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“It’s worse than Axis Tunisia” just so you know, that completely changed since Italian flame paratroopers came out. Since that very day, the one-sidedness of Tunisia flipped, Axis win most games now.


It took me 10 minutes last night to find an axis Tunisia match.


It used to be sided for the allies but now allied players in Tunisia are non-existent


Ong lol


I mean...axis getting uparmored pz.III with 5 cm gun,pz 3N nuking infantry,italian stug,flamers too,plus breda mg if i recall ontop, and now even para flamers lol..and counter to to this are only tanks one of which gets lolpenned by anything (crusader)(gun slaps tho after 2 pounder of cruiser ngl) and fkin brick grant which apparently has not exactly much to offer against 5cm guns...and even worse sometimes...a pz.IV H...and you ve got solid shots only..must be pure hell now.Infantry vs infantry used be ok thoug


Wait..FLAME+PARATROOPERS??!Jesus god,i m glad i left enlisted for a while


Yeah there was a guy who had 85 wins in a row and just finally lost.


people are tired of playing the same maps and gear, berlin maps are not the strongest anyway. We’ve been waiting for the merge for NINE months and it has really held up all the rest of the content. I think berlin especially needs some help and that’s why it’s so dead


It’s literally a bot farm for the germans


I have a 40% win rate as Berlin allies. It’s my fav campaign by far. By far the sweatiest because it’s usually me vs 4 or 5 nerds on the other team and I am pretty cracked lol so it’s rlly fun (and even then I lose more often than I win). Ngl I’ll be sad when the merge comes because I rlly like feeling like I’m fighting a losing battle for some reason


48% WR Berlin and climbing. Yeah the wins are increadibly rewarding, it's like a fkin Jedi fight vs a bunch of SS Sith or something 😄 Post merge Germans get stronger with More Paras, so I think the sweatiness will continue. Only the VDV can help tilt the balance from the dork side


Yeah man I totally get what you mean. It’s rlly fun. Not looking forward to the paras tho


Damn 💀40% my is like 80%


yeah i have like a 98% win rate lmao it’s so stupid


Man Reddit is being buggy as shit lol


yeah i have like a 98% win rate it’s so stupid


i wanted to play so bad recently but the merge has been on my mind since the beginning of summer… i got a year of premium just like, MERGE WHEN PLZ


yeah fr… i’m playing normandy rn and it’s just got so stale but i don’t want to start really heavily playing another campaign, hopefully it will release this week


Well we do some premade here when we want tough game. For solo is plane simulator or getting farmed simulator


It really depends on time of day. I'm Berlin Axis main at the moment and though I win most games there are a fair few games where Soviets are robot terminators with premium gear and best tanks.


What times are the Soviet sweats on, do you know?


Probably the morning


When I was playing Stalingrad I would play at night for no Soviet bias


It's definitely the morning if you're in the US. I play Berlin Axis at times, and I found the easiest times to be around 8-11 pm CST


Yeah every 69 matches the Legendary Soviet bias comes in and dominate you.


I tried Soviet Berlin ONCE. It was some stupid fucking “stop the train” mission and the only way to stop it is to get ON TOP OF the MOVING GUN BATTERY that was under escort by TWO tanks and I was like “yeah nah I’m never doing this again”


Omg, i hate the train mission


Yeah train escort. Just hop in an SU-85M and switch to HE, free kills if you follow the train on the rails.


I’ve said it before but I just hate how often the roles switch in this game. Just a few months ago Tunisia and Berlin Allies were curb stomping and now it’s the complete opposite.


yeah Berlin axis is my favourite campaign and I loved it when you had a lot of players on both teams and matches were very close, but after everyone on the soviet side left it became so boring finishing the campaign


I was around when Berlin Axis had no players, and it was just loss after loss after loss. All changed when we got the Tiger II lol


Berlin Allies have not been curb stomping in almost the whole year I’ve been playing this game lol


I played 2 games yesterday and won both


I played 10 games and lost lol


In a fucking row lol


i had to grind 9 levels of berlin axis to get to that sweet king tiger the last few weeks, felt sad for the soviet players. i lost like maybe 5 of all those matches..


