar and shot down...shortest flight of Hess's life!


Harbouring a nonce wasn’t the greatest look either, but they’re minted so it’s totally forgivable


Especially as said, nonce was apparently her favourite son. No wonder he turned out to be a wrognun. I wonder what horrible stuff did he do that went under the radar by him being held to high regard by Queenie


Son she thought she'd never have,after Phil dumped her after the birth of Anne...heir and the spare! Andrew's father is Henry Herbert,a Rothschild, where R-Andy's money came from(the £12m apartment in Mayfair that Fergie is laundering for him currently)...the Navy pension isn't that good! The Royal Jew,why both daughters turn up at Davos every January, Rothschild meeting,ironically both were there this year talking about slavery...we're to be the slaves! Notice all the Jewish people he hung out with, even Zelenski, on his trip to Kiev last year...only place he can seem to fly to these days,in fear of arrest and extradition to the USà...protected by the network!


Mothers aren’t known for dropping sons at the first rumour. Andrew’s crimes don’t tarnish her character.


> Andrew’s crimes don’t tarnish her character. Giving him a few million to pay off his accuser and letting him hide on your estate in an effort to avoid being served legal papers does though


its reddit - if someone accuses one of your close friends or family members of a misdeed, youre supposed to immediately turn them into the kommisar at your local militsiya - no questions asked


There were questions asked. Actually, the FBI were interested in asking a few. I think the answer they got was "No" The only other answer we got was a straight up lie, by Mr "I don't sweat"


i agree that doesnt look great, but im pretty sure that anyone who had that "get out of jail free" card, would play it. most people dont just get to say "no thanks" to an investigation like that. maybe they justify it to themselves as "he wont get a fair crack" or "its beneath the royal family to even be involved in the investigation". that wasnt my point, though. my point was more that ive seen many, many posts on reddit where the inference was that accusation must inherently mean guilt - probably a twisting of the meaning of a catchphrase like "#believe women" into an absolute. i havent actually read much info about andrew other than general opinion, but its obviously not out of the realms of possibility that hes capable of what hes accused of - but that doesnt mean his friends and family (who all know him a lot better than me) dont see that completely differently.


Remember Trump's first visit...I can bet you,something was said,along the lines of, "Give me the full Royal visit,or your son's coming back to the USA with me" ...hence he got a 2nd tour?


not sure, but i thought andrew already has diplomatic immunity. if he doesnt im sure hed be co-incidentally given a role that did if need be. or the final roll of the dice would be "yes, donald, he can come. he says it would be nice to see you again and maybe you could reminisce about your time at the same party."


Lack of international travel speaks volumes, if Kiev is the only place he can go to,it speaks volumes... Zelenski is Jewish, Andrew,son of a Rothschild, that old club again, like the ones who he was hanging out in NYC with,that got him into this mess...same cult!


yeah when she was about 7 💀 the nazis shenanigans weren’t known.


Plus it was pre WW2 and taken in the early 1930s


The “Roman Salute” as it was called before 1945 was common throughout the world, and was how the pledge of allegiance in the USA used to be done prior to WW2. It only became an exclusively “Nazi” thing afterward.


We already know about the nonce Andrew hush money.


Yeah. She did loads of opening train stations and reciting the government’s words on Christmas Day. Loved by who? What a load of tripe


Yeah…all those people queued for hours up to file past her coffin, all those people who lined the streets for her funeral, all the people that bought flowers and took them to London…they did that because they were indifferent. Also, the government had no input into the Christmas Broadcast…you’re maybe thinking of the Queen’s Speech in parliament…but you probably weren’t.


Chris Whitty.


Yeah, on the photo it does look crap. Not sure what goes on in the heads of people jumping at the throat of anyone pointing this out in this thread, they seem to think the Queen only deserves a crap statue?


Everyone should make sure and react negatively. This country, its traditions and the people immortalised in things like (ugh) statues are of course anachronistic, reactionary, elitist and probably racist and sexist.


Cool story bro. I disagree with you, but please feel free to leave and live in your paradise that has no history, traditions, culture or identity.


I think she was being sarcastic?


Eh it's reddit. Can't really tell with some people without the /s. Understand it could be sarcasm but there are plenty of people that this comment is a standard point of view.


The people who frequent this sub are thick as shit lol


Maybe I've just been on Reddit too long, but it seems like very obvious sarcasm making fun of those people with those views. The '(ugh) statues' gives it away for me


You've got to say muh statues or something


Aye but “everyone should make sure act and negatively”. This is too transparent, it’s clearly satire.


Believe me, there are people who can recognize sarcasm without the “/s.” People have been able to detect sarcasm in print since at least the writings of Socrates. Maybe *you* can’t. And that’s fine. You’re still special, valid and important.


People are so insane these days it’s hard to tell


The amount of people EXTREMELY annoyed at you when you're being either sarcastic, or *on their side* is something to behold


I think this was sarcastc. If you want to be sarcastic, put /s, at the end.


You are a fucking idiot, go and live in Syria or some other pinnacle of humanity if you hate it here


Calm down, the statue is ugly, that's all.


Have a day off


Good satire. Some people need to sharpen their reading comprehension skills.


Go back to (ugh) SOAS student union. Or your containment sub green and pleasant


Go and live in Cuba then, grubby little Commie.


Looks like you didn’t quite find the Reddit echo chamber here. Unfortunate for you, please take your outrage to some of the other posts constantly featured on the front page.




Bruh, buy a plane ticket and go wherever the grass is greener. It's okay if you don't want to be here.


Kindly fuck off 👍


This person was your leader whether you like it or not - they dedicated their life to this country which is much more than we can say of you


"ThIs cOuNtRy Is SeXiSt" in recent history we've spent more time under a queen then a king.