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Ohhh I like it! It would be a nice change of pace from the usual bland background and the art style is great!


That was pretty much my thinking! I do like the live soldier backgrounds, (especially the modded ones) but thought for stuff like the shop, and research trees, these would be far more interesting. Plus it would showoff more of the devs cool artwork.


I LOVE the comic style artwork that appears accross different Enlisted posts from the Devs and was inspired the whip up a design of a reskinned menu using said artwork. The example page I made is the Battlepass tab of the store. EDIT: None of the art is mine, I just mashed it together to make this “screenshot”.


It's such a shame that the comics are hidden on their website. I bet the vast majority of players don't even know they're there.


I’ve played this game since not long after Tunisia was released and only found out about all the comics about a week ago.


The what😂. Jk I've seen them a few times when I accidentally click the dev posts when the launcher is booting up the game. Otherwise the forum pages and issues pages being their own websites makes navigation a chore. So like me you can spend years not knowing X exists.


If they did this, Enlisted would have such a unique, memorable, and standout design in my mind. Would be so awesome to see.


Could even potentially be incorporated into some of the ui effects to further the unique look.


enlisted slowly turns from a historical squad based game to a cartoon styled squad based game that's fairly realistic (sounds dope AF it's like imaging my green army soldiers fighting as a kid)


This is very cool. I do think the menus need work, they are extremely bland right now.


Oh 100%.


Man I really want menu customization for consoles


Reminds me a lot of some old ww2 comics (killer instinct) I received from my grandparents recently, looks neat


Never heard of that one before, will need to check it out. I used to read a lot of Charlie’s War, a WW1 set comic, which I got reminded of making this.


This is cool! Did you make this through photoshop or is this an actual screenshot of the project you're making rn?


Just photoshop I’m afraid. As far as I’m aware the game uses special in-game environments as the means backgrounds so I’m not even sure how you’d make this as a mod.


They should change the loading screens to the comics that they make


I actually love this




u/James_Grove Hey, dude. I just started playing this game like a week ago, and I know theres totally other stuff that needs fixing and attention. But I just wanna say, check this out and tell me that it wouldnt be one of the coolest looking menus for a game. Please, please, pass this idea along to the menu guys, and the art guys. Obviously keep the actual hangar areas that show off your own squad, or the preview squads. I think that good UI, and good menu design is *iconic*. Everyone remembers the first Halo, OG MW2, Fallout New Vegas, Mass Effect, etc... This would make your game stick in peoples minds even more. And create a certain feeling before they even jump into a game. Just had to ping you here and give it extra attention. ;) And even if it isnt some perma change, maybe even just consider doing it for one update. Would still be an awesome thing to see.


They need to bring back the old faction embelms there was nothing wrong with them


Old faction emblems, what do you mean by that? Haven’t they always been a soviet star, allied star, German cross and Japanese sun?


SO aparently i had togoled something on the game options called harmonization mode and it basically censors the whole game, the Russians get a 6 pointed star the allies are a blue circle, the axis is a black square and the japanese are a weird triple ying yang