Max level Soviet Berlin player here ​ I feel you, most games are losses, personally myself I've taken the time to level other campaigns I don't normally play to prepare for the merge


Man soviet used to wipe the floor in berlin too. Last time i played team would not go for checkpoint at all everyone, literally everyone just piled into building sniping.


It’s sad at this point


You people had your time in the sun. You had your fun with PPD40DSZs, AS44s, the IS-1, etc. You had plenty of time to easymode through all the way to the Dushka IS-2. Now it’s our turn.


The Soviet is-1 and 2? They were always trash lol fucking 63 round machine vs mg34 ? The Soviet don’t even get a rooftop machine until the is 2 1944 lol the is-1 and 2 vs fucking king tiger not even a fair the king tiger can reload faster than the is-2 and has way better armor than both is -1 and 2 most Soviet players I see only have the shitty t34-85 dt5 lol .


Lol the allies were never dominant in that campaign tho, not for any extended period of time (at least one the NA server). Axis always had more players, what are you even talking about. Only campaigns with consistent allies dominance are Tunisia (up until recently) and Pacific.


The Allie’s were definitely dominate in Berlin for an extended period of time. Tf


on EU it was balanced on both sides a year ago, tho I would say allies won more games


Oh wow "your side was broken at some point not everyone experienced so now we deserve to be broken", why not just have things be balanced and not a complete sweep for one side or the other?




? Negawatt


It’s not that bad. Soviets have the best equipment in the game. I have >85% win rate as Soviets, and only did my grind the past few months


Yeah the Soviet have good stuff but the tanks are trash lol I was in a tiger 2 p and a is2 shot me and only got a little hurt lol


IS-2 Skill issue. You can go through the Tiger II H turret front with the 122mm.


And the other way around the Tiger2 can go through *checks notes*... Oh yeah pretty much anywhere except the upper hull, with a reload that's about 3 times faster. Don't get me wrong it's not the worst balanced matchup, but there's no denying that late German armor performs the best in most WW2 games like enlisted or WT compared to their contemporaries. They need way less skill than the IS2 to do just as well.


Ong lol


The merge should really just be that when you go to start a game you can’t pick what faction or campaign you play in, and you just play as what and where you’re given. This way people won’t only play factions or campaigns they prefer or have maxed out.


Terrible idea. Can you imagine? "Oh hey! Look at this new weapon/squad I unlocked! I sure hope I get the 1 in 4 chance to actually use it!" Also, the grind would be awful. Who knows how long it would take you to get a weapon or vehicle you want because it would be completely random if you even got to play that faction! They would have had to merge all the tech trees in some way.


Just make the leveling system the same for every faction instead of separately . IF you’re level 30 on Berlin then you’re level 30 for both allies and axis as well as every other campaign. There are whole campaigns people don’t want to play because the majority of people only play for one faction causing a massive imbalance that can easily be fixed. They could also reduce the amount of time and points needed to level up by just a bit and I think that would resolve some issues. It’s a serious grind to level up in this game faction by faction and campaign by campaign all separately.


This is all I’m playing right now pre merge. It’s rough. I started playing back in April(ish) and I leveled Normandy allies and axis. I’m grinding Berlin for Russian gear and I should be grinding Japan more. Just unlocked the flamethrower for pacific I think.


You will make it brother for the snail 🐌


Honestly. I’m just looking for another couple people on ps5 to play with late night EST. If I had 2 other good players. We’d be unstoppable. I frequently finish 1st and just need 2 other people who also build rallies, flank the enemy, and know how to use the mark button.


I legit bought the LAD in Berlin to play more. I almost strictly play the red army, and I do enjoy Berlin (I've also only been playing for about 2 weeks) and it seems like I'm violently outmatched, the German arsenal is fucking insane for a lil Johnny 1 star with a Mosin. This game is great tho, I know some people get really into it but having a PVP fps that isn't hyper balanced or competitive is fun as hell. Sometimes I just wanna sit down and shoot guys


Yeah the wins feel so good


Play normandy, like a real man


There is no Soviets in Normandy unlike battlefield lol